Andreas Kling 72c9f56c66 LibJS: Make Heap::allocate<T>() infallible
Stop worrying about tiny OOMs. Work towards #20449.

While going through these, I also changed the function signature in many
places where returning ThrowCompletionOr<T> is no longer necessary.
2023-08-13 15:38:42 +02:00

376 lines
17 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Kenneth Myhra <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Shannon Booth <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/GenericLexer.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ArrayBuffer.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Completion.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/TypedArray.h>
#include <LibTextCodec/Decoder.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/BlobPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/FileAPI/Blob.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/TemporaryExecutionContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/Strings.h>
#include <LibWeb/Streams/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/Streams/ReadableStreamDefaultReader.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
namespace Web::FileAPI {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Blob> Blob::create(JS::Realm& realm, ByteBuffer byte_buffer, String type)
return realm.heap().allocate<Blob>(realm, realm, move(byte_buffer), move(type));
ErrorOr<String> convert_line_endings_to_native(StringView string)
// 1. Let native line ending be be the code point U+000A LF.
auto native_line_ending = "\n"sv;
// 2. If the underlying platforms conventions are to represent newlines as a carriage return and line feed sequence, set native line ending to the code point U+000D CR followed by the code point U+000A LF.
// NOTE: this step is a no-op since LibWeb does not compile on Windows, which is the only platform we know of that that uses a carriage return and line feed sequence for line endings.
// 3. Set result to the empty string.
StringBuilder result;
// 4. Let position be a position variable for s, initially pointing at the start of s.
auto lexer = GenericLexer { string };
// 5. Let token be the result of collecting a sequence of code points that are not equal to U+000A LF or U+000D CR from s given position.
// 6. Append token to result.
// 7. While position is not past the end of s:
while (!lexer.is_eof()) {
// 1. If the code point at position within s equals U+000D CR:
if (lexer.peek() == '\r') {
// 1. Append native line ending to result.
// 2. Advance position by 1.
// 3. If position is not past the end of s and the code point at position within s equals U+000A LF advance position by 1.
if (!lexer.is_eof() && lexer.peek() == '\n')
// 2. Otherwise if the code point at position within s equals U+000A LF, advance position by 1 and append native line ending to result.
else if (lexer.peek() == '\n') {
// 3. Let token be the result of collecting a sequence of code points that are not equal to U+000A LF or U+000D CR from s given position.
// 4. Append token to result.
// 5. Return result.
return result.to_string();
ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> process_blob_parts(Vector<BlobPart> const& blob_parts, Optional<BlobPropertyBag> const& options)
// 1. Let bytes be an empty sequence of bytes.
ByteBuffer bytes {};
// 2. For each element in parts:
for (auto const& blob_part : blob_parts) {
// 1. If element is a USVString, run the following sub-steps:
[&](String const& string) -> ErrorOr<void> {
// 1. Let s be element.
auto s = string;
// 2. If the endings member of options is "native", set s to the result of converting line endings to native of element.
if (options.has_value() && options->endings == Bindings::EndingType::Native)
s = TRY(convert_line_endings_to_native(s));
// NOTE: The AK::String is always UTF-8.
// 3. Append the result of UTF-8 encoding s to bytes.
return bytes.try_append(s.bytes());
// 2. If element is a BufferSource, get a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source, and append those bytes to bytes.
[&](JS::Handle<JS::Object> const& buffer_source) -> ErrorOr<void> {
auto data_buffer = TRY(WebIDL::get_buffer_source_copy(*buffer_source.cell()));
return bytes.try_append(data_buffer.bytes());
// 3. If element is a Blob, append the bytes it represents to bytes.
[&](JS::Handle<Blob> const& blob) -> ErrorOr<void> {
return bytes.try_append(blob->bytes());
// 3. Return bytes.
return bytes;
bool is_basic_latin(StringView view)
for (auto code_point : view) {
if (code_point < 0x0020 || code_point > 0x007E)
return false;
return true;
Blob::Blob(JS::Realm& realm)
: PlatformObject(realm)
Blob::Blob(JS::Realm& realm, ByteBuffer byte_buffer, String type)
: PlatformObject(realm)
, m_byte_buffer(move(byte_buffer))
, m_type(move(type))
Blob::Blob(JS::Realm& realm, ByteBuffer byte_buffer)
: PlatformObject(realm)
, m_byte_buffer(move(byte_buffer))
Blob::~Blob() = default;
void Blob::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
set_prototype(&Bindings::ensure_web_prototype<Bindings::BlobPrototype>(realm, "Blob"));
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Blob> Blob::create(JS::Realm& realm, Optional<Vector<BlobPart>> const& blob_parts, Optional<BlobPropertyBag> const& options)
// 1. If invoked with zero parameters, return a new Blob object consisting of 0 bytes, with size set to 0, and with type set to the empty string.
