Ali Mohammad Pur 5e1499d104 Everywhere: Rename {Deprecated => Byte}String
This commit un-deprecates DeprecatedString, and repurposes it as a byte
As the null state has already been removed, there are no other
particularly hairy blockers in repurposing this type as a byte string
(what it _really_ is).

This commit is auto-generated:
  $ xs=$(ack -l \bDeprecatedString\b\|deprecated_string AK Userland \
    Meta Ports Ladybird Tests Kernel)
  $ perl -pie 's/\bDeprecatedString\b/ByteString/g;
    s/deprecated_string/byte_string/g' $xs
  $ clang-format --style=file -i \
    $(git diff --name-only | grep \.cpp\|\.h)
  $ gn format $(git ls-files '*.gn' '*.gni')
2023-12-17 18:25:10 +03:30

183 lines
6.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, David Tuin <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, networkException <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibJS/CyclicModule.h>
#include <LibJS/Module.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ModuleNamespaceObject.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ModuleRequest.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Promise.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
namespace JS {
Module::Module(Realm& realm, ByteString filename, Script::HostDefined* host_defined)
: m_realm(realm)
, m_host_defined(host_defined)
, m_filename(move(filename))
Module::~Module() = default;
void Module::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
if (m_host_defined)
// InnerModuleLinking ( module, stack, index ),
ThrowCompletionOr<u32> Module::inner_module_linking(VM& vm, Vector<Module*>&, u32 index)
// 1. If module is not a Cyclic Module Record, then
// a. Perform ? module.Link().
// b. Return index.
return index;
// InnerModuleEvaluation ( module, stack, index ),
ThrowCompletionOr<u32> Module::inner_module_evaluation(VM& vm, Vector<Module*>&, u32 index)
// 1. If module is not a Cyclic Module Record, then
// a. Let promise be ! module.Evaluate().
auto promise = TRY(evaluate(vm));
// b. Assert: promise.[[PromiseState]] is not pending.
VERIFY(promise->state() != Promise::State::Pending);
// c. If promise.[[PromiseState]] is rejected, then
if (promise->state() == Promise::State::Rejected) {
// i. Return ThrowCompletion(promise.[[PromiseResult]]).
return throw_completion(promise->result());
// d. Return index.
return index;
// FinishLoadingImportedModule ( referrer, specifier, payload, result ),
void finish_loading_imported_module(ImportedModuleReferrer referrer, ModuleRequest const& module_request, ImportedModulePayload payload, ThrowCompletionOr<NonnullGCPtr<Module>> const& result)
// 1. If result is a normal completion, then
if (!result.is_error()) {
// NOTE: Only Script and CyclicModule referrers have the [[LoadedModules]] internal slot.
if (referrer.has<NonnullGCPtr<Script>>() || referrer.has<NonnullGCPtr<CyclicModule>>()) {
auto& loaded_modules = referrer.visit(
[](JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Realm>&) -> Vector<ModuleWithSpecifier>& {
[](auto& script_or_module) -> Vector<ModuleWithSpecifier>& {
return script_or_module->loaded_modules();
bool found_record = false;
// a. If referrer.[[LoadedModules]] contains a Record whose [[Specifier]] is specifier, then
for (auto const& record : loaded_modules) {
if (record.specifier == module_request.module_specifier) {
// i. Assert: That Record's [[Module]] is result.[[Value]].
VERIFY(record.module == result.value());
found_record = true;
// b. Else,
if (!found_record) {
auto module = result.value();
// i. Append the Record { [[Specifier]]: specifier, [[Module]]: result.[[Value]] } to referrer.[[LoadedModules]].
loaded_modules.append(ModuleWithSpecifier {
.specifier = module_request.module_specifier,
.module = NonnullGCPtr<Module>(*module) });
if (payload.has<NonnullGCPtr<GraphLoadingState>>()) {
// a. Perform ContinueModuleLoading(payload, result)
continue_module_loading(payload.get<NonnullGCPtr<GraphLoadingState>>(), result);
// Else,
else {
// a. Perform ContinueDynamicImport(payload, result).
continue_dynamic_import(payload.get<NonnullGCPtr<PromiseCapability>>(), result);
// 4. Return unused.
// GetModuleNamespace ( module ),
ThrowCompletionOr<Object*> Module::get_module_namespace(VM& vm)
// 1. Assert: If module is a Cyclic Module Record, then module.[[Status]] is not unlinked.
// FIXME: How do we check this without breaking encapsulation?
// 2. Let namespace be module.[[Namespace]].
auto* namespace_ = m_namespace.ptr();
// 3. If namespace is empty, then
if (!namespace_) {
// a. Let exportedNames be ? module.GetExportedNames().
auto exported_names = TRY(get_exported_names(vm));
// b. Let unambiguousNames be a new empty List.
Vector<DeprecatedFlyString> unambiguous_names;
// c. For each element name of exportedNames, do
for (auto& name : exported_names) {
// i. Let resolution be ? module.ResolveExport(name).
auto resolution = TRY(resolve_export(vm, name));
// ii. If resolution is a ResolvedBinding Record, append name to unambiguousNames.
if (resolution.is_valid())
// d. Set namespace to ModuleNamespaceCreate(module, unambiguousNames).
namespace_ = module_namespace_create(vm, unambiguous_names);
// Note: This set the local variable 'namespace' and not the member variable which is done by ModuleNamespaceCreate
// 4. Return namespace.
return namespace_;
// ModuleNamespaceCreate ( module, exports ),
Object* Module::module_namespace_create(VM& vm, Vector<DeprecatedFlyString> unambiguous_names)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Assert: module.[[Namespace]] is empty.
// 2. Let internalSlotsList be the internal slots listed in Table 34.
// 3. Let M be MakeBasicObject(internalSlotsList).
// 4. Set M's essential internal methods to the definitions specified in 10.4.6.
// 5. Set M.[[Module]] to module.
// 6. Let sortedExports be a List whose elements are the elements of exports ordered as if an Array of the same values had been sorted using %Array.prototype.sort% using undefined as comparefn.
// 7. Set M.[[Exports]] to sortedExports.
// 8. Create own properties of M corresponding to the definitions in 28.3.
auto module_namespace = vm.heap().allocate<ModuleNamespaceObject>(realm, realm, this, move(unambiguous_names));
// 9. Set module.[[Namespace]] to M.
m_namespace = make_handle(module_namespace);
// 10. Return M.
return module_namespace;