Shannon Booth bad44f8fc9 LibWeb: Remove Bindings/Forward.h from LibWeb/Forward.h
This was resulting in a whole lot of rebuilding whenever a new IDL
interface was added.

Instead, just directly include the prototype in every C++ file which
needs it. While we only really need a forward declaration in each cpp
file; including the full prototype header (which itself only includes
LibJS/Object.h, which is already transitively brought in by
PlatformObject) - it seems like a small price to pay compared to what
feels like a full rebuild of LibWeb whenever a new IDL file is added.

Given all of these includes are only needed for the ::initialize
method, there is probably a smart way of avoiding this problem
altogether. I've considered both using some macro trickery or generating
these functions somehow instead.
2024-04-27 18:29:35 -04:00

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* Copyright (c) 2023-2024, Matthew Olsson <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/QuickSort.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Iterator.h>
#include <LibWeb/Animations/Animation.h>
#include <LibWeb/Animations/KeyframeEffect.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/KeyframeEffectPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/Parser/Parser.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleComputer.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/Node.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/Paintable.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
namespace Web::Animations {
template<typename T>
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Variant<T, Vector<T>>> convert_value_to_maybe_list(JS::Realm& realm, JS::Value value, Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<T>(JS::Value)>& value_converter)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
if (TRY(value.is_array(vm))) {
Vector<T> offsets;
auto iterator = TRY(JS::get_iterator(vm, value, JS::IteratorHint::Sync));
auto values = TRY(JS::iterator_to_list(vm, iterator));
for (auto const& element : values) {
if (element.is_undefined()) {
} else {
return offsets;
return TRY(value_converter(value));
enum AllowLists {
template<AllowLists AL>
using KeyframeType = Conditional<AL == AllowLists::Yes, BasePropertyIndexedKeyframe, BaseKeyframe>;
template<AllowLists AL>
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<KeyframeType<AL>> process_a_keyframe_like_object(JS::Realm& realm, JS::GCPtr<JS::Object> keyframe_input)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<double>>(JS::Value)> to_nullable_double = [&vm](JS::Value value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<double>> {
if (value.is_undefined())
return Optional<double> {};
return TRY(value.to_double(vm));
Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<String>(JS::Value)> to_string = [&vm](JS::Value value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<String> {
return TRY(value.to_string(vm));
Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto>(JS::Value)> to_composite_operation = [&vm](JS::Value value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto> {
if (value.is_undefined())
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Auto;
auto string_value = TRY(value.to_string(vm));
if (string_value == "replace")
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Replace;
if (string_value == "add")
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Add;
if (string_value == "accumulate")
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Accumulate;
if (string_value == "auto")
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Auto;
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid composite value"sv };
// 1. Run the procedure to convert an ECMAScript value to a dictionary type with keyframe input as the ECMAScript
// value, and the dictionary type depending on the value of the allow lists flag as follows:
// -> If allow lists is true, use the following dictionary type: <BasePropertyIndexedKeyframe>.
// -> Otherwise, use the following dictionary type: <BaseKeyframe>.
// Store the result of this procedure as keyframe output.
KeyframeType<AL> keyframe_output;
auto offset = TRY(keyframe_input->get("offset"));
auto easing = TRY(keyframe_input->get("easing"));
if (easing.is_undefined())
easing = JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, "linear"_string);
auto composite = TRY(keyframe_input->get("composite"));
if (composite.is_undefined())
composite = JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, "auto"_string);
if constexpr (AL == AllowLists::Yes) {
keyframe_output.offset = TRY(convert_value_to_maybe_list(realm, offset, to_nullable_double));
keyframe_output.composite = TRY(convert_value_to_maybe_list(realm, composite, to_composite_operation));
auto easing_maybe_list = TRY(convert_value_to_maybe_list(realm, easing, to_string));
[&](String const& value) {
keyframe_output.easing = EasingValue { value };
[&](Vector<String> const& values) {
Vector<EasingValue> easing_values;
for (auto& easing_value : values)
keyframe_output.easing = move(easing_values);
} else {
keyframe_output.offset = TRY(to_nullable_double(offset));
keyframe_output.easing = TRY(to_string(easing));
keyframe_output.composite = TRY(to_composite_operation(composite));
// 2. Build up a list of animatable properties as follows:
// 1. Let animatable properties be a list of property names (including shorthand properties that have longhand
// sub-properties that are animatable) that can be animated by the implementation.
