Tim Ledbetter bb923983fc LibWeb: Implement WorkerGlobalScope.importScripts()
This method allows workers to synchronously import one or more scripts.
2024-05-29 08:17:18 +02:00

965 lines
53 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, networkException <>
* Copyright (c) 2024, Tim Ledbetter <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibCore/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibJS/Heap/HeapFunction.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ModuleRequest.h>
#include <LibTextCodec/Decoder.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOMURL/DOMURL.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Fetching/Fetching.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/FetchAlgorithms.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Headers.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Requests.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Responses.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/URL.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLScriptElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/PotentialCORSRequest.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ClassicScript.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ModuleScript.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/TemporaryExecutionContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/Strings.h>
#include <LibWeb/MimeSniff/MimeType.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
OnFetchScriptComplete create_on_fetch_script_complete(JS::Heap& heap, Function<void(JS::GCPtr<Script>)> function)
return JS::create_heap_function(heap, move(function));
PerformTheFetchHook create_perform_the_fetch_hook(JS::Heap& heap, Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void>(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Request>, TopLevelModule, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ProcessResponseConsumeBodyFunction)> function)
return JS::create_heap_function(heap, move(function));
ScriptFetchOptions default_classic_script_fetch_options()
// The default classic script fetch options are a script fetch options whose cryptographic nonce is the empty string,
// integrity metadata is the empty string, parser metadata is "not-parser-inserted", credentials mode is "same-origin",
// referrer policy is the empty string, and fetch priority is "auto".
return ScriptFetchOptions {
.cryptographic_nonce = {},
.integrity_metadata = {},
.parser_metadata = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::ParserMetadata::NotParserInserted,
.credentials_mode = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::CredentialsMode::SameOrigin,
.referrer_policy = {},
.fetch_priority = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Priority::Auto
ByteString module_type_from_module_request(JS::ModuleRequest const& module_request)
// 1. Let moduleType be "javascript".
ByteString module_type = "javascript"sv;
// 2. If moduleRequest.[[Attributes]] has a Record entry such that entry.[[Key]] is "type", then:
for (auto const& entry : module_request.attributes) {
if (entry.key != "type"sv)
// 1. If entry.[[Value]] is "javascript", then set moduleType to null.
if (entry.value == "javascript"sv)
module_type = nullptr;
// 2. Otherwise, set moduleType to entry.[[Value]].
module_type = entry.value;
// 3. Return moduleType.
return module_type;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<URL::URL> resolve_module_specifier(Optional<Script&> referring_script, ByteString const& specifier)
// 1. Let settingsObject and baseURL be null.
Optional<EnvironmentSettingsObject&> settings_object;
Optional<URL::URL const&> base_url;
// 2. If referringScript is not null, then:
if (referring_script.has_value()) {
// 1. Set settingsObject to referringScript's settings object.
settings_object = referring_script->settings_object();
// 2. Set baseURL to referringScript's base URL.
base_url = referring_script->base_url();
// 3. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. Assert: there is a current settings object.
// NOTE: This is handled by the current_settings_object() accessor.
// 2. Set settingsObject to the current settings object.
settings_object = current_settings_object();
// 3. Set baseURL to settingsObject's API base URL.
base_url = settings_object->api_base_url();
// 4. Let importMap be an empty import map.
ImportMap import_map;
// 5. If settingsObject's global object implements Window, then set importMap to settingsObject's global object's import map.
if (is<Window>(settings_object->global_object()))
import_map = verify_cast<Window>(settings_object->global_object()).import_map();
// 6. Let baseURLString be baseURL, serialized.
auto base_url_string = base_url->serialize();
// 7. Let asURL be the result of resolving a URL-like module specifier given specifier and baseURL.
auto as_url = resolve_url_like_module_specifier(specifier, *base_url);
// 8. Let normalizedSpecifier be the serialization of asURL, if asURL is non-null; otherwise, specifier.
auto normalized_specifier = as_url.has_value() ? as_url->serialize() : specifier;
// 9. For each scopePrefix → scopeImports of importMap's scopes:
for (auto const& entry : import_map.scopes()) {
// FIXME: Clarify if the serialization steps need to be run here. The steps below assume
// scopePrefix to be a string.
auto const& scope_prefix = entry.key.serialize();
auto const& scope_imports = entry.value;
// 1. If scopePrefix is baseURLString, or if scopePrefix ends with U+002F (/) and scopePrefix is a code unit prefix of baseURLString, then:
if (scope_prefix == base_url_string || (scope_prefix.ends_with("/"sv) && Infra::is_code_unit_prefix(scope_prefix, base_url_string))) {
// 1. Let scopeImportsMatch be the result of resolving an imports match given normalizedSpecifier, asURL, and scopeImports.
