Lenny Maiorani ea58b8d927 Libraries: Use default constructors/destructors in LibCore

"The compiler is more likely to get the default semantics right and
you cannot implement these functions better than the compiler."
2022-03-10 18:04:26 -08:00

936 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, sin-ack <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/EnumBits.h>
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <AK/IPv4Address.h>
#include <AK/MemMem.h>
#include <AK/Noncopyable.h>
#include <AK/Result.h>
#include <AK/Span.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/Time.h>
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <LibCore/Notifier.h>
#include <LibCore/SocketAddress.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
namespace Core::Stream {
/// The base, abstract class for stream operations. This class defines the
/// operations one can perform on every stream in LibCore.
class Stream {
virtual bool is_readable() const { return false; }
/// Reads into a buffer, with the maximum size being the size of the buffer.
/// The amount of bytes read can be smaller than the size of the buffer.
/// Returns either the amount of bytes read, or an errno in the case of
/// failure.
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes) = 0;
/// Tries to fill the entire buffer through reading. Returns whether the
/// buffer was filled without an error.
virtual bool read_or_error(Bytes);
virtual bool is_writable() const { return false; }
/// Tries to write the entire contents of the buffer. It is possible for
/// less than the full buffer to be written. Returns either the amount of
/// bytes written into the stream, or an errno in the case of failure.
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes) = 0;
/// Same as write, but does not return until either the entire buffer
/// contents are written or an error occurs. Returns whether the entire
/// contents were written without an error.
virtual bool write_or_error(ReadonlyBytes);
/// Returns whether the stream has reached the end of file. For sockets,
/// this most likely means that the protocol has disconnected (in the case
/// of TCP). For seekable streams, this means the end of the file. Note that
/// is_eof will only return true _after_ a read with 0 length, so this
/// method should be called after a read.
virtual bool is_eof() const = 0;
virtual bool is_open() const = 0;
virtual void close() = 0;
virtual ~Stream()
enum class SeekMode {
/// Adds seekability to Core::Stream. Classes inheriting from SeekableStream
/// will be seekable to any point in the stream.
class SeekableStream : public Stream {
/// Seeks to the given position in the given mode. Returns either the
/// current position of the file, or an errno in the case of an error.
virtual ErrorOr<off_t> seek(i64 offset, SeekMode) = 0;
/// Returns the current position of the file, or an errno in the case of
/// an error.
virtual ErrorOr<off_t> tell() const;
/// Returns the total size of the stream, or an errno in the case of an
/// error. May not preserve the original position on the stream on failure.
virtual ErrorOr<off_t> size();
/// Shrinks or extends the stream to the given size. Returns an errno in
/// the case of an error.
virtual ErrorOr<void> truncate(off_t length) = 0;
/// The Socket class is the base class for all concrete BSD-style socket
/// classes. Sockets are non-seekable streams which can be read byte-wise.
class Socket : public Stream {
Socket(Socket&&) = default;
Socket& operator=(Socket&&) = default;
/// Checks how many bytes of data are currently available to read on the
/// socket. For datagram-based socket, this is the size of the first
/// datagram that can be read. Returns either the amount of bytes, or an
/// errno in the case of failure.
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> pending_bytes() const = 0;
/// Returns whether there's any data that can be immediately read, or an
/// errno on failure.
virtual ErrorOr<bool> can_read_without_blocking(int timeout = 0) const = 0;
// Sets the blocking mode of the socket. If blocking mode is disabled, reads
// will fail with EAGAIN when there's no data available to read, and writes
// will fail with EAGAIN when the data cannot be written without blocking
// (due to the send buffer being full, for example).
virtual ErrorOr<void> set_blocking(bool enabled) = 0;
// Sets the close-on-exec mode of the socket. If close-on-exec mode is
// enabled, then the socket will be automatically closed by the kernel when
// an exec call happens.
virtual ErrorOr<void> set_close_on_exec(bool enabled) = 0;
/// Disables any listening mechanisms that this socket uses.