if (!blob_parts.has_value() && !options.has_value())
return realm.heap().allocate<Blob>(realm, realm);
ByteBuffer byte_buffer {};
// 2. Let bytes be the result of processing blob parts given blobParts and options.
if (blob_parts.has_value()) {
byte_buffer = MUST(process_blob_parts(blob_parts.value(), options));
auto type = String {};
// 3. If the type member of the options argument is not the empty string, run the following sub-steps:
if (options.has_value() && !options->type.is_empty()) {
// 1. If the type member is provided and is not the empty string, let t be set to the type dictionary member.
// If t contains any characters outside the range U+0020 to U+007E, then set t to the empty string and return from these substeps.
// NOTE: t is set to empty string at declaration.
if (!options->type.is_empty()) {
if (is_basic_latin(options->type))
type = options->type;
// 2. Convert every character in t to ASCII lowercase.
if (!type.is_empty())
type = MUST(Infra::to_ascii_lowercase(type));
// 4. Return a Blob object referring to bytes as its associated byte sequence, with its size set to the length of bytes, and its type set to the value of t from the substeps above.
return realm.heap().allocate<Blob>(realm, realm, move(byte_buffer), move(type));
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Blob>> Blob::construct_impl(JS::Realm& realm, Optional<Vector<BlobPart>> const& blob_parts, Optional<BlobPropertyBag> const& options)
return Blob::create(realm, blob_parts, options);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Blob>> Blob::slice(Optional<i64> start, Optional<i64> end, Optional<String> const& content_type)
auto& vm = realm().vm();
// 1. The optional start parameter is a value for the start point of a slice() call, and must be treated as a byte-order position, with the zeroth position representing the first byte.
// User agents must process slice() with start normalized according to the following:
i64 relative_start;
if (!start.has_value()) {
// a. If the optional start parameter is not used as a parameter when making this call, let relativeStart be 0.
relative_start = 0;
} else {
auto start_value = start.value();
// b. If start is negative, let relativeStart be max((size + start), 0).
if (start_value < 0) {
relative_start = max((size() + start_value), 0);
// c. Else, let relativeStart be min(start, size).
else {
relative_start = min(start_value, size());
// 2. The optional end parameter is a value for the end point of a slice() call. User agents must process slice() with end normalized according to the following:
i64 relative_end;
if (!end.has_value()) {
// a. If the optional end parameter is not used as a parameter when making this call, let relativeEnd be size.
relative_end = size();
} else {
auto end_value = end.value();
// b. If end is negative, let relativeEnd be max((size + end), 0).
if (end_value < 0) {
relative_end = max((size() + end_value), 0);
// c Else, let relativeEnd be min(end, size).
else {
relative_end = min(end_value, size());
// 3. The optional contentType parameter is used to set the ASCII-encoded string in lower case representing the media type of the Blob.
// User agents must process the slice() with contentType normalized according to the following:
String relative_content_type;
if (!content_type.has_value()) {
// a. If the contentType parameter is not provided, let relativeContentType be set to the empty string.
relative_content_type = String {};
} else {
// b. Else let relativeContentType be set to contentType and run the substeps below:
// 1. If relativeContentType contains any characters outside the range of U+0020 to U+007E, then set relativeContentType to the empty string and return from these substeps.
// NOTE: contentType is set to empty string at declaration.
if (is_basic_latin(content_type.value())) {
// 2. Convert every character in relativeContentType to ASCII lowercase.
relative_content_type = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, Infra::to_ascii_lowercase(content_type.value()));
// 4. Let span be max((relativeEnd - relativeStart), 0).
auto span = max((relative_end - relative_start), 0);
// 5. Return a new Blob object S with the following characteristics:
// a. S refers to span consecutive bytes from this, beginning with the byte at byte-order position relativeStart.
// b. S.size = span.
// c. S.type = relativeContentType.
auto byte_buffer = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, m_byte_buffer.slice(relative_start, span));
return heap().allocate<Blob>(realm(), realm(), move(byte_buffer), move(relative_content_type));
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Streams::ReadableStream>> Blob::stream()
// The stream() method, when invoked, must return the result of calling get stream on this.
return this->get_stream();
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<Streams::ReadableStream>> Blob::get_stream()
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Let stream be a new ReadableStream created in blobs relevant Realm.
auto stream = realm.heap().allocate<Streams::ReadableStream>(realm, realm);
// 2. Set up stream with byte reading support.