auto scope_imports_match = TRY(resolve_imports_match(normalized_specifier, as_url, scope_imports));
// 2. If scopeImportsMatch is not null, then return scopeImportsMatch.
if (scope_imports_match.has_value())
return scope_imports_match.release_value();
// 10. Let topLevelImportsMatch be the result of resolving an imports match given normalizedSpecifier, asURL, and importMap's imports.
auto top_level_imports_match = TRY(resolve_imports_match(normalized_specifier, as_url, import_map.imports()));
// 11. If topLevelImportsMatch is not null, then return topLevelImportsMatch.
if (top_level_imports_match.has_value())
return top_level_imports_match.release_value();
// 12. If asURL is not null, then return asURL.
if (as_url.has_value())
return as_url.release_value();
// 13. Throw a TypeError indicating that specifier was a bare specifier, but was not remapped to anything by importMap.
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, String::formatted("Failed to resolve non relative module specifier '{}' from an import map.", specifier).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() };
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<URL::URL>> resolve_imports_match(ByteString const& normalized_specifier, Optional<URL::URL> as_url, ModuleSpecifierMap const& specifier_map)
// 1. For each specifierKey → resolutionResult of specifierMap:
for (auto const& [specifier_key, resolution_result] : specifier_map) {
// 1. If specifierKey is normalizedSpecifier, then:
if (specifier_key == normalized_specifier) {
// 1. If resolutionResult is null, then throw a TypeError indicating that resolution of specifierKey was blocked by a null entry.
if (!resolution_result.has_value())
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, String::formatted("Import resolution of '{}' was blocked by a null entry.", specifier_key).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() };
// 2. Assert: resolutionResult is a URL.
// 3. Return resolutionResult.
return resolution_result;
// 2. If all of the following are true:
if (
// - specifierKey ends with U+002F (/);
specifier_key.ends_with("/"sv) &&
// - specifierKey is a code unit prefix of normalizedSpecifier; and
Infra::is_code_unit_prefix(specifier_key, normalized_specifier) &&
// - either asURL is null, or asURL is special,
(!as_url.has_value() || as_url->is_special())
// then:
) {
// 1. If resolutionResult is null, then throw a TypeError indicating that the resolution of specifierKey was blocked by a null entry.
if (!resolution_result.has_value())
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, String::formatted("Import resolution of '{}' was blocked by a null entry.", specifier_key).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() };
// 2. Assert: resolutionResult is a URL.
// 3. Let afterPrefix be the portion of normalizedSpecifier after the initial specifierKey prefix.
// FIXME: Clarify if this is meant by the portion after the initial specifierKey prefix.
auto after_prefix = normalized_specifier.substring(specifier_key.length());
// 4. Assert: resolutionResult, serialized, ends with U+002F (/), as enforced during parsing.
// 5. Let url be the result of URL parsing afterPrefix with resolutionResult.
auto url = DOMURL::parse(after_prefix, *resolution_result);
// 6. If url is failure, then throw a TypeError indicating that resolution of normalizedSpecifier was blocked since the afterPrefix portion
// could not be URL-parsed relative to the resolutionResult mapped to by the specifierKey prefix.
if (!url.is_valid())
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, String::formatted("Could not resolve '{}' as the after prefix portion could not be URL-parsed.", normalized_specifier).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() };
// 7. Assert: url is a URL.
// 8. If the serialization of resolutionResult is not a code unit prefix of the serialization of url, then throw a TypeError indicating
// that the resolution of normalizedSpecifier was blocked due to it backtracking above its prefix specifierKey.
if (!Infra::is_code_unit_prefix(resolution_result->serialize(), url.serialize()))
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, String::formatted("Could not resolve '{}' as it backtracks above its prefix specifierKey.", normalized_specifier).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() };
// 9. Return url.
return url;
// 2. Return null.
return Optional<URL::URL> {};
Optional<URL::URL> resolve_url_like_module_specifier(ByteString const& specifier, URL::URL const& base_url)
// 1. If specifier starts with "/", "./", or "../", then:
if (specifier.starts_with("/"sv) || specifier.starts_with("./"sv) || specifier.starts_with("../"sv)) {
// 1. Let url be the result of URL parsing specifier with baseURL.
auto url = DOMURL::parse(specifier, base_url);
// 2. If url is failure, then return null.
if (!url.is_valid())
return {};
// 3. Return url.
return url;
// 2. Let url be the result of URL parsing specifier (with no base URL).
auto url = DOMURL::parse(specifier);
// 3. If url is failure, then return null.