/// Can be called with 'false' when `on_ready_to_read` notifications are no longer needed.
/// Conversely, set_notifications_enabled(true) will re-enable notifications.
virtual void set_notifications_enabled(bool) { }
Function<void()> on_ready_to_read;
enum class SocketDomain {
enum class SocketType {
static ErrorOr<int> create_fd(SocketDomain, SocketType);
// FIXME: This will need to be updated when IPv6 socket arrives. Perhaps a
// base class for all address types is appropriate.
static ErrorOr<IPv4Address> resolve_host(String const&, SocketType);
static ErrorOr<void> connect_local(int fd, String const& path);
static ErrorOr<void> connect_inet(int fd, SocketAddress const&);
/// A reusable socket maintains state about being connected in addition to
/// normal Socket capabilities, and can be reconnected once disconnected.
class ReusableSocket : public Socket {
/// Returns whether the socket is currently connected.
virtual bool is_connected() = 0;
/// Reconnects the socket to the given host and port. Returns EALREADY if
/// is_connected() is true.
virtual ErrorOr<void> reconnect(String const& host, u16 port) = 0;
/// Connects the socket to the given socket address (IP address + port).
/// Returns EALREADY is_connected() is true.
virtual ErrorOr<void> reconnect(SocketAddress const&) = 0;
// Concrete classes.
enum class OpenMode : unsigned {
NotOpen = 0,
Read = 1,
Write = 2,
ReadWrite = 3,
Append = 4,
Truncate = 8,
MustBeNew = 16,
KeepOnExec = 32,
Nonblocking = 64,
class File final : public SeekableStream {
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<File>> open(StringView filename, OpenMode, mode_t = 0644);
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<File>> adopt_fd(int fd, OpenMode);
File(File&& other) { operator=(move(other)); }
File& operator=(File&& other)
if (&other == this)
return *this;
m_mode = exchange(other.m_mode, OpenMode::NotOpen);
m_fd = exchange(other.m_fd, -1);
m_last_read_was_eof = exchange(other.m_last_read_was_eof, false);
return *this;
virtual bool is_readable() const override;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes) override;
virtual bool is_writable() const override;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes) override;
virtual bool is_eof() const override;
virtual bool is_open() const override;
virtual void close() override;
virtual ErrorOr<off_t> seek(i64 offset, SeekMode) override;
virtual ErrorOr<void> truncate(off_t length) override;
virtual ~File() override { close(); }
File(OpenMode mode)
: m_mode(mode)
ErrorOr<void> open_path(StringView filename, mode_t);
OpenMode m_mode { OpenMode::NotOpen };
int m_fd { -1 };
bool m_last_read_was_eof { false };
class PosixSocketHelper {
template<typename T>
PosixSocketHelper(Badge<T>) requires(IsBaseOf<Socket, T>) { }
PosixSocketHelper(PosixSocketHelper&& other)
PosixSocketHelper& operator=(PosixSocketHelper&& other)
m_fd = exchange(other.m_fd, -1);
m_last_read_was_eof = exchange(other.m_last_read_was_eof, false);
m_notifier = move(other.m_notifier);
return *this;
int fd() const { return m_fd; }
void set_fd(int fd) { m_fd = fd; }
ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes, int flags = 0);
ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes);
bool is_eof() const { return !is_open() || m_last_read_was_eof; }
bool is_open() const { return m_fd != -1; }
void close();
ErrorOr<size_t> pending_bytes() const;
ErrorOr<bool> can_read_without_blocking(int timeout) const;
ErrorOr<void> set_blocking(bool enabled);
ErrorOr<void> set_close_on_exec(bool enabled);
ErrorOr<void> set_receive_timeout(Time timeout);
void setup_notifier();
RefPtr<Core::Notifier> notifier() { return m_notifier; }
int m_fd { -1 };
bool m_last_read_was_eof { false };
RefPtr<Core::Notifier> m_notifier;
class TCPSocket final : public Socket {
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<TCPSocket>> connect(String const& host, u16 port);
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<TCPSocket>> connect(SocketAddress const& address);
