Timothy Flynn 43e9dc0500 LibUnicode: Use weak symbols to provide default IDNA defintions
Rather than using #ifdef blocks, update the fallback IDNA definitions to
use weak symbols to match the rest of LibUnicode / LibLocale.
2023-12-10 10:19:14 -05:00

242 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2023, Simon Wanner <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Error.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <LibUnicode/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <LibUnicode/IDNA.h>
#include <LibUnicode/Normalize.h>
#include <LibUnicode/Punycode.h>
# include <LibUnicode/IDNAData.h>
# include <LibUnicode/UnicodeData.h>
namespace Unicode::IDNA {
Optional<Mapping> __attribute__((weak)) get_idna_mapping(u32) { return {}; }
struct ProcessingResult {
Vector<String> result {};
bool has_error { false };
static MappingStatus translate_status(MappingStatus status, UseStd3AsciiRules use_std3_ascii_rules)
switch (status) {
case MappingStatus::DisallowedStd3Valid:
return use_std3_ascii_rules == UseStd3AsciiRules::Yes ? MappingStatus::Disallowed : MappingStatus::Valid;
case MappingStatus::DisallowedStd3Mapped:
return use_std3_ascii_rules == UseStd3AsciiRules::Yes ? MappingStatus::Disallowed : MappingStatus::Mapped;
return status;
static bool is_valid_label(String const& label, CheckHyphens check_hyphens, CheckBidi check_bidi, CheckJoiners check_joiners, UseStd3AsciiRules use_std3_ascii_rules, TransitionalProcessing transitional_processing)
// 1. The label must be in Unicode Normalization Form NFC.
auto normalized = normalize(label, NormalizationForm::NFC);
if (normalized != label)
return false;
size_t position = 0;
for (auto code_point : label.code_points()) {
// 2. If CheckHyphens, the label must not contain a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character in both the third and fourth positions.
if (check_hyphens == CheckHyphens::Yes && code_point == '-' && (position == 2 || position == 3))
return false;
// 4. The label must not contain a U+002E ( . ) FULL STOP.
if (code_point == '.')
return false;
// 5. The label must not begin with a combining mark, that is: General_Category=Mark.
static auto general_category_mark = general_category_from_string("Mark"sv);
if (position == 0 && general_category_mark.has_value() && code_point_has_general_category(code_point, general_category_mark.value()))
return false;
// 6. Each code point in the label must only have certain status values according to Section 5, IDNA Mapping Table:
Optional<Mapping> mapping = get_idna_mapping(code_point);
if (!mapping.has_value())
return false;
auto status = translate_status(mapping->status, use_std3_ascii_rules);
if (transitional_processing == TransitionalProcessing::Yes) {
// 1. For Transitional Processing, each value must be valid.
if (status != MappingStatus::Valid)
return false;
} else {
// 2. For Nontransitional Processing, each value must be either valid or deviation.
if (status != MappingStatus::Valid && status != MappingStatus::Deviation)
return false;
// 3. If CheckHyphens, the label must neither begin nor end with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character.
if (check_hyphens == CheckHyphens::Yes && (label.starts_with('-') || label.ends_with('-')))
return false;
// FIXME: 7. If CheckJoiners, the label must satisify the ContextJ rules from Appendix A, in The Unicode Code Points and Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA) [IDNA2008].
// FIXME: 8. If CheckBidi, and if the domain name is a Bidi domain name, then the label must satisfy all six of the numbered conditions in [IDNA2008] RFC 5893, Section 2.
return true;
static ErrorOr<ProcessingResult> apply_main_processing_steps(Utf8View domain_name, ToAsciiOptions const& options)
bool has_error = false;
StringBuilder mapped;
// 1. Map. For each code point in the domain_name string, look up the status value in Section 5, IDNA Mapping Table, and take the following actions:
for (u32 code_point : domain_name) {
Optional<Mapping> mapping = get_idna_mapping(code_point);
if (!mapping.has_value()) {
has_error = true;
switch (translate_status(mapping->status, options.use_std3_ascii_rules)) {
// disallowed: Leave the code point unchanged in the string, and record that there was an error.
case MappingStatus::Disallowed:
has_error = true;
// ignored: Remove the code point from the string. This is equivalent to mapping the code point to an empty string.
case MappingStatus::Ignored:
// mapped: Replace the code point in the string by the value for the mapping in Section 5, IDNA Mapping Table.
case MappingStatus::Mapped:
// deviation:
case MappingStatus::Deviation:
if (options.transitional_processing == TransitionalProcessing::Yes) {
// If Transitional_Processing, replace the code point in the string by the value for the mapping in Section 5, IDNA Mapping Table .