if (!url.is_valid())
return {};
// 4. Return url.
return url;
static void set_up_classic_script_request(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request& request, ScriptFetchOptions const& options)
// Set request's cryptographic nonce metadata to options's cryptographic nonce, its integrity metadata to options's
// integrity metadata, its parser metadata to options's parser metadata, its referrer policy to options's referrer
// policy, its render-blocking to options's render-blocking, and its priority to options's fetch priority.
static void set_up_module_script_request(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request& request, ScriptFetchOptions const& options)
// Set request's cryptographic nonce metadata to options's cryptographic nonce, its integrity metadata to options's
// integrity metadata, its parser metadata to options's parser metadata, its credentials mode to options's credentials
// mode, its referrer policy to options's referrer policy, its render-blocking to options's render-blocking, and its
// priority to options's fetch priority.
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> fetch_classic_script(JS::NonnullGCPtr<HTMLScriptElement> element, URL::URL const& url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, ScriptFetchOptions options, CORSSettingAttribute cors_setting, String character_encoding, OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
auto& realm = element->realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let request be the result of creating a potential-CORS request given url, "script", and CORS setting.
auto request = create_potential_CORS_request(vm, url, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Script, cors_setting);
// 2. Set request's client to settings object.
// 3. Set request's initiator type to "script".
// 4. Set up the classic script request given request and options.
set_up_classic_script_request(*request, options);
// 5. Fetch request with the following processResponseConsumeBody steps given response response and null, failure,
// or a byte sequence bodyBytes:
Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::Input fetch_algorithms_input {};
fetch_algorithms_input.process_response_consume_body = [&settings_object, options = move(options), character_encoding = move(character_encoding), on_complete = move(on_complete)](auto response, auto body_bytes) {
// 1. Set response to response's unsafe response.
response = response->unsafe_response();
// 2. If either of the following conditions are met:
// - bodyBytes is null or failure; or
// - response's status is not an ok status,
if (body_bytes.template has<Empty>() || body_bytes.template has<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ConsumeBodyFailureTag>() || !Fetch::Infrastructure::is_ok_status(response->status())) {
// then run onComplete given null, and abort these steps.
// 3. Let potentialMIMETypeForEncoding be the result of extracting a MIME type given response's header list.
auto potential_mime_type_for_encoding = response->header_list()->extract_mime_type();
// 4. Set character encoding to the result of legacy extracting an encoding given potentialMIMETypeForEncoding
// and character encoding.
auto extracted_character_encoding = Fetch::Infrastructure::legacy_extract_an_encoding(potential_mime_type_for_encoding, character_encoding);
// 5. Let source text be the result of decoding bodyBytes to Unicode, using character encoding as the fallback
// encoding.
auto fallback_decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for(extracted_character_encoding);
auto source_text = TextCodec::convert_input_to_utf8_using_given_decoder_unless_there_is_a_byte_order_mark(*fallback_decoder, body_bytes.template get<ByteBuffer>()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// 6. Let muted errors be true if response was CORS-cross-origin, and false otherwise.
auto muted_errors = response->is_cors_cross_origin() ? ClassicScript::MutedErrors::Yes : ClassicScript::MutedErrors::No;
// 7. Let script be the result of creating a classic script given source text, settings object, response's URL,
// options, and muted errors.
// FIXME: Pass options.
auto response_url = response->url().value_or({});
auto script = ClassicScript::create(response_url.to_byte_string(), source_text, settings_object, response_url, 1, muted_errors);
// 8. Run onComplete given script.
TRY(Fetch::Fetching::fetch(element->realm(), request, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::create(vm, move(fetch_algorithms_input))));
return {};
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> fetch_classic_worker_script(URL::URL const& url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch, OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
auto& realm = settings_object.realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let request be a new request whose URL is url, client is fetchClient, destination is destination, initiator type is "other",
// mode is "same-origin", credentials mode is "same-origin", parser metadata is "not parser-inserted",
// and whose use-URL-credentials flag is set.
auto request = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::create(vm);
// FIXME: Use proper SameOrigin CORS mode once Origins are set properly in WorkerHost processes
auto process_response_consume_body = [&settings_object, on_complete = move(on_complete)](auto response, auto body_bytes) {
// 1. Set response to response's unsafe response.
response = response->unsafe_response();
// 2. If either of the following conditions are met:
// - bodyBytes is null or failure; or
// - response's status is not an ok status,
if (body_bytes.template has<Empty>() || body_bytes.template has<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ConsumeBodyFailureTag>() || !Fetch::Infrastructure::is_ok_status(response->status())) {
// then run onComplete given null, and abort these steps.
