Timothy Flynn 7b3ddd5e15 LibWeb: Track fetching-related tasks in FetchController for cancellation
The HTMLMediaElement, for example, contains spec text which states any
ongoing fetch process must be "stopped". The spec does not indicate how
to do this, so our implementation is rather ad-hoc.

Our current implementation may cause a crash in places that assume one
of the fetch algorithms that we set to null is *not* null. For example:

    if (fetch_params.process_response) {
        queue_fetch_task([]() {

If the fetch process is stopped after queuing the fetch task, but not
before the fetch task is run, we will crash when running this fetch

We now track queued fetch tasks on the fetch controller. When the fetch
process is stopped, we cancel any such pending task.

It is a little bit awkward maintaining a fetch task ID. Ideally, we
could use the underlying task ID throughout. But we do not have access
to the underlying task nor its ID when the task is running, at which
point we need some ID to remove from the pending task list.
2024-03-23 13:45:35 +01:00

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* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Linus Groh <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Luke Wilde <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Sam Atkins <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Base64.h>
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Completion.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/MainThreadVM.h>
#include <LibWeb/Cookie/Cookie.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOMURL/DOMURL.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/BodyInit.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Fetching/Checks.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Fetching/Fetching.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Fetching/PendingResponse.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Fetching/RefCountedFlag.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/FetchAlgorithms.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/FetchController.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/FetchParams.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/FetchTimingInfo.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Methods.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Requests.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Responses.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Statuses.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/MimeTypeBlocking.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/NoSniffBlocking.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/PortBlocking.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/Task.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/URL.h>
#include <LibWeb/FileAPI/Blob.h>
#include <LibWeb/FileAPI/BlobURLStore.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventLoop/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/WorkerGlobalScope.h>
#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/TimeOrigin.h>
#include <LibWeb/Loader/LoadRequest.h>
#include <LibWeb/Loader/ResourceLoader.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
#include <LibWeb/ReferrerPolicy/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/SRI/SRI.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/DOMException.h>
namespace Web::Fetch::Fetching {
#define TRY_OR_IGNORE(expression) \
({ \
auto&& _temporary_result = (expression); \
if (_temporary_result.is_error()) \
return; \
static_assert(!::AK::Detail::IsLvalueReference<decltype(_temporary_result.release_value())>, \
"Do not return a reference from a fallible expression"); \
_temporary_result.release_value(); \
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::FetchController>> fetch(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::Request& request, Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms const& algorithms, UseParallelQueue use_parallel_queue)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'fetch' with: request @ {}", &request);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Assert: requests mode is "navigate" or processEarlyHintsResponse is null.
VERIFY(request.mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::Navigate || !algorithms.process_early_hints_response());
// 2. Let taskDestination be null.
JS::GCPtr<JS::Object> task_destination;
// 3. Let crossOriginIsolatedCapability be false.
auto cross_origin_isolated_capability = HTML::CanUseCrossOriginIsolatedAPIs::No;
// 4. If requests client is non-null, then:
if (request.client() != nullptr) {
// 1. Set taskDestination to requests clients global object.
task_destination = request.client()->global_object();
// 2. Set crossOriginIsolatedCapability to requests clients cross-origin isolated capability.
cross_origin_isolated_capability = request.client()->cross_origin_isolated_capability();
// FIXME: 5. If useParallelQueue is true, then set taskDestination to the result of starting a new parallel queue.
// 6. Let timingInfo be a new fetch timing info whose start time and post-redirect start time are the coarsened
// shared current time given crossOriginIsolatedCapability, and render-blocking is set to requests
// render-blocking.
auto timing_info = Infrastructure::FetchTimingInfo::create(vm);
auto now = HighResolutionTime::coarsened_shared_current_time(cross_origin_isolated_capability == HTML::CanUseCrossOriginIsolatedAPIs::Yes);
// 7. Let fetchParams be a new fetch params whose request is request, timing info is timingInfo, process request
// body chunk length is processRequestBodyChunkLength, process request end-of-body is processRequestEndOfBody,
// process early hints response is processEarlyHintsResponse, process response is processResponse, process
// response consume body is processResponseConsumeBody, process response end-of-body is processResponseEndOfBody,
// task destination is taskDestination, and cross-origin isolated capability is crossOriginIsolatedCapability.
auto fetch_params = Infrastructure::FetchParams::create(vm, request, timing_info);
if (task_destination)
fetch_params->set_task_destination({ *task_destination });
// 8. If requests body is a byte sequence, then set requests body to requests body as a body.
if (auto const* buffer = request.body().get_pointer<ByteBuffer>())
request.set_body(TRY(Infrastructure::byte_sequence_as_body(realm, buffer->bytes())));
// 9. If requests window is "client", then set requests window to requests client, if requests clients global
// object is a Window object; otherwise "no-window".
auto const* window = request.window().get_pointer<Infrastructure::Request::Window>();
if (window && *window == Infrastructure::Request::Window::Client) {
if (is<HTML::Window>(request.client()->global_object())) {
} else {
// 10. If requests origin is "client", then set requests origin to requests clients origin.
auto const* origin = request.origin().get_pointer<Infrastructure::Request::Origin>();
if (origin && *origin == Infrastructure::Request::Origin::Client)
// 12. If requests policy container is "client", then:
auto const* policy_container = request.policy_container().get_pointer<Infrastructure::Request::PolicyContainer>();
if (policy_container) {
VERIFY(*policy_container == Infrastructure::Request::PolicyContainer::Client);
// 1. If requests client is non-null, then set requests policy container to a clone of requests clients
// policy container.
if (request.client() != nullptr)
// 2. Otherwise, set requests policy container to a new policy container.
request.set_policy_container(HTML::PolicyContainer {});
// 13. If requests header list does not contain `Accept`, then:
if (!request.header_list()->contains("Accept"sv.bytes())) {
// 1. Let value be `*/*`.
auto value = "*/*"sv;
// 2. A user agent should set value to the first matching statement, if any, switching on requests
// destination:
if (request.destination().has_value()) {
switch (*request.destination()) {
// -> "document"
// -> "frame"
// -> "iframe"
case Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Document:
case Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Frame:
case Infrastructure::Request::Destination::IFrame:
// `text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8`
value = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"sv;
// -> "image"
case Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Image:
// `image/png,image/svg+xml,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5`
value = "image/png,image/svg+xml,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5"sv;
// -> "style"
case Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Style:
// `text/css,*/*;q=0.1`
value = "text/css,*/*;q=0.1"sv;
// 3. Append (`Accept`, value) to requests header list.
auto header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Accept"sv, value.bytes()));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, request.header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 14. If requests header list does not contain `Accept-Language`, then user agents should append
// (`Accept-Language, an appropriate header value) to requests header list.
if (!request.header_list()->contains("Accept-Language"sv.bytes())) {
auto header = MUST(Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Accept-Language"sv, "*"sv));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, request.header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 15. If requests priority is null, then use requests initiator, destination, and render-blocking appropriately
// in setting requests priority to a user-agent-defined object.
// NOTE: The user-agent-defined object could encompass stream weight and dependency for HTTP/2, and equivalent
// information used to prioritize dispatch and processing of HTTP/1 fetches.
// 16. If request is a subresource request, then:
if (request.is_subresource_request()) {
// FIXME: 1. Let record be a new fetch record whose request is request and controller is fetchParamss controller.
// FIXME: 2. Append record to requests clients fetch group list of fetch records.
// 17. Run main fetch given fetchParams.
(void)TRY(main_fetch(realm, fetch_params));
// 18. Return fetchParamss controller.
return fetch_params->controller();
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>>> main_fetch(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::FetchParams const& fetch_params, Recursive recursive)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'main fetch' with: fetch_params @ {}", &fetch_params);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let request be fetchParamss request.
auto request = fetch_params.request();
// 2. Let response be null.
JS::GCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> response;
// 3. If requests local-URLs-only flag is set and requests current URL is not local, then set response to a
// network error.
if (request->local_urls_only() && !Infrastructure::is_local_url(request->current_url()))
response = Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'local-URLs-only' flag must have a local URL"sv);
// FIXME: 4. Run report Content Security Policy violations for request.
// FIXME: 5. Upgrade request to a potentially trustworthy URL, if appropriate.
// FIXME: 6. Upgrade a mixed content request to a potentially trustworthy URL, if appropriate.
// 7. If should request be blocked due to a bad port, should fetching request be blocked as mixed content, or
// should request be blocked by Content Security Policy returns blocked, then set response to a network error.
if (Infrastructure::block_bad_port(request) == Infrastructure::RequestOrResponseBlocking::Blocked
|| false // FIXME: "should fetching request be blocked as mixed content"
|| false // FIXME: "should request be blocked by Content Security Policy returns blocked"
) {
response = Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request was blocked"sv);
// 8. If requests referrer policy is the empty string, then set requests referrer policy to requests policy
// containers referrer policy.
if (request->referrer_policy() == ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::EmptyString) {
// 9. If requests referrer is not "no-referrer", then set requests referrer to the result of invoking determine
// requests referrer.
// NOTE: As stated in Referrer Policy, user agents can provide the end user with options to override requests
// referrer to "no-referrer" or have it expose less sensitive information.
auto const* referrer = request->referrer().get_pointer<Infrastructure::Request::Referrer>();
if (!referrer || *referrer != Infrastructure::Request::Referrer::NoReferrer) {
auto determined_referrer = ReferrerPolicy::determine_requests_referrer(request);
if (determined_referrer.has_value())
// 10. Set requests current URLs scheme to "https" if all of the following conditions are true:
if (
// - requests current URLs scheme is "http"
request->current_url().scheme() == "http"sv
// - requests current URLs host is a domain
&& DOMURL::host_is_domain(request->current_url().host())
// FIXME: - Matching requests current URLs host per Known HSTS Host Domain Name Matching results in either a
// superdomain match with an asserted includeSubDomains directive or a congruent match (with or without an
// asserted includeSubDomains directive) [HSTS]; or DNS resolution for the request finds a matching HTTPS RR
// per section 9.5 of [SVCB].
