MacDue 517379ff80 LibWeb: Resolve basic-shape clip-paths
These will be ignored within SVGs (for now SVGs only support <clipPath>
elements), but will allow clipping standard HTML elements.
2024-05-26 07:55:50 +02:00

2552 lines
51 KiB

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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"longhands": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-identifiers": [
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"__comment": "FIXME: List `filter-value-list` as a valid-type once it's generically supported.",
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"valid-types": [
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"quirks": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]"
"valid-identifiers": [
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"longhands": [
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]"
"valid-identifiers": [
"quirks": [
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"inherited": false,
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"valid-types": [
"length [-∞,∞]",
"percentage [-∞,∞]"
"valid-identifiers": [
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"quirks": [
"box-shadow": {
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"valid-identifiers": [
"box-sizing": {
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"animation-type": "discrete",
"inherited": false,
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"valid-types": [
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"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": false,
"initial": "auto",
"valid-identifiers": [
"valid-types": [
"quirks": [
"clip-path": {
"animation-type": "none",
"affects-layout": false,
"affects-stacking-context": true,
"inherited": false,
"valid-identifiers": [
"__comment": "FIXME: This should be a <clip-source> | [ <basic-shape> || <geometry-box> ]",
"valid-types": [
"initial": "none"
"clip-rule": {
"affects-layout": false,
"animation-type": "discrete",
"inherited": true,
"initial": "nonzero",
"valid-types": [ "fill-rule" ]
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"affects-layout": false,
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": true,
"initial": "-libweb-palette-base-text",
"valid-types": [
"quirks": [
"column-count": {
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": false,
"initial": "auto",
"valid-types": [
"integer [1,∞]"
"valid-identifiers": [
"column-gap": {
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": false,
"initial": "auto",
"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]",
"percentage [0,∞]"
"valid-identifiers": [
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"content": {
"animation-type": "discrete",
"inherited": false,
"initial": "normal",
"__comment": "FIXME: This accepts a whole lot of other types and identifiers!",
"valid-types": [
"valid-identifiers": [
"cursor": {
"affects-layout": false,
"animation-type": "discrete",
"inherited": true,
"initial": "auto",
"valid-types": [
"cx": {
"__comment": "This is an SVG 2 geometry property, see:",
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": false,
"initial": "0",
"valid-types": [
"length [-∞,∞]",
"percentage [-∞,∞]"
"percentages-resolve-to": "length",
"quirks": [
"cy": {
"__comment": "This is an SVG 2 geometry property, see:",
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": false,
"initial": "0",
"valid-types": [
"length [-∞,∞]",
"percentage [-∞,∞]"
"percentages-resolve-to": "length",
"quirks": [
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"valid-identifiers": [
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"max-values": 3,
"valid-identifiers": [
"valid-types": [
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"inherited": true,
"initial": "black",
"valid-types": [
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"affects-layout": false,
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": true,
"initial": "1",
"valid-types": [
"number [-∞,∞]",
"percentage [-∞,∞]"
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"fill-rule": {
"affects-layout": false,
"animation-type": "discrete",
"inherited": true,
"initial": "nonzero",
"valid-types": [ "fill-rule" ]
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"inherited": false,
"initial": "0 1 auto",
"valid-identifiers": [
"longhands": [
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]",
"percentage [0,∞]"
"valid-identifiers": [
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"valid-types": [
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"longhands": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"longhands": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"quirks": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"affects-layout": false,
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"inherited": false,
"valid-identifiers": [
"__comment": "FIXME: This should be a <mask-reference> and/or <mask-layer>#",
"valid-types": [
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"mask-type": {
"animation-type": "discrete",
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"valid-types": [
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"math-depth": {
"animation-type": "none",
"inherited": true,
"initial": "0",
"__comment": "FIXME: `add(<integer>)` is also valid but we can't represent that here yet.",
"valid-types": [
"valid-identifiers": [
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"inherited": true,
"initial": "normal",
"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]",
"percentage [0,∞]"
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]",
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"quirks": [
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]",
"percentage [0,∞]"
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]",
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"quirks": [
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"valid-types": [
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"initial": "50% 50%",
"valid-types": [
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"initial": "1",
"valid-types": [
"number [-∞,∞]",
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"inherited": false,
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"valid-types": [
"integer [-∞,∞]"
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"initial": "medium currentColor none",
"longhands": [
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"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": false,
"__comment": "FIXME: We don't yet support `invert`. Until we do, the spec directs us to use `currentColor` as the default instead, and reject `invert`",
"initial": "currentColor",
"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]"
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"logical-alias-for": [
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"logical-alias-for": [
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]",
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"quirks": [
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"longhands": [
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"longhands": [
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"longhands": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"__comment": "This is an SVG 2 geometry property, see:",
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"valid-types": [
"length [-∞,∞]",
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"valid-types": [
"length [-∞,∞]",
"percentage [-∞,∞]"
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"valid-types": [
"length [0,∞]",
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"__comment": "This is an SVG 2 geometry property, see:",
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": false,
"initial": "auto",
"valid-types": [
"length [-∞,∞]",
"percentage [-∞,∞]"
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"ry": {
"__comment": "This is an SVG 2 geometry property, see:",
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
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"valid-types": [
"length [-∞,∞]",
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"valid-types": [ "scrollbar-width" ],
"valid-identifiers": [
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"affects-layout": false,
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
"inherited": false,
"initial": "black",
"valid-types": [
"stop-opacity": {
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"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
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"initial": "1",
"valid-types": [
"number [-∞,∞]",
"percentage [-∞,∞]"
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
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"__comment": "FIXME: This property is not supposed to be inherited, but we currently rely on inheritance to propagate decorations into line boxes.",
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"valid-types": [
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"valid-types": [
"length [-∞,∞]",
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"valid-identifiers": [
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"__comment": "This is an SVG 2 geometry property, see:",
"animation-type": "by-computed-value",
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"length [-∞,∞]",
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"__comment": "This is an SVG 2 geometry property, see:",
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"length [-∞,∞]",
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"valid-types": [
"integer [-∞,∞]"
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