// 3. If all of the following are true:
// - response's URL's scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme; and
// - the result of extracting a MIME type from response's header list is not a JavaScript MIME type,
auto maybe_mime_type = response->header_list()->extract_mime_type();
auto mime_type_is_javascript = maybe_mime_type.has_value() && maybe_mime_type->is_javascript();
if (response->url().has_value() && Fetch::Infrastructure::is_http_or_https_scheme(response->url()->scheme()) && !mime_type_is_javascript) {
auto mime_type_serialized = maybe_mime_type.has_value() ? MUST(maybe_mime_type->serialized()) : "unknown"_string;
dbgln("Invalid non-javascript mime type \"{}\" for worker script at {}", mime_type_serialized, response->url().value());
// then run onComplete given null, and abort these steps.
// NOTE: Other fetch schemes are exempted from MIME type checking for historical web-compatibility reasons.
// We might be able to tighten this in the future; see
// 4. Let sourceText be the result of UTF-8 decoding bodyBytes.
auto decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for("UTF-8"sv);
auto source_text = TextCodec::convert_input_to_utf8_using_given_decoder_unless_there_is_a_byte_order_mark(*decoder, body_bytes.template get<ByteBuffer>()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// 5. Let script be the result of creating a classic script using sourceText, settingsObject,
// response's URL, and the default classic script fetch options.
auto response_url = response->url().value_or({});
auto script = ClassicScript::create(response_url.to_byte_string(), source_text, settings_object, response_url);
// 6. Run onComplete given script.
// 2. If performFetch was given, run performFetch with request, true, and with processResponseConsumeBody as defined below.
if (perform_fetch != nullptr) {
TRY(perform_fetch->function()(request, TopLevelModule::Yes, move(process_response_consume_body)));
// Otherwise, fetch request with processResponseConsumeBody set to processResponseConsumeBody as defined below.
else {
Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::Input fetch_algorithms_input {};
fetch_algorithms_input.process_response_consume_body = move(process_response_consume_body);
TRY(Fetch::Fetching::fetch(realm, request, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::create(vm, move(fetch_algorithms_input))));
return {};
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<ClassicScript>> fetch_a_classic_worker_imported_script(URL::URL const& url, HTML::EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch)
auto& realm = settings_object.realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let response be null.
JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> response = nullptr;
// 2. Let bodyBytes be null.
Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::BodyBytes body_bytes;
// 3. Let request be a new request whose URL is url, client is settingsObject, destination is "script", initiator type is "other",
// parser metadata is "not parser-inserted", and whose use-URL-credentials flag is set.
auto request = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::create(vm);
auto process_response_consume_body = [&response, &body_bytes](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> res, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::BodyBytes bb) {
// 1. Set bodyBytes to bb.
body_bytes = move(bb);
// 2. Set response to res.
response = res;
// 4. If performFetch was given, run performFetch with request, isTopLevel, and with processResponseConsumeBody as defined below.
if (perform_fetch) {
TRY(perform_fetch->function()(request, TopLevelModule::Yes, move(process_response_consume_body)));
// Otherwise, fetch request with processResponseConsumeBody set to processResponseConsumeBody as defined below.
else {
Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::Input fetch_algorithms_input {};
fetch_algorithms_input.process_response_consume_body = move(process_response_consume_body);
TRY(Fetch::Fetching::fetch(realm, request, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::create(vm, move(fetch_algorithms_input))));
// 5. Pause until response is not null.
auto& event_loop = settings_object.responsible_event_loop();
event_loop.spin_until([&]() {
return response;
// 6. Set response to response's unsafe response.
response = response->unsafe_response();
// 7. If any of the following are true:
// - bodyBytes is null or failure;
// - response's status is not an ok status; or
// - the result of extracting a MIME type from response's header list is not a JavaScript MIME type,
// then throw a "NetworkError" DOMException.
if (body_bytes.template has<Empty>() || body_bytes.template has<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ConsumeBodyFailureTag>()
|| !Fetch::Infrastructure::is_ok_status(response->status())
|| !response->header_list()->extract_mime_type().has_value() || !response->header_list()->extract_mime_type()->is_javascript()) {
return WebIDL::NetworkError::create(realm, "Network error"_fly_string);
// 8. Let sourceText be the result of UTF-8 decoding bodyBytes.
auto decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for("UTF-8"sv);
auto source_text = TextCodec::convert_input_to_utf8_using_given_decoder_unless_there_is_a_byte_order_mark(*decoder, body_bytes.get<ByteBuffer>()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// 9. Let mutedErrors be true if response was CORS-cross-origin, and false otherwise.