// 2. Convert each property name in animatable properties to the equivalent IDL attribute by applying the
// animation property name to IDL attribute name algorithm.
// 3. Let input properties be the result of calling the EnumerableOwnNames operation with keyframe input as the
// object.
// 4. Make up a new list animation properties that consists of all of the properties that are in both input
// properties and animatable properties, or which are in input properties and conform to the
// <custom-property-name> production.
auto input_properties = TRY(keyframe_input->internal_own_property_keys());
Vector<String> animation_properties;
for (auto const& input_property : input_properties) {
if (!input_property.is_string())
auto name = input_property.as_string().utf8_string();
if (auto property = CSS::property_id_from_camel_case_string(name); property.has_value()) {
if (CSS::is_animatable_property(property.value()))
// 5. Sort animation properties in ascending order by the Unicode codepoints that define each property name.
// 6. For each property name in animation properties,
for (auto const& property_name : animation_properties) {
// 1. Let raw value be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method on keyframe input, with property name
// as the property key and keyframe input as the receiver.
// 2. Check the completion record of raw value.
auto raw_value = TRY(keyframe_input->get(ByteString { property_name }));
using PropertyValuesType = Conditional<AL == AllowLists::Yes, Vector<String>, String>;
PropertyValuesType property_values;
// 3. Convert raw value to a DOMString or sequence of DOMStrings property values as follows:
// -> If allow lists is true,
if constexpr (AL == AllowLists::Yes) {
// Let property values be the result of converting raw value to IDL type (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>)
// using the procedures defined for converting an ECMAScript value to an IDL value [WEBIDL].
auto intermediate_property_values = TRY(convert_value_to_maybe_list(realm, raw_value, to_string));
// If property values is a single DOMString, replace property values with a sequence of DOMStrings with the
// original value of property values as the only element.
if (intermediate_property_values.has<String>())
property_values = Vector { intermediate_property_values.get<String>() };
property_values = intermediate_property_values.get<Vector<String>>();
// -> Otherwise,
else {
// Let property values be the result of converting raw value to a DOMString using the procedure for
// converting an ECMAScript value to a DOMString [WEBIDL].
property_values = TRY(raw_value.to_string(vm));
// 4. Calculate the normalized property name as the result of applying the IDL attribute name to animation
// property name algorithm to property name.
// Note: We do not need to do this, since we did not need to do the reverse step (animation property name to IDL
// attribute name) in the steps above.
// 5. Add a property to keyframe output with normalized property name as the property name, and property values
// as the property value.
if constexpr (AL == AllowLists::Yes) {, property_values);
} else {
keyframe_output.unparsed_properties().set(property_name, property_values);
return keyframe_output;
static void compute_missing_keyframe_offsets(Vector<BaseKeyframe>& keyframes)
// 1. For each keyframe, in keyframes, let the computed keyframe offset of the keyframe be equal to its keyframe
// offset value.
for (auto& keyframe : keyframes)
keyframe.computed_offset = keyframe.offset;
// 2. If keyframes contains more than one keyframe and the computed keyframe offset of the first keyframe in
// keyframes is null, set the computed keyframe offset of the first keyframe to 0.
if (keyframes.size() > 1 && !keyframes[0].computed_offset.has_value())
keyframes[0].computed_offset = 0.0;
// 3. If the computed keyframe offset of the last keyframe in keyframes is null, set its computed keyframe offset
// to 1.
if (!keyframes.is_empty() && !keyframes.last().computed_offset.has_value())
keyframes.last().computed_offset = 1.0;
// 4. For each pair of keyframes A and B where:
// - A appears before B in keyframes, and
// - A and B have a computed keyframe offset that is not null, and
// - all keyframes between A and B have a null computed keyframe offset,
auto find_next_index_of_keyframe_with_computed_offset = [&](size_t starting_index) -> Optional<size_t> {
for (size_t index = starting_index; index < keyframes.size(); index++) {
if (keyframes[index].computed_offset.has_value())
return index;
return {};
auto maybe_index_a = find_next_index_of_keyframe_with_computed_offset(0);
if (!maybe_index_a.has_value())
auto index_a = maybe_index_a.value();
auto maybe_index_b = find_next_index_of_keyframe_with_computed_offset(index_a + 1);
while (maybe_index_b.has_value()) {
auto index_b = maybe_index_b.value();
// calculate the computed keyframe offset of each keyframe between A and B as follows:
for (size_t keyframe_index = index_a + 1; keyframe_index < index_b; keyframe_index++) {
// 1. Let offsetk be the computed keyframe offset of a keyframe k.
