Shannon Booth bad44f8fc9 LibWeb: Remove Bindings/Forward.h from LibWeb/Forward.h
This was resulting in a whole lot of rebuilding whenever a new IDL
interface was added.

Instead, just directly include the prototype in every C++ file which
needs it. While we only really need a forward declaration in each cpp
file; including the full prototype header (which itself only includes
LibJS/Object.h, which is already transitively brought in by
PlatformObject) - it seems like a small price to pay compared to what
feels like a full rebuild of LibWeb whenever a new IDL file is added.

Given all of these includes are only needed for the ::initialize
method, there is probably a smart way of avoiding this problem
altogether. I've considered both using some macro trickery or generating
these functions somehow instead.
2024-04-27 18:29:35 -04:00

219 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Sam Atkins <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HTMLIFrameElementPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLIFrameElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Origin.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Parser/HTMLParser.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/FrameBox.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HTMLIFrameElement::HTMLIFrameElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: NavigableContainer(document, move(qualified_name))
HTMLIFrameElement::~HTMLIFrameElement() = default;
void HTMLIFrameElement::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
JS::GCPtr<Layout::Node> HTMLIFrameElement::create_layout_node(NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleProperties> style)
return heap().allocate_without_realm<Layout::FrameBox>(document(), *this, move(style));
void HTMLIFrameElement::attribute_changed(FlyString const& name, Optional<String> const& value)
HTMLElement::attribute_changed(name, value);
// Whenever an iframe element with a non-null content navigable has its srcdoc attribute set, changed, or removed,
// the user agent must process the iframe attributes.
// Similarly, whenever an iframe element with a non-null content navigable but with no srcdoc attribute specified
// has its src attribute set, changed, or removed, the user agent must process the iframe attributes.
if (m_content_navigable) {
if (name == AttributeNames::srcdoc || (name == AttributeNames::src && !has_attribute(AttributeNames::srcdoc)))
void HTMLIFrameElement::inserted()
// When an iframe element element is inserted into a document whose browsing context is non-null, the user agent must run these steps:
if (in_a_document_tree() && document().browsing_context()) {
// 1. Create a new child navigable for element.
MUST(create_new_child_navigable([this] {
// 3. Process the iframe attributes for element, with initialInsertion set to true.
// FIXME: 2. If element has a sandbox attribute, then parse the sandboxing directive given the attribute's value and element's iframe sandboxing flag set.
void HTMLIFrameElement::process_the_iframe_attributes(bool initial_insertion)
if (!content_navigable())
// Make sure applying of history step caused by potential sync navigation to "about:blank"
// is finished. Otherwise, it might interrupt navigation caused by changing src or srcdoc.
if (!initial_insertion && !content_navigable_initialized()) {
main_thread_event_loop().spin_processing_tasks_with_source_until(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, [this] { return content_navigable_initialized(); });
// 1. If element's srcdoc attribute is specified, then:
if (has_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::srcdoc)) {
// 1. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to false.
// 2. If the will lazy load element steps given element return true, then:
if (will_lazy_load_element()) {
// 1. Set element's lazy load resumption steps to the rest of this algorithm starting with the step labeled navigate to the srcdoc resource.
set_lazy_load_resumption_steps([this]() {
// 3. Navigate to the srcdoc resource: navigate an iframe or frame given element, about:srcdoc, the empty string, and the value of element's srcdoc attribute.
navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(URL::URL("about:srcdoc"sv), ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::EmptyString, get_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::srcdoc));
// FIXME: The resulting Document must be considered an iframe srcdoc document.
// 2. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to true.
// 3. Start intersection-observing a lazy loading element for element.
// 4. Return.
// 3. Navigate to the srcdoc resource: navigate an iframe or frame given element, about:srcdoc, the empty string, and the value of element's srcdoc attribute.
navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(URL::URL("about:srcdoc"sv), ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::EmptyString, get_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::srcdoc));
// FIXME: The resulting Document must be considered an iframe srcdoc document.
// 1. Let url be the result of running the shared attribute processing steps for iframe and frame elements given element and initialInsertion.
auto url = shared_attribute_processing_steps_for_iframe_and_frame(initial_insertion);
// 2. If url is null, then return.
if (!url.has_value()) {
// 3. If url matches about:blank and initialInsertion is true, then:
if (url_matches_about_blank(*url) && initial_insertion) {
// 1. Run the iframe load event steps given element.
// 2. Return.
// FIXME: 4. Let referrerPolicy be the current state of element's referrerpolicy content attribute.
auto referrer_policy = ReferrerPolicy::ReferrerPolicy::EmptyString;
// 5. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to false.
// 6. If the will lazy load element steps given element return true, then:
if (will_lazy_load_element()) {
// 1. Set element's lazy load resumption steps to the rest of this algorithm starting with the step labeled navigate.
set_lazy_load_resumption_steps([this, url, referrer_policy]() {
// 7. Navigate: navigate an iframe or frame given element, url, and referrerPolicy.
navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(*url, referrer_policy);
// 2. Set element's current navigation was lazy loaded boolean to true.
// 3. Start intersection-observing a lazy loading element for element.
// 4. Return.
// 7. Navigate: navigate an iframe or frame given element, url, and referrerPolicy.
navigate_an_iframe_or_frame(*url, referrer_policy);
void HTMLIFrameElement::removed_from(DOM::Node* node)
// When an iframe element is removed from a document, the user agent must destroy the nested navigable of the element.
void run_iframe_load_event_steps(HTML::HTMLIFrameElement& element)
// FIXME: 1. Assert: element's content navigable is not null.
if (!element.content_navigable()) {
// FIXME: For some reason, we sometimes end up here in the middle of SunSpider.
dbgln("FIXME: run_iframe_load_event_steps called with null nested browsing context");
// 2. Let childDocument be element's content navigable's active document.
[[maybe_unused]] auto child_document = element.content_navigable()->active_document();
// FIXME: 3. If childDocument has its mute iframe load flag set, then return.
// FIXME: 4. Set childDocument's iframe load in progress flag.
// 5. Fire an event named load at element.
element.dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(element.realm(), HTML::EventNames::load));
// FIXME: 6. Unset childDocument's iframe load in progress flag.
i32 HTMLIFrameElement::default_tab_index_value() const
// See the base function for the spec comments.
return 0;
void HTMLIFrameElement::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
void HTMLIFrameElement::set_current_navigation_was_lazy_loaded(bool value)
m_current_navigation_was_lazy_loaded = value;
// An iframe element whose current navigation was lazy loaded boolean is false potentially delays the load event.