auto muted_errors = response->is_cors_cross_origin() ? ClassicScript::MutedErrors::Yes : ClassicScript::MutedErrors::No;
// 10. Let script be the result of creating a classic script given sourceText, settingsObject, response's URL, the default classic script fetch options, and mutedErrors.
auto response_url = response->url().value_or({});
auto script = ClassicScript::create(response_url.to_byte_string(), source_text, settings_object, response_url, 1, muted_errors);
// 11. Return script.
return script;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> fetch_module_worker_script_graph(URL::URL const& url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch, OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
return fetch_worklet_module_worker_script_graph(url, fetch_client, destination, settings_object, move(perform_fetch), move(on_complete));
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> fetch_worklet_module_worker_script_graph(URL::URL const& url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch, OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
auto& realm = settings_object.realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let options be a script fetch options whose cryptographic nonce is the empty string,
// integrity metadata is the empty string, parser metadata is "not-parser-inserted",
// credentials mode is credentialsMode, referrer policy is the empty string, and fetch priority is "auto".
// FIXME: credentialsMode
auto options = ScriptFetchOptions {
.cryptographic_nonce = String {},
.integrity_metadata = String {},
.parser_metadata = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::ParserMetadata::NotParserInserted,
.credentials_mode = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::CredentialsMode::SameOrigin,
.referrer_policy = ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::EmptyString,
.fetch_priority = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Priority::Auto
// onSingleFetchComplete given result is the following algorithm:
auto on_single_fetch_complete = create_on_fetch_script_complete(vm.heap(), [&realm, &fetch_client, destination, perform_fetch = perform_fetch, on_complete = move(on_complete)](auto result) mutable {
// 1. If result is null, run onComplete with null, and abort these steps.
if (!result) {
dbgln("on single fetch complete with nool");
// 2. Fetch the descendants of and link result given fetchClient, destination, and onComplete. If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
fetch_descendants_of_and_link_a_module_script(realm, verify_cast<JavaScriptModuleScript>(*result), fetch_client, destination, move(perform_fetch), on_complete);
// 2. Fetch a single module script given url, fetchClient, destination, options, settingsObject, "client", true,
// and onSingleFetchComplete as defined below. If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
fetch_single_module_script(realm, url, fetch_client, destination, options, settings_object, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Referrer::Client, {}, TopLevelModule::Yes, move(perform_fetch), on_single_fetch_complete);
return {};
void fetch_internal_module_script_graph(JS::Realm& realm, JS::ModuleRequest const& module_request, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination, ScriptFetchOptions const& options, Script& referring_script, HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> const& visited_set, PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch, OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
// 1. Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given referringScript and moduleRequest.[[Specifier]].
auto url = MUST(resolve_module_specifier(referring_script, module_request.module_specifier));
// 2. Assert: the previous step never throws an exception, because resolving a module specifier must have been previously successful with these same two arguments.
// NOTE: Handled by MUST above.
// 3. Let moduleType be the result of running the module type from module request steps given moduleRequest.
auto module_type = module_type_from_module_request(module_request);
// 4. Assert: visited set contains (url, moduleType).
VERIFY(visited_set.contains({ url, module_type }));
// onSingleFetchComplete given result is the following algorithm:
auto on_single_fetch_complete = create_on_fetch_script_complete(realm.heap(), [&realm, perform_fetch, on_complete, &fetch_client_settings_object, destination, visited_set](auto result) mutable {
// 1. If result is null, run onComplete with null, and abort these steps.
if (!result) {
// 2. Fetch the descendants of result given fetch client settings object, destination, visited set, and with onComplete. If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
auto& module_script = verify_cast<JavaScriptModuleScript>(*result);
fetch_descendants_of_a_module_script(realm, module_script, fetch_client_settings_object, destination, visited_set, perform_fetch, on_complete);
// 5. Fetch a single module script given url, fetch client settings object, destination, options, referringScript's settings object,
// referringScript's base URL, moduleRequest, false, and onSingleFetchComplete as defined below. If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
fetch_single_module_script(realm, url, fetch_client_settings_object, destination, options, referring_script.settings_object(), referring_script.base_url(), module_request, TopLevelModule::No, perform_fetch, on_single_fetch_complete);
void fetch_descendants_of_a_module_script(JS::Realm& realm, JavaScriptModuleScript& module_script, EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client_settings_object, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination, HashTable<ModuleLocationTuple> visited_set, PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch, OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
// 1. If module script's record is null, run onComplete with module script and return.
if (!module_script.record()) {
// 2. Let record be module script's record.
auto const& record = module_script.record();
// 3. If record is not a Cyclic Module Record, or if record.[[RequestedModules]] is empty, run onComplete with module script and return.
