mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 13:43:45 +03:00
This is meant to be used in a similar manner to skipping tests, with the extra advantage that if the test begins passing unexpectedly, the test will fail. Being notified of unexpected passes allows for the test to be updated to the correct expectation.
426 lines
16 KiB
426 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2021, Andrew Kaster <akaster@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/LexicalPath.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/ConfigFile.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
#include <LibCoredump/Backtrace.h>
#include <LibFileSystem/FileSystem.h>
#include <LibMain/Main.h>
#include <LibRegex/Regex.h>
#include <LibTest/TestRunner.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace Test {
TestRunner* TestRunner::s_the = nullptr;
using Test::get_time_in_ms;
using Test::print_modifiers;
struct FileResult {
LexicalPath file_path;
double time_taken { 0 };
Test::Result result { Test::Result::Pass };
int stdout_err_fd { -1 };
pid_t child_pid { 0 };
DeprecatedString g_currently_running_test;
class TestRunner : public ::Test::TestRunner {
TestRunner(DeprecatedString test_root, Regex<PosixExtended> exclude_regex, NonnullRefPtr<Core::ConfigFile> config, Regex<PosixExtended> skip_regex, bool run_skipped_tests, bool print_progress, bool print_json, bool print_all_output, bool unlink_coredumps, bool print_times = true)
: ::Test::TestRunner(move(test_root), print_times, print_progress, print_json)
, m_exclude_regex(move(exclude_regex))
, m_config(move(config))
, m_skip_regex(move(skip_regex))
, m_run_skipped_tests(run_skipped_tests)
, m_print_all_output(print_all_output)
, m_unlink_coredumps(unlink_coredumps)
if (!run_skipped_tests) {
m_skip_directories = m_config->read_entry("Global", "SkipDirectories", "").split(' ');
m_skip_files = m_config->read_entry("Global", "SkipTests", "").split(' ');
virtual ~TestRunner() = default;
virtual void do_run_single_test(DeprecatedString const& test_path, size_t current_text_index, size_t num_tests) override;
virtual Vector<DeprecatedString> get_test_paths() const override;
virtual Vector<DeprecatedString> const* get_failed_test_names() const override { return &m_failed_test_names; }
virtual FileResult run_test_file(DeprecatedString const& test_path);
bool should_skip_test(LexicalPath const& test_path);
Regex<PosixExtended> m_exclude_regex;
NonnullRefPtr<Core::ConfigFile> m_config;
Vector<DeprecatedString> m_skip_directories;
Vector<DeprecatedString> m_skip_files;
Vector<DeprecatedString> m_failed_test_names;
Regex<PosixExtended> m_skip_regex;
bool m_run_skipped_tests { false };
bool m_print_all_output { false };
bool m_unlink_coredumps { false };
Vector<DeprecatedString> TestRunner::get_test_paths() const
Vector<DeprecatedString> paths;
Test::iterate_directory_recursively(m_test_root, [&](DeprecatedString const& file_path) {
if (access(file_path.characters(), R_OK | X_OK) != 0)
auto result = m_exclude_regex.match(file_path, PosixFlags::Global);
if (!result.success) // must NOT match the regex to be a valid test file
return paths;
bool TestRunner::should_skip_test(LexicalPath const& test_path)
if (m_run_skipped_tests)
return false;
for (DeprecatedString const& dir : m_skip_directories) {
if (test_path.dirname().contains(dir))
return true;
for (DeprecatedString const& file : m_skip_files) {
if (test_path.basename().contains(file))
return true;
auto result = m_skip_regex.match(test_path.basename(), PosixFlags::Global);
if (result.success)
return true;
return false;
void TestRunner::do_run_single_test(DeprecatedString const& test_path, size_t current_test_index, size_t num_tests)
g_currently_running_test = test_path;
auto test_relative_path = LexicalPath::relative_path(test_path, m_test_root);
outln(" START {} ({}/{})", test_relative_path, current_test_index, num_tests);
fflush(stdout); // we really want to see the start text in case the test hangs
auto test_result = run_test_file(test_path);
switch (test_result.result) {
case Test::Result::Pass:
case Test::Result::ExpectedFail:
case Test::Result::Skip:
case Test::Result::Fail:
case Test::Result::Crashed:
++m_counts.tests_failed; // FIXME: tests_crashed
if (test_result.result != Test::Result::Skip)
m_total_elapsed_time_in_ms += test_result.time_taken;
