Tim Ledbetter d5cddd4696 LibWeb: Unset stylesheet properties when removing from a StyleSheetList
Previously, the parent CSS stylesheet, owner node and owner CSS rule
properties were not unset when removing a sheet from a StyleSheetList.

This change moves the methods for adding and removing sheets to and
from a StyleSheetList, directly into the StyleSheetList class and
ensures they are called as required by the CSSOM specification.
2024-04-16 07:41:33 +02:00

531 lines
25 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021, the SerenityOS developers.
* Copyright (c) 2021, Sam Atkins <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Srikavin Ramkumar <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/ByteBuffer.h>
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <LibTextCodec/Decoder.h>
#include <LibURL/URL.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/Parser/Parser.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ShadowRoot.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Fetching/Fetching.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/FetchAlgorithms.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Requests.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Responses.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLLinkElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/PotentialCORSRequest.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TraversableNavigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/Strings.h>
#include <LibWeb/Loader/ResourceLoader.h>
#include <LibWeb/Page/Page.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/ImageCodecPlugin.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HTMLLinkElement::HTMLLinkElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: HTMLElement(document, move(qualified_name))
HTMLLinkElement::~HTMLLinkElement() = default;
void HTMLLinkElement::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
void HTMLLinkElement::inserted()
// FIXME: Handle alternate stylesheets properly
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Stylesheet && !(m_relationship & Relationship::Alternate)) {
// The appropriate times to fetch and process this type of link are:
// - When the external resource link is created on a link element that is already browsing-context connected.
// - When the external resource link's link element becomes browsing-context connected.
// FIXME: Follow spec for fetching and processing these attributes as well
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Preload) {
// FIXME: Respect the "as" attribute.
LoadRequest request;
set_resource(ResourceLoader::the().load_resource(Resource::Type::Generic, request));
} else if (m_relationship & Relationship::DNSPrefetch) {
} else if (m_relationship & Relationship::Preconnect) {
} else if (m_relationship & Relationship::Icon) {
auto favicon_url = document().parse_url(href());
auto favicon_request = LoadRequest::create_for_url_on_page(favicon_url, &document().page());
set_resource(ResourceLoader::the().load_resource(Resource::Type::Generic, favicon_request));
bool HTMLLinkElement::has_loaded_icon() const
return m_relationship & Relationship::Icon && resource() && resource()->is_loaded() && resource()->has_encoded_data();
void HTMLLinkElement::attribute_changed(FlyString const& name, Optional<String> const& value)
HTMLElement::attribute_changed(name, value);
// 4.6.7 Link types -
if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::rel) {
m_relationship = 0;
// Keywords are always ASCII case-insensitive, and must be compared as such.
auto lowercased_value = MUST(Infra::to_ascii_lowercase(value.value_or(String {})));
// To determine which link types apply to a link, a, area, or form element,
// the element's rel attribute must be split on ASCII whitespace.
// The resulting tokens are the keywords for the link types that apply to that element.
auto parts = lowercased_value.bytes_as_string_view().split_view_if(Infra::is_ascii_whitespace);
for (auto& part : parts) {
if (part == "stylesheet"sv)
m_relationship |= Relationship::Stylesheet;
else if (part == "alternate"sv)
m_relationship |= Relationship::Alternate;
else if (part == "preload"sv)
m_relationship |= Relationship::Preload;
else if (part == "dns-prefetch"sv)
m_relationship |= Relationship::DNSPrefetch;
else if (part == "preconnect"sv)
m_relationship |= Relationship::Preconnect;
else if (part == "icon"sv)
m_relationship |= Relationship::Icon;
// FIXME: Handle alternate stylesheets properly
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Stylesheet && !(m_relationship & Relationship::Alternate)) {
if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::disabled && m_loaded_style_sheet)
// The appropriate times to fetch and process this type of link are:
if (
// AD-HOC: When the rel attribute changes
name == AttributeNames::rel ||
// - When the href attribute of the link element of an external resource link that is already browsing-context connected is changed.
name == AttributeNames::href ||
// - When the disabled attribute of the link element of an external resource link that is already browsing-context connected is set, changed, or removed.
name == AttributeNames::disabled ||
// - When the crossorigin attribute of the link element of an external resource link that is already browsing-context connected is set, changed, or removed.
name == AttributeNames::crossorigin
// FIXME: - When the type attribute of the link element of an external resource link that is already browsing-context connected is set or changed to a value that does not or no longer matches the Content-Type metadata of the previous obtained external resource, if any.