// FIXME: Currently record is always a cyclic module.
if (record->requested_modules().is_empty()) {
// 4. Let moduleRequests be a new empty list.
Vector<JS::ModuleRequest> module_requests;
// 5. For each ModuleRequest Record requested of record.[[RequestedModules]],
for (auto const& requested : record->requested_modules()) {
// 1. Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given module script and requested.[[Specifier]].
auto url = MUST(resolve_module_specifier(module_script, requested.module_specifier));
// 2. Assert: the previous step never throws an exception, because resolving a module specifier must have been previously successful with these same two arguments.
// NOTE: Handled by MUST above.
// 3. Let moduleType be the result of running the module type from module request steps given requested.
auto module_type = module_type_from_module_request(requested);
// 4. If visited set does not contain (url, moduleType), then:
if (!visited_set.contains({ url, module_type })) {
// 1. Append requested to moduleRequests.
// 2. Append (url, moduleType) to visited set.
visited_set.set({ url, module_type });
// FIXME: 6. Let options be the descendant script fetch options for module script's fetch options.
ScriptFetchOptions options;
// FIXME: 7. Assert: options is not null, as module script is a JavaScript module script.
// 8. Let pendingCount be the length of moduleRequests.
auto pending_count = module_requests.size();
// 9. If pendingCount is zero, run onComplete with module script.
if (pending_count == 0) {
// 10. Let failed be false.
bool failed = false;
// 11. For each moduleRequest in moduleRequests, perform the internal module script graph fetching procedure given moduleRequest,
// fetch client settings object, destination, options, module script, visited set, and onInternalFetchingComplete as defined below.
// If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
for (auto const& module_request : module_requests) {
// onInternalFetchingComplete given result is the following algorithm:
auto on_internal_fetching_complete = create_on_fetch_script_complete(realm.heap(), [failed, pending_count, &module_script, on_complete](auto result) mutable {
// 1. If failed is true, then abort these steps.
if (failed)
// 2. If result is null, then set failed to true, run onComplete with null, and abort these steps.
if (!result) {
failed = true;
// 3. Assert: pendingCount is greater than zero.
VERIFY(pending_count > 0);
// 4. Decrement pendingCount by one.
// 5. If pendingCount is zero, run onComplete with module script.
if (pending_count == 0)
fetch_internal_module_script_graph(realm, module_request, fetch_client_settings_object, destination, options, module_script, visited_set, perform_fetch, on_internal_fetching_complete);
Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination fetch_destination_from_module_type(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination default_destination, ByteString const& module_type)
// 1. If moduleType is "json", then return "json".
if (module_type == "json"sv)
return Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::JSON;
// 2. If moduleType is "css", then return "style".
if (module_type == "css"sv)
return Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Style;
// 3. Return defaultDestination.
return default_destination;
void fetch_single_module_script(JS::Realm& realm,
URL::URL const& url,
EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client,
Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination,
ScriptFetchOptions const& options,
EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object,
Web::Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::ReferrerType const& referrer,
Optional<JS::ModuleRequest> const& module_request,
TopLevelModule is_top_level,
PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch,
OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
// 1. Let moduleType be "javascript".
ByteString module_type = "javascript"sv;
// 2. If moduleRequest was given, then set moduleType to the result of running the module type from module request steps given moduleRequest.
if (module_request.has_value())
module_type = module_type_from_module_request(*module_request);
// 3. Assert: the result of running the module type allowed steps given moduleType and settingsObject is true.
// Otherwise we would not have reached this point because a failure would have been raised when inspecting moduleRequest.[[Assertions]]
// in create a JavaScript module script or fetch a single imported module script.
// 4. Let moduleMap be settingsObject's module map.
auto& module_map = settings_object.module_map();
// 5. If moduleMap[(url, moduleType)] is "fetching", wait in parallel until that entry's value changes,
// then queue a task on the networking task source to proceed with running the following steps.
if (module_map.is_fetching(url, module_type)) {
module_map.wait_for_change(realm.heap(), url, module_type, [on_complete, &realm](auto entry) -> void {
HTML::queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::Networking, realm.global_object(), JS::create_heap_function(realm.heap(), [on_complete, entry] {
// FIXME: This should run other steps, for now we just assume the script loaded.
