Luke Warlow 099b77d60f LibWeb: Add motion preference
This adds a motion preference to the browser UI similar to the existing
ones for color scheme and contrast.
Both AppKit UI and Qt UI has this new preference.
The auto value is currently the same as NoPreference, follow-ups can
address wiring that up to the actual preference for the OS.
2024-06-18 10:31:54 -04:00

215 lines
6.0 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include "Tab.h"
#include <Ladybird/Qt/FindInPageWidget.h>
#include <Ladybird/Types.h>
#include <LibCore/Forward.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/ActivateTab.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/AudioPlayState.h>
#include <LibWebView/Forward.h>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QTabWidget>
#include <QToolBar>
namespace Ladybird {
class SettingsDialog;
class WebContentView;
class TaskManagerWindow;
class BrowserWindow : public QMainWindow {
BrowserWindow(Vector<URL::URL> const& initial_urls, WebView::CookieJar&, WebContentOptions const&, StringView webdriver_content_ipc_path, bool allow_popups, Tab* parent_tab = nullptr, Optional<u64> page_index = {});
WebContentView& view() const { return m_current_tab->view(); }
int tab_count() { return m_tabs_container->count(); }
int tab_index(Tab*);
Tab& create_new_tab(Web::HTML::ActivateTab activate_tab);
QMenu& hamburger_menu()
return *m_hamburger_menu;
QAction& go_back_action()
return *m_go_back_action;
QAction& go_forward_action()
return *m_go_forward_action;
QAction& reload_action()
return *m_reload_action;
QAction& new_tab_action()
return *m_new_tab_action;
QAction& new_window_action()
return *m_new_window_action;
QAction& copy_selection_action()
return *m_copy_selection_action;
QAction& select_all_action()
return *m_select_all_action;
QAction& find_action()
return *m_find_in_page_action;
QAction& paste_action()
return *m_paste_action;
QAction& view_source_action()
return *m_view_source_action;
QAction& inspect_dom_node_action()
return *m_inspect_dom_node_action;
Tab* current_tab() const { return m_current_tab; }
public slots:
void device_pixel_ratio_changed(qreal dpi);
void tab_title_changed(int index, QString const&);
void tab_favicon_changed(int index, QIcon const& icon);
void tab_audio_play_state_changed(int index, Web::HTML::AudioPlayState);
void tab_navigation_buttons_state_changed(int index);
Tab& new_tab_from_url(URL::URL const&, Web::HTML::ActivateTab);
Tab& new_tab_from_content(StringView html, Web::HTML::ActivateTab);
Tab& new_child_tab(Web::HTML::ActivateTab, Tab& parent, Optional<u64> page_index);
void activate_tab(int index);
void close_tab(int index);
void move_tab(int old_index, int new_index);
void close_current_tab();
void open_next_tab();
void open_previous_tab();
void open_file();
void enable_auto_color_scheme();
void enable_light_color_scheme();
void enable_dark_color_scheme();
void enable_auto_contrast();
void enable_less_contrast();
void enable_more_contrast();
void enable_no_preference_contrast();
void enable_auto_motion();
void enable_no_preference_motion();
void enable_reduce_motion();
void zoom_in();
void zoom_out();
void reset_zoom();
void update_zoom_menu();
void select_all();
void show_find_in_page();
void paste();
void copy_selected_text();
bool eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) override;
virtual bool event(QEvent*) override;
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) override;
virtual void moveEvent(QMoveEvent*) override;
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*) override;
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) override;
Tab& create_new_tab(Web::HTML::ActivateTab, Tab& parent, Optional<u64> page_index);
void initialize_tab(Tab*);
void debug_request(ByteString const& request, ByteString const& argument = "");
void set_current_tab(Tab* tab);
void update_displayed_zoom_level();
template<typename Callback>
void for_each_tab(Callback&& callback)
for (int i = 0; i < m_tabs_container->count(); ++i) {
auto& tab = verify_cast<Tab>(*m_tabs_container->widget(i));
void create_close_button_for_tab(Tab*);
QIcon icon_for_page_mute_state(Tab&) const;
QString tool_tip_for_page_mute_state(Tab&) const;
QTabBar::ButtonPosition audio_button_position_for_tab(int tab_index) const;
void set_window_rect(Optional<Web::DevicePixels> x, Optional<Web::DevicePixels> y, Optional<Web::DevicePixels> width, Optional<Web::DevicePixels> height);
ByteString user_agent_string() const { return m_user_agent_string; }
void set_user_agent_string(ByteString const& user_agent_string) { m_user_agent_string = user_agent_string; }
QScreen* m_current_screen;
double m_device_pixel_ratio { 0 };
QTabWidget* m_tabs_container { nullptr };
Tab* m_current_tab { nullptr };
QMenu* m_zoom_menu { nullptr };
QMenu* m_hamburger_menu { nullptr };
QAction* m_go_back_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_go_forward_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_reload_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_new_tab_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_new_window_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_copy_selection_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_paste_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_select_all_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_find_in_page_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_view_source_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_inspect_dom_node_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_show_line_box_borders_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_enable_scripting_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_block_pop_ups_action { nullptr };
QAction* m_enable_same_origin_policy_action { nullptr };
ByteString m_user_agent_string {};
SettingsDialog* m_settings_dialog { nullptr };
WebView::CookieJar& m_cookie_jar;
WebContentOptions m_web_content_options;
StringView m_webdriver_content_ipc_path;
bool m_allow_popups { false };