Andreas Kling 79fa9765ca Kernel: Replace KResult and KResultOr<T> with Error and ErrorOr<T>
We now use AK::Error and AK::ErrorOr<T> in both kernel and userspace!
This was a slightly tedious refactoring that took a long time, so it's
not unlikely that some bugs crept in.

Nevertheless, it does pass basic functionality testing, and it's just
real nice to finally see the same pattern in all contexts. :^)
2021-11-08 01:10:53 +01:00

234 lines
7.1 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Error.h>
#include <AK/NonnullRefPtrVector.h>
#include <AK/RefCounted.h>
#include <AK/RefPtr.h>
#include <AK/Time.h>
#include <Kernel/FileSystem/File.h>
#include <Kernel/Locking/Mutex.h>
#include <Kernel/Net/NetworkAdapter.h>
#include <Kernel/UnixTypes.h>
namespace Kernel {
enum class ShouldBlock {
No = 0,
Yes = 1
class OpenFileDescription;
class Socket : public File {
static ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Socket>> create(int domain, int type, int protocol);
virtual ~Socket() override;
int domain() const { return m_domain; }
int type() const { return m_type; }
int protocol() const { return m_protocol; }
bool is_shut_down_for_writing() const { return m_shut_down_for_writing; }
bool is_shut_down_for_reading() const { return m_shut_down_for_reading; }
enum class SetupState {
Unstarted, // we haven't tried to set the socket up yet
InProgress, // we're in the process of setting things up - for TCP maybe we've sent a SYN packet
Completed, // the setup process is complete, but not necessarily successful
enum class Role : u8 {
static StringView to_string(SetupState setup_state)
switch (setup_state) {
case SetupState::Unstarted:
return "Unstarted"sv;
case SetupState::InProgress:
return "InProgress"sv;
case SetupState::Completed:
return "Completed"sv;
return "None"sv;
SetupState setup_state() const { return m_setup_state; }
void set_setup_state(SetupState setup_state);
virtual Role role(const OpenFileDescription&) const { return m_role; }
bool is_connected() const { return m_connected; }
void set_connected(bool);
bool can_accept() const { return !m_pending.is_empty(); }
RefPtr<Socket> accept();
ErrorOr<void> shutdown(int how);
virtual ErrorOr<void> bind(Userspace<const sockaddr*>, socklen_t) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<void> connect(OpenFileDescription&, Userspace<const sockaddr*>, socklen_t, ShouldBlock) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<void> listen(size_t) = 0;
virtual void get_local_address(sockaddr*, socklen_t*) = 0;
virtual void get_peer_address(sockaddr*, socklen_t*) = 0;
virtual bool is_local() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_ipv4() const { return false; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> sendto(OpenFileDescription&, const UserOrKernelBuffer&, size_t, int flags, Userspace<const sockaddr*>, socklen_t) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> recvfrom(OpenFileDescription&, UserOrKernelBuffer&, size_t, int flags, Userspace<sockaddr*>, Userspace<socklen_t*>, Time&) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<void> setsockopt(int level, int option, Userspace<const void*>, socklen_t);
virtual ErrorOr<void> getsockopt(OpenFileDescription&, int level, int option, Userspace<void*>, Userspace<socklen_t*>);
ProcessID origin_pid() const { return; }
UserID origin_uid() const { return m_origin.uid; }
GroupID origin_gid() const { return m_origin.gid; }
ProcessID acceptor_pid() const { return; }
UserID acceptor_uid() const { return m_acceptor.uid; }
GroupID acceptor_gid() const { return m_acceptor.gid; }
const RefPtr<NetworkAdapter> bound_interface() const { return m_bound_interface; }
Mutex& mutex() { return m_mutex; }
// ^File
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(OpenFileDescription&, u64, UserOrKernelBuffer&, size_t) override final;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(OpenFileDescription&, u64, const UserOrKernelBuffer&, size_t) override final;
virtual ErrorOr<void> stat(::stat&) const override;
virtual ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<KString>> pseudo_path(const OpenFileDescription&) const override = 0;
bool has_receive_timeout() const { return m_receive_timeout != Time::zero(); }
const Time& receive_timeout() const { return m_receive_timeout; }
bool has_send_timeout() const { return m_send_timeout != Time::zero(); }
const Time& send_timeout() const { return m_send_timeout; }
bool wants_timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }
Socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
ErrorOr<void> queue_connection_from(NonnullRefPtr<Socket>);
size_t backlog() const { return m_backlog; }
void set_backlog(size_t backlog) { m_backlog = backlog; }
virtual StringView class_name() const override { return "Socket"sv; }
virtual void shut_down_for_reading() { }
virtual void shut_down_for_writing() { }
Role m_role { Role::None };
ErrorOr<void> so_error() const { return m_so_error; }
Error set_so_error(ErrnoCode error_code)
auto error = Error::from_errno(error_code);
m_so_error = error;
return error;
Error set_so_error(Error error)
m_so_error = error;
return error;
void clear_so_error()
m_so_error = {};
void set_origin(Process const&);
void set_acceptor(Process const&);
void set_role(Role role) { m_role = role; }
ucred m_origin { 0, 0, 0 };
ucred m_acceptor { 0, 0, 0 };
virtual bool is_socket() const final { return true; }
Mutex m_mutex { "Socket"sv };
int m_domain { 0 };
int m_type { 0 };
int m_protocol { 0 };
size_t m_backlog { 0 };
SetupState m_setup_state { SetupState::Unstarted };
bool m_connected { false };
bool m_shut_down_for_reading { false };
bool m_shut_down_for_writing { false };
RefPtr<NetworkAdapter> m_bound_interface { nullptr };
Time m_receive_timeout {};
Time m_send_timeout {};
int m_timestamp { 0 };
ErrorOr<void> m_so_error;
NonnullRefPtrVector<Socket> m_pending;
template<typename SocketType>
class SocketHandle {
SocketHandle() = default;
SocketHandle(NonnullRefPtr<SocketType>&& socket)
: m_socket(move(socket))
if (m_socket)
SocketHandle(SocketHandle&& other)
: m_socket(move(other.m_socket))
if (m_socket)
SocketHandle(const SocketHandle&) = delete;
SocketHandle& operator=(const SocketHandle&) = delete;
operator bool() const { return m_socket; }
SocketType* operator->() { return &socket(); }
const SocketType* operator->() const { return &socket(); }
SocketType& socket() { return *m_socket; }
const SocketType& socket() const { return *m_socket; }
RefPtr<SocketType> m_socket;
// This is a special variant of TRY() that also updates the socket's SO_ERROR field on error.
#define SOCKET_TRY(expression) \
({ \
auto result = (expression); \
if (result.is_error()) \
return set_so_error(result.release_error()); \
result.release_value(); \