Andreas Kling 797f51e122 LibWeb: Add border box top/bottom metrics to line box fragments
This will allow us to support more kinds of vertical alignment.
2022-02-26 09:24:40 +01:00

181 lines
6.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Layout/LineBuilder.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/TextNode.h>
namespace Web::Layout {
LineBuilder::LineBuilder(InlineFormattingContext& context, FormattingState& formatting_state)
: m_context(context)
, m_formatting_state(formatting_state)
, m_containing_block_state(formatting_state.get_mutable(context.containing_block()))
if (m_last_line_needs_update)
void LineBuilder::break_line()
void LineBuilder::begin_new_line(bool increment_y)
if (increment_y)
m_current_y += max(m_max_height_on_current_line, m_context.containing_block().line_height());
auto space = m_context.available_space_for_line(m_current_y);
m_available_width_for_current_line = space.right - space.left;
m_max_height_on_current_line = 0;
m_last_line_needs_update = true;
LineBox& LineBuilder::ensure_last_line_box()
auto& line_boxes = m_containing_block_state.line_boxes;
if (line_boxes.is_empty())
line_boxes.append(LineBox {});
return line_boxes.last();
void LineBuilder::append_box(Box const& box, float leading_size, float trailing_size)
auto const& box_state = m_formatting_state.get(box);
ensure_last_line_box().add_fragment(box, 0, 0, leading_size, trailing_size, box_state.content_width, box_state.content_height, box_state.border_box_top(), box_state.border_box_bottom());
m_max_height_on_current_line = max(m_max_height_on_current_line, box_state.content_height);
void LineBuilder::append_text_chunk(TextNode const& text_node, size_t offset_in_node, size_t length_in_node, float leading_size, float trailing_size, float content_width, float content_height)
ensure_last_line_box().add_fragment(text_node, offset_in_node, length_in_node, leading_size, trailing_size, content_width, content_height, 0, 0);
m_max_height_on_current_line = max(m_max_height_on_current_line, content_height);
bool LineBuilder::should_break(LayoutMode layout_mode, float next_item_width, bool should_force_break)
if (layout_mode == LayoutMode::AllPossibleLineBreaks)
return true;
if (should_force_break)
return true;
if (layout_mode == LayoutMode::OnlyRequiredLineBreaks)
return false;
auto const& line_boxes = m_containing_block_state.line_boxes;
if (line_boxes.is_empty() || line_boxes.last().is_empty())
return false;
auto current_line_width = line_boxes.last().width();
return (current_line_width + next_item_width) > m_available_width_for_current_line;
void LineBuilder::update_last_line()
m_last_line_needs_update = false;
auto& line_boxes = m_containing_block_state.line_boxes;
if (line_boxes.is_empty())
auto& line_box = line_boxes.last();
auto text_align = m_context.containing_block().computed_values().text_align();
float x_offset = m_context.available_space_for_line(m_current_y).left;
float excess_horizontal_space = m_containing_block_state.content_width - line_box.width();
switch (text_align) {
case CSS::TextAlign::Center:
case CSS::TextAlign::LibwebCenter:
x_offset += excess_horizontal_space / 2;
case CSS::TextAlign::Right:
x_offset += excess_horizontal_space;
case CSS::TextAlign::Left:
case CSS::TextAlign::Justify:
float excess_horizontal_space_including_whitespace = excess_horizontal_space;
size_t whitespace_count = 0;
if (text_align == CSS::TextAlign::Justify) {
for (auto& fragment : line_box.fragments()) {
if (fragment.is_justifiable_whitespace()) {
excess_horizontal_space_including_whitespace += fragment.width();
float justified_space_width = whitespace_count > 0 ? (excess_horizontal_space_including_whitespace / static_cast<float>(whitespace_count)) : 0;
// HACK: This is where we determine the baseline of this line box.
// We use the bottommost value of all the font baselines on the line and all the inline-block heights.
// FIXME: Support all the various CSS baseline properties, etc.
float max_height = max(m_max_height_on_current_line, m_context.containing_block().line_height());
float line_box_baseline = 0;
for (auto& fragment : line_box.fragments()) {
float fragment_baseline;
if (fragment.layout_node().is_box()) {
fragment_baseline = m_formatting_state.get(static_cast<Box const&>(fragment.layout_node())).border_box_height();
} else {
float font_baseline = fragment.layout_node().font().baseline();
fragment_baseline = (max_height / 2.0f) + (font_baseline / 2.0f);
line_box_baseline = max(line_box_baseline, fragment_baseline);
// Now we're going to align our fragments on the inline axis.
// We need to remember how much the last fragment on the line was moved by this process,
// since that is used to compute the final width of the entire line box.
float last_fragment_x_adjustment = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < line_box.fragments().size(); ++i) {
auto& fragment = line_box.fragments()[i];
// Vertically align everyone's bottom to the baseline.
// FIXME: Support other kinds of vertical alignment.
float new_fragment_x = roundf(x_offset + fragment.offset().x());
float new_fragment_y = m_current_y + (line_box_baseline - fragment.height());
last_fragment_x_adjustment = new_fragment_x - fragment.offset().x();
fragment.set_offset({ new_fragment_x, new_fragment_y });
if (text_align == CSS::TextAlign::Justify
&& fragment.is_justifiable_whitespace()
&& fragment.width() != justified_space_width) {
float diff = justified_space_width - fragment.width();
// Shift subsequent sibling fragments to the right to adjust for change in width.
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < line_box.fragments().size(); ++j) {
auto offset = line_box.fragments()[j].offset();
offset.translate_by(diff, 0);
if (!line_box.fragments().is_empty())
line_box.m_width += last_fragment_x_adjustment;
void LineBuilder::remove_last_line_if_empty()
// If there's an empty line box at the bottom, just remove it instead of giving it height.
auto& line_boxes = m_containing_block_state.line_boxes;
if (!line_boxes.is_empty() && line_boxes.last().fragments().is_empty()) {
m_last_line_needs_update = false;