auto offset_a = keyframes[index_a].computed_offset.value();
auto offset_b = keyframes[index_b].computed_offset.value();
// 2. Let n be the number of keyframes between and including A and B minus 1.
auto n = static_cast<double>(index_b - index_a);
// 3. Let index refer to the position of keyframe in the sequence of keyframes between A and B such that the
// first keyframe after A has an index of 1.
auto index = static_cast<double>(keyframe_index - index_a);
// 4. Set the computed keyframe offset of keyframe to offsetA + (offsetB offsetA) × index / n.
keyframes[keyframe_index].computed_offset = (offset_a + (offset_b - offset_a)) * index / n;
index_a = index_b;
maybe_index_b = find_next_index_of_keyframe_with_computed_offset(index_b + 1);
static bool is_loosely_sorted_by_offset(Vector<BaseKeyframe> const& keyframes)
// The list of keyframes for a keyframe effect must be loosely sorted by offset which means that for each keyframe
// in the list that has a keyframe offset that is not null, the offset is greater than or equal to the offset of the
// previous keyframe in the list with a keyframe offset that is not null, if any.
Optional<double> last_offset;
for (auto const& keyframe : keyframes) {
if (!keyframe.offset.has_value())
if (last_offset.has_value() && keyframe.offset.value() < last_offset.value())
return false;
last_offset = keyframe.offset;
return true;
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Vector<BaseKeyframe>> process_a_keyframes_argument(JS::Realm& realm, JS::GCPtr<JS::Object> object)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. If object is null, return an empty sequence of keyframes.
if (!object)
return Vector<BaseKeyframe> {};
// 2. Let processed keyframes be an empty sequence of keyframes.
Vector<BaseKeyframe> processed_keyframes;
Vector<EasingValue> unused_easings;
// 3. Let method be the result of GetMethod(object, @@iterator).
// 4. Check the completion record of method.
auto method = TRY(JS::Value(object).get_method(vm, vm.well_known_symbol_iterator()));
// 5. Perform the steps corresponding to the first matching condition from below,
// -> If method is not undefined,
if (method) {
// 1. Let iter be GetIterator(object, method).
// 2. Check the completion record of iter.
auto iter = TRY(JS::get_iterator_from_method(vm, object, *method));
// 3. Repeat:
while (true) {
// 1. Let next be IteratorStep(iter).
// 2. Check the completion record of next.
auto next = TRY(JS::iterator_step(vm, iter));
// 3. If next is false abort this loop.
if (!next)
// 4. Let nextItem be IteratorValue(next).
// 5. Check the completion record of nextItem.
auto next_item = TRY(JS::iterator_value(vm, *next));
// 6. If Type(nextItem) is not Undefined, Null or Object, then throw a TypeError and abort these steps.
if (!next_item.is_nullish() && !next_item.is_object())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::NotAnObjectOrNull, next_item.to_string_without_side_effects());
// 7. Append to processed keyframes the result of running the procedure to process a keyframe-like object
// passing nextItem as the keyframe input and with the allow lists flag set to false.
processed_keyframes.append(TRY(process_a_keyframe_like_object<AllowLists::No>(realm, next_item.as_object())));
// -> Otherwise,
else {
// 1. Let property-indexed keyframe be the result of running the procedure to process a keyframe-like object
// passing object as the keyframe input and with the allow lists flag set to true.
auto property_indexed_keyframe = TRY(process_a_keyframe_like_object<AllowLists::Yes>(realm, object));
// 2. For each member, m, in property-indexed keyframe, perform the following steps:
for (auto const& [property_name, property_values] : {
// 1. Let property name be the key for m.
// 2. If property name is "composite", or "easing", or "offset", skip the remaining steps in this loop and
// continue from the next member in property-indexed keyframe after m.
// Note: This will never happen, since these fields have dedicated members on BasePropertyIndexedKeyframe
// 3. Let property values be the value for m.
// 4. Let property keyframes be an empty sequence of keyframes.
Vector<BaseKeyframe> property_keyframes;
// 5. For each value, v, in property values perform the following steps:
for (auto const& value : property_values) {
// 1. Let k be a new keyframe with a null keyframe offset.
