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synced 2024-12-29 14:14:45 +03:00
On mouse move the pressed button is not present in the event argument which causes the corresponding code to never fire. Instead it now stores the original mouse down event and acts according to that on mouse move.
287 lines
12 KiB
287 lines
12 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020, William McPherson <willmcpherson2@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2021, kleines Filmröllchen <filmroellchen@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "RollWidget.h"
#include "TrackManager.h"
#include <AK/IntegralMath.h>
#include <LibGUI/Event.h>
#include <LibGUI/Painter.h>
#include <LibGUI/Scrollbar.h>
#include <LibGfx/Font/Font.h>
#include <LibGfx/Font/FontDatabase.h>
constexpr int note_height = 20;
constexpr int max_note_width = note_height * 2;
constexpr int roll_height = note_count * note_height;
constexpr int horizontal_scroll_sensitivity = 20;
constexpr int max_zoom = 1 << 8;
RollWidget::RollWidget(TrackManager& track_manager)
: m_track_manager(track_manager)
set_content_size({ 0, roll_height });
vertical_scrollbar().set_value(roll_height / 2);
void RollWidget::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent& event)
m_roll_width = widget_inner_rect().width() * m_zoom_level;
set_content_size({ m_roll_width, roll_height });
// Divide the roll by the maximum note width. If we get fewer notes than
// our time signature requires, round up. Otherwise, round down to the
// nearest x*(2^y), where x is the base number of notes of our time
// signature. In other words, find a number that is a double of our time
// signature. For 4/4 that would be 16, 32, 64, 128 ...
m_num_notes = m_roll_width / max_note_width;
int time_signature_notes = beats_per_bar * notes_per_beat;
if (m_num_notes < time_signature_notes)
m_num_notes = time_signature_notes;
m_num_notes = time_signature_notes * AK::exp2(AK::log2(m_num_notes / time_signature_notes));
m_note_width = static_cast<double>(m_roll_width) / m_num_notes;
// This calculates the minimum number of rows needed. We account for a
// partial row at the top and/or bottom.
int y_offset = vertical_scrollbar().value();
int note_offset = y_offset / note_height;
int note_offset_remainder = y_offset % note_height;
int paint_area = widget_inner_rect().height() + note_offset_remainder;
if (paint_area % note_height != 0)
paint_area += note_height;
int notes_to_paint = paint_area / note_height;
int key_pattern_index = (notes_per_octave - 1) - (note_offset % notes_per_octave);
int x_offset = horizontal_scrollbar().value();
int horizontal_note_offset_remainder = static_cast<int>(AK::fmod((double)x_offset, m_note_width));
int horizontal_paint_area = widget_inner_rect().width() + horizontal_note_offset_remainder;
if (AK::fmod((double)horizontal_paint_area, m_note_width) != 0.)
horizontal_paint_area += m_note_width;
int horizontal_notes_to_paint = horizontal_paint_area / m_note_width;
GUI::Painter painter(*this);
// Draw the background, if necessary.
if (viewport_changed() || paint_area != m_background->height()) {
m_background = Gfx::Bitmap::create(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRx8888, Gfx::IntSize(m_roll_width, paint_area)).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
Gfx::Painter background_painter(*m_background);
background_painter.translate(frame_thickness(), frame_thickness());
background_painter.translate(-horizontal_note_offset_remainder, -note_offset_remainder);
for (int y = 0; y < notes_to_paint; ++y) {
int y_pos = y * note_height;
for (int x = 0; x < horizontal_notes_to_paint; ++x) {
// This is needed to avoid rounding errors. You can't just use
// m_note_width as the width.
int x_pos = x * m_note_width;
int next_x_pos = (x + 1) * m_note_width;
int distance_to_next_x = next_x_pos - x_pos;
Gfx::IntRect rect(x_pos, y_pos, distance_to_next_x, note_height);
if (key_pattern[key_pattern_index] == Black)
background_painter.fill_rect(rect, Color::LightGray);
background_painter.fill_rect(rect, Color::White);
background_painter.draw_line(rect.top_right(), rect.bottom_right(), Color::Black);
background_painter.draw_line(rect.bottom_left(), rect.bottom_right(), Color::Black);
if (--key_pattern_index == -1)
key_pattern_index = notes_per_octave - 1;
background_painter.translate(-x_offset, -y_offset);
background_painter.translate(horizontal_note_offset_remainder, note_offset_remainder);
m_prev_zoom_level = m_zoom_level;
m_prev_scroll_x = horizontal_scrollbar().value();
m_prev_scroll_y = vertical_scrollbar().value();
painter.blit(Gfx::IntPoint(0, 0), *m_background, m_background->rect());
// Draw the notes, mouse interaction, and time position.
painter.translate(frame_thickness(), frame_thickness());
painter.translate(-horizontal_note_offset_remainder, -note_offset_remainder);
for (int y = 0; y < notes_to_paint; ++y) {
int y_pos = y * note_height;
int note = (note_count - note_offset - 1) - y;
for (int x = 0; x < horizontal_notes_to_paint; ++x) {
// This is needed to avoid rounding errors. You can't just use
// m_note_width as the width.