&& false
) {
JS::SafeFunction<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>>()> get_response = [&realm, &vm, &fetch_params, request]() -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'main fetch' get_response() function");
// -> fetchParamss preloaded response candidate is not null
if (!fetch_params.preloaded_response_candidate().has<Empty>()) {
// 1. Wait until fetchParamss preloaded response candidate is not "pending".
HTML::main_thread_event_loop().spin_until([&] {
return !fetch_params.preloaded_response_candidate().has<Infrastructure::FetchParams::PreloadedResponseCandidatePendingTag>();
// 2. Assert: fetchParamss preloaded response candidate is a response.
// 3. Return fetchParamss preloaded response candidate.
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, fetch_params.preloaded_response_candidate().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response>>());
// -> requests current URLs origin is same origin with requests origin, and requests response tainting
// is "basic"
// -> requests current URLs scheme is "data"
// -> requests mode is "navigate" or "websocket"
else if (
(request->origin().has<HTML::Origin>() && DOMURL::url_origin(request->current_url()).is_same_origin(request->origin().get<HTML::Origin>()) && request->response_tainting() == Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::Basic)
|| request->current_url().scheme() == "data"sv
|| (request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::Navigate || request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::WebSocket)) {
// 1. Set requests response tainting to "basic".
// 2. Return the result of running scheme fetch given fetchParams.
return scheme_fetch(realm, fetch_params);
// NOTE: HTML assigns any documents and workers created from URLs whose scheme is "data" a unique
// opaque origin. Service workers can only be created from URLs whose scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme.
// -> requests mode is "same-origin"
else if (request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::SameOrigin) {
// Return a network error.
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'same-origin' mode must have same URL and request origin"sv));
// -> requests mode is "no-cors"
else if (request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::NoCORS) {
// 1. If requests redirect mode is not "follow", then return a network error.
if (request->redirect_mode() != Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Follow)
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'no-cors' mode must have redirect mode set to 'follow'"sv));
// 2. Set requests response tainting to "opaque".
// 3. Return the result of running scheme fetch given fetchParams.
return scheme_fetch(realm, fetch_params);
// -> requests current URLs scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme
else if (!Infrastructure::is_http_or_https_scheme(request->current_url().scheme())) {
// NOTE: At this point all other request modes have been handled. Ensure we're not lying in the error message :^)
VERIFY(request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::CORS);
// Return a network error.
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'cors' mode must have URL with HTTP or HTTPS scheme"sv));
// -> requests use-CORS-preflight flag is set
// -> requests unsafe-request flag is set and either requests method is not a CORS-safelisted method or
// CORS-unsafe request-header names with requests header list is not empty
else if (
|| (request->unsafe_request()
&& (!Infrastructure::is_cors_safelisted_method(request->method())
|| !TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::get_cors_unsafe_header_names(request->header_list())).is_empty()))) {
// 1. Set requests response tainting to "cors".
auto returned_pending_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request);
// 2. Let corsWithPreflightResponse be the result of running HTTP fetch given fetchParams and true.
auto cors_with_preflight_response = TRY(http_fetch(realm, fetch_params, MakeCORSPreflight::Yes));
cors_with_preflight_response->when_loaded([returned_pending_response](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> cors_with_preflight_response) {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'main fetch' cors_with_preflight_response load callback");
// 3. If corsWithPreflightResponse is a network error, then clear cache entries using request.
if (cors_with_preflight_response->is_network_error()) {
// FIXME: Clear cache entries
// 4. Return corsWithPreflightResponse.
return returned_pending_response;
// -> Otherwise
else {
// 1. Set requests response tainting to "cors".
// 2. Return the result of running HTTP fetch given fetchParams.
return http_fetch(realm, fetch_params);
if (recursive == Recursive::Yes) {
// 12. If response is null, then set response to the result of running the steps corresponding to the first
// matching statement:
auto pending_response = !response
? TRY(get_response())
: PendingResponse::create(vm, request, *response);
// 13. If recursive is true, then return response.
return pending_response;
// 11. If recursive is false, then run the remaining steps in parallel.
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([&realm, &vm, &fetch_params, request, response, get_response = move(get_response)] {
// 12. If response is null, then set response to the result of running the steps corresponding to the first
// matching statement:
auto pending_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::create(vm));
if (!response) {
auto pending_response_or_error = get_response();
if (pending_response_or_error.is_error())
pending_response = pending_response_or_error.release_value();
pending_response->when_loaded([&realm, &vm, &fetch_params, request, response, response_was_null = !response](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> resolved_response) mutable {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'main fetch' pending_response load callback");
if (response_was_null)
response = resolved_response;
// 14. If response is not a network error and response is not a filtered response, then:
if (!response->is_network_error() && !is<Infrastructure::FilteredResponse>(*response)) {
// 1. If requests response tainting is "cors", then:
if (request->response_tainting() == Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::CORS) {
// 1. Let headerNames be the result of extracting header list values given
// `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` and responses header list.
auto header_names_or_failure = TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::extract_header_list_values("Access-Control-Expose-Headers"sv.bytes(), response->header_list()));
auto header_names = header_names_or_failure.has<Vector<ByteBuffer>>() ? header_names_or_failure.get<Vector<ByteBuffer>>() : Vector<ByteBuffer> {};
// 2. If requests credentials mode is not "include" and headerNames contains `*`, then set
// responses CORS-exposed header-name list to all unique header names in responses header
// list.
if (request->credentials_mode() != Infrastructure::Request::CredentialsMode::Include && header_names.contains_slow("*"sv.bytes())) {
auto unique_header_names = TRY_OR_IGNORE(response->header_list()->unique_names());
// 3. Otherwise, if headerNames is not null or failure, then set responses CORS-exposed
// header-name list to headerNames.
else if (!header_names.is_empty()) {
// 2. Set response to the following filtered response with response as its internal response, depending
// on requests response tainting:
response = TRY_OR_IGNORE([&]() -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response>> {
switch (request->response_tainting()) {
// -> "basic"
case Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::Basic:
// basic filtered response
return TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::BasicFilteredResponse::create(vm, *response));
// -> "cors"
case Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::CORS:
// CORS filtered response
return TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::CORSFilteredResponse::create(vm, *response));
// -> "opaque"
case Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::Opaque:
// opaque filtered response
return Infrastructure::OpaqueFilteredResponse::create(vm, *response);
// 15. Let internalResponse be response, if response is a network error, and responses internal response
// otherwise.
auto internal_response = response->is_network_error()
? JS::NonnullGCPtr { *response }
: static_cast<Infrastructure::FilteredResponse&>(*response).internal_response();
// 16. If internalResponses URL list is empty, then set it to a clone of requests URL list.
// NOTE: A responses URL list can be empty (for example, when the response represents an about URL).
if (internal_response->url_list().is_empty())
// 17. If request has a redirect-tainted origin, then set internalResponses has-cross-origin-redirects to true.
if (request->has_redirect_tainted_origin())
// 18. If requests timing allow failed flag is unset, then set internalResponses timing allow passed flag.
if (!request->timing_allow_failed())
// 19. If response is not a network error and any of the following returns blocked
if (!response->is_network_error() && (
// FIXME: - should internalResponse to request be blocked as mixed content
// FIXME: - should internalResponse to request be blocked by Content Security Policy
|| false
// - should internalResponse to request be blocked due to its MIME type
|| TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::should_response_to_request_be_blocked_due_to_its_mime_type(internal_response, request)) == Infrastructure::RequestOrResponseBlocking::Blocked
// - should internalResponse to request be blocked due to nosniff
|| TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::should_response_to_request_be_blocked_due_to_nosniff(internal_response, request)) == Infrastructure::RequestOrResponseBlocking::Blocked)) {
// then set response and internalResponse to a network error.
response = internal_response = Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Response was blocked"_string);
// 20. If responses type is "opaque", internalResponses status is 206, internalResponses range-requested
// flag is set, and requests header list does not contain `Range`, then set response and
// internalResponse to a network error.
// NOTE: Traditionally, APIs accept a ranged response even if a range was not requested. This prevents a
// partial response from an earlier ranged request being provided to an API that did not make a range
// request.
if (response->type() == Infrastructure::Response::Type::Opaque
&& internal_response->status() == 206
&& internal_response->range_requested()
&& !request->header_list()->contains("Range"sv.bytes())) {
response = internal_response = Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Response has status 206 and 'range-requested' flag set, but request has no 'Range' header"_string);
// 21. If response is not a network error and either requests method is `HEAD` or `CONNECT`, or
// internalResponses status is a null body status, set internalResponses body to null and disregard
// any enqueuing toward it (if any).
// NOTE: This standardizes the error handling for servers that violate HTTP.
if (!response->is_network_error() && (StringView { request->method() }.is_one_of("HEAD"sv, "CONNECT"sv) || Infrastructure::is_null_body_status(internal_response->status())))
// 22. If requests integrity metadata is not the empty string, then:
if (!request->integrity_metadata().is_empty()) {
// 1. Let processBodyError be this step: run fetch response handover given fetchParams and a network
// error.
Infrastructure::Body::ProcessBodyErrorCallback process_body_error = [&realm, &vm, &fetch_params](auto) {
TRY_OR_IGNORE(fetch_response_handover(realm, fetch_params, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Response body could not be processed"sv)));
// 2. If responses body is null, then run processBodyError and abort these steps.
if (!response->body()) {
// 3. Let processBody given bytes be these steps:
Infrastructure::Body::ProcessBodyCallback process_body = [&realm, request, response, &fetch_params, process_body_error = move(process_body_error)](ByteBuffer bytes) {
// 1. If bytes do not match requests integrity metadata, then run processBodyError and abort these steps.
if (!TRY_OR_IGNORE(SRI::do_bytes_match_metadata_list(bytes, request->integrity_metadata()))) {
// 2. Set responses body to bytes as a body.
response->set_body(TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::byte_sequence_as_body(realm, bytes)));
// 3. Run fetch response handover given fetchParams and response.