BaseKeyframe keyframe;
// 2. Add the property-value pair, property name → v, to k.
keyframe.unparsed_properties().set(property_name, value);
// 3. Append k to property keyframes.
// 6. Apply the procedure to compute missing keyframe offsets to property keyframes.
// 7. Add keyframes in property keyframes to processed keyframes.
// 3. Sort processed keyframes by the computed keyframe offset of each keyframe in increasing order.
quick_sort(processed_keyframes, [](auto const& a, auto const& b) {
return a.computed_offset.value() < b.computed_offset.value();
// 4. Merge adjacent keyframes in processed keyframes when they have equal computed keyframe offsets.
// Note: The spec doesn't specify how to merge them, but WebKit seems to just override the properties of the
// earlier keyframe with the properties of the later keyframe.
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(processed_keyframes.size() - 1); i++) {
auto& keyframe_a = processed_keyframes[i];
auto& keyframe_b = processed_keyframes[i + 1];
if (keyframe_a.computed_offset.value() == keyframe_b.computed_offset.value()) {
keyframe_a.easing = keyframe_b.easing;
keyframe_a.composite = keyframe_b.composite;
for (auto const& [property_name, property_value] : keyframe_b.unparsed_properties())
keyframe_a.unparsed_properties().set(property_name, property_value);
processed_keyframes.remove(i + 1);
// 5. Let offsets be a sequence of nullable double values assigned based on the type of the "offset" member
// of the property-indexed keyframe as follows:
// -> sequence<double?>,
// The value of "offset" as-is.
// -> double?,
// A sequence of length one with the value of "offset" as its single item, i.e. « offset »,
auto offsets = property_indexed_keyframe.offset.has<Optional<double>>()
? Vector { property_indexed_keyframe.offset.get<Optional<double>>() }
: property_indexed_keyframe.offset.get<Vector<Optional<double>>>();
// 6. Assign each value in offsets to the keyframe offset of the keyframe with corresponding position in
// processed keyframes until the end of either sequence is reached.
for (size_t i = 0; i < offsets.size() && i < processed_keyframes.size(); i++)
processed_keyframes[i].offset = offsets[i];
// 7. Let easings be a sequence of DOMString values assigned based on the type of the "easing" member of the
// property-indexed keyframe as follows:
// -> sequence<DOMString>,
// The value of "easing" as-is.
// -> DOMString,
// A sequence of length one with the value of "easing" as its single item, i.e. « easing »,
auto easings = property_indexed_keyframe.easing.has<EasingValue>()
? Vector { property_indexed_keyframe.easing.get<EasingValue>() }
: property_indexed_keyframe.easing.get<Vector<EasingValue>>();
// 8. If easings is an empty sequence, let it be a sequence of length one containing the single value "linear",
// i.e. « "linear" ».
if (easings.is_empty())
// 9. If easings has fewer items than processed keyframes, repeat the elements in easings successively starting
// from the beginning of the list until easings has as many items as processed keyframes.
// For example, if processed keyframes has five items, and easings is the sequence « "ease-in", "ease-out" »,
// easings would be repeated to become « "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in" ».
size_t num_easings = easings.size();
size_t index = 0;
while (easings.size() < processed_keyframes.size())
easings.append(easings[index++ % num_easings]);
// 10. If easings has more items than processed keyframes, store the excess items as unused easings.
while (easings.size() > processed_keyframes.size())
// 11. Assign each value in easings to a property named "easing" on the keyframe with the corresponding position
// in processed keyframes until the end of processed keyframes is reached.
for (size_t i = 0; i < processed_keyframes.size(); i++)
processed_keyframes[i].easing = easings[i];
// 12. If the "composite" member of the property-indexed keyframe is not an empty sequence:
auto composite_value = property_indexed_keyframe.composite;
if (!composite_value.has<Vector<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto>>() || !composite_value.get<Vector<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto>>().is_empty()) {
// 1. Let composite modes be a sequence of CompositeOperationOrAuto values assigned from the "composite"
// member of property-indexed keyframe. If that member is a single CompositeOperationOrAuto value
// operation, let composite modes be a sequence of length one, with the value of the "composite" as its
// single item.
auto composite_modes = composite_value.has<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto>()
? Vector { composite_value.get<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto>() }
: composite_value.get<Vector<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto>>();
// 2. As with easings, if composite modes has fewer items than processed keyframes, repeat the elements in
// composite modes successively starting from the beginning of the list until composite modes has as
// many items as processed keyframes.