// FIXME: - When the type attribute of the link element of an external resource link that is already browsing-context connected, but was previously not obtained due to the type attribute specifying an unsupported type, is removed or changed.
) {
void HTMLLinkElement::resource_did_fail()
dbgln_if(CSS_LOADER_DEBUG, "HTMLLinkElement: Resource did fail. URL: {}", resource()->url());
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Preload) {
dispatch_event(*DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::error));
void HTMLLinkElement::resource_did_load()
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Icon) {
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Preload) {
dispatch_event(*DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::load));
HTMLLinkElement::LinkProcessingOptions HTMLLinkElement::create_link_options()
// 1. Let document be el's node document.
auto& document = this->document();
// 2. Let options be a new link processing options with
LinkProcessingOptions options;
// FIXME: destination the result of translating the state of el's as attribute
// crossorigin the state of el's crossorigin content attribute
options.crossorigin = cors_setting_attribute_from_keyword(get_attribute(AttributeNames::crossorigin));
// FIXME: referrer policy the state of el's referrerpolicy content attribute
// FIXME: source set el's source set
// base URL document's URL
options.base_url = document.url();
// origin document's origin
options.origin = document.origin();
// environment document's relevant settings object
options.environment = &document.relevant_settings_object();
// policy container document's policy container
options.policy_container = document.policy_container();
// document document
options.document = &document;
// FIXME: cryptographic nonce metadata The current value of el's [[CryptographicNonce]] internal slot
// 3. If el has an href attribute, then set options's href to the value of el's href attribute.
if (auto maybe_href = get_attribute(AttributeNames::href); maybe_href.has_value())
options.href = maybe_href.value();
// 4. If el has an integrity attribute, then set options's integrity to the value of el's integrity content attribute.
if (auto maybe_integrity = get_attribute(AttributeNames::integrity); maybe_integrity.has_value())
options.integrity = maybe_integrity.value();
// 5. If el has a type attribute, then set options's type to the value of el's type attribute.
if (auto maybe_type = get_attribute(AttributeNames::type); maybe_type.has_value())
options.type = maybe_type.value();
// FIXME: 6. Assert: options's href is not the empty string, or options's source set is not null.
// A link element with neither an href or an imagesrcset does not represent a link.
// 7. Return options.
return options;
JS::GCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Request> HTMLLinkElement::create_link_request(HTMLLinkElement::LinkProcessingOptions const& options)
// 1. Assert: options's href is not the empty string.
// FIXME: 2. If options's destination is not a destination, then return null.
// 3. Parse a URL given options's href, relative to options's base URL. If that fails, then return null. Otherwise, let url be the resulting URL record.
auto url = options.base_url.complete_url(options.href);
if (!url.is_valid())
return nullptr;
// 4. Let request be the result of creating a potential-CORS request given url, options's destination, and options's crossorigin.
auto request = create_potential_CORS_request(vm(), url, options.destination, options.crossorigin);
// 5. Set request's policy container to options's policy container.
// 6. Set request's integrity metadata to options's integrity.
// 7. Set request's cryptographic nonce metadata to options's cryptographic nonce metadata.
// 8. Set request's referrer policy to options's referrer policy.
// 9. Set request's client to options's environment.
// 10. Return request.
return request;
void HTMLLinkElement::fetch_and_process_linked_resource()
void HTMLLinkElement::default_fetch_and_process_linked_resource()
// If both the href and imagesrcset attributes are absent, then the element does not define a link.
// FIXME: Support imagesrcset attribute
if (!has_attribute(AttributeNames::href) || href().is_empty())
// 1. Let options be the result of creating link options from el.
auto options = create_link_options();
// 2. Let request be the result of creating a link request given options.
auto request = create_link_request(options);
// 3. If request is null, then return.
if (request == nullptr) {
// FIXME: 4. Set request's synchronous flag.
// 5. Run the linked resource fetch setup steps, given el and request. If the result is false, then return.
if (!linked_resource_fetch_setup_steps(*request))
// 6. Set request's initiator type to "css" if el's rel attribute contains the keyword stylesheet; "link" otherwise.