TRY_OR_IGNORE(fetch_response_handover(realm, fetch_params, *response));
// 4. Fully read responses body given processBody and processBodyError.
TRY_OR_IGNORE(response->body()->fully_read(realm, move(process_body), move(process_body_error), fetch_params.task_destination()));
// 23. Otherwise, run fetch response handover given fetchParams and response.
else {
TRY_OR_IGNORE(fetch_response_handover(realm, fetch_params, *response));
return Optional<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> {};
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> fetch_response_handover(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::FetchParams const& fetch_params, Infrastructure::Response& response)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'fetch response handover' with: fetch_params @ {}, response @ {}", &fetch_params, &response);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let timingInfo be fetchParamss timing info.
auto timing_info = fetch_params.timing_info();
// 2. If response is not a network error and fetchParamss requests client is a secure context, then set
// timingInfos server-timing headers to the result of getting, decoding, and splitting `Server-Timing` from
// responses header list.
// The user agent may decide to expose `Server-Timing` headers to non-secure contexts requests as well.
auto client = fetch_params.request()->client();
if (!response.is_network_error() && client != nullptr && HTML::is_secure_context(*client)) {
auto server_timing_headers = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, response.header_list()->get_decode_and_split("Server-Timing"sv.bytes()));
if (server_timing_headers.has_value())
// 3. Let processResponseEndOfBody be the following steps:
auto process_response_end_of_body = [&vm, &response, &fetch_params, timing_info] {
// 1. Let unsafeEndTime be the unsafe shared current time.
auto unsafe_end_time = HighResolutionTime::unsafe_shared_current_time();
// 2. If fetchParamss requests destination is "document", then set fetchParamss controllers full timing
// info to fetchParamss timing info.
if (fetch_params.request()->destination() == Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Document)
// 3. Set fetchParamss controllers report timing steps to the following steps given a global object global:
fetch_params.controller()->set_report_timing_steps([&vm, &response, &fetch_params, timing_info, unsafe_end_time](JS::Object const& global) mutable {
// 1. If fetchParamss requests URLs scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme, then return.
if (!Infrastructure::is_http_or_https_scheme(fetch_params.request()->url().scheme()))
// 2. Set timingInfos end time to the relative high resolution time given unsafeEndTime and global.
timing_info->set_end_time(HighResolutionTime::relative_high_resolution_time(unsafe_end_time, global));
// 3. Let cacheState be responses cache state.
auto cache_state = response.cache_state();
// 4. Let bodyInfo be responses body info.
auto body_info = response.body_info();
// 5. If responses timing allow passed flag is not set, then set timingInfo to the result of creating an
// opaque timing info for timingInfo, set bodyInfo to a new response body info, and set cacheState to
// the empty string.
// NOTE: This covers the case of response being a network error.
if (!response.timing_allow_passed()) {
timing_info = Infrastructure::create_opaque_timing_info(vm, timing_info);
body_info = Infrastructure::Response::BodyInfo {};
cache_state = {};
// 6. Let responseStatus be 0 if fetchParamss requests mode is "navigate" and responses has-cross-origin-redirects is true; otherwise responses status.
auto response_status = fetch_params.request()->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::Navigate && response.has_cross_origin_redirects()
? 0
: response.status();
// FIXME: 7. If fetchParamss requests initiator type is not null, then mark resource timing given timingInfo,
// requests URL, requests initiator type, global, cacheState, bodyInfo, and responseStatus.
// 4. Let processResponseEndOfBodyTask be the following steps:
auto process_response_end_of_body_task = [&fetch_params, &response] {
// 1. Set fetchParamss requests done flag.
// 2. If fetchParamss process response end-of-body is non-null, then run fetchParamss process response
// end-of-body given response.
if (fetch_params.algorithms()->process_response_end_of_body())
// 3. If fetchParamss requests initiator type is non-null and fetchParamss requests clients global
// object is fetchParamss task destination, then run fetchParamss controllers report timing steps
// given fetchParamss requests clients global object.
auto client = fetch_params.request()->client();
auto const* task_destination_global_object = fetch_params.task_destination().get_pointer<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Object>>();
if (client != nullptr && task_destination_global_object != nullptr) {
if (fetch_params.request()->initiator_type().has_value() && &client->global_object() == task_destination_global_object->ptr())
// FIXME: Handle 'parallel queue' task destination
auto task_destination = fetch_params.task_destination().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Object>>();
// 5. Queue a fetch task to run processResponseEndOfBodyTask with fetchParamss task destination.
Infrastructure::queue_fetch_task(fetch_params.controller(), task_destination, move(process_response_end_of_body_task));
// FIXME: Handle 'parallel queue' task destination
auto task_destination = fetch_params.task_destination().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Object>>();
// 4. If fetchParamss process response is non-null, then queue a fetch task to run fetchParamss process response
// given response, with fetchParamss task destination.
if (fetch_params.algorithms()->process_response()) {
Infrastructure::queue_fetch_task(fetch_params.controller(), task_destination, [&fetch_params, &response]() {
// 5. Let internalResponse be response, if response is a network error; otherwise responses internal response.
auto internal_response = response.is_network_error() ? JS::NonnullGCPtr { response } : response.unsafe_response();
// 6. If internalResponses body is null, then run processResponseEndOfBody.
if (!internal_response->body()) {
// 7. Otherwise:
else {
// FIXME: 1. Let transformStream be a new TransformStream.
// FIXME: 2. Let identityTransformAlgorithm be an algorithm which, given chunk, enqueues chunk in transformStream.
// FIXME: 3. Set up transformStream with transformAlgorithm set to identityTransformAlgorithm and flushAlgorithm set
// to processResponseEndOfBody.
// FIXME: 4. Set internalResponses bodys stream to the result of internalResponses bodys stream piped through transformStream.
// 8. If fetchParamss process response consume body is non-null, then:
if (fetch_params.algorithms()->process_response_consume_body()) {
// 1. Let processBody given nullOrBytes be this step: run fetchParamss process response consume body given
// response and nullOrBytes.
auto process_body = [&fetch_params, &response](Variant<ByteBuffer, Empty> const& null_or_bytes) {
(fetch_params.algorithms()->process_response_consume_body())(response, null_or_bytes);
// 2. Let processBodyError be this step: run fetchParamss process response consume body given response and
// failure.
auto process_body_error = [&fetch_params, &response](auto) {
(fetch_params.algorithms()->process_response_consume_body())(response, Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ConsumeBodyFailureTag {});
// 3. If internalResponse's body is null, then queue a fetch task to run processBody given null, with
// fetchParamss task destination.
if (!internal_response->body()) {
Infrastructure::queue_fetch_task(fetch_params.controller(), task_destination, [process_body = move(process_body)]() {
// 4. Otherwise, fully read internalResponse body given processBody, processBodyError, and fetchParamss task
// destination.
else {
TRY(internal_response->body()->fully_read(realm, move(process_body), move(process_body_error), fetch_params.task_destination()));
return {};
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> scheme_fetch(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::FetchParams const& fetch_params)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'scheme fetch' with: fetch_params @ {}", &fetch_params);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. If fetchParams is canceled, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.
if (fetch_params.is_canceled())
return PendingResponse::create(vm, fetch_params.request(), Infrastructure::Response::appropriate_network_error(vm, fetch_params));
// 2. Let request be fetchParamss request.
auto request = fetch_params.request();
// 3. Switch on requests current URLs scheme and run the associated steps:
// -> "about"
if (request->current_url().scheme() == "about"sv) {
// If requests current URLs path is the string "blank", then return a new response whose status message is
// `OK`, header list is « (`Content-Type`, `text/html;charset=utf-8`) », and body is the empty byte sequence as
// a body.
// NOTE: URLs such as "about:config" are handled during navigation and result in a network error in the context
// of fetching.
if (request->current_url().serialize_path() == "blank"sv) {
auto response = Infrastructure::Response::create(vm);
auto header = MUST(Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Content-Type"sv, "text/html;charset=utf-8"sv));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, response->header_list()->append(move(header)));
response->set_body(MUST(Infrastructure::byte_sequence_as_body(realm, ""sv.bytes())));
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, response);
// FIXME: This is actually wrong, see note above.
return TRY(nonstandard_resource_loader_file_or_http_network_fetch(realm, fetch_params));
// -> "blob"
else if (request->current_url().scheme() == "blob"sv) {
auto const& store = FileAPI::blob_url_store();
// 1. Let blobURLEntry be requests current URLs blob URL entry.
auto blob_url_entry = store.get(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, request->current_url().to_string()));
// 2. If requests method is not `GET`, blobURLEntry is null, or blobURLEntrys object is not a Blob object,
// then return a network error. [FILEAPI]
if (request->method() != "GET"sv.bytes() || !blob_url_entry.has_value()) {
// FIXME: Handle "blobURLEntrys object is not a Blob object". It could be a MediaSource object, but we
// have not yet implemented the Media Source Extensions spec.
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request has an invalid 'blob:' URL"sv));
// 3. Let blob be blobURLEntrys object.
auto const& blob = blob_url_entry->object;
// 4. Let response be a new response.
auto response = Infrastructure::Response::create(vm);
// 5. Let fullLength be blobs size.
auto full_length = blob->size();
// 6. Let serializedFullLength be fullLength, serialized and isomorphic encoded.
auto serialized_full_length = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::number(full_length));
// 7. Let type be blobs type.
auto const& type = blob->type();
// 8. If requests header list does not contain `Range`:
if (!request->header_list()->contains("Range"sv.bytes())) {
// 1. Let bodyWithType be the result of safely extracting blob.
auto body_with_type = TRY(safely_extract_body(realm, blob));
// 2. Set responses status message to `OK`.
// 3. Set responses body to bodyWithTypes body.
