Nico Weber 6d38824985 LibCompress: Tolerate more than 288 entries in CanonicalCode
Webp lossless can have up to 2328 symbols. This code assumed the deflate
max of 288, leading to crashes for webp lossless files using more than
288 symbols (such as Tests/LibGfx/test-inputs/simple-vp8l.webp).

Nothing writes webp files at this point, so the m_bit_codes and
m_bit_code_lengths arrays aren't ever used in practice with more than
288 entries.
2023-04-07 20:49:39 +02:00

225 lines
9.0 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers.
* Copyright (c) 2021, Idan Horowitz <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/ByteBuffer.h>
#include <AK/CircularBuffer.h>
#include <AK/Endian.h>
#include <AK/Forward.h>
#include <AK/MaybeOwned.h>
#include <AK/Stream.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibCompress/DeflateTables.h>
namespace Compress {
class CanonicalCode {
CanonicalCode() = default;
ErrorOr<u32> read_symbol(LittleEndianInputBitStream&) const;
ErrorOr<void> write_symbol(LittleEndianOutputBitStream&, u32) const;
static CanonicalCode const& fixed_literal_codes();
static CanonicalCode const& fixed_distance_codes();
static ErrorOr<CanonicalCode> from_bytes(ReadonlyBytes);
static constexpr size_t max_allowed_prefixed_code_length = 8;
struct PrefixTableEntry {
u16 symbol_value { 0 };
u16 code_length { 0 };
// Decompression - indexed by code
Vector<u16, 286> m_symbol_codes;
Vector<u16, 286> m_symbol_values;
Array<PrefixTableEntry, 1 << max_allowed_prefixed_code_length> m_prefix_table {};
size_t m_max_prefixed_code_length { 0 };
// Compression - indexed by symbol
// Deflate uses a maximum of 288 symbols (maximum of 32 for distances),
// but this is also used by webp, which can use up to 256 + 24 + (1 << 11) == 2328 symbols.
Vector<u16, 288> m_bit_codes {};
Vector<u16, 288> m_bit_code_lengths {};
class DeflateDecompressor final : public Stream {
class CompressedBlock {
CompressedBlock(DeflateDecompressor&, CanonicalCode literal_codes, Optional<CanonicalCode> distance_codes);
ErrorOr<bool> try_read_more();
bool m_eof { false };
DeflateDecompressor& m_decompressor;
CanonicalCode m_literal_codes;
Optional<CanonicalCode> m_distance_codes;
class UncompressedBlock {
UncompressedBlock(DeflateDecompressor&, size_t);
ErrorOr<bool> try_read_more();
DeflateDecompressor& m_decompressor;
size_t m_bytes_remaining;
enum class State {
friend CompressedBlock;
friend UncompressedBlock;
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<DeflateDecompressor>> construct(MaybeOwned<LittleEndianInputBitStream> stream);
virtual ErrorOr<Bytes> read_some(Bytes) override;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write_some(ReadonlyBytes) override;
virtual bool is_eof() const override;
virtual bool is_open() const override;
virtual void close() override;
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> decompress_all(ReadonlyBytes);
DeflateDecompressor(MaybeOwned<LittleEndianInputBitStream> stream, CircularBuffer buffer);
ErrorOr<u32> decode_length(u32);
ErrorOr<u32> decode_distance(u32);
ErrorOr<void> decode_codes(CanonicalCode& literal_code, Optional<CanonicalCode>& distance_code);
static constexpr u16 max_back_reference_length = 258;
bool m_read_final_bock { false };
State m_state { State::Idle };
union {
CompressedBlock m_compressed_block;
UncompressedBlock m_uncompressed_block;
MaybeOwned<LittleEndianInputBitStream> m_input_stream;
CircularBuffer m_output_buffer;
class DeflateCompressor final : public Stream {
static constexpr size_t block_size = 32 * KiB - 1; // TODO: this can theoretically be increased to 64 KiB - 2
static constexpr size_t window_size = block_size * 2;
static constexpr size_t hash_bits = 15;
static constexpr size_t max_huffman_literals = 288;
static constexpr size_t max_huffman_distances = 32;
static constexpr size_t min_match_length = 4; // matches smaller than these are not worth the size of the back reference
static constexpr size_t max_match_length = 258; // matches longer than these cannot be encoded using huffman codes
static constexpr u16 empty_slot = UINT16_MAX;
struct CompressionConstants {
size_t good_match_length; // Once we find a match of at least this length (a good enough match) we reduce max_chain to lower processing time
size_t max_lazy_length; // If the match is at least this long we dont defer matching to the next byte (which takes time) as its good enough
size_t great_match_length; // Once we find a match of at least this length (a great match) we can just stop searching for longer ones
size_t max_chain; // We only check the actual length of the max_chain closest matches
// These constants were shamelessly "borrowed" from zlib
static constexpr CompressionConstants compression_constants[] = {
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 4, 4, 8, 4 },
{ 8, 16, 128, 128 },
{ 32, 258, 258, 4096 },
{ max_match_length, max_match_length, max_match_length, 1 << hash_bits } // disable all limits
enum class CompressionLevel : int {
STORE = 0,
BEST // WARNING: this one can take an unreasonable amount of time!