VERIFY(entry.type == ModuleMap::EntryType::ModuleScript);
// 6. If moduleMap[(url, moduleType)] exists, run onComplete given moduleMap[(url, moduleType)], and return.
auto entry = module_map.get(url, module_type);
if (entry.has_value() && entry->type == ModuleMap::EntryType::ModuleScript) {
// 7. Set moduleMap[(url, moduleType)] to "fetching".
module_map.set(url, module_type, { ModuleMap::EntryType::Fetching, nullptr });
// 8. Let request be a new request whose URL is url, mode is "cors", referrer is referrer, and client is fetchClient.
auto request = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::create(realm.vm());
// 9. Set request's destination to the result of running the fetch destination from module type steps given destination and moduleType.
request->set_destination(fetch_destination_from_module_type(destination, module_type));
// 10. If destination is "worker", "sharedworker", or "serviceworker", and isTopLevel is true, then set request's mode to "same-origin".
if ((destination == Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Worker || destination == Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::SharedWorker || destination == Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::ServiceWorker) && is_top_level == TopLevelModule::Yes)
// 11. Set request's initiator type to "script".
// 12. Set up the module script request given request and options.
set_up_module_script_request(request, options);
// 13. If performFetch was given, run performFetch with request, isTopLevel, and with processResponseConsumeBody as defined below.
// Otherwise, fetch request with processResponseConsumeBody set to processResponseConsumeBody as defined below.
// In both cases, let processResponseConsumeBody given response response and null, failure, or a byte sequence bodyBytes be the following algorithm:
auto process_response_consume_body = [&module_map, url, module_type, &settings_object, on_complete](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> response, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::BodyBytes body_bytes) {
// 1. If either of the following conditions are met:
// - bodyBytes is null or failure; or
// - response's status is not an ok status,
if (body_bytes.has<Empty>() || body_bytes.has<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ConsumeBodyFailureTag>() || !Fetch::Infrastructure::is_ok_status(response->status())) {
// then set moduleMap[(url, moduleType)] to null, run onComplete given null, and abort these steps.
module_map.set(url, module_type, { ModuleMap::EntryType::Failed, nullptr });
// 2. Let sourceText be the result of UTF-8 decoding bodyBytes.
auto decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for("UTF-8"sv);
auto source_text = TextCodec::convert_input_to_utf8_using_given_decoder_unless_there_is_a_byte_order_mark(*decoder, body_bytes.get<ByteBuffer>()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// 3. Let mimeType be the result of extracting a MIME type from response's header list.
auto mime_type = response->header_list()->extract_mime_type();
// 4. Let moduleScript be null.
JS::GCPtr<JavaScriptModuleScript> module_script;
// FIXME: 5. Let referrerPolicy be the result of parsing the `Referrer-Policy` header given response. [REFERRERPOLICY]
// FIXME: 6. If referrerPolicy is not the empty string, set options's referrer policy to referrerPolicy.
// 7. If mimeType is a JavaScript MIME type and moduleType is "javascript", then set moduleScript to the result of creating a JavaScript module script given sourceText, settingsObject, response's URL, and options.
// FIXME: Pass options.
if (mime_type->is_javascript() && module_type == "javascript")
module_script = JavaScriptModuleScript::create(url.basename(), source_text, settings_object, response->url().value_or({})).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// FIXME: 8. If the MIME type essence of mimeType is "text/css" and moduleType is "css", then set moduleScript to the result of creating a CSS module script given sourceText and settingsObject.
// FIXME: 9. If mimeType is a JSON MIME type and moduleType is "json", then set moduleScript to the result of creating a JSON module script given sourceText and settingsObject.
// 10. Set moduleMap[(url, moduleType)] to moduleScript, and run onComplete given moduleScript.
module_map.set(url, module_type, { ModuleMap::EntryType::ModuleScript, module_script });
if (perform_fetch != nullptr) {
perform_fetch->function()(request, is_top_level, move(process_response_consume_body)).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
} else {
Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::Input fetch_algorithms_input {};
fetch_algorithms_input.process_response_consume_body = move(process_response_consume_body);
Fetch::Fetching::fetch(realm, request, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::create(realm.vm(), move(fetch_algorithms_input))).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
void fetch_external_module_script_graph(JS::Realm& realm, URL::URL const& url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, ScriptFetchOptions const& options, OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
// 1. Disallow further import maps given settingsObject.
auto steps = create_on_fetch_script_complete(realm.heap(), [&realm, &settings_object, on_complete, url](auto result) mutable {
// 1. If result is null, run onComplete given null, and abort these steps.
if (!result) {
// 2. Fetch the descendants of and link result given settingsObject, "script", and onComplete.
auto& module_script = verify_cast<JavaScriptModuleScript>(*result);
fetch_descendants_of_and_link_a_module_script(realm, module_script, settings_object, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Script, nullptr, on_complete);
// 2. Fetch a single module script given url, settingsObject, "script", options, settingsObject, "client", true, and with the following steps given result:
fetch_single_module_script(realm, url, settings_object, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Script, options, settings_object, Web::Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Referrer::Client, {}, TopLevelModule::Yes, nullptr, steps);
void fetch_inline_module_script_graph(JS::Realm& realm, ByteString const& filename, ByteString const& source_text, URL::URL const& base_url, EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object, OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
// 1. Disallow further import maps given settingsObject.