// 4. Set responses header list to « (`Content-Length`, serializedFullLength), (`Content-Type`, type) ».
auto content_length_header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Content-Length"sv, serialized_full_length));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, response->header_list()->append(move(content_length_header)));
auto content_type_header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Content-Type"sv, type));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, response->header_list()->append(move(content_type_header)));
// FIXME: 9. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Set responses range-requested flag.
// 2. Let rangeHeader be the result of getting `Range` from requests header list.
// 3. Let rangeValue be the result of parsing a single range header value given rangeHeader and true.
// 4. If rangeValue is failure, then return a network error.
// 5. Let (rangeStart, rangeEnd) be rangeValue.
// 6. If rangeStart is null:
// 1. Set rangeStart to fullLength rangeEnd.
// 2. Set rangeEnd to rangeStart + rangeEnd 1.
// 7. Otherwise:
// 1. If rangeStart is greater than or equal to fullLength, then return a network error.
// 2. If rangeEnd is null or rangeEnd is greater than or equal to fullLength, then set rangeEnd to fullLength 1.
// 8. Let slicedBlob be the result of invoking slice blob given blob, rangeStart, rangeEnd + 1, and type.
// 9. Let slicedBodyWithType be the result of safely extracting slicedBlob.
// 10. Set responses body to slicedBodyWithTypes body.
// 11. Let serializedSlicedLength be slicedBlobs size, serialized and isomorphic encoded.
// 12. Let contentRange be `bytes `.
// 13. Append rangeStart, serialized and isomorphic encoded, to contentRange.
// 14. Append 0x2D (-) to contentRange.
// 15. Append rangeEnd, serialized and isomorphic encoded to contentRange.
// 16. Append 0x2F (/) to contentRange.
// 17. Append serializedFullLength to contentRange.
// 18. Set responses status to 206.
// 19. Set responses status message to `Partial Content`.
// 20. Set responses header list to « (`Content-Length`, serializedSlicedLength), (`Content-Type`, type), (`Content-Range`, contentRange) ».
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request has a 'blob:' URL with a Content-Range header, which is currently unsupported"sv));
// 10. Return response.
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, response);
// -> "data"
else if (request->current_url().scheme() == "data"sv) {
// 1. Let dataURLStruct be the result of running the data: URL processor on requests current URL.
auto data_url_struct = request->current_url().process_data_url();
// 2. If dataURLStruct is failure, then return a network error.
if (data_url_struct.is_error())
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Failed to process 'data:' URL"sv));
// 3. Let mimeType be dataURLStructs MIME type, serialized.
// FIXME: Serialize MIME type.
auto const& mime_type = data_url_struct.value().mime_type;
// 4. Return a new response whose status message is `OK`, header list is « (`Content-Type`, mimeType) », and
// body is dataURLStructs body as a body.
auto response = Infrastructure::Response::create(vm);
auto header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Content-Type"sv, mime_type));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, response->header_list()->append(move(header)));
response->set_body(TRY(Infrastructure::byte_sequence_as_body(realm, data_url_struct.value().body)));
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, response);
// -> "file"
else if (request->current_url().scheme() == "file"sv) {
// For now, unfortunate as it is, file: URLs are left as an exercise for the reader.
// When in doubt, return a network error.
return TRY(nonstandard_resource_loader_file_or_http_network_fetch(realm, fetch_params));
// -> HTTP(S) scheme
else if (Infrastructure::is_http_or_https_scheme(request->current_url().scheme())) {
// Return the result of running HTTP fetch given fetchParams.
return http_fetch(realm, fetch_params);
// AD-HOC: "resource"
else if (request->current_url().scheme() == "resource"sv) {
return TRY(nonstandard_resource_loader_file_or_http_network_fetch(realm, fetch_params));
// 4. Return a network error.
auto message = request->current_url().scheme() == "about"sv
? "Request has invalid 'about:' URL, only 'about:blank' can be fetched"_string
: "Request URL has invalid scheme, must be one of 'about', 'blob', 'data', 'file', 'http', or 'https'"_string;
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, move(message)));
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> http_fetch(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::FetchParams const& fetch_params, MakeCORSPreflight make_cors_preflight)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP fetch' with: fetch_params @ {}, make_cors_preflight = {}",
&fetch_params, make_cors_preflight == MakeCORSPreflight::Yes ? "Yes"sv : "No"sv);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let request be fetchParamss request.
auto request = fetch_params.request();
// 2. Let response be null.
JS::GCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> response;
// 3. Let actualResponse be null.
JS::GCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> actual_response;
// 4. If requests service-workers mode is "all", then:
if (request->service_workers_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::ServiceWorkersMode::All) {
// 1. Let requestForServiceWorker be a clone of request.
auto request_for_service_worker = request->clone(realm);
// 2. If requestForServiceWorkers body is non-null, then:
if (!request_for_service_worker->body().has<Empty>()) {
// FIXME: 1. Let transformStream be a new TransformStream.
// FIXME: 2. Let transformAlgorithm given chunk be these steps:
// FIXME: 3. Set up transformStream with transformAlgorithm set to transformAlgorithm.
// FIXME: 4. Set requestForServiceWorkers bodys stream to the result of requestForServiceWorkers bodys stream
// piped through transformStream.
// 3. Let serviceWorkerStartTime be the coarsened shared current time given fetchParamss cross-origin isolated
// capability.
auto service_worker_start_time = HighResolutionTime::coarsened_shared_current_time(fetch_params.cross_origin_isolated_capability() == HTML::CanUseCrossOriginIsolatedAPIs::Yes);
// FIXME: 4. Set response to the result of invoking handle fetch for requestForServiceWorker, with fetchParamss
// controller and fetchParamss cross-origin isolated capability.
// 5. If response is not null, then:
if (response) {
// 1. Set fetchParamss timing infos final service worker start time to serviceWorkerStartTime.
// 2. If requests body is non-null, then cancel requests body with undefined.
if (!request->body().has<Empty>()) {
// FIXME: Implement cancelling streams
// 3. Set actualResponse to response, if response is not a filtered response, and to responses internal
// response otherwise.
actual_response = !is<Infrastructure::FilteredResponse>(*response)
? JS::NonnullGCPtr { *response }
: static_cast<Infrastructure::FilteredResponse const&>(*response).internal_response();
// 4. If one of the following is true
if (
// - responses type is "error"
response->type() == Infrastructure::Response::Type::Error
// - requests mode is "same-origin" and responses type is "cors"
|| (request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::SameOrigin && response->type() == Infrastructure::Response::Type::CORS)
// - requests mode is not "no-cors" and responses type is "opaque"
|| (request->mode() != Infrastructure::Request::Mode::NoCORS && response->type() == Infrastructure::Response::Type::Opaque)
// - requests redirect mode is not "manual" and responses type is "opaqueredirect"
|| (request->redirect_mode() != Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Manual && response->type() == Infrastructure::Response::Type::OpaqueRedirect)
// - requests redirect mode is not "follow" and responses URL list has more than one item.
|| (request->redirect_mode() != Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Follow && response->url_list().size() > 1)) {
// then return a network error.
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Invalid request/response state combination"sv));
JS::GCPtr<PendingResponse> pending_actual_response;
auto returned_pending_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request);
// 5. If response is null, then:
if (!response) {
// 1. If makeCORSPreflight is true and one of these conditions is true:
// NOTE: This step checks the CORS-preflight cache and if there is no suitable entry it performs a
// CORS-preflight fetch which, if successful, populates the cache. The purpose of the CORS-preflight
// fetch is to ensure the fetched resource is familiar with the CORS protocol. The cache is there to
// minimize the number of CORS-preflight fetches.
JS::GCPtr<PendingResponse> pending_preflight_response;
if (make_cors_preflight == MakeCORSPreflight::Yes && (
// - There is no method cache entry match for requests method using request, and either requests
// method is not a CORS-safelisted method or requests use-CORS-preflight flag is set.
// FIXME: We currently have no cache, so there will always be no method cache entry.
(!Infrastructure::is_cors_safelisted_method(request->method()) || request->use_cors_preflight())
// - There is at least one item in the CORS-unsafe request-header names with requests header list for
// which there is no header-name cache entry match using request.
// FIXME: We currently have no cache, so there will always be no header-name cache entry.
|| !TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::get_cors_unsafe_header_names(request->header_list())).is_empty())) {
// 1. Let preflightResponse be the result of running CORS-preflight fetch given request.
pending_preflight_response = TRY(cors_preflight_fetch(realm, request));
// NOTE: Step 2 is performed in pending_preflight_response's load callback below.
auto fetch_main_content = [request = JS::make_handle(request), realm = JS::make_handle(realm), fetch_params = JS::make_handle(fetch_params)]() -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> {
// 2. If requests redirect mode is "follow", then set requests service-workers mode to "none".
// NOTE: Redirects coming from the network (as opposed to from a service worker) are not to be exposed to a
// service worker.
if (request->redirect_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Follow)
// 3. Set response and actualResponse to the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given fetchParams.
return http_network_or_cache_fetch(*realm, *fetch_params);
if (pending_preflight_response) {
pending_actual_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request);
pending_preflight_response->when_loaded([returned_pending_response, pending_actual_response, fetch_main_content = move(fetch_main_content)](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> preflight_response) {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP fetch' pending_preflight_response load callback");
// 2. If preflightResponse is a network error, then return preflightResponse.
if (preflight_response->is_network_error()) {
auto pending_main_content_response = TRY_OR_IGNORE(fetch_main_content());
pending_main_content_response->when_loaded([pending_actual_response](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> main_content_response) {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP fetch' pending_main_content_response load callback");
} else {
pending_actual_response = TRY(fetch_main_content());
} else {
pending_actual_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::create(vm));
pending_actual_response->when_loaded([&realm, &vm, &fetch_params, request, response, actual_response, returned_pending_response, response_was_null = !response](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> resolved_actual_response) mutable {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP fetch' pending_actual_response load callback");
if (response_was_null) {
response = actual_response = resolved_actual_response;
// 4. If requests response tainting is "cors" and a CORS check for request and response returns failure,
// then return a network error.