size_t num_composite_modes = composite_modes.size();
index = 0;
while (composite_modes.size() < processed_keyframes.size())
composite_modes.append(composite_modes[index++ % num_composite_modes]);
// 3. Assign each value in composite modes that is not auto to the keyframe-specific composite operation on
// the keyframe with the corresponding position in processed keyframes until the end of processed
// keyframes is reached.
for (size_t i = 0; i < processed_keyframes.size(); i++) {
if (composite_modes[i] != Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Auto)
processed_keyframes[i].composite = composite_modes[i];
// 6. If processed keyframes is not loosely sorted by offset, throw a TypeError and abort these steps.
if (!is_loosely_sorted_by_offset(processed_keyframes))
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Keyframes are not in ascending order based on offset"sv };
// 7. If there exist any keyframe in processed keyframes whose keyframe offset is non-null and less than zero or
// greater than one, throw a TypeError and abort these steps.
for (size_t i = 0; i < processed_keyframes.size(); i++) {
auto const& keyframe = processed_keyframes[i];
if (!keyframe.offset.has_value())
auto offset = keyframe.offset.value();
if (offset < 0.0 || offset > 1.0)
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, MUST(String::formatted("Keyframe {} has invalid offset value {}"sv, i, offset)) };
// 8. For each frame in processed keyframes, perform the following steps:
for (auto& keyframe : processed_keyframes) {
// 1. For each property-value pair in frame, parse the property value using the syntax specified for that
// property.
// If the property value is invalid according to the syntax for the property, discard the property-value pair.
// User agents that provide support for diagnosing errors in content SHOULD produce an appropriate warning
// highlight
BaseKeyframe::ParsedProperties parsed_properties;
for (auto& [property_string, value_string] : keyframe.unparsed_properties()) {
if (auto property = CSS::property_id_from_camel_case_string(property_string); property.has_value()) {
auto maybe_parser = CSS::Parser::Parser::create(CSS::Parser::ParsingContext(realm), value_string);
if (maybe_parser.is_error())
if (auto style_value = maybe_parser.release_value().parse_as_css_value(*property))
parsed_properties.set(*property, *style_value);
// 2. Let the timing function of frame be the result of parsing the "easing" property on frame using the CSS
// syntax defined for the easing member of the EffectTiming dictionary.
// If parsing the "easing" property fails, throw a TypeError and abort this procedure.
auto easing_string = keyframe.easing.get<String>();
auto easing_value = AnimationEffect::parse_easing_string(realm, easing_string);
if (!easing_value)
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, MUST(String::formatted("Invalid animation easing value: \"{}\"", easing_string)) };
keyframe.easing.set(NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleValue const> { *easing_value });
// 9. Parse each of the values in unused easings using the CSS syntax defined for easing member of the EffectTiming
// interface, and if any of the values fail to parse, throw a TypeError and abort this procedure.
for (auto& unused_easing : unused_easings) {
auto easing_string = unused_easing.get<String>();
auto easing_value = AnimationEffect::parse_easing_string(realm, easing_string);
if (!easing_value)
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, MUST(String::formatted("Invalid animation easing value: \"{}\"", easing_string)) };
return processed_keyframes;
void KeyframeEffect::generate_initial_and_final_frames(RefPtr<KeyFrameSet> keyframe_set, HashTable<CSS::PropertyID> const& animated_properties)
// 1. Find or create the initial keyframe, a keyframe with a keyframe offset of 0%, default timing function
// as its keyframe timing function, and default composite as its keyframe composite.
KeyFrameSet::ResolvedKeyFrame* initial_keyframe;
if (auto existing_keyframe = keyframe_set->keyframes_by_key.find(0)) {
initial_keyframe = existing_keyframe;
} else {
keyframe_set->keyframes_by_key.insert(0, {});
initial_keyframe = keyframe_set->keyframes_by_key.find(0);
// 2. For any property in animated properties that is not otherwise present in a keyframe with an offset of
// 0% or one that would be positioned earlier in the used keyframe order, add the computed value of that
// property on element to initial keyframes keyframe values.
for (auto property : animated_properties) {
if (!initial_keyframe->properties.contains(property))
initial_keyframe->properties.set(property, KeyFrameSet::UseInitial {});
// 3. If initial keyframes keyframe values is not empty, prepend initial keyframe to keyframes.
// 4. Repeat for final keyframe, using an offset of 100%, considering keyframes positioned later in the used
// keyframe order, and appending to keyframes.