// 2. Let script be the result of creating a JavaScript module script using sourceText, settingsObject, baseURL, and options.
auto script = JavaScriptModuleScript::create(filename, source_text.view(), settings_object, base_url).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// 3. If script is null, run onComplete given null, and return.
if (!script) {
// 5. Fetch the descendants of and link script, given settingsObject, "script", and onComplete.
fetch_descendants_of_and_link_a_module_script(realm, *script, settings_object, Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Script, nullptr, on_complete);
void fetch_single_imported_module_script(JS::Realm& realm,
URL::URL const& url,
EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client,
Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination,
ScriptFetchOptions const& options,
EnvironmentSettingsObject& settings_object,
Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Referrer referrer,
JS::ModuleRequest const& module_request,
PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch,
OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
// 1. Assert: moduleRequest.[[Attributes]] does not contain any Record entry such that entry.[[Key]] is not "type",
// because we only asked for "type" attributes in HostGetSupportedImportAttributes.
for (auto const& entry : module_request.attributes)
VERIFY(entry.key == "type"sv);
// 2. Let moduleType be the result of running the module type from module request steps given moduleRequest.
auto module_type = module_type_from_module_request(module_request);
// 3. If the result of running the module type allowed steps given moduleType and settingsObject is false,
// then run onComplete given null, and return.
if (!settings_object.module_type_allowed(module_type)) {
// 4. Fetch a single module script given url, fetchClient, destination, options, settingsObject, referrer, moduleRequest, false,
// and onComplete. If performFetch was given, pass it along as well.
fetch_single_module_script(realm, url, fetch_client, destination, options, settings_object, referrer, module_request, TopLevelModule::No, perform_fetch, on_complete);
void fetch_descendants_of_and_link_a_module_script(JS::Realm& realm,
JavaScriptModuleScript& module_script,
EnvironmentSettingsObject& fetch_client,
Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination destination,
PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch,
OnFetchScriptComplete on_complete)
// 1. Let record be moduleScript's record.
auto* record = module_script.record();
// 2. If record is null, then:
if (!record) {
// 1. Set moduleScript's error to rethrow to moduleScript's parse error.
// 2. Run onComplete given moduleScript.
// 3. Return.
// 3. Let state be Record { [[ParseError]]: null, [[Destination]]: destination, [[PerformFetch]]: null, [[FetchClient]]: fetchClient }.
auto state = realm.heap().allocate_without_realm<FetchContext>(JS::js_null(), destination, nullptr, fetch_client);
// 4. If performFetch was given, set state.[[PerformFetch]] to performFetch.
state->perform_fetch = perform_fetch;
// FIXME: These should most likely be steps in the spec.
// NOTE: For reasons beyond my understanding, we cannot use TemporaryExecutionContext here.
// Calling perform_a_microtask_checkpoint() on the fetch_client's responsible_event_loop
// prevents this from functioning properly. HTMLParser::the_end would be run before
// HTMLScriptElement::prepare_script had a chance to setup the callback to mark_done properly,
// resulting in the event loop hanging forever awaiting for the script to be ready for parser
// execution.
// 5. Let loadingPromise be record.LoadRequestedModules(state).
auto& loading_promise = record->load_requested_modules(state);
// 6. Upon fulfillment of loadingPromise, run the following steps:
WebIDL::upon_fulfillment(loading_promise, JS::create_heap_function(realm.heap(), [&realm, record, &module_script, on_complete](JS::Value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::Value> {
// 1. Perform record.Link().
auto linking_result = record->link(realm.vm());
// If this throws an exception, set result's error to rethrow to that exception.
if (linking_result.is_throw_completion())
// 2. Run onComplete given moduleScript.
return JS::js_undefined();
// 7. Upon rejection of loadingPromise, run the following steps:
WebIDL::upon_rejection(loading_promise, JS::create_heap_function(realm.heap(), [state, &module_script, on_complete](JS::Value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::Value> {
// 1. If state.[[ParseError]] is not null, set moduleScript's error to rethrow to state.[[ParseError]] and run
// onComplete given moduleScript.
if (!state->parse_error.is_null()) {
// 2. Otherwise, run onComplete given null.
else {
return JS::js_undefined();