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<TCPSocket>> adopt_fd(int fd);
TCPSocket(TCPSocket&& other)
: Socket(static_cast<Socket&&>(other))
, m_helper(move(other.m_helper))
if (is_open())
TCPSocket& operator=(TCPSocket&& other)
m_helper = move(other.m_helper);
if (is_open())
return *this;
virtual bool is_readable() const override { return is_open(); }
virtual bool is_writable() const override { return is_open(); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes buffer) override { return; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes buffer) override { return m_helper.write(buffer); }
virtual bool is_eof() const override { return m_helper.is_eof(); }
virtual bool is_open() const override { return m_helper.is_open(); };
virtual void close() override { m_helper.close(); };
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> pending_bytes() const override { return m_helper.pending_bytes(); }
virtual ErrorOr<bool> can_read_without_blocking(int timeout = 0) const override { return m_helper.can_read_without_blocking(timeout); }
virtual void set_notifications_enabled(bool enabled) override
if (auto notifier = m_helper.notifier())
ErrorOr<void> set_blocking(bool enabled) override { return m_helper.set_blocking(enabled); }
ErrorOr<void> set_close_on_exec(bool enabled) override { return m_helper.set_close_on_exec(enabled); }
virtual ~TCPSocket() override { close(); }
void setup_notifier()
m_helper.notifier()->on_ready_to_read = [this] {
if (on_ready_to_read)
PosixSocketHelper m_helper { Badge<TCPSocket> {} };
class UDPSocket final : public Socket {
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<UDPSocket>> connect(String const& host, u16 port, Optional<Time> timeout = {});
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<UDPSocket>> connect(SocketAddress const& address, Optional<Time> timeout = {});
UDPSocket(UDPSocket&& other)
: Socket(static_cast<Socket&&>(other))
, m_helper(move(other.m_helper))
if (is_open())
UDPSocket& operator=(UDPSocket&& other)
m_helper = move(other.m_helper);
if (is_open())
return *this;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes buffer) override
auto pending_bytes = TRY(this->pending_bytes());
if (pending_bytes > buffer.size()) {
// With UDP datagrams, reading a datagram into a buffer that's
// smaller than the datagram's size will cause the rest of the
// datagram to be discarded. That's not very nice, so let's bail
// early, telling the caller that he should allocate a bigger
// buffer.
return Error::from_errno(EMSGSIZE);
virtual bool is_readable() const override { return is_open(); }
virtual bool is_writable() const override { return is_open(); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes buffer) override { return m_helper.write(buffer); }
virtual bool is_eof() const override { return m_helper.is_eof(); }
virtual bool is_open() const override { return m_helper.is_open(); }
virtual void close() override { m_helper.close(); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> pending_bytes() const override { return m_helper.pending_bytes(); }
virtual ErrorOr<bool> can_read_without_blocking(int timeout = 0) const override { return m_helper.can_read_without_blocking(timeout); }
virtual void set_notifications_enabled(bool enabled) override
if (auto notifier = m_helper.notifier())
ErrorOr<void> set_blocking(bool enabled) override { return m_helper.set_blocking(enabled); }
ErrorOr<void> set_close_on_exec(bool enabled) override { return m_helper.set_close_on_exec(enabled); }
virtual ~UDPSocket() override { close(); }
UDPSocket() = default;
void setup_notifier()
m_helper.notifier()->on_ready_to_read = [this] {
if (on_ready_to_read)
PosixSocketHelper m_helper { Badge<UDPSocket> {} };
class LocalSocket final : public Socket {
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<LocalSocket>> connect(String const& path);
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<LocalSocket>> adopt_fd(int fd);
LocalSocket(LocalSocket&& other)
: Socket(static_cast<Socket&&>(other))