KeyFrameSet::ResolvedKeyFrame* final_keyframe;
if (auto existing_keyframe = keyframe_set->keyframes_by_key.find(100 * AnimationKeyFrameKeyScaleFactor)) {
final_keyframe = existing_keyframe;
} else {
keyframe_set->keyframes_by_key.insert(100 * AnimationKeyFrameKeyScaleFactor, {});
final_keyframe = keyframe_set->keyframes_by_key.find(100 * AnimationKeyFrameKeyScaleFactor);
for (auto property : animated_properties) {
if (!final_keyframe->properties.contains(property))
final_keyframe->properties.set(property, KeyFrameSet::UseInitial {});
int KeyframeEffect::composite_order(JS::NonnullGCPtr<KeyframeEffect> a, JS::NonnullGCPtr<KeyframeEffect> b)
// 1. Let the associated animation of an animation effect be the animation associated with the animation effect.
auto a_animation = a->associated_animation();
auto b_animation = b->associated_animation();
// 2. Sort A and B by applying the following conditions in turn until the order is resolved,
// 1. If A and Bs associated animations differ by class, sort by any inter-class composite order defined for
// the corresponding classes.
auto a_class = a_animation->animation_class();
auto b_class = b_animation->animation_class();
// From
// "CSS Animations with an owning element have a later composite order than CSS Transitions but an earlier
// composite order than animations without a specific animation class."
if (a_class != b_class)
return to_underlying(a_class) - to_underlying(b_class);
// 2. If A and B are still not sorted, sort by any class-specific composite order defined by the common class of
// A and Bs associated animations.
if (auto order = a_animation->class_specific_composite_order(*b_animation); order.has_value())
return order.value();
// 3. If A and B are still not sorted, sort by the position of their associated animations in the global
// animation list.
return a_animation->global_animation_list_order() - b_animation->global_animation_list_order();
JS::NonnullGCPtr<KeyframeEffect> KeyframeEffect::create(JS::Realm& realm)
return realm.heap().allocate<KeyframeEffect>(realm, realm);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<KeyframeEffect>> KeyframeEffect::construct_impl(
JS::Realm& realm,
JS::Handle<DOM::Element> const& target,
Optional<JS::Handle<JS::Object>> const& keyframes,
Variant<double, KeyframeEffectOptions> options)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Create a new KeyframeEffect object, effect.
auto effect = vm.heap().allocate<KeyframeEffect>(realm, realm);
// 2. Set the target element of effect to target.
// 3. Set the target pseudo-selector to the result corresponding to the first matching condition from below.
// If options is a KeyframeEffectOptions object with a pseudoElement property,
if (options.has<KeyframeEffectOptions>()) {
// Set the target pseudo-selector to the value of the pseudoElement property.
// When assigning this property, the error-handling defined for the pseudoElement setter on the interface is
// applied. If the setter requires an exception to be thrown, this procedure must throw the same exception and
// abort all further steps.
// Otherwise,
else {
// Set the target pseudo-selector to null.
// Note: This is the default when constructed
// 4. Let timing input be the result corresponding to the first matching condition from below.
KeyframeEffectOptions timing_input;
// If options is a KeyframeEffectOptions object,
if (options.has<KeyframeEffectOptions>()) {
// Let timing input be options.
timing_input = options.get<KeyframeEffectOptions>();
// Otherwise (if options is a double),
else {
// Let timing input be a new EffectTiming object with all members set to their default values and duration set
// to options.
timing_input.duration = options.get<double>();
// 5. Call the procedure to update the timing properties of an animation effect of effect from timing input.
// If that procedure causes an exception to be thrown, propagate the exception and abort this procedure.
// 6. If options is a KeyframeEffectOptions object, assign the composite property of effect to the corresponding
// value from options.
