Daniel Bertalan d0edf2627c Toolchain+Ports: Split the GCC patches
This shouldn't cause any breaking changes, so a toolchain rebuild is not

As per Hendiadyoin's request, math errno is disabled by default, which
should enable some extra compiler optimizations in LibGL and LibSoftGPU
code that uses math functions heavily.

Co-Authored-By: Ali Mohammad Pur <>
2022-05-19 20:17:10 +04:30

237 lines
12 KiB

name: Build, lint, and test
on: [push, pull_request]
# Don't mix these up!
# runner.workspace = /home/runner/work/serenity
# github.workspace = /home/runner/work/serenity/serenity
SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}
group: ${{ github.head_ref || format('{0}-{1}', github.ref, github.run_number) }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
if: github.repository == 'SerenityOS/serenity'
fail-fast: false
debug-options: ['ALL_DEBUG', 'NORMAL_DEBUG']
os: [ubuntu-20.04]
arch: ['i686', 'x86_64']
# If ccache is broken and you would like to bust the ccache cache on Github Actions, increment this:
ccache-mark: [0]
# We currently manually disable the ALL_DEBUG build on x86_64 for sake of saving CI time, as it is not our main target right now
- debug-options: 'ALL_DEBUG'
arch: 'x86_64'
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Set default Python to python 3.x, and set Python path such that pip install works properly
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
# === OS SETUP ===
# Do we need to update the package cache first?
# sudo apt-get update -qq
- name: "Install Ubuntu dependencies"
# These packages are already part of the ubuntu-20.04 image:
# cmake libgmp-dev npm shellcheck
# Packages below aren't.
# We add the canonical-server/server-backports PPA to get updated QEMU releases without having to manage
# yet another cache in github actions
# We add the ubuntu-toolchain-r/test PPA to get gcc-11 on 20.04
run: |
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-server/server-backports
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb llvm-toolchain-focal-14 main'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y clang-format-14 ccache e2fsprogs gcc-11 g++-11 libstdc++-11-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev ninja-build qemu-utils qemu-system-i386 unzip
- name: Install JS dependencies
run: sudo npm install -g prettier@2.5.1
- name: Install Python dependencies
# The setup-python action set default python to python3.x. Note that we are not using system python here.
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install flake8 requests
- name: Check versions
run: set +e; g++ --version; g++-11 --version; clang-format --version; clang-format-14 --version; prettier --version; python --version; python3 --version; ninja --version; flake8 --version; ccache --version; qemu-system-i386 --version
- name: Lint (Phase 1/2)
run: ${{ github.workspace }}/Meta/
- name: Prepare useful stamps
id: stamps
shell: cmake -P {0}
run: |
string(TIMESTAMP current_date "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S" UTC)
# Output everything twice to make it visible both in the logs
# *and* as actual output variable, in this order.
message(" set-output name=time::${current_date}")
message("::set-output name=time::${current_date}")
message(" set-output name=libc_headers::${{ hashFiles('Userland/Libraries/LibC/**/*.h', 'Userland/Libraries/LibPthread/**/*.h', 'Toolchain/Patches/*.patch', 'Toolchain/Patches/gcc/*.patch' 'Toolchain/') }}")
message("::set-output name=libc_headers::${{ hashFiles('Userland/Libraries/LibC/**/*.h', 'Userland/Libraries/LibPthread/**/*.h', 'Toolchain/Patches/*.patch', 'Toolchain/Patches/gcc/*.patch' 'Toolchain/') }}")
- name: Toolchain cache
# TODO: Change the version to the released version when (or 571) is merged.
uses: actions/cache@03e00da99d75a2204924908e1cca7902cafce66b
CACHE_SKIP_SAVE: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/Toolchain/Cache/
# This assumes that *ALL* LibC and LibPthread headers have an impact on the Toolchain.
# This is wrong, and causes more Toolchain rebuilds than necessary.
# However, we want to avoid false cache hits at all costs.
key: ${{ runner.os }}-toolchain-${{ matrix.arch }}-${{ steps.stamps.outputs.libc_headers }}
- name: Restore or regenerate Toolchain
run: TRY_USE_LOCAL_TOOLCHAIN=y ARCH="${{ matrix.arch }}" ${{ github.workspace }}/Toolchain/
- name: ccache(1) cache
# Pull the ccache *after* building the toolchain, in case building the Toolchain somehow interferes.
# TODO: Change the version to the released version when (or 571) is merged.
uses: actions/cache@03e00da99d75a2204924908e1cca7902cafce66b
CACHE_SKIP_SAVE: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
path: /home/runner/.ccache
