Sam Atkins 8260135d4d LibCore+Everywhere: Return ErrorOr from ConfigFile factory methods
I've attempted to handle the errors gracefully where it was clear how to
do so, and simple, but a lot of this was just adding
`release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()` in places.
2022-02-16 19:49:41 -05:00

364 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, Ali Mohammad Pur <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/Endian.h>
#include <LibCore/ConfigFile.h>
#include <LibCore/DateTime.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibCore/Timer.h>
#include <LibCrypto/ASN1/ASN1.h>
#include <LibCrypto/ASN1/PEM.h>
#include <LibCrypto/PK/Code/EMSA_PSS.h>
#include <LibTLS/TLSv12.h>
#include <errno.h>
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
namespace TLS {
void TLSv12::consume(ReadonlyBytes record)
if (m_context.critical_error) {
dbgln("There has been a critical error ({}), refusing to continue", (i8)m_context.critical_error);
if (record.size() == 0) {
dbgln_if(TLS_DEBUG, "Consuming {} bytes", record.size());
if (m_context.message_buffer.try_append(record).is_error()) {
dbgln("Not enough space in message buffer, dropping the record");
size_t index { 0 };
size_t buffer_length = m_context.message_buffer.size();
size_t size_offset { 3 }; // read the common record header
size_t header_size { 5 };
dbgln_if(TLS_DEBUG, "message buffer length {}", buffer_length);
while (buffer_length >= 5) {
auto length = AK::convert_between_host_and_network_endian(ByteReader::load16(m_context.message_buffer.offset_pointer(index + size_offset))) + header_size;
if (length > buffer_length) {
dbgln_if(TLS_DEBUG, "Need more data: {} > {}", length, buffer_length);
auto consumed = handle_message(m_context.message_buffer.bytes().slice(index, length));
if constexpr (TLS_DEBUG) {
if (consumed > 0)
dbgln("consumed {} bytes", consumed);
dbgln("error: {}", consumed);
if (consumed != (i8)Error::NeedMoreData) {
if (consumed < 0) {
dbgln("Consumed an error: {}", consumed);
if (!m_context.critical_error)
m_context.critical_error = (i8)consumed;
m_context.error_code = (Error)consumed;
} else {
index += length;
buffer_length -= length;
if (m_context.critical_error) {
dbgln("Broken connection");
m_context.error_code = Error::BrokenConnection;
if (m_context.error_code != Error::NoError && m_context.error_code != Error::NeedMoreData) {
dbgln("consume error: {}", (i8)m_context.error_code);
if (index) {
m_context.message_buffer = m_context.message_buffer.slice(index, m_context.message_buffer.size() - index);
bool Certificate::is_valid() const
auto now = Core::DateTime::now();
if (now < not_before) {
dbgln("certificate expired (not yet valid, signed for {})", not_before.to_string());
return false;
if (not_after < now) {
dbgln("certificate expired (expiry date {})", not_after.to_string());
return false;
return true;
void TLSv12::try_disambiguate_error() const
dbgln("Possible failure cause(s): ");
switch ((AlertDescription)m_context.critical_error) {
case AlertDescription::HandshakeFailure:
if (!m_context.cipher_spec_set) {
dbgln("- No cipher suite in common with {}", m_context.extensions.SNI);
} else {
dbgln("- Unknown internal issue");
case AlertDescription::InsufficientSecurity:
dbgln("- No cipher suite in common with {} (the server is oh so secure)", m_context.extensions.SNI);
case AlertDescription::ProtocolVersion:
dbgln("- The server refused to negotiate with TLS 1.2 :(");
case AlertDescription::UnexpectedMessage:
dbgln("- We sent an invalid message for the state we're in.");
case AlertDescription::BadRecordMAC:
dbgln("- Bad MAC record from our side.");
dbgln("- Ciphertext wasn't an even multiple of the block length.");
dbgln("- Bad block cipher padding.");
dbgln("- If both sides are compliant, the only cause is messages being corrupted in the network.");
case AlertDescription::RecordOverflow:
dbgln("- Sent a ciphertext record which has a length bigger than 18432 bytes.");
dbgln("- Sent record decrypted to a compressed record that has a length bigger than 18432 bytes.");
dbgln("- If both sides are compliant, the only cause is messages being corrupted in the network.");
case AlertDescription::DecompressionFailure:
dbgln("- We sent invalid input for decompression (e.g. data that would expand to excessive length)");
case AlertDescription::IllegalParameter:
dbgln("- We sent a parameter in the handshake that is out of range or inconsistent with the other parameters.");
case AlertDescription::DecodeError:
dbgln("- The message we sent cannot be decoded because a field was out of range or the length was incorrect.");
dbgln("- If both sides are compliant, the only cause is messages being corrupted in the network.");
case AlertDescription::DecryptError:
dbgln("- A handshake crypto operation failed. This includes signature verification and validating Finished.");
case AlertDescription::AccessDenied:
dbgln("- The certificate is valid, but once access control was applied, the sender decided to stop negotiation.");
case AlertDescription::InternalError:
dbgln("- No one knows, but it isn't a protocol failure.");
case AlertDescription::DecryptionFailed:
case AlertDescription::NoCertificate:
case AlertDescription::ExportRestriction:
dbgln("- No one knows, the server sent a non-compliant alert.");
dbgln("- No one knows.");
void TLSv12::set_root_certificates(Vector<Certificate> certificates)
if (!m_context.root_certificates.is_empty())
dbgln("TLS warn: resetting root certificates!");
for (auto& cert : certificates) {
if (!cert.is_valid())
dbgln("Certificate for {} by {} is invalid, things may or may not work!", cert.subject.subject, cert.issuer.subject);
// FIXME: Figure out what we should do when our root certs are invalid.
m_context.root_certificates = move(certificates);
dbgln_if(TLS_DEBUG, "{}: Set {} root certificates", this, m_context.root_certificates.size());
bool Context::verify_chain() const
if (!options.validate_certificates)
return true;
const Vector<Certificate>* local_chain = nullptr;
if (is_server) {
dbgln("Unsupported: Server mode");
} else {
local_chain = &certificates;
// FIXME: Actually verify the signature, instead of just checking the name.