// FIXME: 3. Run the following steps in parallel:
// 1. While not all bytes of blob have been read:
// NOTE: for simplicity the chunk is the entire buffer for now.
// 1. Let bytes be the byte sequence that results from reading a chunk from blob, or failure if a chunk cannot be read.
auto bytes = m_byte_buffer;
// 2. Queue a global task on the file reading task source given blobs relevant global object to perform the following steps:
HTML::queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::FileReading, realm.global_object(), [stream, bytes = move(bytes)]() {
HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { Bindings::host_defined_environment_settings_object(stream->realm()) };
// 1. If bytes is failure, then error stream with a failure reason and abort these steps.
// 2. Let chunk be a new Uint8Array wrapping an ArrayBuffer containing bytes. If creating the ArrayBuffer throws an exception, then error stream with that exception and abort these steps.
auto array_buffer = JS::ArrayBuffer::create(stream->realm(), bytes);
auto chunk = JS::Uint8Array::create(stream->realm(), bytes.size(), *array_buffer);
// 3. Enqueue chunk in stream.
auto maybe_error = Bindings::throw_dom_exception_if_needed(stream->realm().vm(), [&]() {
return readable_stream_enqueue(*stream->controller(), chunk);
if (maybe_error.is_error()) {
readable_stream_error(*stream, maybe_error.release_error().value().value());
// FIXME: Close the stream now that we have finished enqueuing all chunks to the stream. Without this, will never resolve the second time around with 'done' set.
// Nowhere in the spec seems to mention this - but testing against other implementations the stream does appear to be closed after reading all data (closed callback is fired).
// Probably there is a better way of doing this.
// 4. Return stream.
return stream;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise>> Blob::text()
auto& realm = this->realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let stream be the result of calling get stream on this.
auto stream = TRY(this->get_stream());
// 2. Let reader be the result of getting a reader from stream. If that threw an exception, return a new promise rejected with that exception.
auto reader_or_exception = acquire_readable_stream_default_reader(*stream);
if (reader_or_exception.is_exception()) {
auto throw_completion = Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(vm, reader_or_exception.exception());
auto promise_capability = WebIDL::create_rejected_promise(realm, *throw_completion.value());
return JS::NonnullGCPtr { verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*promise_capability->promise().ptr()) };
auto reader = reader_or_exception.release_value();
// 3. Let promise be the result of reading all bytes from stream with reader
auto promise = TRY(reader->read_all_bytes_deprecated());
// 4. Return the result of transforming promise by a fulfillment handler that returns the result of running UTF-8 decode on its first argument.
return WebIDL::upon_fulfillment(*promise, [&](auto const& first_argument) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::Value> {
auto const& object = first_argument.as_object();
auto const& buffer = static_cast<const JS::ArrayBuffer&>(object).buffer();
auto decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for("UTF-8"sv);
auto utf8_text = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, TextCodec::convert_input_to_utf8_using_given_decoder_unless_there_is_a_byte_order_mark(*decoder, buffer));
return JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, move(utf8_text));
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise>> Blob::array_buffer()
auto& realm = this->realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let stream be the result of calling get stream on this.
auto stream = TRY(this->get_stream());
// 2. Let reader be the result of getting a reader from stream. If that threw an exception, return a new promise rejected with that exception.
auto reader_or_exception = acquire_readable_stream_default_reader(*stream);
if (reader_or_exception.is_exception()) {
auto throw_completion = Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(vm, reader_or_exception.exception());
auto promise_capability = WebIDL::create_rejected_promise(realm, *throw_completion.value());
return JS::NonnullGCPtr { verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*promise_capability->promise().ptr()) };
auto reader = reader_or_exception.release_value();
// 3. Let promise be the result of reading all bytes from stream with reader.
auto promise = TRY(reader->read_all_bytes_deprecated());
// 4. Return the result of transforming promise by a fulfillment handler that returns a new ArrayBuffer whose contents are its first argument.
return WebIDL::upon_fulfillment(*promise, [&](auto const& first_argument) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::Value> {
auto const& object = first_argument.as_object();
auto const& buffer = static_cast<const JS::ArrayBuffer&>(object).buffer();
return JS::ArrayBuffer::create(realm, buffer);