// NOTE: As the CORS check is not to be applied to responses whose status is 304 or 407, or responses from
// a service worker for that matter, it is applied here.
if (request->response_tainting() == Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::CORS
&& !TRY_OR_IGNORE(cors_check(request, *response))) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'cors' response tainting failed CORS check"_string));
// 5. If the TAO check for request and response returns failure, then set requests timing allow failed flag.
if (!TRY_OR_IGNORE(tao_check(request, *response)))
// 6. If either requests response tainting or responses type is "opaque", and the cross-origin resource
// policy check with requests origin, requests client, requests destination, and actualResponse returns
// blocked, then return a network error.
// NOTE: The cross-origin resource policy check runs for responses coming from the network and responses coming
// from the service worker. This is different from the CORS check, as requests client and the service
// worker can have different embedder policies.
if ((request->response_tainting() == Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::Opaque || response->type() == Infrastructure::Response::Type::Opaque)
&& false // FIXME: "and the cross-origin resource policy check with requests origin, requests client, requests destination, and actualResponse returns blocked"
) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Response was blocked by cross-origin resource policy check"_string));
Optional<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> inner_pending_response;
// 7. If actualResponses status is a redirect status, then:
if (Infrastructure::is_redirect_status(actual_response->status())) {
// FIXME: 1. If actualResponses status is not 303, requests body is not null, and the connection uses HTTP/2,
// then user agents may, and are even encouraged to, transmit an RST_STREAM frame.
// NOTE: 303 is excluded as certain communities ascribe special status to it.
// 2. Switch on requests redirect mode:
switch (request->redirect_mode()) {
// -> "error"
case Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Error:
// Set response to a network error.
response = Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'error' redirect mode received redirect response"_string);
// -> "manual"
case Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Manual:
// 1. If requests mode is "navigate", then set fetchParamss controllers next manual redirect steps
// to run HTTP-redirect fetch given fetchParams and response.
if (request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::Navigate) {
fetch_params.controller()->set_next_manual_redirect_steps([&realm, &fetch_params, response] {
(void)http_redirect_fetch(realm, fetch_params, *response);
// 2. Otherwise, set response to an opaque-redirect filtered response whose internal response is
// actualResponse.
else {
response = Infrastructure::OpaqueRedirectFilteredResponse::create(vm, *actual_response);
// -> "follow"
case Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Follow:
// Set response to the result of running HTTP-redirect fetch given fetchParams and response.
inner_pending_response = TRY_OR_IGNORE(http_redirect_fetch(realm, fetch_params, *response));
if (inner_pending_response.has_value()) {
inner_pending_response.value()->when_loaded([returned_pending_response](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> response) {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP fetch' inner_pending_response load callback");
} else {
// 8. Return response.
// NOTE: Typically actualResponses bodys stream is still being enqueued to after returning.
return returned_pending_response;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>>> http_redirect_fetch(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::FetchParams const& fetch_params, Infrastructure::Response& response)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP-redirect fetch' with: fetch_params @ {}, response = {}", &fetch_params, &response);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let request be fetchParamss request.
auto request = fetch_params.request();
// 2. Let actualResponse be response, if response is not a filtered response, and responses internal response
// otherwise.
auto actual_response = !is<Infrastructure::FilteredResponse>(response)
? JS::NonnullGCPtr { response }
: static_cast<Infrastructure::FilteredResponse const&>(response).internal_response();
// 3. Let locationURL be actualResponses location URL given requests current URLs fragment.
auto location_url_or_error = actual_response->location_url(request->current_url().fragment());
// 4. If locationURL is null, then return response.
if (!location_url_or_error.is_error() && !location_url_or_error.value().has_value())
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, response);
// 5. If locationURL is failure, then return a network error.
if (location_url_or_error.is_error())
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request redirect URL is invalid"sv));
auto location_url = location_url_or_error.release_value().release_value();
// 6. If locationURLs scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme, then return a network error.
if (!Infrastructure::is_http_or_https_scheme(location_url.scheme()))
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request redirect URL must have HTTP or HTTPS scheme"sv));
// 7. If requests redirect count is 20, then return a network error.
if (request->redirect_count() == 20)
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request has reached maximum redirect count of 20"sv));
// 8. Increase requests redirect count by 1.
request->set_redirect_count(request->redirect_count() + 1);
// 8. If requests mode is "cors", locationURL includes credentials, and requests origin is not same origin with
// locationURLs origin, then return a network error.
if (request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::CORS
&& location_url.includes_credentials()
&& request->origin().has<HTML::Origin>()
&& !request->origin().get<HTML::Origin>().is_same_origin(DOMURL::url_origin(location_url))) {
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'cors' mode and different URL and request origin must not include credentials in redirect URL"sv));
// 10. If requests response tainting is "cors" and locationURL includes credentials, then return a network error.
// NOTE: This catches a cross-origin resource redirecting to a same-origin URL.
if (request->response_tainting() == Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::CORS && location_url.includes_credentials())
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'cors' response tainting must not include credentials in redirect URL"sv));
// 11. If actualResponses status is not 303, requests body is non-null, and requests bodys source is null, then
// return a network error.
if (actual_response->status() != 303
&& !request->body().has<Empty>()
&& request->body().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Body>>()->source().has<Empty>()) {
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request has body but no body source"sv));
// 12. If one of the following is true
if (
// - actualResponses status is 301 or 302 and requests method is `POST`
((actual_response->status() == 301 || actual_response->status() == 302) && request->method() == "POST"sv.bytes())
// - actualResponses status is 303 and requests method is not `GET` or `HEAD`
|| (actual_response->status() == 303 && !(request->method() == "GET"sv.bytes() || request->method() == "HEAD"sv.bytes()))
// then:
) {
// 1. Set requests method to `GET` and requests body to null.
static constexpr Array request_body_header_names {
// 2. For each headerName of request-body-header name, delete headerName from requests header list.
for (auto header_name : request_body_header_names.span())
// 13. If requests current URLs origin is not same origin with locationURLs origin, then for each headerName of
// CORS non-wildcard request-header name, delete headerName from requests header list.
// NOTE: I.e., the moment another origin is seen after the initial request, the `Authorization` header is removed.
if (!DOMURL::url_origin(request->current_url()).is_same_origin(DOMURL::url_origin(location_url))) {
static constexpr Array cors_non_wildcard_request_header_names {
for (auto header_name : cors_non_wildcard_request_header_names)
// 14. If requests body is non-null, then set requests body to the body of the result of safely extracting
// requests bodys source.
// NOTE: requests bodys sources nullity has already been checked.
if (!request->body().has<Empty>()) {
auto const& source = request->body().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Body>>()->source();
// NOTE: BodyInitOrReadableBytes is a superset of Body::SourceType
auto converted_source = source.has<ByteBuffer>()
? BodyInitOrReadableBytes { source.get<ByteBuffer>() }
: BodyInitOrReadableBytes { source.get<JS::Handle<FileAPI::Blob>>() };
auto [body, _] = TRY(safely_extract_body(realm, converted_source));
// 15. Let timingInfo be fetchParamss timing info.
auto timing_info = fetch_params.timing_info();
// 16. Set timingInfos redirect end time and post-redirect start time to the coarsened shared current time given
// fetchParamss cross-origin isolated capability.
auto now = HighResolutionTime::coarsened_shared_current_time(fetch_params.cross_origin_isolated_capability() == HTML::CanUseCrossOriginIsolatedAPIs::Yes);
// 17. If timingInfos redirect start time is 0, then set timingInfos redirect start time to timingInfos start
// time.
if (timing_info->redirect_start_time() == 0)
// 18. Append locationURL to requests URL list.
// FIXME: 19. Invoke set requests referrer policy on redirect on request and actualResponse.
// 20. Let recursive be true.
auto recursive = Recursive::Yes;
// 21. If requests redirect mode is "manual", then:
if (request->redirect_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Manual) {
// 1. Assert: requests mode is "navigate".
VERIFY(request->mode() == Infrastructure::Request::Mode::Navigate);
// 2. Set recursive to false.
recursive = Recursive::No;
// 22. Return the result of running main fetch given fetchParams and recursive.
return main_fetch(realm, fetch_params, recursive);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> http_network_or_cache_fetch(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::FetchParams const& fetch_params, IsAuthenticationFetch is_authentication_fetch, IsNewConnectionFetch is_new_connection_fetch)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP-network-or-cache fetch' with: fetch_params @ {}, is_authentication_fetch = {}, is_new_connection_fetch = {}",
&fetch_params, is_authentication_fetch == IsAuthenticationFetch::Yes ? "Yes"sv : "No"sv, is_new_connection_fetch == IsNewConnectionFetch::Yes ? "Yes"sv : "No"sv);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let request be fetchParamss request.
auto request = fetch_params.request();
// 2. Let httpFetchParams be null.
JS::GCPtr<Infrastructure::FetchParams const> http_fetch_params;
// 3. Let httpRequest be null.
JS::GCPtr<Infrastructure::Request> http_request;
// 4. Let response be null.
JS::GCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> response;
// 5. Let storedResponse be null.
JS::GCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> stored_response;
// 6. Let httpCache be null.
// (Typeless until we actually implement it, needed for checks below)
void* http_cache = nullptr;
// 7. Let the revalidatingFlag be unset.
auto revalidating_flag = RefCountedFlag::create(false);
auto include_credentials = IncludeCredentials::No;
// 8. Run these steps, but abort when fetchParams is canceled:
// NOTE: There's an 'if aborted' check after this anyway, so not doing this is fine and only incurs a small delay.
