thankyouverycool 35e557c657 Browser+LibGUI+WindowServer: Open Button menus uniformly
Instead of letting buttons determine the relative position
of their menus, a workaround only used by Statusbar segments,
open them all uniformly for a nice, consistent UI.

Passing a rect to popup() now routes to open_button_menu(), an
analog to open_menubar_menu(), which adjusts the menu's popup
position in the same way. Fixes button menus obscuring the buttons
which spawn them and jutting out at odd corners depending on screen
2022-09-08 10:17:27 +01:00

186 lines
6.7 KiB

#include <LibCore/AnonymousBuffer.h>
#include <LibGfx/ShareableBitmap.h>
#include <LibGfx/Color.h>
endpoint WindowServer
create_menu(i32 menu_id, [UTF8] String menu_title) =|
destroy_menu(i32 menu_id) =|
add_menu(i32 window_id, i32 menu_id) =|
i32 menu_id,
i32 identifier,
i32 submenu_id,
[UTF8] String text,
bool enabled,
bool checkable,
bool checked,
bool is_default,
[UTF8] String shortcut,
Gfx::ShareableBitmap icon,
bool exclusive) =|
add_menu_separator(i32 menu_id) =|
i32 menu_id,
i32 identifier,
i32 submenu_id,
[UTF8] String text,
bool enabled,
bool checkable,
bool checked,
bool is_default,
[UTF8] String shortcut,
Gfx::ShareableBitmap icon) =|
remove_menu_item(i32 menu_id, i32 identifier) =|
flash_menubar_menu(i32 window_id, i32 menu_id) =|
i32 window_id,
Gfx::IntRect rect,
bool auto_position,
bool has_alpha_channel,
bool minimizable,
bool closeable,
bool resizable,
bool fullscreen,
bool frameless,
bool forced_shadow,
float opacity,
float alpha_hit_threshold,
Gfx::IntSize base_size,
Gfx::IntSize size_increment,
Gfx::IntSize minimum_size,
Optional<Gfx::IntSize> resize_aspect_ratio,
i32 type,
i32 mode,
[UTF8] String title,
i32 parent_window_id,
Gfx::IntRect launch_origin_rect) =|
destroy_window(i32 window_id) => (Vector<i32> destroyed_window_ids)
set_window_title(i32 window_id, [UTF8] String title) =|
get_window_title(i32 window_id) => ([UTF8] String title)
set_window_progress(i32 window_id, Optional<i32> progress) =|
set_window_modified(i32 window_id, bool modified) =|
is_window_modified(i32 window_id) => (bool modified)
set_window_rect(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntRect rect) => (Gfx::IntRect rect)
get_window_rect(i32 window_id) => (Gfx::IntRect rect)
set_window_minimum_size(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntSize size) =|
get_window_minimum_size(i32 window_id) => (Gfx::IntSize size)
get_applet_rect_on_screen(i32 window_id) => (Gfx::IntRect rect)
start_window_resize(i32 window_id) =|
is_maximized(i32 window_id) => (bool maximized)
set_maximized(i32 window_id, bool maximized) =|
invalidate_rect(i32 window_id, Vector<Gfx::IntRect> rects, bool ignore_occlusion) =|
did_finish_painting(i32 window_id, Vector<Gfx::IntRect> rects) =|
set_global_mouse_tracking(bool enabled) =|
set_window_opacity(i32 window_id, float opacity) =|
set_window_alpha_hit_threshold(i32 window_id, float threshold) =|
set_window_backing_store(i32 window_id, i32 bpp, i32 pitch, IPC::File anon_file, i32 serial, bool has_alpha_channel, Gfx::IntSize size, bool flush_immediately) => ()
set_window_has_alpha_channel(i32 window_id, bool has_alpha_channel) =|
move_window_to_front(i32 window_id) =|
set_fullscreen(i32 window_id, bool fullscreen) =|
set_frameless(i32 window_id, bool frameless) =|
set_forced_shadow(i32 window_id, bool shadow) =|