, m_helper(move(other.m_helper))
if (is_open())
LocalSocket& operator=(LocalSocket&& other)
m_helper = move(other.m_helper);
if (is_open())
return *this;
virtual bool is_readable() const override { return is_open(); }
virtual bool is_writable() const override { return is_open(); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes buffer) override { return; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes buffer) override { return m_helper.write(buffer); }
virtual bool is_eof() const override { return m_helper.is_eof(); }
virtual bool is_open() const override { return m_helper.is_open(); }
virtual void close() override { m_helper.close(); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> pending_bytes() const override { return m_helper.pending_bytes(); }
virtual ErrorOr<bool> can_read_without_blocking(int timeout = 0) const override { return m_helper.can_read_without_blocking(timeout); }
virtual ErrorOr<void> set_blocking(bool enabled) override { return m_helper.set_blocking(enabled); }
virtual ErrorOr<void> set_close_on_exec(bool enabled) override { return m_helper.set_close_on_exec(enabled); }
virtual void set_notifications_enabled(bool enabled) override
if (auto notifier = m_helper.notifier())
ErrorOr<int> receive_fd(int flags);
ErrorOr<void> send_fd(int fd);
ErrorOr<pid_t> peer_pid() const;
ErrorOr<size_t> read_without_waiting(Bytes buffer);
/// Release the fd associated with this LocalSocket. After the fd is
/// released, the socket will be considered "closed" and all operations done
/// on it will fail with ENOTCONN. Fails with ENOTCONN if the socket is
/// already closed.
ErrorOr<int> release_fd();
virtual ~LocalSocket() { close(); }
LocalSocket() = default;
void setup_notifier()
m_helper.notifier()->on_ready_to_read = [this] {
if (on_ready_to_read)
PosixSocketHelper m_helper { Badge<LocalSocket> {} };
// Buffered stream wrappers
template<typename T>
concept StreamLike = IsBaseOf<Stream, T>;
template<typename T>
concept SeekableStreamLike = IsBaseOf<SeekableStream, T>;
template<typename T>
concept SocketLike = IsBaseOf<Socket, T>;
template<typename T>
class BufferedHelper {
template<StreamLike U>
BufferedHelper(Badge<U>, NonnullOwnPtr<T> stream, ByteBuffer buffer)
: m_stream(move(stream))
, m_buffer(move(buffer))
BufferedHelper(BufferedHelper&& other)
: m_stream(move(other.m_stream))
, m_buffer(move(other.m_buffer))
, m_buffered_size(exchange(other.m_buffered_size, 0))
BufferedHelper& operator=(BufferedHelper&& other)
m_stream = move(other.m_stream);
m_buffer = move(other.m_buffer);
m_buffered_size = exchange(other.m_buffered_size, 0);
return *this;
template<template<typename> typename BufferedType>
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<BufferedType<T>>> create_buffered(NonnullOwnPtr<T> stream, size_t buffer_size)
if (!buffer_size)
return Error::from_errno(EINVAL);
if (!stream->is_open())
return Error::from_errno(ENOTCONN);
auto buffer = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(buffer_size));
return adopt_nonnull_own_or_enomem(new BufferedType<T>(move(stream), move(buffer)));
T& stream() { return *m_stream; }
T const& stream() const { return *m_stream; }
ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes buffer)
if (!stream().is_open())
return Error::from_errno(ENOTCONN);
if (!buffer.size())
return Error::from_errno(ENOBUFS);
// Fill the internal buffer if it has run dry.
if (m_buffered_size == 0)
// Let's try to take all we can from the buffer first.
size_t buffer_nread = 0;
if (m_buffered_size > 0) {
// FIXME: Use a circular buffer to avoid shifting the buffer
// contents.
size_t amount_to_take = min(buffer.size(), m_buffered_size);
auto slice_to_take = m_buffer.span().slice(0, amount_to_take);
auto slice_to_shift = m_buffer.span().slice(amount_to_take);
buffer_nread += amount_to_take;
if (amount_to_take < m_buffered_size) {
m_buffer.overwrite(0,, m_buffered_size - amount_to_take);
m_buffered_size -= amount_to_take;
return buffer_nread;
// Reads into the buffer until \n is encountered.