int x_pos = x * m_note_width;
int next_x_pos = (x + 1) * m_note_width;
int distance_to_next_x = next_x_pos - x_pos;
Gfx::IntRect rect(x_pos, y_pos, distance_to_next_x, note_height);
if (m_track_manager.keyboard()->is_pressed(note))
painter.fill_rect(rect, note_pressed_color.with_alpha(128));
painter.translate(-x_offset, -y_offset);
painter.translate(horizontal_note_offset_remainder, note_offset_remainder);
for (auto const& clip : m_track_manager.current_track()->notes()) {
for (auto const& roll_note : clip->notes()) {
int y = ((note_count - 1) - roll_note.pitch) * note_height;
int x = m_roll_width * (static_cast<double>(roll_note.on_sample) / roll_length);
int width = m_roll_width * (static_cast<double>(roll_note.length()) / roll_length);
if (x + width < x_offset || x > x_offset + widget_inner_rect().width())
if (width < 2)
width = 2;
int height = note_height;
Gfx::IntRect rect(x, y, width, height);
painter.fill_rect(rect, note_pressed_color);
painter.draw_rect(rect, Color::Black);
for (int note = note_count - (note_offset + notes_to_paint); note <= (note_count - 1) - note_offset; ++note) {
int y = ((note_count - 1) - note) * note_height;
Gfx::IntRect note_name_rect(3, y, 1, note_height);
auto note_name = note_names[note % notes_per_octave];
painter.draw_text(note_name_rect, note_name, Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft);
note_name_rect.translate_by(Gfx::FontDatabase::default_font().width(note_name) + 2, 0);
if (note % notes_per_octave == 0)
painter.draw_text(note_name_rect, DeprecatedString::formatted("{}", note / notes_per_octave + 1), Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft);
int x = m_roll_width * (static_cast<double>(m_track_manager.transport()->time()) / roll_length);
if (x > x_offset && x <= x_offset + widget_inner_rect().width())
painter.draw_line({ x, 0 }, { x, roll_height }, Gfx::Color::Black);
bool RollWidget::viewport_changed() const
// height is complicated to check, will be done in paint_event
return m_background.is_null()
|| m_roll_width != m_background->width()
|| m_prev_scroll_x != horizontal_scrollbar().value() || m_prev_scroll_y != vertical_scrollbar().value()
|| m_prev_zoom_level != m_zoom_level;
void RollWidget::mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event)
if (!widget_inner_rect().contains(event.x(), event.y()))
if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Secondary) {
auto const time = roll_length * (static_cast<double>(get_note_for_x(event.x())) / m_num_notes);
auto const note = m_track_manager.current_track()->note_at(time, get_pitch_for_y(event.y()));
if (note.has_value()) {
m_mousedown_event = event;
void RollWidget::mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event)
m_mousedown_event = {};
u8 RollWidget::get_pitch_for_y(int y) const
return (note_count - 1) - ((y + vertical_scrollbar().value()) - frame_thickness()) / note_height;
int RollWidget::get_note_for_x(int x) const
// There's a case where we can't just use x / m_note_width. For example, if
// your m_note_width is 3.1 you will have a rect starting at 3. When that
// leftmost pixel of the rect is clicked you will do 3 / 3.1 which is 0
// and not 1. We can avoid that case by shifting x by 1 if m_note_width is
// fractional, being careful not to shift out of bounds.
x = (x + horizontal_scrollbar().value()) - frame_thickness();
bool const note_width_is_fractional = m_note_width - static_cast<int>(m_note_width) != 0;
bool const x_is_not_last = x != widget_inner_rect().width() - 1;
if (note_width_is_fractional && x_is_not_last)
x /= m_note_width;
return clamp(x, 0, m_num_notes - 1);
void RollWidget::mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event)
if (!m_mousedown_event.has_value())
if (m_mousedown_event.value().button() == GUI::MouseButton::Primary) {
int const x_start = get_note_for_x(m_mousedown_event.value().x());
int const x_end = get_note_for_x(event.x());
const u32 on_sample = round(roll_length * (static_cast<double>(min(x_start, x_end)) / m_num_notes));
const u32 off_sample = round(roll_length * (static_cast<double>(max(x_start, x_end) + 1) / m_num_notes)) - 1;
auto const note = RollNote { on_sample, off_sample, get_pitch_for_y(m_mousedown_event.value().y()), 127 };
// FIXME: Implement zoom and horizontal scroll events in LibGUI, not here.
void RollWidget::mousewheel_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event)
if (event.modifiers() & KeyModifier::Mod_Shift) {
horizontal_scrollbar().increase_slider_by(event.wheel_delta_y() * horizontal_scroll_sensitivity);
if (event.wheel_delta_x() != 0) {
horizontal_scrollbar().increase_slider_by(event.wheel_delta_x() * horizontal_scroll_sensitivity);
if (!(event.modifiers() & KeyModifier::Mod_Ctrl)) {
double multiplier = event.wheel_delta_y() >= 0 ? 0.5 : 2;
if (m_zoom_level * multiplier > max_zoom)
if (m_zoom_level * multiplier < 1) {
if (m_zoom_level == 1)
m_zoom_level = 1;
} else {
m_zoom_level *= multiplier;
int absolute_x_of_pixel_at_cursor = horizontal_scrollbar().value() + event.position().x();
int absolute_x_of_pixel_at_cursor_after_resize = absolute_x_of_pixel_at_cursor * multiplier;
int new_scrollbar = absolute_x_of_pixel_at_cursor_after_resize - event.position().x();
m_roll_width = widget_inner_rect().width() * m_zoom_level;
set_content_size({ m_roll_width, roll_height });