// For now, support for aborting fetch requests is limited anyway as ResourceLoader doesn't support it.
auto aborted = false;
ScopeGuard set_aborted = [&] {
if (fetch_params.is_canceled())
aborted = true;
// 1. If requests window is "no-window" and requests redirect mode is "error", then set httpFetchParams to
// fetchParams and httpRequest to request.
if (request->window().has<Infrastructure::Request::Window>()
&& request->window().get<Infrastructure::Request::Window>() == Infrastructure::Request::Window::NoWindow
&& request->redirect_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::RedirectMode::Error) {
http_fetch_params = fetch_params;
http_request = request;
// 2. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Set httpRequest to a clone of request.
// NOTE: Implementations are encouraged to avoid teeing requests bodys stream when requests bodys
// source is null as only a single body is needed in that case. E.g., when requests bodys source
// is null, redirects and authentication will end up failing the fetch.
http_request = request->clone(realm);
// 2. Set httpFetchParams to a copy of fetchParams.
// 3. Set httpFetchParamss request to httpRequest.
auto new_http_fetch_params = Infrastructure::FetchParams::create(vm, *http_request, fetch_params.timing_info());
http_fetch_params = new_http_fetch_params;
// 3. Let includeCredentials be true if one of
if (
// - requests credentials mode is "include"
request->credentials_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CredentialsMode::Include
// - requests credentials mode is "same-origin" and requests response tainting is "basic"
|| (request->credentials_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CredentialsMode::SameOrigin
&& request->response_tainting() == Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::Basic)
// is true; otherwise false.
) {
include_credentials = IncludeCredentials::Yes;
} else {
include_credentials = IncludeCredentials::No;
// 4. If Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy allows credentials with request returns false, then set
// includeCredentials to false.
if (!request->cross_origin_embedder_policy_allows_credentials())
include_credentials = IncludeCredentials::No;
// 5. Let contentLength be httpRequests bodys length, if httpRequests body is non-null; otherwise null.
auto content_length = http_request->body().has<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Body>>()
? http_request->body().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Body>>()->length()
: Optional<u64> {};
// 6. Let contentLengthHeaderValue be null.
auto content_length_header_value = Optional<ByteBuffer> {};
// 7. If httpRequests body is null and httpRequests method is `POST` or `PUT`, then set
// contentLengthHeaderValue to `0`.
if (http_request->body().has<Empty>() && StringView { http_request->method() }.is_one_of("POST"sv, "PUT"sv))
content_length_header_value = MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("0"sv.bytes()));
// 8. If contentLength is non-null, then set contentLengthHeaderValue to contentLength, serialized and
// isomorphic encoded.
if (content_length.has_value())
content_length_header_value = MUST(ByteBuffer::copy(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::number(*content_length)).bytes()));
// 9. If contentLengthHeaderValue is non-null, then append (`Content-Length`, contentLengthHeaderValue) to
// httpRequests header list.
if (content_length_header_value.has_value()) {
auto header = Infrastructure::Header {
.name = MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("Content-Length"sv.bytes())),
.value = content_length_header_value.release_value(),
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// FIXME: 10. If contentLength is non-null and httpRequests keepalive is true, then:
if (content_length.has_value() && http_request->keepalive()) {
// FIXME: 1-5., requires 'fetch records' and 'fetch group' concepts.
// NOTE: The above limit ensures that requests that are allowed to outlive the environment settings object
// and contain a body, have a bounded size and are not allowed to stay alive indefinitely.
// 11. If httpRequests referrer is a URL, then:
if (http_request->referrer().has<URL::URL>()) {
// 1. Let referrerValue be httpRequests referrer, serialized and isomorphic encoded.
auto referrer_value = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, ByteBuffer::copy(http_request->referrer().get<URL::URL>().serialize().bytes()));
// 2. Append (`Referer`, referrerValue) to httpRequests header list.
auto header = Infrastructure::Header {
.name = MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("Referer"sv.bytes())),
.value = move(referrer_value),
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 12. Append a request `Origin` header for httpRequest.
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->add_origin_header());
// FIXME: 13. Append the Fetch metadata headers for httpRequest.
// 14. If httpRequests header list does not contain `User-Agent`, then user agents should append
// (`User-Agent`, default `User-Agent` value) to httpRequests header list.
if (!http_request->header_list()->contains("User-Agent"sv.bytes())) {
auto header = Infrastructure::Header {
.name = MUST(ByteBuffer::copy("User-Agent"sv.bytes())),
.value = Infrastructure::default_user_agent_value(),
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 15. If httpRequests cache mode is "default" and httpRequests header list contains `If-Modified-Since`,
// `If-None-Match`, `If-Unmodified-Since`, `If-Match`, or `If-Range`, then set httpRequests cache mode to
// "no-store".
if (http_request->cache_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CacheMode::Default
&& (http_request->header_list()->contains("If-Modified-Since"sv.bytes())
|| http_request->header_list()->contains("If-None-Match"sv.bytes())
|| http_request->header_list()->contains("If-Unmodified-Since"sv.bytes())
|| http_request->header_list()->contains("If-Match"sv.bytes())
|| http_request->header_list()->contains("If-Range"sv.bytes()))) {
// 16. If httpRequests cache mode is "no-cache", httpRequests prevent no-cache cache-control header
// modification flag is unset, and httpRequests header list does not contain `Cache-Control`, then append
// (`Cache-Control`, `max-age=0`) to httpRequests header list.
if (http_request->cache_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CacheMode::NoCache
&& !http_request->prevent_no_cache_cache_control_header_modification()
&& !http_request->header_list()->contains("Cache-Control"sv.bytes())) {
auto header = MUST(Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Cache-Control"sv, "max-age=0"sv));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 17. If httpRequests cache mode is "no-store" or "reload", then:
if (http_request->cache_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CacheMode::NoStore
|| http_request->cache_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CacheMode::Reload) {
// 1. If httpRequests header list does not contain `Pragma`, then append (`Pragma`, `no-cache`) to
// httpRequests header list.
if (!http_request->header_list()->contains("Pragma"sv.bytes())) {
auto header = MUST(Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Pragma"sv, "no-cache"sv));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 2. If httpRequests header list does not contain `Cache-Control`, then append
// (`Cache-Control`, `no-cache`) to httpRequests header list.
if (!http_request->header_list()->contains("Cache-Control"sv.bytes())) {
auto header = MUST(Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Cache-Control"sv, "no-cache"sv));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 18. If httpRequests header list contains `Range`, then append (`Accept-Encoding`, `identity`) to
// httpRequests header list.
// NOTE: This avoids a failure when handling content codings with a part of an encoded response.
// Additionally, many servers mistakenly ignore `Range` headers if a non-identity encoding is accepted.
if (http_request->header_list()->contains("Range"sv.bytes())) {
auto header = MUST(Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Accept-Encoding"sv, "identity"sv));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 19. Modify httpRequests header list per HTTP. Do not append a given header if httpRequests header list
// contains that headers name.
// NOTE: It would be great if we could make this more normative somehow. At this point headers such as
// `Accept-Encoding`, `Connection`, `DNT`, and `Host`, are to be appended if necessary.
// `Accept`, `Accept-Charset`, and `Accept-Language` must not be included at this point.
// NOTE: `Accept` and `Accept-Language` are already included (unless fetch() is used, which does not include
// the latter by default), and `Accept-Charset` is a waste of bytes. See HTTP header layer division for
// more details.
// 20. If includeCredentials is true, then:
if (include_credentials == IncludeCredentials::Yes) {
// 1. If the user agent is not configured to block cookies for httpRequest (see section 7 of [COOKIES]),
// then:
if (true) {
// 1. Let cookies be the result of running the "cookie-string" algorithm (see section 5.4 of [COOKIES])
// with the user agents cookie store and httpRequests current URL.
auto cookies = ([&] {
// FIXME: Getting to the page client reliably is way too complicated, and going via the document won't work in workers.
auto document = Bindings::host_defined_environment_settings_object(realm).responsible_document();
if (!document)
return String {};
return document->page().client().page_did_request_cookie(http_request->current_url(), Cookie::Source::Http);
// 2. If cookies is not the empty string, then append (`Cookie`, cookies) to httpRequests header list.
if (!cookies.is_empty()) {
auto header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Cookie"sv, cookies));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// 2. If httpRequests header list does not contain `Authorization`, then:
if (!http_request->header_list()->contains("Authorization"sv.bytes())) {
// 1. Let authorizationValue be null.
auto authorization_value = Optional<String> {};
// 2. If theres an authentication entry for httpRequest and either httpRequests use-URL-credentials
// flag is unset or httpRequests current URL does not include credentials, then set
// authorizationValue to authentication entry.
if (false // FIXME: "If theres an authentication entry for httpRequest"
&& (!http_request->use_url_credentials() || !http_request->current_url().includes_credentials())) {
// FIXME: "set authorizationValue to authentication entry."
// 3. Otherwise, if httpRequests current URL does include credentials and isAuthenticationFetch is
// true, set authorizationValue to httpRequests current URL, converted to an `Authorization` value.
else if (http_request->current_url().includes_credentials() && is_authentication_fetch == IsAuthenticationFetch::Yes) {
auto const& url = http_request->current_url();
auto payload = MUST(String::formatted("{}:{}", MUST(url.username()), MUST(url.password())));
authorization_value = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, encode_base64(payload.bytes()));
// 4. If authorizationValue is non-null, then append (`Authorization`, authorizationValue) to
// httpRequests header list.
if (authorization_value.has_value()) {
auto header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Authorization"sv, *authorization_value));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, http_request->header_list()->append(move(header)));
// FIXME: 21. If theres a proxy-authentication entry, use it as appropriate.
// NOTE: This intentionally does not depend on httpRequests credentials mode.
// FIXME: 22. Set httpCache to the result of determining the HTTP cache partition, given httpRequest.
// 23. If httpCache is null, then set httpRequests cache mode to "no-store".
if (!http_cache)
// 24. If httpRequests cache mode is neither "no-store" nor "reload", then:
if (http_request->cache_mode() != Infrastructure::Request::CacheMode::NoStore
&& http_request->cache_mode() != Infrastructure::Request::CacheMode::Reload) {
// 1. Set storedResponse to the result of selecting a response from the httpCache, possibly needing
// validation, as per the "Constructing Responses from Caches" chapter of HTTP Caching [HTTP-CACHING],
// if any.