bool crashed_or_failed = test_result.result == Test::Result::Fail || test_result.result == Test::Result::Crashed;
bool print_stdout_stderr = crashed_or_failed || m_print_all_output;
if (crashed_or_failed) {
print_modifiers({ Test::BG_RED, Test::FG_BOLD });
out("{}", test_result.result == Test::Result::Fail ? " FAIL " : "CRASHED");
print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR });
if (test_result.result == Test::Result::Crashed) {
auto pid_search_string = DeprecatedString::formatted("_{}_", test_result.child_pid);
Optional<DeprecatedString> coredump_path;
Core::DirIterator iterator("/tmp/coredump"sv);
if (!iterator.has_error()) {
while (iterator.has_next()) {
auto path = iterator.next_full_path();
if (!path.contains(pid_search_string))
coredump_path = path;
auto reader = Coredump::Reader::create(path);
if (!reader)
dbgln("Last crash backtrace for {} (was pid {}):", test_path, test_result.child_pid);
reader->for_each_thread_info([&](auto thread_info) {
Coredump::Backtrace thread_backtrace(*reader, thread_info);
auto tid = thread_info.tid; // Note: Yoinking this out of the struct because we can't pass a reference to it (as it's a misaligned field in a packed struct)
dbgln("Thread {}", tid);
for (auto const& entry : thread_backtrace.entries())
dbgln("- {}", entry.to_deprecated_string(true));
return IterationDecision::Continue;
if (m_unlink_coredumps && coredump_path.has_value())
} else {
print_modifiers({ Test::BG_GREEN, Test::FG_BLACK, Test::FG_BOLD });
out(" PASS ");
print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR });
out(" {}", test_relative_path);
print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR, Test::ITALIC, Test::FG_GRAY });
if (test_result.time_taken < 1000) {
outln(" ({}ms)", static_cast<int>(test_result.time_taken));
} else {
outln(" ({:3}s)", test_result.time_taken / 1000.0);
print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR });
if (test_result.result != Test::Result::Pass) {
print_modifiers({ Test::FG_GRAY, Test::FG_BOLD });
out(" Test: ");
if (crashed_or_failed) {
print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR, Test::FG_RED });
outln("{} ({})", test_result.file_path.basename(), test_result.result == Test::Result::Fail ? "failed" : "crashed");
} else {
print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR, Test::FG_ORANGE });
auto const status = test_result.result == Test::Result::Skip ? "skipped"sv : "expected fail"sv;
outln("{} ({})", test_result.file_path.basename(), status);
print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR });
// Make sure our clear modifiers goes through before we dump file output via write(2)
if (print_stdout_stderr && test_result.stdout_err_fd > 0) {
int ret = lseek(test_result.stdout_err_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
VERIFY(ret == 0);
for (;;) {
char buf[32768];
ssize_t nread = read(test_result.stdout_err_fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (nread == 0)
if (nread < 0) {
size_t already_written = 0;
while (already_written < (size_t)nread) {
ssize_t nwritten = write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf + already_written, nread - already_written);
if (nwritten < 0) {
already_written += nwritten;
FileResult TestRunner::run_test_file(DeprecatedString const& test_path)
double start_time = get_time_in_ms();
auto path_for_test = LexicalPath(test_path);
if (should_skip_test(path_for_test)) {
return FileResult { move(path_for_test), 0.0, Test::Result::Skip, -1 };
// FIXME: actual error handling, mark test as :yaksplode: if any are bad instead of VERIFY
posix_spawn_file_actions_t file_actions;
char child_out_err_path[] = "/tmp/run-tests.XXXXXX";
int child_out_err_file = mkstemp(child_out_err_path);
VERIFY(child_out_err_file >= 0);
DeprecatedString dirname = path_for_test.dirname();
DeprecatedString basename = path_for_test.basename();
(void)posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, child_out_err_file, STDOUT_FILENO);
(void)posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, child_out_err_file, STDERR_FILENO);
(void)posix_spawn_file_actions_addchdir(&file_actions, dirname.characters());
Vector<char const*, 4> argv;
auto extra_args = m_config->read_entry(path_for_test.basename(), "Arguments", "").split(' ');
for (auto& arg : extra_args)
pid_t child_pid = -1;
// FIXME: Do we really want to copy test runner's entire env?
