Tim Schumacher a2f60911fe AK: Rename GenericTraits to DefaultTraits
This feels like a more fitting name for something that provides the
default values for Traits.
2023-11-09 10:05:51 -05:00

206 lines
6.0 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2023, Bastiaan van der Plaat <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Jelle Raaijmakers <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Queue.h>
#include <LibConfig/Listener.h>
#include <LibGUI/Action.h>
#include <LibGUI/Frame.h>
#include <LibGUI/Menu.h>
#include <LibGUI/Painter.h>
#include <LibProtocol/Request.h>
#include <LibProtocol/RequestClient.h>
namespace Maps {
class MapWidget : public GUI::Frame
, public Config::Listener {
struct LatLng {
double latitude;
double longitude;
double distance_to(LatLng const& other) const;
struct LatLngBounds {
LatLng north_west;
LatLng south_east;
int get_zoom() const;
struct Options {
Optional<String> tile_provider {};
LatLng center;
int zoom;
bool context_menu_enabled { true };
bool scale_enabled { true };
int scale_max_width { 100 };
bool attribution_enabled { true };
Optional<String> attribution_text {};
Optional<URL> attribution_url {};
LatLng center() const { return m_center; }
void set_center(LatLng const& center)
m_center = {
min(max(center.latitude, -LATITUDE_MAX), LATITUDE_MAX),
min(max(center.longitude, -180.0), 180.0)
int zoom() const { return m_zoom; }
void set_zoom(int zoom);
struct Marker {
LatLng latlng;
Optional<String> tooltip {};
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> image { nullptr };
Optional<String> name {};
void add_marker(Marker const& marker)
void remove_markers_with_name(StringView name)
m_markers.remove_all_matching([name](auto const& marker) { return == name; });
struct Panel {
enum class Position {
String text;
Position position;
Optional<URL> url {};
Optional<String> name {};
Gfx::IntRect rect { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
void add_panel(Panel const& panel)
void remove_panels_with_name(StringView name)
m_panels.remove_all_matching([name](auto const& panel) { return == name; });
LatLng context_menu_latlng() const { return m_context_menu_latlng; }
void add_context_menu_action(NonnullRefPtr<GUI::Action> const& action)
struct TileKey {
int x;
int y;
int zoom;
unsigned hash() const
return pair_int_hash(x, pair_int_hash(y, zoom));
bool operator==(TileKey const& other) const
return x == other.x && y == other.y && zoom == other.zoom;
enum class TileDownloadBehavior {
MapWidget(Options const&);
RefPtr<Protocol::RequestClient> request_client() const { return m_request_client; }
virtual void config_string_did_change(StringView domain, StringView group, StringView key, StringView value) override;
virtual void doubleclick_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void mousewheel_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override;
virtual void context_menu_event(GUI::ContextMenuEvent& event) override;
virtual void paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent&) override;
void set_zoom_for_mouse_event(int zoom, GUI::MouseEvent&);
Optional<RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> get_tile_image(int x, int y, int zoom, TileDownloadBehavior);
void process_tile_queue();
void clear_tile_queue();
void paint_map(GUI::Painter&);
void paint_scale_line(GUI::Painter&, String label, Gfx::IntRect rect);
void paint_scale(GUI::Painter&);
void paint_panels(GUI::Painter&);
static int constexpr TILE_SIZE = 256;
static double constexpr LATITUDE_MAX = 85.0511287798066;
static int constexpr EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000.0;
static size_t constexpr TILES_CACHE_MAX = 256;
static constexpr size_t TILES_DOWNLOAD_PARALLEL_MAX = 8;
static int constexpr ZOOM_MIN = 2;
static int constexpr ZOOM_MAX = 19;
static int constexpr PANEL_PADDING_X = 6;
static int constexpr PANEL_PADDING_Y = 4;
// These colors match the default OpenStreetMap map tiles style, so they don't depend on any system theme colors
static Gfx::Color constexpr map_background_color = { 200, 200, 200 };
static Gfx::Color constexpr panel_background_color = { 255, 255, 255, 204 };
static Gfx::Color constexpr panel_foreground_color = { 51, 51, 51 };
RefPtr<Protocol::RequestClient> m_request_client;
Vector<RefPtr<Protocol::Request>, TILES_DOWNLOAD_PARALLEL_MAX> m_active_requests;
Queue<TileKey, 32> m_tile_queue;
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_marker_image;
Optional<String> m_tile_provider;
String m_default_tile_provider;
LatLng m_center;
int m_zoom {};
bool m_context_menu_enabled {};
RefPtr<GUI::Menu> m_context_menu;
LatLng m_context_menu_latlng;
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<GUI::Action>> m_context_menu_actions;
bool m_scale_enabled {};
int m_scale_max_width {};
bool m_attribution_enabled {};
URL m_attribution_url;
bool m_dragging { false };
int m_last_mouse_x { 0 };
int m_last_mouse_y { 0 };
bool m_first_image_loaded { false };
bool m_connection_failed { false };
OrderedHashMap<TileKey, RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> m_tiles;
Vector<Marker> m_markers;
Vector<Panel> m_panels;
struct AK::Traits<Maps::MapWidget::TileKey> : public DefaultTraits<Maps::MapWidget::TileKey> {
static unsigned hash(Maps::MapWidget::TileKey const& t) { return t.hash(); }