// NOTE: As mandated by HTTP, this still takes the `Vary` header into account.
stored_response = nullptr;
// 2. If storedResponse is non-null, then:
if (stored_response) {
// FIXME: Caching is not implemented yet.
// 9. If aborted, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.
if (aborted)
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::appropriate_network_error(vm, fetch_params));
JS::GCPtr<PendingResponse> pending_forward_response;
// 10. If response is null, then:
if (!response) {
// 1. If httpRequests cache mode is "only-if-cached", then return a network error.
if (http_request->cache_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CacheMode::OnlyIfCached)
return PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request with 'only-if-cached' cache mode doesn't have a cached response"sv));
// 2. Let forwardResponse be the result of running HTTP-network fetch given httpFetchParams, includeCredentials,
// and isNewConnectionFetch.
pending_forward_response = TRY(nonstandard_resource_loader_file_or_http_network_fetch(realm, *http_fetch_params, include_credentials, is_new_connection_fetch));
} else {
pending_forward_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request, Infrastructure::Response::create(vm));
auto returned_pending_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request);
pending_forward_response->when_loaded([&realm, &vm, &fetch_params, request, response, stored_response, http_request, returned_pending_response, is_authentication_fetch, is_new_connection_fetch, revalidating_flag, include_credentials, response_was_null = !response](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> resolved_forward_response) mutable {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP-network-or-cache fetch' pending_forward_response load callback");
if (response_was_null) {
auto forward_response = resolved_forward_response;
// NOTE: TRACE is omitted as it is a forbidden method in Fetch.
auto method_is_unsafe = StringView { http_request->method() }.is_one_of("GET"sv, "HEAD"sv, "OPTIONS"sv);
// 3. If httpRequests method is unsafe and forwardResponses status is in the range 200 to 399, inclusive,
// invalidate appropriate stored responses in httpCache, as per the "Invalidation" chapter of HTTP
// Caching, and set storedResponse to null.
if (method_is_unsafe && forward_response->status() >= 200 && forward_response->status() <= 399) {
// FIXME: "invalidate appropriate stored responses in httpCache, as per the "Invalidation" chapter of HTTP Caching"
stored_response = nullptr;
// 4. If the revalidatingFlag is set and forwardResponses status is 304, then:
if (revalidating_flag->value() && forward_response->status() == 304) {
// FIXME: 1. Update storedResponses header list using forwardResponses header list, as per the "Freshening
// Stored Responses upon Validation" chapter of HTTP Caching.
// NOTE: This updates the stored response in cache as well.
// 2. Set response to storedResponse.
response = stored_response;
// 3. Set responses cache state to "validated".
if (response)
// 5. If response is null, then:
if (!response) {
// 1. Set response to forwardResponse.
response = forward_response;
// FIXME: 2. Store httpRequest and forwardResponse in httpCache, as per the "Storing Responses in Caches"
// chapter of HTTP Caching.
// NOTE: If forwardResponse is a network error, this effectively caches the network error, which is
// sometimes known as "negative caching".
// NOTE: The associated body info is stored in the cache alongside the response.
// 11. Set responses URL list to a clone of httpRequests URL list.
// 12. If httpRequests header list contains `Range`, then set responses range-requested flag.
if (http_request->header_list()->contains("Range"sv.bytes()))
// 13. Set responses request-includes-credentials to includeCredentials.
response->set_request_includes_credentials(include_credentials == IncludeCredentials::Yes);
auto inner_pending_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request, *response);
// 14. If responses status is 401, httpRequests response tainting is not "cors", includeCredentials is true,
// and requests window is an environment settings object, then:
if (response->status() == 401
&& http_request->response_tainting() != Infrastructure::Request::ResponseTainting::CORS
&& include_credentials == IncludeCredentials::Yes
&& request->window().has<JS::GCPtr<HTML::EnvironmentSettingsObject>>()) {
// 1. Needs testing: multiple `WWW-Authenticate` headers, missing, parsing issues.
// (Red box in the spec, no-op)
// 2. If requests body is non-null, then:
if (!request->body().has<Empty>()) {
// 1. If requests bodys source is null, then return a network error.
if (request->body().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Body>>()->source().has<Empty>()) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request has body but no body source"_string));
// 2. Set requests body to the body of the result of safely extracting requests bodys source.
auto const& source = request->body().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Body>>()->source();
// NOTE: BodyInitOrReadableBytes is a superset of Body::SourceType
auto converted_source = source.has<ByteBuffer>()
? BodyInitOrReadableBytes { source.get<ByteBuffer>() }
: BodyInitOrReadableBytes { source.get<JS::Handle<FileAPI::Blob>>() };
auto [body, _] = TRY_OR_IGNORE(safely_extract_body(realm, converted_source));
// 3. If requests use-URL-credentials flag is unset or isAuthenticationFetch is true, then:
if (!request->use_url_credentials() || is_authentication_fetch == IsAuthenticationFetch::Yes) {
// 1. If fetchParams is canceled, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.
if (fetch_params.is_canceled()) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::appropriate_network_error(vm, fetch_params));
// FIXME: 2. Let username and password be the result of prompting the end user for a username and password,
// respectively, in requests window.
dbgln("Fetch: Username/password prompt is not implemented, using empty strings. This request will probably fail.");
auto username = ByteString::empty();
auto password = ByteString::empty();
// 3. Set the username given requests current URL and username.
// 4. Set the password given requests current URL and password.
// 4. Set response to the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given fetchParams and true.
inner_pending_response = TRY_OR_IGNORE(http_network_or_cache_fetch(realm, fetch_params, IsAuthenticationFetch::Yes));
inner_pending_response->when_loaded([&realm, &vm, &fetch_params, request, returned_pending_response, is_authentication_fetch, is_new_connection_fetch](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> response) {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'HTTP network-or-cache fetch' inner_pending_response load callback");
// 15. If responses status is 407, then:
if (response->status() == 407) {
// 1. If requests window is "no-window", then return a network error.
if (request->window().has<Infrastructure::Request::Window>()
&& request->window().get<Infrastructure::Request::Window>() == Infrastructure::Request::Window::NoWindow) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "Request requires proxy authentication but has 'no-window' set"_string));
// 2. Needs testing: multiple `Proxy-Authenticate` headers, missing, parsing issues.
// (Red box in the spec, no-op)
// 3. If fetchParams is canceled, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.
if (fetch_params.is_canceled()) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::appropriate_network_error(vm, fetch_params));
// FIXME: 4. Prompt the end user as appropriate in requests window and store the result as a
// proxy-authentication entry.
// NOTE: Remaining details surrounding proxy authentication are defined by HTTP.
// FIXME: 5. Set response to the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given fetchParams.
// (Doing this without step 4 would potentially lead to an infinite request cycle.)
auto inner_pending_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request, *response);
// 16. If all of the following are true
if (
// - responses status is 421
response->status() == 421
// - isNewConnectionFetch is false
&& is_new_connection_fetch == IsNewConnectionFetch::No
// - requests body is null, or requests body is non-null and requests bodys source is non-null
&& (request->body().has<Empty>() || !request->body().get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Body>>()->source().has<Empty>())
// then:
) {
// 1. If fetchParams is canceled, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.
if (fetch_params.is_canceled()) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::appropriate_network_error(vm, fetch_params));
// 2. Set response to the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given fetchParams,
// isAuthenticationFetch, and true.
inner_pending_response = TRY_OR_IGNORE(http_network_or_cache_fetch(realm, fetch_params, is_authentication_fetch, IsNewConnectionFetch::Yes));
inner_pending_response->when_loaded([returned_pending_response, is_authentication_fetch](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> response) {
// 17. If isAuthenticationFetch is true, then create an authentication entry for request and the given
// realm.
if (is_authentication_fetch == IsAuthenticationFetch::Yes) {
// FIXME: "create an authentication entry for request and the given realm"
// 18. Return response.
// NOTE: Typically responses bodys stream is still being enqueued to after returning.
return returned_pending_response;
#if defined(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG)
static void log_load_request(auto const& load_request)
dbgln("Fetch: Invoking ResourceLoader");
dbgln("> {} {} HTTP/1.1", load_request.method(), load_request.url());
for (auto const& [name, value] : load_request.headers())
dbgln("> {}: {}", name, value);
for (auto line : StringView { load_request.body() }.split_view('\n', SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty))
dbgln("> {}", line);
static void log_response(auto const& status_code, auto const& headers, auto const& data)
dbgln("< HTTP/1.1 {}", status_code.value_or(0));
for (auto const& [name, value] : headers)
dbgln("< {}: {}", name, value);
for (auto line : StringView { data }.split_view('\n', SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty))
dbgln("< {}", line);
// Drop-in replacement for 'HTTP-network fetch', but obviously non-standard :^)
// It also handles file:// URLs since those can also go through ResourceLoader.
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> nonstandard_resource_loader_file_or_http_network_fetch(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::FetchParams const& fetch_params, IncludeCredentials include_credentials, IsNewConnectionFetch is_new_connection_fetch)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'non-standard HTTP-network fetch' with: fetch_params @ {}", &fetch_params);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
auto request = fetch_params.request();
auto& page = Bindings::host_defined_page(realm);
// NOTE: Using LoadRequest::create_for_url_on_page here will unconditionally add cookies as long as there's a page available.
// However, it is up to http_network_or_cache_fetch to determine if cookies should be added to the request.
