Nico Weber 6de32e5359 LibPDF: Draw inline images
The idea is to massage the inline image data into something that
looks like a regular image, and then use the normal image drawing code:
We translate the inline image abbreviations to the expanded version at
rendering time, then unfilter (i.e. uncompress) the image data at
rendering time, and the go down the usual image drawing path.

Normal streams are unfiltered when they're first accessed, but
inline image streams live in a page's drawing operators, and this
fits the current approach of parsing a page's operators anew
every time the page is rendered.

(We also need to add some special-case handling for color spaces
of inline images: Inline images can use named color spaces, while
regular images always use direct color space objects.)
2023-12-20 12:45:16 -07:00

279 lines
9.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Matthew Olsson <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Format.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/RefCounted.h>
#include <AK/Weakable.h>
#include <LibGfx/Color.h>
#include <LibPDF/DocumentParser.h>
#include <LibPDF/Encryption.h>
#include <LibPDF/Error.h>
#include <LibPDF/ObjectDerivatives.h>
#include <LibPDF/Page.h>
namespace PDF {
struct Destination {
enum class Type {
Type type;
Optional<u32> page;
Vector<Optional<float>> parameters;
struct OutlineItem final : public RefCounted<OutlineItem>
, public Weakable<OutlineItem> {
WeakPtr<OutlineItem> parent;
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<OutlineItem>> children;
ByteString title; // Already converted to UTF-8.
i32 count { 0 };
Destination dest;
Gfx::Color color { Color::NamedColor::Black }; // 'C' in the PDF spec
bool italic { false }; // bit 0 of 'F' in the PDF spec
bool bold { false }; // bit 0 of 'F' in the PDF spec
OutlineItem() = default;
ByteString to_byte_string(int indent) const;
struct OutlineDict final : public RefCounted<OutlineDict> {
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<OutlineItem>> children;
u32 count { 0 };
OutlineDict() = default;
class InfoDict {
InfoDict(Document* document, NonnullRefPtr<DictObject> dict)
: m_document(document)
, m_info_dict(move(dict))
// These all return strings that are already converted to UTF-8.
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> title() const;
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> author() const;
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> subject() const;
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> keywords() const;
// Name of the program that created the original, non-PDF file.
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> creator() const;
// Name of the program that converted the file to PDF.
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> producer() const;
// FIXME: Provide some helper for parsing the date strings returned by these two methods.
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> creation_date() const;
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> modification_date() const;
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> get(DeprecatedFlyString const& name) const
if (!m_info_dict->contains(name))
return OptionalNone {};
return TRY(m_info_dict->get_string(m_document, name))->string();
PDFErrorOr<Optional<ByteString>> get_text(DeprecatedFlyString const& name) const;
WeakPtr<Document> m_document;
NonnullRefPtr<DictObject> m_info_dict;
class Document final
: public RefCounted<Document>
, public Weakable<Document> {
// Converts a text string (PDF 1.7 spec, 3.8.1. "String Types") to UTF-8.
static ByteString text_string_to_utf8(ByteString const&);
static PDFErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Document>> create(ReadonlyBytes bytes);
// If a security handler is present, it is the caller's responsibility to ensure
// this document is unencrypted before calling this function. The user does not
// need to handle the case where the user password is the empty string.
PDFErrorOr<void> initialize();
Version version() const { return m_version; }
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr<SecurityHandler> const& security_handler() const { return m_security_handler; }
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr<OutlineDict> const& outline() const { return m_outline; }
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr<DictObject> const& trailer() const { return m_trailer; }
[[nodiscard]] PDFErrorOr<Value> get_or_load_value(u32 index);
[[nodiscard]] u32 get_first_page_index() const;
[[nodiscard]] u32 get_page_count() const;
PDFErrorOr<void> dump_page(u32 index);
[[nodiscard]] PDFErrorOr<Page> get_page(u32 index);
ALWAYS_INLINE Value get_value(u32 index) const
return m_values.get(index).value_or({});
// Strips away the layer of indirection by turning indirect value
// refs into the value they reference, and indirect values into