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<DeflateCompressor>> construct(MaybeOwned<Stream>, CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel::GOOD);
virtual ErrorOr<Bytes> read_some(Bytes) override;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write_some(ReadonlyBytes) override;
virtual bool is_eof() const override;
virtual bool is_open() const override;
virtual void close() override;
ErrorOr<void> final_flush();
static ErrorOr<ByteBuffer> compress_all(ReadonlyBytes bytes, CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel::GOOD);
DeflateCompressor(NonnullOwnPtr<LittleEndianOutputBitStream>, CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel::GOOD);
Bytes pending_block() { return { m_rolling_window + block_size, block_size }; }
// LZ77 Compression
static u16 hash_sequence(u8 const* bytes);
size_t compare_match_candidate(size_t start, size_t candidate, size_t prev_match_length, size_t max_match_length);
size_t find_back_match(size_t start, u16 hash, size_t previous_match_length, size_t max_match_length, size_t& match_position);
void lz77_compress_block();
// Huffman Coding
struct code_length_symbol {
u8 symbol;
u8 count; // used for special symbols 16-18
static u8 distance_to_base(u16 distance);
template<size_t Size>
static void generate_huffman_lengths(Array<u8, Size>& lengths, Array<u16, Size> const& frequencies, size_t max_bit_length, u16 frequency_cap = UINT16_MAX);
size_t huffman_block_length(Array<u8, max_huffman_literals> const& literal_bit_lengths, Array<u8, max_huffman_distances> const& distance_bit_lengths);
ErrorOr<void> write_huffman(CanonicalCode const& literal_code, Optional<CanonicalCode> const& distance_code);
static size_t encode_huffman_lengths(Array<u8, max_huffman_literals + max_huffman_distances> const& lengths, size_t lengths_count, Array<code_length_symbol, max_huffman_literals + max_huffman_distances>& encoded_lengths);
size_t encode_block_lengths(Array<u8, max_huffman_literals> const& literal_bit_lengths, Array<u8, max_huffman_distances> const& distance_bit_lengths, Array<code_length_symbol, max_huffman_literals + max_huffman_distances>& encoded_lengths, size_t& literal_code_count, size_t& distance_code_count);
ErrorOr<void> write_dynamic_huffman(CanonicalCode const& literal_code, size_t literal_code_count, Optional<CanonicalCode> const& distance_code, size_t distance_code_count, Array<u8, 19> const& code_lengths_bit_lengths, size_t code_length_count, Array<code_length_symbol, max_huffman_literals + max_huffman_distances> const& encoded_lengths, size_t encoded_lengths_count);
size_t uncompressed_block_length();
size_t fixed_block_length();
size_t dynamic_block_length(Array<u8, max_huffman_literals> const& literal_bit_lengths, Array<u8, max_huffman_distances> const& distance_bit_lengths, Array<u8, 19> const& code_lengths_bit_lengths, Array<u16, 19> const& code_lengths_frequencies, size_t code_lengths_count);
ErrorOr<void> flush();
bool m_finished { false };
CompressionLevel m_compression_level;
CompressionConstants m_compression_constants;
NonnullOwnPtr<LittleEndianOutputBitStream> m_output_stream;
u8 m_rolling_window[window_size];
size_t m_pending_block_size { 0 };
struct [[gnu::packed]] {
u16 distance; // back reference length
union {
u16 literal; // literal byte or on of block symbol
u16 length; // back reference length (if distance != 0)
} m_symbol_buffer[block_size + 1];
size_t m_pending_symbol_size { 0 };
Array<u16, max_huffman_literals> m_symbol_frequencies; // there are 286 valid symbol values (symbols 286-287 never occur)
Array<u16, max_huffman_distances> m_distance_frequencies; // there are 30 valid distance values (distances 30-31 never occur)
// LZ77 Chained hash table
u16 m_hash_head[1 << hash_bits];
u16 m_hash_prev[window_size];