// The size of the Bytes object is the maximum amount of bytes that will be
// read. Returns the amount of bytes read.
ErrorOr<size_t> read_line(Bytes buffer)
return read_until(buffer, "\n"sv);
ErrorOr<size_t> read_until(Bytes buffer, StringView candidate)
return read_until_any_of(buffer, Array { candidate });
template<size_t N>
ErrorOr<size_t> read_until_any_of(Bytes buffer, Array<StringView, N> candidates)
if (!stream().is_open())
return Error::from_errno(ENOTCONN);
if (buffer.is_empty())
return Error::from_errno(ENOBUFS);
// We fill the buffer through can_read_line.
if (!TRY(can_read_line()))
return 0;
if (stream().is_eof()) {
if (buffer.size() < m_buffered_size) {
// Normally, reading from an EOFed stream and receiving bytes
// would mean that the stream is no longer EOF. However, it's
// possible with a buffered stream that the user is able to read
// the buffer contents even when the underlying stream is EOF.
// We already violate this invariant once by giving the user the
// chance to read the remaining buffer contents, but if the user
// doesn't give us a big enough buffer, then we would be
// violating the invariant twice the next time the user attempts
// to read, which is No Good. So let's give a descriptive error
// to the caller about why it can't read.
return Error::from_errno(EMSGSIZE);
// The intention here is to try to match all of the possible
// delimiter candidates and try to find the longest one we can
// remove from the buffer after copying up to the delimiter to the
// user buffer.
Optional<size_t> longest_match;
size_t match_size = 0;
for (auto& candidate : candidates) {
auto result = AK::memmem_optional(, m_buffered_size, candidate.bytes().data(), candidate.bytes().size());
if (result.has_value()) {
auto previous_match = longest_match.value_or(*result);
if ((previous_match < *result) || (previous_match == *result && match_size < candidate.length())) {
longest_match = result;
match_size = candidate.length();
if (longest_match.has_value()) {
auto size_written_to_user_buffer = *longest_match;
auto buffer_to_take = m_buffer.span().slice(0, size_written_to_user_buffer);
auto buffer_to_shift = m_buffer.span().slice(size_written_to_user_buffer + match_size);
m_buffer.overwrite(0,, buffer_to_shift.size());
m_buffered_size -= size_written_to_user_buffer + match_size;
return size_written_to_user_buffer;
// If we still haven't found anything, then it's most likely the case
// that the delimiter ends beyond the length of the caller-passed
// buffer. Let's just fill the caller's buffer up.
auto readable_size = min(m_buffered_size, buffer.size());
auto buffer_to_take = m_buffer.span().slice(0, readable_size);
auto buffer_to_shift = m_buffer.span().slice(readable_size);
m_buffer.overwrite(0,, buffer_to_shift.size());
m_buffered_size -= readable_size;
return readable_size;
// Returns whether a line can be read, populating the buffer in the process.
ErrorOr<bool> can_read_line()
if (stream().is_eof() && m_buffered_size > 0)
return true;
if (m_buffer.span().slice(0, m_buffered_size).contains_slow('\n'))
return true;
if (!stream().is_readable())
return false;
while (m_buffered_size < m_buffer.size()) {
auto populated_slice = TRY(populate_read_buffer());
if (stream().is_eof()) {
// We give the user one last hurrah to read the remaining
// contents as a "line".
