Andreas Kling 640360e958 Move WindowServer to userspace.
This is a monster patch that required changing a whole bunch of things.
There are performance and stability issues all over the place, but it works.
Pretty cool, I have to admit :^)
2019-02-17 00:13:47 +01:00

60 lines
2.5 KiB

#pragma once
__ERROR(ESUCCESS, "Success (not an error)") \
__ERROR(EPERM, "Operation not permitted") \
__ERROR(ENOENT, "No such file or directory") \
__ERROR(ESRCH, "No such process") \
__ERROR(EINTR, "Interrupted syscall") \
__ERROR(EIO, "I/O error") \
__ERROR(ENXIO, "No such device or address") \
__ERROR(E2BIG, "Argument list too long") \
__ERROR(ENOEXEC, "Exec format error") \
__ERROR(EBADF, "Bad fd number") \
__ERROR(ECHILD, "No child processes") \
__ERROR(EAGAIN, "Try again") \
__ERROR(ENOMEM, "Out of memory") \
__ERROR(EACCES, "Permission denied") \
__ERROR(EFAULT, "Bad address") \
__ERROR(ENOTBLK, "Block device required") \
__ERROR(EBUSY, "Device or resource busy") \
__ERROR(EEXIST, "File already exists") \
__ERROR(EXDEV, "Cross-device link") \
__ERROR(ENODEV, "No such device") \
__ERROR(ENOTDIR, "Not a directory") \
__ERROR(EISDIR, "Is a directory") \
__ERROR(EINVAL, "Invalid argument") \
__ERROR(ENFILE, "File table overflow") \
__ERROR(EMFILE, "Too many open files") \
__ERROR(ENOTTY, "Not a TTY") \
__ERROR(ETXTBSY, "Text file busy") \
__ERROR(EFBIG, "File too large") \
__ERROR(ENOSPC, "No space left on device") \
__ERROR(ESPIPE, "Illegal seek") \
__ERROR(EROFS, "Read-only filesystem") \
__ERROR(EMLINK, "Too many links") \
__ERROR(EPIPE, "Broken pipe") \
__ERROR(ERANGE, "Range error") \
__ERROR(ENAMETOOLONG, "Name too long") \
__ERROR(ELOOP, "Too many symlinks") \
__ERROR(EOVERFLOW, "Overflow") \
__ERROR(EOPNOTSUPP, "Operation not supported") \
__ERROR(ENOSYS, "No such syscall") \
__ERROR(ENOTIMPL, "Not implemented") \
__ERROR(EAFNOSUPPORT, "Address family not supported") \
__ERROR(ENOTSOCK, "Not a socket") \
__ERROR(EADDRINUSE, "Address in use") \
__ERROR(EWHYTHO, "Failed without setting an error code (Bug!)") \
__ERROR(ENOTEMPTY, "Directory not empty") \
__ERROR(ECONNREFUSED, "Connection refused") \
__ERROR(EMAXERRNO, "The highest errno +1 :^)")
enum __errno_values {
#undef __ERROR
#define __ERROR(a, b) a,
#undef __ERROR