popup_menu(i32 menu_id, Gfx::IntPoint screen_position, Gfx::IntRect button_rect) =|
dismiss_menu(i32 menu_id) =|
set_wallpaper(Gfx::ShareableBitmap wallpaper_bitmap) => (bool success)
set_background_color(String background_color) =|
set_wallpaper_mode(String mode) =|
set_screen_layout(::WindowServer::ScreenLayout screen_layout, bool save) => (bool success, String error_msg)
get_screen_layout() => (::WindowServer::ScreenLayout screen_layout)
save_screen_layout() => (bool success, String error_msg)
show_screen_numbers(bool show) =|
apply_workspace_settings(u32 rows, u32 columns, bool save) => (bool success)
get_workspace_settings() => (u32 rows, u32 columns, u32 max_rows, u32 max_columns)
set_window_icon_bitmap(i32 window_id, Gfx::ShareableBitmap icon) =|
get_wallpaper() => (Gfx::ShareableBitmap wallpaper_bitmap)
set_window_cursor(i32 window_id, i32 cursor_type) =|
set_window_custom_cursor(i32 window_id, Gfx::ShareableBitmap cursor) =|
start_drag([UTF8] String text, HashMap<String,ByteBuffer> mime_data, Gfx::ShareableBitmap drag_bitmap) => (bool started)
set_accepts_drag(bool accepts) =|
set_system_theme(String theme_path, [UTF8] String theme_name, bool keep_desktop_background) => (bool success)
get_system_theme() => ([UTF8] String theme_name)
refresh_system_theme() =|
set_system_theme_override(Core::AnonymousBuffer buffer) => (bool success)
get_system_theme_override() => (Optional<Core::AnonymousBuffer> buffer)
clear_system_theme_override() =|
is_system_theme_overridden() => (bool overridden)
apply_cursor_theme(String name) =|
get_cursor_theme() => (String name)
set_cursor_highlight_radius(int radius) =|
get_cursor_highlight_radius() => (int radius)
set_cursor_highlight_color(Gfx::Color color) =|
get_cursor_highlight_color() => (Gfx::Color color)
set_system_fonts(String default_font_query, String fixed_width_font_query, String window_title_font_query) => (bool success)
set_system_effects(Vector<bool> effects, u8 geometry) =|
set_window_base_size_and_size_increment(i32 window_id, Gfx::IntSize base_size, Gfx::IntSize size_increment) =|
set_window_resize_aspect_ratio(i32 window_id, Optional<Gfx::IntSize> resize_aspect_ratio) =|
enable_display_link() =|
disable_display_link() =|
set_global_cursor_position(Gfx::IntPoint position) =|
get_global_cursor_position() => (Gfx::IntPoint position)
set_mouse_acceleration(float factor) =|
get_mouse_acceleration() => (float factor)
set_scroll_step_size(u32 step_size) =|
get_scroll_step_size() => (u32 step_size)
get_screen_bitmap(Optional<Gfx::IntRect> rect, Optional<u32> screen_index) => (Gfx::ShareableBitmap bitmap)
get_screen_bitmap_around_cursor(Gfx::IntSize size) => (Gfx::ShareableBitmap bitmap)
get_color_under_cursor() => (Optional<Gfx::Color> color)
pong() =|
set_double_click_speed(int speed) =|
get_double_click_speed() => (int speed)
set_buttons_switched(bool switched) =|
get_buttons_switched() => (bool switched)
get_desktop_display_scale(u32 screen_index) => (int desktop_display_scale)
set_flash_flush(bool enabled) =|
set_window_parent_from_client(i32 client_id, i32 parent_id, i32 child_id) => ()
get_window_rect_from_client(i32 client_id, i32 window_id) => (Gfx::IntRect rect)
add_window_stealing_for_client(i32 client_id, i32 window_id) => ()
remove_window_stealing_for_client(i32 client_id, i32 window_id) => ()
remove_window_stealing(i32 window_id) => ()