int ret = posix_spawn(&child_pid, test_path.characters(), &file_actions, nullptr, const_cast<char* const*>(argv.data()), environ);
VERIFY(ret == 0);
VERIFY(child_pid > 0);
int wstatus;
Test::Result test_result = Test::Result::Fail;
for (size_t num_waits = 0; num_waits < 2; ++num_waits) {
ret = waitpid(child_pid, &wstatus, 0); // intentionally not setting WCONTINUED
if (ret != child_pid)
break; // we'll end up with a failure
if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) {
if (wstatus == 0) {
test_result = Test::Result::Pass;
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(wstatus)) {
test_result = Test::Result::Crashed;
} else if (WIFSTOPPED(wstatus)) {
outln("{} was stopped unexpectedly, sending SIGCONT", test_path);
kill(child_pid, SIGCONT);
// Remove the child's stdout from /tmp. This does cause the temp file to be observable
// while the test is executing, but if it hangs that might even be a bonus :)
ret = unlink(child_out_err_path);
VERIFY(ret == 0);
return FileResult { move(path_for_test), get_time_in_ms() - start_time, test_result, child_out_err_file, child_pid };
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
auto program_name = LexicalPath::basename(arguments.strings[0]);
#ifdef SIGINFO
TRY(Core::System::signal(SIGINFO, [](int) {
static char buffer[4096];
auto& counts = ::Test::TestRunner::the()->counts();
int len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Pass: %d, Fail: %d, Skip: %d\nCurrent test: %s\n", counts.tests_passed, counts.tests_failed, counts.tests_skipped, g_currently_running_test.characters());
write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, len);
bool print_progress =
true; // Use OSC 9 to print progress
bool print_json = false;
bool print_all_output = false;
bool run_benchmarks = false;
bool run_skipped_tests = false;
bool unlink_coredumps = false;
StringView specified_test_root;
DeprecatedString test_glob;
DeprecatedString exclude_pattern;
DeprecatedString config_file;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option {
.argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required,
.help_string = "Show progress with OSC 9 (true, false)",
.long_name = "show-progress",
.short_name = 'p',
.accept_value = [&](StringView str) {
if ("true"sv == str)
print_progress = true;
else if ("false"sv == str)
print_progress = false;
return false;
return true;
args_parser.add_option(print_json, "Show results as JSON", "json", 'j');
args_parser.add_option(print_all_output, "Show all test output", "verbose", 'v');
args_parser.add_option(run_benchmarks, "Run benchmarks as well", "benchmarks", 'b');
args_parser.add_option(run_skipped_tests, "Run all matching tests, even those marked as 'skip'", "all", 'a');
args_parser.add_option(unlink_coredumps, "Unlink coredumps after printing backtraces", "unlink-coredumps", 0);
args_parser.add_option(test_glob, "Only run tests matching the given glob", "filter", 'f', "glob");
args_parser.add_option(exclude_pattern, "Regular expression to use to exclude paths from being considered tests", "exclude-pattern", 'e', "pattern");
args_parser.add_option(config_file, "Configuration file to use", "config-file", 'c', "filename");
args_parser.add_positional_argument(specified_test_root, "Tests root directory", "path", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No);
test_glob = DeprecatedString::formatted("*{}*", test_glob);
if (getenv("DISABLE_DBG_OUTPUT")) {
// Make UBSAN deadly for all tests we run by default.
TRY(Core::System::setenv("UBSAN_OPTIONS"sv, "halt_on_error=1"sv, true));
if (!run_benchmarks)
TRY(Core::System::setenv("TESTS_ONLY"sv, "1"sv, true));
DeprecatedString test_root;
if (!specified_test_root.is_empty()) {
test_root = DeprecatedString { specified_test_root };
} else {
test_root = "/usr/Tests";
if (!FileSystem::is_directory(test_root)) {
warnln("Test root is not a directory: {}", test_root);
return 1;
test_root = TRY(FileSystem::real_path(test_root)).to_deprecated_string();
auto void_or_error = Core::System::chdir(test_root);
if (void_or_error.is_error()) {
warnln("chdir failed: {}", void_or_error.error());
return void_or_error.release_error();
auto config_or_error = config_file.is_empty() ? Core::ConfigFile::open_for_app("Tests") : Core::ConfigFile::open(config_file);
if (config_or_error.is_error()) {
warnln("Failed to open configuration file ({}): {}", config_file.is_empty() ? "User config for Tests" : config_file.characters(), config_or_error.error());
return config_or_error.release_error();
auto config = config_or_error.release_value();
if (config->num_groups() == 0)
warnln("Empty configuration file ({}) loaded!", config_file.is_empty() ? "User config for Tests" : config_file.characters());
if (exclude_pattern.is_empty())
exclude_pattern = config->read_entry("Global", "NotTestsPattern", "$^"); // default is match nothing (aka match end then beginning)
Regex<PosixExtended> exclude_regex(exclude_pattern, {});
if (exclude_regex.parser_result.error != regex::Error::NoError) {
warnln("Exclude pattern \"{}\" is invalid", exclude_pattern);
return 1;
// we need to preconfigure this, because we can't autoinitialize Regex types
// in the Testrunner
auto skip_regex_pattern = config->read_entry("Global", "SkipRegex", "$^");
Regex<PosixExtended> skip_regex { skip_regex_pattern, {} };
if (skip_regex.parser_result.error != regex::Error::NoError) {
warnln("SkipRegex pattern \"{}\" is invalid", skip_regex_pattern);
return 1;
TestRunner test_runner(test_root, move(exclude_regex), move(config), move(skip_regex), run_skipped_tests, print_progress, print_json, print_all_output, unlink_coredumps);
return test_runner.counts().tests_failed;