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Stylesheet) {
} else {
// 7. Fetch request with processResponseConsumeBody set to the following steps given response response and null, failure, or a byte sequence bodyBytes:
Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::Input fetch_algorithms_input {};
fetch_algorithms_input.process_response_consume_body = [this, hr = options](auto response, auto body_bytes) {
// FIXME: If the response is CORS cross-origin, we must use its internal response to query any of its data. See:
response = response->unsafe_response();
// 1. Let success be true.
bool success = true;
// 2. If either of the following conditions are met:
// - bodyBytes is null or failure; or
// - response's status is not an ok status,
if (body_bytes.template has<Empty>() || body_bytes.template has<Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ConsumeBodyFailureTag>() || !Fetch::Infrastructure::is_ok_status(response->status())) {
// then set success to false.
success = false;
// FIXME: 3. Otherwise, wait for the link resource's critical subresources to finish loading.
// 4. Process the linked resource given el, success, response, and bodyBytes.
process_linked_resource(success, response, body_bytes);
Fetch::Fetching::fetch(realm(), *request, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::create(vm(), move(fetch_algorithms_input))).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
void HTMLLinkElement::process_stylesheet_resource(bool success, Fetch::Infrastructure::Response const& response, Variant<Empty, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ConsumeBodyFailureTag, ByteBuffer> body_bytes)
// 1. If the resource's Content-Type metadata is not text/css, then set success to false.
auto extracted_mime_type = response.header_list()->extract_mime_type().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
if (!extracted_mime_type.has_value() || extracted_mime_type->essence() != "text/css") {
success = false;
// FIXME: 2. If el no longer creates an external resource link that contributes to the styling processing model,
// or if, since the resource in question was fetched, it has become appropriate to fetch it again, then return.
// 3. If el has an associated CSS style sheet, remove the CSS style sheet.
if (m_loaded_style_sheet) {
m_loaded_style_sheet = nullptr;
// 4. If success is true, then:
if (success) {
// 1. Create a CSS style sheet with the following properties:
// type
// text/css
// location
// The resulting URL string determined during the fetch and process the linked resource algorithm.
// owner node
// element
// media
// The media attribute of element.
// title
// The title attribute of element, if element is in a document tree, or the empty string otherwise.
// alternate flag
// Set if the link is an alternative style sheet and element's explicitly enabled is false; unset otherwise.
// origin-clean flag
// Set if the resource is CORS-same-origin; unset otherwise.
// parent CSS style sheet
// owner CSS rule
// null
// disabled flag
// Left at its default value.
// CSS rules
// Left uninitialized.
// The CSS environment encoding is the result of running the following steps: [CSSSYNTAX]
// 1. If the element has a charset attribute, get an encoding from that attribute's value. If that succeeds, return the resulting encoding. [ENCODING]
// 2. Otherwise, return the document's character encoding. [DOM]
Optional<String> encoding;
if (auto charset = attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::charset); charset.has_value())
encoding = charset.release_value();
if (!encoding.has_value())
encoding = document().encoding_or_default();
auto decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for(*encoding);
if (!decoder.has_value()) {
// If we don't support the encoding yet, let's error out instead of trying to decode it as something it's most likely not.
dbgln("FIXME: Style sheet encoding '{}' is not supported yet", encoding);
dispatch_event(*DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::error));
} else {
auto const& encoded_string = body_bytes.get<ByteBuffer>();
auto maybe_decoded_string = TextCodec::convert_input_to_utf8_using_given_decoder_unless_there_is_a_byte_order_mark(*decoder, encoded_string);
if (maybe_decoded_string.is_error()) {
dbgln("Style sheet {} claimed to be '{}' but decoding failed", response.url().value_or(URL::URL()), encoding);
dispatch_event(*DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::error));
} else {
auto const decoded_string = maybe_decoded_string.release_value();
m_loaded_style_sheet = parse_css_stylesheet(CSS::Parser::ParsingContext(document(), *response.url()), decoded_string);
if (m_loaded_style_sheet) {
in_a_document_tree() ? attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::title).value_or({}) : String {},
} else {
dbgln_if(CSS_LOADER_DEBUG, "HTMLLinkElement: Failed to parse stylesheet: {}", resource()->url());
// 2. Fire an event named load at el.
dispatch_event(*DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::load));
// 5. Otherwise, fire an event named error at el.
else {
dispatch_event(*DOM::Event::create(realm(), HTML::EventNames::error));
// FIXME: 6. If el contributes a script-blocking style sheet, then:
// FIXME: 1. Assert: el's node document's script-blocking style sheet counter is greater than 0.