HashMap<String, String> chain;
HashTable<String> roots;
// First, walk the root certs.
for (auto& cert : root_certificates) {
chain.set(cert.subject.subject, cert.issuer.subject);
// Then, walk the local certs.
for (auto& cert : *local_chain) {
auto& issuer_unique_name = cert.issuer.unit.is_empty() ? cert.issuer.subject : cert.issuer.unit;
chain.set(cert.subject.subject, issuer_unique_name);
// Then verify the chain.
for (auto& it : chain) {
if (it.key == it.value) { // Allow self-signed certificates.
if (!roots.contains(it.key))
dbgln("Self-signed warning: Certificate for {} is self-signed", it.key);
auto ref = chain.get(it.value);
if (!ref.has_value()) {
dbgln("{}: Certificate for {} is not signed by anyone we trust ({})", this, it.key, it.value);
return false;
if (ref.value() == it.key) // Allow (but warn about) mutually recursively signed cert A <-> B.
dbgln("Co-dependency warning: Certificate for {} is issued by {}, which itself is issued by {}", ref.value(), it.key, ref.value());
return true;
template<typename HMACType>
static void hmac_pseudorandom_function(Bytes output, ReadonlyBytes secret, const u8* label, size_t label_length, ReadonlyBytes seed, ReadonlyBytes seed_b)
if (!secret.size()) {
dbgln("null secret");
auto append_label_seed = [&](auto& hmac) {
hmac.update(label, label_length);
if (seed_b.size() > 0)
HMACType hmac(secret);
constexpr auto digest_size = hmac.digest_size();
u8 digest[digest_size];
auto digest_0 = Bytes { digest, digest_size };
digest_0.overwrite(0, hmac.digest().immutable_data(), digest_size);
size_t index = 0;
while (index < output.size()) {
auto digest_1 = hmac.digest();
auto copy_size = min(digest_size, output.size() - index);
output.overwrite(index, digest_1.immutable_data(), copy_size);
index += copy_size;
digest_0.overwrite(0, hmac.process(digest_0).immutable_data(), digest_size);
void TLSv12::pseudorandom_function(Bytes output, ReadonlyBytes secret, const u8* label, size_t label_length, ReadonlyBytes seed, ReadonlyBytes seed_b)
// Simplification: We only support the HMAC PRF with the hash function SHA-256 or stronger.
// RFC 5246: "In this section, we define one PRF, based on HMAC. This PRF with the
// SHA-256 hash function is used for all cipher suites defined in this
// document and in TLS documents published prior to this document when
// TLS 1.2 is negotiated. New cipher suites MUST explicitly specify a
// PRF and, in general, SHOULD use the TLS PRF with SHA-256 or a
// stronger standard hash function."
switch (hmac_hash()) {
case Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA512:
hmac_pseudorandom_function<Crypto::Authentication::HMAC<Crypto::Hash::SHA512>>(output, secret, label, label_length, seed, seed_b);
case Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA384:
hmac_pseudorandom_function<Crypto::Authentication::HMAC<Crypto::Hash::SHA384>>(output, secret, label, label_length, seed, seed_b);
case Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA256:
hmac_pseudorandom_function<Crypto::Authentication::HMAC<Crypto::Hash::SHA256>>(output, secret, label, label_length, seed, seed_b);
dbgln("Failed to find a suitable HMAC hash");
TLSv12::TLSv12(StreamVariantType stream, Options options)
: m_stream(move(stream))
m_context.options = move(options);
m_context.is_server = false;
m_context.tls_buffer = {};
? *m_context.options.root_certificates
: DefaultRootCACertificates::the().certificates());
Vector<Certificate> TLSv12::parse_pem_certificate(ReadonlyBytes certificate_pem_buffer, ReadonlyBytes rsa_key) // FIXME: This should not be bound to RSA
if (certificate_pem_buffer.is_empty() || rsa_key.is_empty()) {
return {};
auto decoded_certificate = Crypto::decode_pem(certificate_pem_buffer);
if (decoded_certificate.is_empty()) {
dbgln("Certificate not PEM");
return {};
auto maybe_certificate = Certificate::parse_asn1(decoded_certificate);
if (!maybe_certificate.has_value()) {
dbgln("Invalid certificate");
return {};
Crypto::PK::RSA rsa(rsa_key);
auto certificate = maybe_certificate.release_value();
certificate.private_key = rsa.private_key();
return { move(certificate) };
Singleton<DefaultRootCACertificates> DefaultRootCACertificates::s_the;
// FIXME: This might not be the best format, find a better way to represent CA certificates.
auto config = Core::ConfigFile::open_for_system("ca_certs").release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
auto now = Core::DateTime::now();
auto last_year = Core::DateTime::create(now.year() - 1);
auto next_year = Core::DateTime::create(now.year() + 1);
for (auto& entity : config->groups()) {
Certificate cert;
cert.subject.subject = entity;
cert.issuer.subject = config->read_entry(entity, "issuer_subject", entity); = config->read_entry(entity, "country");
cert.not_before = Crypto::ASN1::parse_generalized_time(config->read_entry(entity, "not_before", "")).value_or(last_year);
cert.not_after = Crypto::ASN1::parse_generalized_time(config->read_entry(entity, "not_after", "")).value_or(next_year);
dbgln("Loaded {} CA Certificates", m_ca_certificates.size());