// When assigning this property, the error-handling defined for the corresponding setter on the KeyframeEffect
// interface is applied. If the setter requires an exception to be thrown for the value specified by options,
// this procedure must throw the same exception and abort all further steps.
if (options.has<KeyframeEffectOptions>())
// 7. Initialize the set of keyframes by performing the procedure defined for setKeyframes() passing keyframes as
// the input.
return effect;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<KeyframeEffect>> KeyframeEffect::construct_impl(JS::Realm& realm, JS::NonnullGCPtr<KeyframeEffect> source)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Create a new KeyframeEffect object, effect.
auto effect = vm.heap().allocate<KeyframeEffect>(realm, realm);
// 2. Set the following properties of effect using the corresponding values of source:
// - effect target,
effect->m_target_element = source->target();
// - keyframes,
// - composite operation, and
// - all specified timing properties:
// - start delay,
effect->m_start_delay = source->m_start_delay;
// - end delay,
effect->m_end_delay = source->m_end_delay;
// - fill mode,
effect->m_fill_mode = source->m_fill_mode;
// - iteration start,
effect->m_iteration_start = source->m_iteration_start;
// - iteration count,
effect->m_iteration_count = source->m_iteration_count;
// - iteration duration,
effect->m_iteration_duration = source->m_iteration_duration;
// - playback direction, and
effect->m_playback_direction = source->m_playback_direction;
// - timing function.
effect->m_easing_function = source->m_easing_function;
effect->m_timing_function = source->m_timing_function;
return effect;
void KeyframeEffect::set_target(DOM::Element* target)
if (auto animation = this->associated_animation()) {
if (m_target_element)
if (target)
m_target_element = target;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> KeyframeEffect::set_pseudo_element(Optional<String> pseudo_element)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// On setting, sets the target pseudo-selector of the animation effect to the provided value after applying the
// following exceptions:
// - If one of the legacy Selectors Level 2 single-colon selectors (':before', ':after', ':first-letter', or
// ':first-line') is specified, the target pseudo-selector must be set to the equivalent two-colon selector
// (e.g. '::before').
if (pseudo_element.has_value()) {
auto value = pseudo_element.value();
if (value == ":before" || value == ":after" || value == ":first-letter" || value == ":first-line") {
m_target_pseudo_selector = CSS::Selector::PseudoElement::from_string(MUST(value.substring_from_byte_offset(1)));
return {};
// - If the provided value is not null and is an invalid <pseudo-element-selector>, the user agent must throw a
// DOMException with error name SyntaxError and leave the target pseudo-selector of this animation effect
// unchanged.
if (pseudo_element.has_value()) {
auto pseudo_element_without_colons = MUST(pseudo_element->replace("::"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::FirstOnly));
if (auto value = CSS::Selector::PseudoElement::from_string(pseudo_element_without_colons); value.has_value()) {
m_target_pseudo_selector = value;
} else {
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm, MUST(String::formatted("Invalid pseudo-element selector: \"{}\"", pseudo_element.value())));
} else {
m_target_pseudo_selector = {};
return {};
Optional<CSS::Selector::PseudoElement::Type> KeyframeEffect::pseudo_element_type() const
if (!m_target_pseudo_selector.has_value())
return {};
return m_target_pseudo_selector->type();
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::MarkedVector<JS::Object*>> KeyframeEffect::get_keyframes()
if (m_keyframe_objects.size() != m_keyframes.size()) {
auto& vm = this->vm();
auto& realm = this->realm();
// Recalculate the keyframe objects
VERIFY(m_keyframe_objects.size() == 0);
for (auto& keyframe : m_keyframes) {
auto object = JS::Object::create(realm, realm.intrinsics().object_prototype());
TRY(object->set(vm.names.offset, keyframe.offset.has_value() ? JS::Value(keyframe.offset.value()) : JS::js_null(), ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
TRY(object->set(vm.names.computedOffset, JS::Value(keyframe.computed_offset.value()), ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
auto easing_value = keyframe.easing.get<NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleValue const>>();
TRY(object->set(vm.names.easing, JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, easing_value->to_string()), ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
if (keyframe.composite == Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Replace) {
TRY(object->set(vm.names.composite, JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, "replace"sv), ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
} else if (keyframe.composite == Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Add) {
TRY(object->set(vm.names.composite, JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, "add"sv), ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
} else if (keyframe.composite == Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Accumulate) {