// FIXME: 2. Decrement el's node document's script-blocking style sheet counter by 1.
// 7. Unblock rendering on el.
void HTMLLinkElement::process_linked_resource(bool success, Fetch::Infrastructure::Response const& response, Variant<Empty, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::ConsumeBodyFailureTag, ByteBuffer> body_bytes)
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Stylesheet)
process_stylesheet_resource(success, response, body_bytes);
bool HTMLLinkElement::linked_resource_fetch_setup_steps(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request& request)
if (m_relationship & Relationship::Stylesheet)
return stylesheet_linked_resource_fetch_setup_steps(request);
return true;
bool HTMLLinkElement::stylesheet_linked_resource_fetch_setup_steps(Fetch::Infrastructure::Request& request)
// 1. If el's disabled attribute is set, then return false.
if (has_attribute(AttributeNames::disabled))
return false;
// FIXME: 2. If el contributes a script-blocking style sheet, increment el's node document's script-blocking style sheet counter by 1.
// 3. If el's media attribute's value matches the environment and el is potentially render-blocking, then block rendering on el.
// FIXME: Check media attribute value.
// 4. If el is currently render-blocking, then set request's render-blocking to true.
// FIXME: Check if el is currently render-blocking.
// 5. Return true.
return true;
void HTMLLinkElement::resource_did_load_favicon()
VERIFY(m_relationship & (Relationship::Icon));
if (!resource()->has_encoded_data()) {
dbgln_if(SPAM_DEBUG, "Favicon downloaded, no encoded data");
dbgln_if(SPAM_DEBUG, "Favicon downloaded, {} bytes from {}", resource()->encoded_data().size(), resource()->url());
static bool decode_favicon(ReadonlyBytes favicon_data, URL::URL const& favicon_url, JS::GCPtr<Navigable> navigable)
auto decoded_image = Platform::ImageCodecPlugin::the().decode_image(favicon_data);
if (!decoded_image.has_value() || decoded_image->frames.is_empty()) {
dbgln_if(IMAGE_DECODER_DEBUG, "Could not decode favicon {}", favicon_url);
return false;
auto favicon_bitmap = decoded_image->frames[0].bitmap;
dbgln_if(IMAGE_DECODER_DEBUG, "Decoded favicon, {}", favicon_bitmap->size());
if (navigable && navigable->is_traversable())
return favicon_bitmap;
bool HTMLLinkElement::load_favicon_and_use_if_window_is_active()
if (!has_loaded_icon())
return false;
return decode_favicon(resource()->encoded_data(), resource()->url(), navigable());
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLLinkElement::load_fallback_favicon_if_needed(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Document> document)
auto& realm = document->realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// In the absence of a link with the icon keyword, for Document objects whose URL's scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme,
// user agents may instead run these steps in parallel:
if (document->has_active_favicon())
return {};
if (!document->url().scheme().is_one_of("http"sv, "https"sv))
return {};
// 1. Let request be a new request whose URL is the URL record obtained by resolving the URL "/favicon.ico" against
// the Document object's URL, client is the Document object's relevant settings object, destination is "image",
// synchronous flag is set, credentials mode is "include", and whose use-URL-credentials flag is set.
// NOTE: Fetch requests no longer have a synchronous flag, see
auto request = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::create(vm);
// 2. Let response be the result of fetching request.
Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::Input fetch_algorithms_input {};
fetch_algorithms_input.process_response = [document, request](JS::NonnullGCPtr<Fetch::Infrastructure::Response> response) {
auto& realm = document->realm();
auto global = JS::NonnullGCPtr { realm.global_object() };
auto process_body = [document, request](auto body) {
decode_favicon(body, request->url(), document->navigable());
auto process_body_error = [](auto) {
// 3. Use response's unsafe response as an icon as if it had been declared using the icon keyword.
if (auto body = response->unsafe_response()->body())
body->fully_read(realm, move(process_body), move(process_body_error), global).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
TRY(Fetch::Fetching::fetch(realm, request, Fetch::Infrastructure::FetchAlgorithms::create(vm, move(fetch_algorithms_input))));
return {};
void HTMLLinkElement::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)