return m_buffered_size > 0;
if (populated_slice.contains_slow('\n'))
return true;
if (populated_slice.is_empty())
return false;
bool is_eof() const
if (m_buffered_size > 0) {
return false;
return stream().is_eof();
size_t buffer_size() const
return m_buffer.size();
size_t buffered_data_size() const
return m_buffered_size;
void clear_buffer()
m_buffered_size = 0;
ErrorOr<ReadonlyBytes> populate_read_buffer()
if (m_buffered_size == m_buffer.size())
return ReadonlyBytes {};
auto fillable_slice = m_buffer.span().slice(m_buffered_size);
size_t nread = 0;
do {
auto result = stream().read(fillable_slice);
if (result.is_error()) {
if (!result.error().is_errno())
return result.error();
if (result.error().code() == EINTR)
if (result.error().code() == EAGAIN)
return result.error();
auto read_size = result.value();
m_buffered_size += read_size;
nread += read_size;
} while (true);
return fillable_slice.slice(0, nread);
NonnullOwnPtr<T> m_stream;
// FIXME: Replacing this with a circular buffer would be really nice and
// would avoid excessive copies; however, right now
// AK::CircularDuplexBuffer inlines its entire contents, and that
// would make for a very large object on the stack.
// The proper fix is to make a CircularQueue which uses a buffer on
// the heap.
ByteBuffer m_buffer;
size_t m_buffered_size { 0 };
// NOTE: A Buffered which accepts any Stream could be added here, but it is not
// needed at the moment.
template<SeekableStreamLike T>
class BufferedSeekable final : public SeekableStream {
friend BufferedHelper<T>;
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<BufferedSeekable<T>>> create(NonnullOwnPtr<T> stream, size_t buffer_size = 16384)
return BufferedHelper<T>::template create_buffered<BufferedSeekable>(move(stream), buffer_size);
BufferedSeekable(BufferedSeekable&& other) = default;
BufferedSeekable& operator=(BufferedSeekable&& other) = default;
virtual bool is_readable() const override { return; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes buffer) override { return; }
virtual bool is_writable() const override { return; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes buffer) override { return; }
virtual bool is_eof() const override { return m_helper.is_eof(); }
virtual bool is_open() const override { return; }
virtual void close() override {; }
virtual ErrorOr<off_t> seek(i64 offset, SeekMode mode) override
auto result = TRY(, mode));
return result;
virtual ErrorOr<void> truncate(off_t length) override
ErrorOr<size_t> read_line(Bytes buffer) { return m_helper.read_line(move(buffer)); }
ErrorOr<size_t> read_until(Bytes buffer, StringView candidate) { return m_helper.read_until(move(buffer), move(candidate)); }
template<size_t N>
ErrorOr<size_t> read_until_any_of(Bytes buffer, Array<StringView, N> candidates) { return m_helper.read_until_any_of(move(buffer), move(candidates)); }
ErrorOr<bool> can_read_line() { return m_helper.can_read_line(); }
size_t buffer_size() const { return m_helper.buffer_size(); }
virtual ~BufferedSeekable() override = default;
BufferedSeekable(NonnullOwnPtr<T> stream, ByteBuffer buffer)
: m_helper(Badge<BufferedSeekable<T>> {}, move(stream), buffer)
BufferedHelper<T> m_helper;
class BufferedSocketBase : public Socket {
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read_line(Bytes buffer) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read_until(Bytes buffer, StringView candidate) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<bool> can_read_line() = 0;
virtual size_t buffer_size() const = 0;
template<SocketLike T>
class BufferedSocket final : public BufferedSocketBase {
friend BufferedHelper<T>;
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<BufferedSocket<T>>> create(NonnullOwnPtr<T> stream, size_t buffer_size = 16384)
return BufferedHelper<T>::template create_buffered<BufferedSocket>(move(stream), buffer_size);
BufferedSocket(BufferedSocket&& other)
: BufferedSocketBase(static_cast<BufferedSocketBase&&>(other))
, m_helper(move(other.m_helper))
BufferedSocket& operator=(BufferedSocket&& other)
m_helper = move(other.m_helper);
return *this;
virtual bool is_readable() const override { return; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes buffer) override { return; }