// the value being wrapped.
PDFErrorOr<Value> resolve(Value const& value);
// Like resolve, but unwraps the Value into the given type. Accepts
// any object type, and the three primitive Value types.
template<IsValueType T>
PDFErrorOr<UnwrappedValueType<T>> resolve_to(Value const& value)
return cast_to<T>(TRY(resolve(value)));
/// Whether this Document is ready to resolve references, which is usually
/// true, except just before the XRef table is parsed (and while the linearization
/// dict is being read).
bool can_resolve_references() { return m_parser->can_resolve_references(); }
PDFErrorOr<Optional<InfoDict>> info_dict();
PDFErrorOr<Vector<DeprecatedFlyString>> read_filters(NonnullRefPtr<DictObject>);
PDFErrorOr<void> unfilter_stream(NonnullRefPtr<StreamObject> stream) { return m_parser->unfilter_stream(move(stream)); }
explicit Document(NonnullRefPtr<DocumentParser> const& parser);
// FIXME: Currently, to improve performance, we don't load any pages at Document
// construction, rather we just load the page structure and populate
// m_page_object_indices. However, we can be even lazier and defer page tree node
// parsing, as good PDF writers will layout the page tree in a balanced tree to
// improve lookup time. This would reduce the initial overhead by not loading
// every page tree node of, say, a 1000+ page PDF file.
PDFErrorOr<void> build_page_tree();
PDFErrorOr<void> add_page_tree_node_to_page_tree(NonnullRefPtr<DictObject> const& page_tree);
PDFErrorOr<void> build_outline();
PDFErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<OutlineItem>> build_outline_item(NonnullRefPtr<DictObject> const& outline_item_dict, HashMap<u32, u32> const&);
PDFErrorOr<Vector<NonnullRefPtr<OutlineItem>>> build_outline_item_chain(Value const& first_ref, HashMap<u32, u32> const&);
PDFErrorOr<Destination> create_destination_from_parameters(NonnullRefPtr<ArrayObject>, HashMap<u32, u32> const&);
PDFErrorOr<Destination> create_destination_from_dictionary_entry(NonnullRefPtr<Object> const& entry, HashMap<u32, u32> const& page_number_by_index_ref);
PDFErrorOr<Destination> create_destination_from_object(NonnullRefPtr<Object> const& dest_obj, HashMap<u32, u32> const& page_number_by_index_ref);
PDFErrorOr<Optional<NonnullRefPtr<Object>>> get_inheritable_object(DeprecatedFlyString const& name, NonnullRefPtr<DictObject>);
PDFErrorOr<Optional<Value>> get_inheritable_value(DeprecatedFlyString const& name, NonnullRefPtr<DictObject>);
PDFErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Object>> find_in_name_tree(NonnullRefPtr<DictObject> root, DeprecatedFlyString name);
PDFErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Object>> find_in_name_tree_nodes(NonnullRefPtr<ArrayObject> siblings, DeprecatedFlyString name);
PDFErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Object>> find_in_key_value_array(NonnullRefPtr<ArrayObject> key_value_array, DeprecatedFlyString name);
NonnullRefPtr<DocumentParser> m_parser;
Version m_version;
RefPtr<DictObject> m_catalog;
RefPtr<DictObject> m_trailer;
Vector<u32> m_page_object_indices;
HashMap<u32, Page> m_pages;
HashMap<u32, Value> m_values;
RefPtr<OutlineDict> m_outline;
RefPtr<SecurityHandler> m_security_handler;
namespace AK {
struct Formatter<PDF::Destination> : Formatter<FormatString> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, PDF::Destination const& destination)
StringView type_str;
switch (destination.type) {
case PDF::Destination::Type::XYZ:
type_str = "XYZ"sv;
case PDF::Destination::Type::Fit:
type_str = "Fit"sv;
case PDF::Destination::Type::FitH:
type_str = "FitH"sv;
case PDF::Destination::Type::FitV:
type_str = "FitV"sv;
case PDF::Destination::Type::FitR:
type_str = "FitR"sv;
case PDF::Destination::Type::FitB:
type_str = "FitB"sv;
case PDF::Destination::Type::FitBH:
type_str = "FitBH"sv;
case PDF::Destination::Type::FitBV:
type_str = "FitBV"sv;
StringBuilder param_builder;
builder.builder().appendff("{{ type={} page="sv, type_str);
if (!
if (!destination.parameters.is_empty()) {
TRY(builder.put_literal(" parameters="sv));
for (auto const& param : destination.parameters) {
if (param.has_value())
TRY(builder.put_literal(" "sv));
return builder.put_literal(" }}"sv);
struct Formatter<PDF::OutlineItem> : Formatter<FormatString> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, PDF::OutlineItem const& item)
return builder.put_string(item.to_byte_string(0));
struct Formatter<PDF::OutlineDict> : Formatter<FormatString> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, PDF::OutlineDict const& dict)
StringBuilder child_builder;
for (auto& child : dict.children)
child_builder.appendff("{}\n", child->to_byte_string(2));
child_builder.append(" ]"sv);
return Formatter<FormatString>::format(builder,
"OutlineDict {{\n count={}\n children={}\n}}"sv, dict.count, child_builder.to_byte_string());