Andrew Smith 297e095755 PixelPaint: Correctly apply flip/rotate/crop to layers' alpha mask
-Layer now has methods for flip/rotate/crop, which are responsible
for handling the alpha mask.
-Fixed crash when the display image size is out of sync with
the content image size.
-Changed API for setting content and mask image in Layer. Now, both
must be set at the same time, and it can result in an error if
you provide mismatched dimensions.
2022-03-13 10:34:38 +01:00

113 lines
3.1 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* Copyright (c) 2022, Tobias Christiansen <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Noncopyable.h>
#include <AK/RefCounted.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/Weakable.h>
#include <LibGfx/Bitmap.h>
namespace PixelPaint {
class Image;
class Selection;
class Layer
: public RefCounted<Layer>
, public Weakable<Layer> {
static ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Layer>> try_create_with_size(Image&, Gfx::IntSize const&, String name);
static ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Layer>> try_create_with_bitmap(Image&, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>, String name);
static ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Layer>> try_create_snapshot(Image&, Layer const&);
~Layer() = default;
Gfx::IntPoint const& location() const { return m_location; }
void set_location(Gfx::IntPoint const& location) { m_location = location; }
Gfx::Bitmap const& display_bitmap() const { return m_cached_display_bitmap; }
Gfx::Bitmap const& content_bitmap() const { return m_content_bitmap; }
Gfx::Bitmap& content_bitmap() { return m_content_bitmap; }
Gfx::Bitmap const* mask_bitmap() const { return m_mask_bitmap; }
Gfx::Bitmap* mask_bitmap() { return m_mask_bitmap; }
void create_mask();
Gfx::IntSize size() const { return content_bitmap().size(); }
Gfx::IntRect relative_rect() const { return { location(), size() }; }
Gfx::IntRect rect() const { return { {}, size() }; }
String const& name() const { return m_name; }
void set_name(String);
void flip(Gfx::Orientation orientation);
void rotate(Gfx::RotationDirection direction);
void crop(Gfx::IntRect const& rect);
ErrorOr<void> try_set_bitmaps(NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> content, RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> mask);
void did_modify_bitmap(Gfx::IntRect const& = {});
void set_selected(bool selected) { m_selected = selected; }
bool is_selected() const { return m_selected; }
bool is_visible() const { return m_visible; }
void set_visible(bool visible);
int opacity_percent() const { return m_opacity_percent; }
void set_opacity_percent(int);
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> try_copy_bitmap(Selection const&) const;
Image const& image() const { return m_image; }
void erase_selection(Selection const&);
bool is_masked() const { return !m_mask_bitmap.is_null(); }
enum class EditMode {
EditMode edit_mode() { return m_edit_mode; }
void set_edit_mode(EditMode mode);
Gfx::Bitmap& currently_edited_bitmap();
Layer(Image&, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>, String name);
Image& m_image;
String m_name;
Gfx::IntPoint m_location;
NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_content_bitmap;
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_mask_bitmap { nullptr };
NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_cached_display_bitmap;
bool m_selected { false };
bool m_visible { true };
int m_opacity_percent { 100 };
EditMode m_edit_mode { EditMode::Content };
void update_cached_bitmap();