virtual bool is_writable() const override { return; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes buffer) override { return; }
virtual bool is_eof() const override { return m_helper.is_eof(); }
virtual bool is_open() const override { return; }
virtual void close() override {; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> pending_bytes() const override
return TRY( + m_helper.buffered_data_size();
virtual ErrorOr<bool> can_read_without_blocking(int timeout = 0) const override { return m_helper.buffered_data_size() > 0 || TRY(; }
virtual ErrorOr<void> set_blocking(bool enabled) override { return; }
virtual ErrorOr<void> set_close_on_exec(bool enabled) override { return; }
virtual void set_notifications_enabled(bool enabled) override {; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read_line(Bytes buffer) override { return m_helper.read_line(move(buffer)); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read_until(Bytes buffer, StringView candidate) override { return m_helper.read_until(move(buffer), move(candidate)); }
template<size_t N>
ErrorOr<size_t> read_until_any_of(Bytes buffer, Array<StringView, N> candidates) { return m_helper.read_until_any_of(move(buffer), move(candidates)); }
virtual ErrorOr<bool> can_read_line() override { return m_helper.can_read_line(); }
virtual size_t buffer_size() const override { return m_helper.buffer_size(); }
virtual ~BufferedSocket() override = default;
BufferedSocket(NonnullOwnPtr<T> stream, ByteBuffer buffer)
: m_helper(Badge<BufferedSocket<T>> {}, move(stream), buffer)
void setup_notifier()
{ = [this] {
if (on_ready_to_read)
BufferedHelper<T> m_helper;
using BufferedFile = BufferedSeekable<File>;
using BufferedTCPSocket = BufferedSocket<TCPSocket>;
using BufferedUDPSocket = BufferedSocket<UDPSocket>;
using BufferedLocalSocket = BufferedSocket<LocalSocket>;
/// A BasicReusableSocket allows one to use one of the base Core::Stream classes
/// as a ReusableSocket. It does not preserve any connection state or options,
/// and instead just recreates the stream when reconnecting.
template<SocketLike T>
class BasicReusableSocket final : public ReusableSocket {
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<BasicReusableSocket<T>>> connect(String const& host, u16 port)
return make<BasicReusableSocket<T>>(TRY(T::connect(host, port)));
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<BasicReusableSocket<T>>> connect(SocketAddress const& address)
return make<BasicReusableSocket<T>>(TRY(T::connect(address)));
virtual bool is_connected() override
return m_socket.is_open();
virtual ErrorOr<void> reconnect(String const& host, u16 port) override
if (is_connected())
return Error::from_errno(EALREADY);
m_socket = TRY(T::connect(host, port));
return {};
virtual ErrorOr<void> reconnect(SocketAddress const& address) override
if (is_connected())
return Error::from_errno(EALREADY);
m_socket = TRY(T::connect(address));
return {};
virtual bool is_readable() const override { return m_socket.is_readable(); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(Bytes buffer) override { return; }
virtual bool is_writable() const override { return m_socket.is_writable(); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(ReadonlyBytes buffer) override { return m_socket.write(buffer); }
virtual bool is_eof() const override { return m_socket.is_eof(); }
virtual bool is_open() const override { return m_socket.is_open(); }
virtual void close() override { m_socket.close(); }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> pending_bytes() const override { return m_socket.pending_bytes(); }
virtual ErrorOr<bool> can_read_without_blocking(int timeout = 0) const override { return m_socket.can_read_without_blocking(timeout); }
virtual ErrorOr<void> set_blocking(bool enabled) override { return m_socket.set_blocking(enabled); }
virtual ErrorOr<void> set_close_on_exec(bool enabled) override { return m_socket.set_close_on_exec(enabled); }
BasicReusableSocket(NonnullOwnPtr<T> socket)
: m_socket(move(socket))
NonnullOwnPtr<T> m_socket;
using ReusableTCPSocket = BasicReusableSocket<TCPSocket>;
using ReusableUDPSocket = BasicReusableSocket<UDPSocket>;