LoadRequest load_request;
for (auto const& header : *request->header_list())
load_request.set_header(ByteString::copy(, ByteString::copy(header.value));
if (auto const* body = request->body().get_pointer<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Body>>()) {
[&](ByteBuffer const& byte_buffer) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> {
load_request.set_body(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, ByteBuffer::copy(byte_buffer)));
return {};
[&](JS::Handle<FileAPI::Blob> const& blob_handle) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> {
load_request.set_body(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, ByteBuffer::copy(blob_handle->bytes())));
return {};
[](Empty) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> {
return {};
auto pending_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request);
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Invoking ResourceLoader");
if constexpr (WEB_FETCH_DEBUG)
[&realm, &vm, request, pending_response](auto data, auto& response_headers, auto status_code) {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: ResourceLoader load for '{}' complete", request->url());
if constexpr (WEB_FETCH_DEBUG)
log_response(status_code, response_headers, data);
auto [body, _] = TRY_OR_IGNORE(extract_body(realm, data));
auto response = Infrastructure::Response::create(vm);
for (auto const& [name, value] : response_headers) {
auto header = TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair(name, value));
// FIXME: Set response status message
[&realm, &vm, request, pending_response](auto& error, auto status_code, auto data, auto& response_headers) {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: ResourceLoader load for '{}' failed: {} (status {})", request->url(), error, status_code.value_or(0));
if constexpr (WEB_FETCH_DEBUG)
log_response(status_code, response_headers, data);
auto response = Infrastructure::Response::create(vm);
// FIXME: This is ugly, ResourceLoader should tell us.
if (status_code.value_or(0) == 0) {
response = Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "HTTP request failed"_string);
} else {
auto [body, _] = TRY_OR_IGNORE(extract_body(realm, data));
for (auto const& [name, value] : response_headers) {
auto header = TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair(name, value));
// FIXME: Set response status message
return pending_response;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PendingResponse>> cors_preflight_fetch(JS::Realm& realm, Infrastructure::Request& request)
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'CORS-preflight fetch' with request @ {}", &request);
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let preflight be a new request whose method is `OPTIONS`, URL list is a clone of requests URL list, initiator is
// requests initiator, destination is requests destination, origin is requests origin, referrer is requests referrer,
// referrer policy is requests referrer policy, mode is "cors", and response tainting is "cors".
auto preflight = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::create(vm);
preflight->set_method(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, ByteBuffer::copy("OPTIONS"sv.bytes())));
// 2. Append (`Accept`, `*/*`) to preflights header list.
auto temp_header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Accept"sv, "*/*"sv));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, preflight->header_list()->append(move(temp_header)));
// 3. Append (`Access-Control-Request-Method`, requests method) to preflights header list.
temp_header = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::Header::from_string_pair("Access-Control-Request-Method"sv, request.method()));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, preflight->header_list()->append(move(temp_header)));
// 4. Let headers be the CORS-unsafe request-header names with requests header list.
auto headers = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infrastructure::get_cors_unsafe_header_names(request.header_list()));
// 5. If headers is not empty, then:
if (!headers.is_empty()) {
// 1. Let value be the items in headers separated from each other by `,`.
// NOTE: This intentionally does not use combine, as 0x20 following 0x2C is not the way this was implemented,
// for better or worse.
ByteBuffer value;
bool first = true;
for (auto const& header : headers) {
if (!first)
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, value.try_append(','));
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, value.try_append(header));
first = false;
// 2. Append (`Access-Control-Request-Headers`, value) to preflights header list.
temp_header = Infrastructure::Header {
.name = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, ByteBuffer::copy("Access-Control-Request-Headers"sv.bytes())),
.value = move(value),
TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, preflight->header_list()->append(move(temp_header)));
// 6. Let response be the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given a new fetch params whose request is preflight.
// FIXME: The spec doesn't say anything about timing_info here, but FetchParams requires a non-null FetchTimingInfo object.
auto timing_info = Infrastructure::FetchTimingInfo::create(vm);
auto fetch_params = Infrastructure::FetchParams::create(vm, preflight, timing_info);
auto returned_pending_response = PendingResponse::create(vm, request);
auto preflight_response = TRY(http_network_or_cache_fetch(realm, fetch_params));
preflight_response->when_loaded([&vm, &request, returned_pending_response](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Infrastructure::Response> response) {
dbgln_if(WEB_FETCH_DEBUG, "Fetch: Running 'CORS-preflight fetch' preflight_response load callback");
// 7. If a CORS check for request and response returns success and responses status is an ok status, then:
// NOTE: The CORS check is done on request rather than preflight to ensure the correct credentials mode is used.
if (TRY_OR_IGNORE(cors_check(request, response)) && Infrastructure::is_ok_status(response->status())) {
// 1. Let methods be the result of extracting header list values given `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` and responses header list.
auto methods_or_failure = TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::extract_header_list_values("Access-Control-Allow-Methods"sv.bytes(), response->header_list()));
// 2. Let headerNames be the result of extracting header list values given `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` and
// responses header list.
auto header_names_or_failure = TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::extract_header_list_values("Access-Control-Allow-Headers"sv.bytes(), response->header_list()));
// 3. If either methods or headerNames is failure, return a network error.
if (methods_or_failure.has<Infrastructure::ExtractHeaderParseFailure>()) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "The Access-Control-Allow-Methods in the CORS-preflight response is syntactically invalid"_string));
if (header_names_or_failure.has<Infrastructure::ExtractHeaderParseFailure>()) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "The Access-Control-Allow-Headers in the CORS-preflight response is syntactically invalid"_string));
// NOTE: We treat "methods_or_failure" being `Empty` as empty Vector here.
auto methods = methods_or_failure.has<Vector<ByteBuffer>>() ? methods_or_failure.get<Vector<ByteBuffer>>() : Vector<ByteBuffer> {};
// NOTE: We treat "header_names_or_failure" being `Empty` as empty Vector here.
auto header_names = header_names_or_failure.has<Vector<ByteBuffer>>() ? header_names_or_failure.get<Vector<ByteBuffer>>() : Vector<ByteBuffer> {};
// 4. If methods is null and requests use-CORS-preflight flag is set, then set methods to a new list containing requests method.
// NOTE: This ensures that a CORS-preflight fetch that happened due to requests use-CORS-preflight flag being set is cached.
if (methods.is_empty() && request.use_cors_preflight())
methods = Vector { TRY_OR_IGNORE(ByteBuffer::copy(request.method())) };
// 5. If requests method is not in methods, requests method is not a CORS-safelisted method, and requests credentials mode
// is "include" or methods does not contain `*`, then return a network error.
if (!methods.contains_slow(request.method()) && !Infrastructure::is_cors_safelisted_method(request.method())) {
if (request.credentials_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CredentialsMode::Include) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, TRY_OR_IGNORE(String::formatted("Non-CORS-safelisted method '{}' not found in the CORS-preflight response's Access-Control-Allow-Methods header (the header may be missing). '*' is not allowed as the main request includes credentials."sv, StringView { request.method() }))));
if (!methods.contains_slow("*"sv.bytes())) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, TRY_OR_IGNORE(String::formatted("Non-CORS-safelisted method '{}' not found in the CORS-preflight response's Access-Control-Allow-Methods header and there was no '*' entry. The header may be missing."sv, StringView { request.method() }))));
// 6. If one of requests header lists names is a CORS non-wildcard request-header name and is not a byte-case-insensitive match
// for an item in headerNames, then return a network error.
for (auto const& header : *request.header_list()) {
if (Infrastructure::is_cors_non_wildcard_request_header_name( {
bool is_in_header_names = false;
for (auto const& allowed_header_name : header_names) {
if (StringView { allowed_header_name }.equals_ignoring_ascii_case( {
is_in_header_names = true;
if (!is_in_header_names) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, TRY_OR_IGNORE(String::formatted("Main request contains the header '{}' that is not specified in the CORS-preflight response's Access-Control-Allow-Headers header (the header may be missing). '*' does not capture this header."sv, StringView { }))));
// 7. For each unsafeName of the CORS-unsafe request-header names with requests header list, if unsafeName is not a
// byte-case-insensitive match for an item in headerNames and requests credentials mode is "include" or headerNames
// does not contain `*`, return a network error.
auto unsafe_names = TRY_OR_IGNORE(Infrastructure::get_cors_unsafe_header_names(request.header_list()));
for (auto const& unsafe_name : unsafe_names) {
bool is_in_header_names = false;
for (auto const& header_name : header_names) {
if (StringView { unsafe_name }.equals_ignoring_ascii_case(header_name)) {
is_in_header_names = true;
if (!is_in_header_names) {
if (request.credentials_mode() == Infrastructure::Request::CredentialsMode::Include) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, TRY_OR_IGNORE(String::formatted("CORS-unsafe request-header '{}' not found in the CORS-preflight response's Access-Control-Allow-Headers header (the header may be missing). '*' is not allowed as the main request includes credentials."sv, StringView { unsafe_name }))));
if (!header_names.contains_slow("*"sv.bytes())) {
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, TRY_OR_IGNORE(String::formatted("CORS-unsafe request-header '{}' not found in the CORS-preflight response's Access-Control-Allow-Headers header and there was no '*' entry. The header may be missing."sv, StringView { unsafe_name }))));
// FIXME: 8. Let max-age be the result of extracting header list values given `Access-Control-Max-Age` and responses header list.
// FIXME: 9. If max-age is failure or null, then set max-age to 5.
// FIXME: 10. If max-age is greater than an imposed limit on max-age, then set max-age to the imposed limit.
// 11. If the user agent does not provide for a cache, then return response.
// NOTE: Since we don't currently have a cache, this is always true.
// FIXME: 12. For each method in methods for which there is a method cache entry match using request, set matching entrys max-age
// to max-age.
// FIXME: 13. For each method in methods for which there is no method cache entry match using request, create a new cache entry
// with request, max-age, method, and null.
// FIXME: 14. For each headerName in headerNames for which there is a header-name cache entry match using request, set matching
// entrys max-age to max-age.
// FIXME: 15. For each headerName in headerNames for which there is no header-name cache entry match using request, create a
// new cache entry with request, max-age, null, and headerName.
// FIXME: 16. Return response.
// 8. Otherwise, return a network error.
returned_pending_response->resolve(Infrastructure::Response::network_error(vm, "CORS-preflight check failed"_string));
return returned_pending_response;