Andreas Kling 693423bbe8 WindowServer: Remove Screen::init()
This function only did one thing: call Screen::set_resolution().
We always call that function when opening the underlying device anyway,
so this was completely redundant.

This makes the first screen compose happen ~60ms earlier on my machine.
2021-10-26 01:00:54 +02:00

224 lines
6.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include "ScreenLayout.h"
#include <AK/NonnullRefPtrVector.h>
#include <AK/OwnPtr.h>
#include <Kernel/API/KeyCode.h>
#include <LibGfx/Bitmap.h>
#include <LibGfx/Color.h>
#include <LibGfx/Rect.h>
#include <LibGfx/Size.h>
struct MousePacket;
namespace WindowServer {
constexpr double mouse_accel_max = 3.5;
constexpr double mouse_accel_min = 0.5;
constexpr unsigned scroll_step_size_min = 1;
// Most people will probably have 4 screens or less
constexpr size_t default_screen_count = 4;
// We currently only support 2 scale factors: 1x and 2x
constexpr size_t default_scale_factors_in_use_count = 2;
class Screen;
class ScreenInput {
static ScreenInput& the();
Screen& cursor_location_screen();
const Screen& cursor_location_screen() const;
unsigned mouse_button_state() const { return m_mouse_button_state; }
double acceleration_factor() const { return m_acceleration_factor; }
void set_acceleration_factor(double);
unsigned scroll_step_size() const { return m_scroll_step_size; }
void set_scroll_step_size(unsigned);
void on_receive_mouse_data(const MousePacket&);
void on_receive_keyboard_data(::KeyEvent);
Gfx::IntPoint cursor_location() const { return m_cursor_location; }
void set_cursor_location(const Gfx::IntPoint point) { m_cursor_location = point; }
Gfx::IntPoint m_cursor_location;
unsigned m_mouse_button_state { 0 };
unsigned m_modifiers { 0 };
double m_acceleration_factor { 1.0 };
unsigned m_scroll_step_size { 1 };
struct CompositorScreenData;
struct ScreenFBData;
class Screen : public RefCounted<Screen> {
template<typename... Args>
static Screen* create(Args&&... args)
auto screen = adopt_ref(*new Screen(forward<Args>(args)...));
if (!screen->is_opened())
return nullptr;
auto* screen_ptr = screen.ptr();
if (!s_main_screen)
s_main_screen = screen_ptr;
return screen_ptr;
static bool apply_layout(ScreenLayout&&, String&);
static const ScreenLayout& layout() { return s_layout; }
static Screen& main()
return *s_main_screen;
static Screen& closest_to_rect(const Gfx::IntRect&);
static Screen& closest_to_location(const Gfx::IntPoint&);
static Screen* find_by_index(size_t index)
if (index >= s_screens.size())
return nullptr;
return &s_screens[index];
static Vector<Gfx::IntRect, 4> rects()
Vector<Gfx::IntRect, 4> rects;
for (auto& screen : s_screens)
return rects;
static Screen* find_by_location(const Gfx::IntPoint& point)
for (auto& screen : s_screens) {
if (screen.rect().contains(point))
return &screen;
return nullptr;
static const Gfx::IntRect& bounding_rect() { return s_bounding_screens_rect; }
static size_t count() { return s_screens.size(); }
size_t index() const { return m_index; }
template<typename F>
static IterationDecision for_each(F f)
for (auto& screen : s_screens) {
IterationDecision decision = f(screen);
if (decision != IterationDecision::Continue)
return decision;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
template<typename F>
static IterationDecision for_each_scale_factor_in_use(F f)
for (auto& scale_factor : s_scale_factors_in_use) {
IterationDecision decision = f(scale_factor);
if (decision != IterationDecision::Continue)
return decision;
return IterationDecision::Continue;
void make_main_screen() { s_main_screen = this; }
bool is_main_screen() const { return s_main_screen == this; }
bool can_set_buffer() { return m_can_set_buffer; }
void set_buffer(int index);
size_t buffer_offset(int index) const;
int physical_width() const { return width() * scale_factor(); }
int physical_height() const { return height() * scale_factor(); }
size_t pitch() const { return m_pitch; }
int width() const { return m_virtual_rect.width(); }
int height() const { return m_virtual_rect.height(); }
int scale_factor() const { return screen_layout_info().scale_factor; }
Gfx::RGBA32* scanline(int buffer_index, int y);
Gfx::IntSize physical_size() const { return { physical_width(), physical_height() }; }
Gfx::IntSize size() const { return { m_virtual_rect.width(), m_virtual_rect.height() }; }
Gfx::IntRect rect() const { return m_virtual_rect; }
bool can_device_flush_buffers() const { return m_can_device_flush_buffers; }
void queue_flush_display_rect(Gfx::IntRect const& rect);
void flush_display(int buffer_index);
void flush_display_front_buffer(int front_buffer_index, Gfx::IntRect&);
CompositorScreenData& compositor_screen_data() { return *m_compositor_screen_data; }
bool open_device();
void close_device();
void init();
void scale_factor_changed();
bool set_resolution(bool initial);
void constrain_pending_flush_rects();
static void update_indices()
for (size_t i = 0; i < s_screens.size(); i++)
s_screens[i].m_index = i;
static void update_bounding_rect();
static void update_scale_factors_in_use();
bool is_opened() const { return m_framebuffer_fd >= 0; }
void set_index(size_t index) { m_index = index; }
void update_virtual_rect();
ScreenLayout::Screen& screen_layout_info() { return s_layout.screens[m_index]; }
ScreenLayout::Screen const& screen_layout_info() const { return s_layout.screens[m_index]; }
static NonnullRefPtrVector<Screen, default_screen_count> s_screens;
static Screen* s_main_screen;
static Gfx::IntRect s_bounding_screens_rect;
static ScreenLayout s_layout;
static Vector<int, default_scale_factors_in_use_count> s_scale_factors_in_use;
size_t m_index { 0 };
size_t m_size_in_bytes { 0 };
size_t m_back_buffer_offset { 0 };
Gfx::RGBA32* m_framebuffer { nullptr };
bool m_can_set_buffer { false };
bool m_can_device_flush_buffers { true }; // If the device can't do it we revert to false
int m_pitch { 0 };
Gfx::IntRect m_virtual_rect;
int m_framebuffer_fd { -1 };
NonnullOwnPtr<ScreenFBData> m_framebuffer_data;
NonnullOwnPtr<CompositorScreenData> m_compositor_screen_data;
inline Gfx::RGBA32* Screen::scanline(int buffer_index, int y)
return reinterpret_cast<Gfx::RGBA32*>(((u8*)m_framebuffer) + buffer_offset(buffer_index) + (y * m_pitch));