# If you're here because ccache broke (it never should), increment matrix.ccache-mark.
# We want to always reuse the last cache, but upload a new one.
# This is achieved by using the "prefix-timestamp" format,
# and permitting the restore-key "prefix-" without specifying a timestamp.
# For this trick to work, the timestamp *must* come last, and it *must* be missing in 'restore-keys'.
key: ${{ runner.os }}-ccache-${{ matrix.arch }}-v${{ matrix.ccache-mark }}-D${{ matrix.debug-options }}-toolchain_${{steps.stamps.outputs.libc_headers}}-time${{ steps.stamps.outputs.time }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-ccache-${{ matrix.arch }}-v${{ matrix.ccache-mark }}-D${{ matrix.debug-options }}-toolchain_${{steps.stamps.outputs.libc_headers}}-
- name: Show ccache stats before build and configure
run: |
# We only have 5 GiB of cache available *in total*. Beyond that, GitHub deletes caches.
# Currently, we use about 130 MB for the two toolchains (i686 & x86_64), and three ccache caches:
# One with ALL_DEBUG (i686) and two with NORMAL_DEBUG (i686 & x86_64).
# Therefore, using 1.6 GB or more per cache causes disaster.
# Building from scratch fills the ccache cache from 0 to about 0.7 GB, and after compression it comes out to
# about 0.25 GB, so 3 GB (1GB after compression) should be plenty, all while comfortably fitting in the cache.
ccache -M 3000M
ccache -s
- name: Create build directory
run: |
mkdir -p ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}/TZDB
mkdir -p ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}/UCD
mkdir -p ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}/CLDR
- name: TimeZoneData cache
# TODO: Change the version to the released version when (or 571) is merged.
uses: actions/cache@03e00da99d75a2204924908e1cca7902cafce66b
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}/TZDB
key: TimeZoneData-${{ hashFiles('Meta/CMake/time_zone_data.cmake') }}
- name: UnicodeData cache
# TODO: Change the version to the released version when (or 571) is merged.
uses: actions/cache@03e00da99d75a2204924908e1cca7902cafce66b
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}/UCD
key: UnicodeData-${{ hashFiles('Meta/CMake/unicode_data.cmake') }}
- name: UnicodeLocale Cache
# TODO: Change the version to the released version when (or 571) is merged.
uses: actions/cache@03e00da99d75a2204924908e1cca7902cafce66b
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}/CLDR
key: UnicodeLocale-${{ hashFiles('Meta/CMake/unicode_data.cmake') }}
- name: Create build environment with extra debug options
# Build the entire project with all available debug options turned on, to prevent code rot.
# However, it is unwieldy and slow to run tests with them enabled, so we will build twice.
run: |
cmake -S Meta/CMake/Superbuild -B Build/superbuild -GNinja \
-DSERENITY_ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} \
if: ${{ matrix.debug-options == 'ALL_DEBUG' }}
- name: Create build environment
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}
# Note that we do not set BUILD_LAGOM for the normal debug build
# We build and run the Lagom tests in a separate job, and sanitizer builds take a good while longer than non-sanitized.
run: |
cmake -S Meta/CMake/Superbuild -B Build/superbuild -GNinja \
-DSERENITY_ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }} \
if: ${{ matrix.debug-options == 'NORMAL_DEBUG' }}
- name: Build Serenity and Tests
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/superbuild
run: cmake --build .
- name: Show ccache stats after build
run: ccache -s
- name: Lint (Phase 2/2)
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/Meta
SERENITY_ARCH: ${{ matrix.arch }}
run: ./
- name: Create Serenity Rootfs
if: ${{ matrix.debug-options == 'NORMAL_DEBUG'}}
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}
run: ninja install && ninja image
- name: Run On-Target Tests
if: ${{ matrix.debug-options == 'NORMAL_DEBUG'}}
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}
SERENITY_QEMU_CPU: "max,vmx=off"
SERENITY_KERNEL_CMDLINE: "fbdev=off panic=shutdown system_mode=self-test"
run: |
echo "::group::ninja run # Qemu output"
ninja run
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::Verify Output File"
mkdir fsmount
sudo mount -t ext2 -o loop,rw _disk_image fsmount
echo "Results: "
sudo cat fsmount/home/anon/test-results.log
if ! sudo grep -q "Failed: 0" fsmount/home/anon/test-results.log
echo "::error :^( Tests failed, failing job"
exit 1
echo "::endgroup::"
timeout-minutes: 60
- name: Print Target Logs
# Extremely useful if Serenity hangs trying to run one of the tests
if: ${{ !cancelled() && matrix.debug-options == 'NORMAL_DEBUG'}}
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}
run: '[ ! -e debug.log ] || cat debug.log'
- name: Check manpages for completeness
if: ${{ matrix.debug-options == 'NORMAL_DEBUG' && matrix.arch == 'i686'}}
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/Build/${{ matrix.arch }}
# The script already sets the correct SERENITY_RUN and SERENITY_KERNEL_CMDLINE envvars.
SERENITY_ARCH: ${{ matrix.arch }}
SERENITY_QEMU_CPU: "max,vmx=off"
run: |
# Running the tests apparently leaves the image sufficiently broken
rm _disk_image
ninja image
/usr/bin/time ../../Meta/ --verify-git-state
timeout-minutes: 10