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synced 2024-11-08 12:56:23 +03:00
POSIX requires that broadcast sends will only be allowed if the SO_BROADCAST socket option was set on the socket. Also, broadcast sends to protocols that do not support broadcast (like TCP), should always fail.
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* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Error.h>
#include <AK/RefPtr.h>
#include <AK/Time.h>
#include <Kernel/FileSystem/File.h>
#include <Kernel/Locking/Mutex.h>
#include <Kernel/Net/NetworkAdapter.h>
#include <Kernel/UnixTypes.h>
namespace Kernel {
class OpenFileDescription;
class Socket : public File {
static ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Socket>> create(int domain, int type, int protocol);
virtual ~Socket() override;
int domain() const { return m_domain; }
int type() const { return m_type; }
int protocol() const { return m_protocol; }
bool is_shut_down_for_writing() const { return m_shut_down_for_writing; }
bool is_shut_down_for_reading() const { return m_shut_down_for_reading; }
enum class SetupState {
Unstarted, // we haven't tried to set the socket up yet
InProgress, // we're in the process of setting things up - for TCP maybe we've sent a SYN packet
Completed, // the setup process is complete, but not necessarily successful
enum class Role : u8 {
static StringView to_string(SetupState setup_state)
switch (setup_state) {
case SetupState::Unstarted:
return "Unstarted"sv;
case SetupState::InProgress:
return "InProgress"sv;
case SetupState::Completed:
return "Completed"sv;
return "None"sv;
SetupState setup_state() const { return m_setup_state; }
void set_setup_state(SetupState setup_state);
virtual Role role(OpenFileDescription const&) const { return m_role; }
bool is_connected() const { return m_connected; }
void set_connected(bool);
bool can_accept() const { return !m_pending.is_empty(); }
RefPtr<Socket> accept();
ErrorOr<void> shutdown(int how);
virtual ErrorOr<void> bind(Credentials const&, Userspace<sockaddr const*>, socklen_t) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<void> connect(Credentials const&, OpenFileDescription&, Userspace<sockaddr const*>, socklen_t) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<void> listen(size_t) = 0;
virtual void get_local_address(sockaddr*, socklen_t*) = 0;
virtual void get_peer_address(sockaddr*, socklen_t*) = 0;
virtual bool is_local() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_ipv4() const { return false; }
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> sendto(OpenFileDescription&, UserOrKernelBuffer const&, size_t, int flags, Userspace<sockaddr const*>, socklen_t) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> recvfrom(OpenFileDescription&, UserOrKernelBuffer&, size_t, int flags, Userspace<sockaddr*>, Userspace<socklen_t*>, UnixDateTime&, bool blocking) = 0;
virtual ErrorOr<void> setsockopt(int level, int option, Userspace<void const*>, socklen_t);
virtual ErrorOr<void> getsockopt(OpenFileDescription&, int level, int option, Userspace<void*>, Userspace<socklen_t*>);
ProcessID origin_pid() const { return m_origin.pid; }
UserID origin_uid() const { return m_origin.uid; }
GroupID origin_gid() const { return m_origin.gid; }
ProcessID acceptor_pid() const { return m_acceptor.pid; }
UserID acceptor_uid() const { return m_acceptor.uid; }
GroupID acceptor_gid() const { return m_acceptor.gid; }
SpinlockProtected<RefPtr<NetworkAdapter>, LockRank::None> const& bound_interface() const { return m_bound_interface; }
Mutex& mutex() { return m_mutex; }
// ^File
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> read(OpenFileDescription&, u64, UserOrKernelBuffer&, size_t) override final;
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write(OpenFileDescription&, u64, UserOrKernelBuffer const&, size_t) override final;
virtual ErrorOr<struct stat> stat() const override;
virtual ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<KString>> pseudo_path(OpenFileDescription const&) const override = 0;
bool has_receive_timeout() const { return m_receive_timeout != Duration::zero(); }
Duration const& receive_timeout() const { return m_receive_timeout; }
bool has_send_timeout() const { return m_send_timeout != Duration::zero(); }
Duration const& send_timeout() const { return m_send_timeout; }
bool wants_timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }
Socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
ErrorOr<void> queue_connection_from(NonnullRefPtr<Socket>);
size_t backlog() const { return m_backlog; }
void set_backlog(size_t backlog) { m_backlog = backlog; }
virtual StringView class_name() const override { return "Socket"sv; }
virtual void shut_down_for_reading() { }
virtual void shut_down_for_writing() { }
Role m_role { Role::None };
SpinlockProtected<Optional<ErrnoCode>, LockRank::None>& so_error() { return m_so_error; }
Error set_so_error(ErrnoCode error_code)
m_so_error.with([&error_code](auto& so_error) {
so_error = error_code;
return Error::from_errno(error_code);
Error set_so_error(Error error)
m_so_error.with([&error](auto& so_error) {
so_error = static_cast<ErrnoCode>(error.code());
return error;
void clear_so_error()
m_so_error.with([](auto& so_error) {
so_error = {};
void set_origin(Process const&);
void set_acceptor(Process const&);
void set_role(Role role) { m_role = role; }
ucred m_origin { 0, 0, 0 };
ucred m_acceptor { 0, 0, 0 };
bool m_routing_disabled { false };
bool m_broadcast_allowed { false };
virtual bool is_socket() const final { return true; }
Mutex m_mutex { "Socket"sv };
int m_domain { 0 };
int m_type { 0 };
int m_protocol { 0 };
size_t m_backlog { 0 };
SetupState m_setup_state { SetupState::Unstarted };
bool m_connected { false };
bool m_shut_down_for_reading { false };
bool m_shut_down_for_writing { false };
SpinlockProtected<RefPtr<NetworkAdapter>, LockRank::None> m_bound_interface;
Duration m_receive_timeout {};
Duration m_send_timeout {};
int m_timestamp { 0 };
SpinlockProtected<Optional<ErrnoCode>, LockRank::None> m_so_error;
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Socket>> m_pending;
// This is a special variant of TRY() that also updates the socket's SO_ERROR field on error.
#define SOCKET_TRY(expression) \
({ \
auto&& result = (expression); \
if (result.is_error()) \
return set_so_error(result.release_error()); \
static_assert(!::AK::Detail::IsLvalueReference<decltype(result.release_value())>, \
"Do not return a reference from a fallible expression"); \
result.release_value(); \