TRY(object->set(vm.names.composite, JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, "accumulate"sv), ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
} else {
TRY(object->set(vm.names.composite, JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, "auto"sv), ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
for (auto const& [id, value] : keyframe.parsed_properties()) {
auto value_string = JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, value->to_string());
TRY(object->set(JS::PropertyKey(DeprecatedFlyString(CSS::string_from_property_id(id))), value_string, ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
JS::MarkedVector<JS::Object*> keyframes { heap() };
for (auto const& keyframe : m_keyframe_objects)
return keyframes;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> KeyframeEffect::set_keyframes(Optional<JS::Handle<JS::Object>> const& keyframe_object)
m_keyframes = TRY(process_a_keyframes_argument(realm(), keyframe_object.has_value() ? JS::GCPtr { keyframe_object->ptr() } : JS::GCPtr<Object> {}));
// FIXME: After processing the keyframe argument, we need to turn the set of keyframes into a set of computed
// keyframes using the procedure outlined in the second half of
// For now, just compute the
// missing keyframe offsets
auto keyframe_set = adopt_ref(*new KeyFrameSet);
auto target = this->target();
for (auto& keyframe : m_keyframes) {
Animations::KeyframeEffect::KeyFrameSet::ResolvedKeyFrame resolved_keyframe;
auto key = static_cast<u64>(keyframe.computed_offset.value() * 100 * AnimationKeyFrameKeyScaleFactor);
for (auto [property_id, property_value] : keyframe.parsed_properties()) {
if (property_value->is_unresolved() && target)
property_value = CSS::Parser::Parser::resolve_unresolved_style_value(CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { target->document() }, *target, pseudo_element_type(), property_id, property_value->as_unresolved());
CSS::StyleComputer::for_each_property_expanding_shorthands(property_id, property_value, CSS::StyleComputer::AllowUnresolved::Yes, [&](CSS::PropertyID shorthand_id, CSS::StyleValue const& shorthand_value) {
m_target_properties.set(shorthand_id);, NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleValue const> { shorthand_value });
keyframe_set->keyframes_by_key.insert(key, resolved_keyframe);
generate_initial_and_final_frames(keyframe_set, m_target_properties);
m_key_frame_set = keyframe_set;
return {};
KeyframeEffect::KeyframeEffect(JS::Realm& realm)
: AnimationEffect(realm)
void KeyframeEffect::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
void KeyframeEffect::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
static CSS::RequiredInvalidationAfterStyleChange compute_required_invalidation(HashMap<CSS::PropertyID, NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleValue const>> const& old_properties, HashMap<CSS::PropertyID, NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleValue const>> const& new_properties)
CSS::RequiredInvalidationAfterStyleChange invalidation;
auto old_and_new_properties = MUST(Bitmap::create(to_underlying(CSS::last_property_id) + 1, 0));
for (auto const& [property_id, _] : old_properties)
old_and_new_properties.set(to_underlying(property_id), 1);
for (auto const& [property_id, _] : new_properties)
old_and_new_properties.set(to_underlying(property_id), 1);
for (auto i = to_underlying(CSS::first_property_id); i <= to_underlying(CSS::last_property_id); ++i) {
if (!old_and_new_properties.get(i))
auto property_id = static_cast<CSS::PropertyID>(i);
auto old_value = old_properties.get(property_id).value_or({});
auto new_value = new_properties.get(property_id).value_or({});
if (!old_value && !new_value)
invalidation |= compute_property_invalidation(property_id, old_value, new_value);
return invalidation;
void KeyframeEffect::update_style_properties()
auto target = this->target();
if (!target)
if (pseudo_element_type().has_value()) {
// StyleProperties are not saved for pseudo-elements so there is nothing to patch
auto* style = target->computed_css_values();
if (!style)
auto animated_properties_before_update = style->animated_property_values();
auto& document = target->document();
document.style_computer().collect_animation_into(*target, pseudo_element_type(), *this, *style, CSS::StyleComputer::AnimationRefresh::Yes);
// Traversal of the subtree is necessary to update the animated properties inherited from the target element.
target->for_each_in_subtree_of_type<DOM::Element>([&](auto& element) {
auto* element_style = element.computed_css_values();
if (!element_style || !element.layout_node())
return IterationDecision::Continue;
for (auto i = to_underlying(CSS::first_property_id); i <= to_underlying(CSS::last_property_id); ++i) {
if (element_style->is_property_inherited(static_cast<CSS::PropertyID>(i))) {
auto new_value = CSS::StyleComputer::get_inherit_value(document.realm(), static_cast<CSS::PropertyID>(i), &element);
element_style->set_property(static_cast<CSS::PropertyID>(i), *new_value, nullptr, CSS::StyleProperties::Inherited::Yes);
return IterationDecision::Continue;
auto invalidation = compute_required_invalidation(animated_properties_before_update, style->animated_property_values());
if (target->layout_node())
if (invalidation.relayout)
if (invalidation.rebuild_layout_tree)
if (invalidation.repaint)
if (invalidation.rebuild_stacking_context_tree)