} else {
// valid: Leave the code point unchanged in the string.
case MappingStatus::Valid:
// 2. Normalize. Normalize the domain_name string to Unicode Normalization Form C.
auto normalized = normalize(mapped.string_view(), NormalizationForm::NFC);
// 3. Break. Break the string into labels at U+002E ( . ) FULL STOP.
auto labels = TRY(normalized.split('.', SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty));
// 4. Convert/Validate. For each label in the domain_name string:
for (auto& label : labels) {
// If the label starts with “xn--”:
if (label.starts_with_bytes("xn--"sv)) {
// 1. Attempt to convert the rest of the label to Unicode according to Punycode [RFC3492]. If that conversion fails, record that there was an error, and continue with the next label.
// Otherwise replace the original label in the string by the results of the conversion.
auto punycode = Punycode::decode(label.bytes_as_string_view().substring_view(4));
if (punycode.is_error()) {
has_error = true;
label = punycode.release_value();
// 2. Verify that the label meets the validity criteria in Section 4.1, Validity Criteria for Nontransitional Processing.
// If any of the validity criteria are not satisfied, record that there was an error.
if (!is_valid_label(label, options.check_hyphens, options.check_bidi, options.check_joiners, options.use_std3_ascii_rules, TransitionalProcessing::No))
has_error = true;
// If the label does not start with “xn--”:
else {
// Verify that the label meets the validity criteria in Section 4.1, Validity Criteria for the input Processing choice (Transitional or Nontransitional).
// If any of the validity criteria are not satisfied, record that there was an error.
if (!is_valid_label(label, options.check_hyphens, options.check_bidi, options.check_joiners, options.use_std3_ascii_rules, options.transitional_processing))
has_error = true;
return ProcessingResult {
.result = move(labels),
.has_error = has_error,
ErrorOr<String> to_ascii(Utf8View domain_name, ToAsciiOptions const& options)
// 1. To the input domain_name, apply the Processing Steps in Section 4, Processing, using the input boolean flags Transitional_Processing, CheckHyphens, CheckBidi, CheckJoiners, and UseSTD3ASCIIRules. This may record an error.
auto processed = TRY(apply_main_processing_steps(domain_name, options));
bool has_error = processed.has_error;
// 2. Break the result into labels at U+002E FULL STOP.
auto labels = move(processed.result);
// 3. Convert each label with non-ASCII characters into Punycode [RFC3492], and prefix by “xn--”. This may record an error.
for (auto& label : labels) {
auto all_ascii = true;
for (auto code_point : label.code_points()) {
if (!is_ascii(code_point)) {
all_ascii = false;
if (!all_ascii) {
auto punycode = Punycode::encode(label);
if (punycode.is_error()) {
has_error = true;
auto punycode_result = punycode.release_value();
StringBuilder builder;
label = TRY(builder.to_string());
// 4. If the VerifyDnsLength flag is true, then verify DNS length restrictions. This may record an error. For more information, see [STD13] and [STD3].
if (options.verify_dns_length == VerifyDnsLength::Yes) {
// 1. The length of the domain name, excluding the root label and its dot, is from 1 to 253.
size_t total_length = 0;
auto* root_label = !labels.is_empty() && labels.last().is_empty() ? &labels.last() : nullptr;
for (auto& label : labels) {
// 2. The length of each label is from 1 to 63.
auto length = label.bytes().size();
if (label.is_empty() && &label != root_label)
return Error::from_string_literal("Invalid empty label");
if (length > 63)
return Error::from_string_literal("Label too long");
total_length += length;
total_length += labels.size() - (root_label ? 2 : 1);
if (total_length == 0 || total_length > 253)
return Error::from_string_literal("Domain too long");
// 5. If an error was recorded in steps 1-4, then the operation has failed and a failure value is returned. No DNS lookup should be done.
if (has_error)
return Error::from_string_literal("Invalid domain name");
// 6. Otherwise join the labels using U+002E FULL STOP as a separator, and return the result.
return String::join('.', labels);