Liav A 8554952690 Kernel + WindowServer: Re-define the interface to framebuffer devices
We create a base class called GenericFramebufferDevice, which defines
all the virtual functions that must be implemented by a
FramebufferDevice. Then, we make the VirtIO FramebufferDevice and other
FramebufferDevice implementations inherit from it.
The most important consequence of rearranging the classes is that we now
have one IOCTL method, so all drivers should be committed to not
override the IOCTL method or make their own IOCTLs of FramebufferDevice.
All graphical IOCTLs are known to all FramebufferDevices, and it's up to
the specific implementation whether to support them or discard them (so
we require extensive usage of KResult and KResultOr, together with
virtual characteristic functions).
As a result, the interface is much cleaner and understandable to read.
2021-10-27 07:57:44 +03:00

422 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <Kernel/API/FB.h>
#include <Services/WindowServer/ScreenLayout.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
// Must be included after LibIPC/Forward.h
#include <LibIPC/Decoder.h>
#include <LibIPC/Encoder.h>
namespace WindowServer {
bool ScreenLayout::is_valid(String* error_msg) const
if (screens.is_empty()) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = "Must have at least one screen";
return false;
if (main_screen_index >= screens.size()) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = String::formatted("Invalid main screen index: {}", main_screen_index);
return false;
int smallest_x = 0;
int smallest_y = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < screens.size(); i++) {
auto& screen = screens[i];
if (screen.device.is_null() || screen.device.is_empty()) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = String::formatted("Screen #{} has no path", i);
return false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < screens.size(); j++) {
auto& other_screen = screens[j];
if (&other_screen == &screen)
if (screen.device == other_screen.device) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = String::formatted("Screen #{} is using same device as screen #{}", i, j);
return false;
if (screen.virtual_rect().intersects(other_screen.virtual_rect())) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = String::formatted("Screen #{} overlaps with screen #{}", i, j);
return false;
if (screen.location.x() < 0 || screen.location.y() < 0) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = String::formatted("Screen #{} has invalid location: {}", i, screen.location);
return false;
if (screen.resolution.width() <= 0 || screen.resolution.height() <= 0) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = String::formatted("Screen #{} has invalid resolution: {}", i, screen.resolution);
return false;
if (screen.scale_factor < 1) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = String::formatted("Screen #{} has invalid scale factor: {}", i, screen.scale_factor);
return false;
if (i == 0 || screen.location.x() < smallest_x)
smallest_x = screen.location.x();
if (i == 0 || screen.location.y() < smallest_y)
smallest_y = screen.location.y();
if (smallest_x != 0 || smallest_y != 0) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = "Screen layout has not been normalized";
return false;
Vector<const Screen*, 16> reachable_screens { &screens[main_screen_index] };
bool did_reach_another_screen;
do {
did_reach_another_screen = false;
auto* latest_reachable_screen = reachable_screens[reachable_screens.size() - 1];
for (auto& screen : screens) {
if (&screen == latest_reachable_screen || reachable_screens.contains_slow(&screen))
if (screen.virtual_rect().is_adjacent(latest_reachable_screen->virtual_rect())) {
did_reach_another_screen = true;
} while (did_reach_another_screen);
if (reachable_screens.size() != screens.size()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < screens.size(); i++) {
auto& screen = screens[i];
if (!reachable_screens.contains_slow(&screen)) {
if (error_msg)
*error_msg = String::formatted("Screen #{} {} cannot be reached from main screen #{} {}", i, screen.virtual_rect(), main_screen_index, screens[main_screen_index].virtual_rect());
return false;
return true;
bool ScreenLayout::normalize()
// Check for any overlaps and try to move screens
Vector<Gfx::IntRect, 8> screen_virtual_rects;
for (auto& screen : screens)
bool did_change = false;
for (;;) {
// Separate any overlapping screens
if (Gfx::IntRect::disperse(screen_virtual_rects)) {
did_change = true;
// Check if all screens are still reachable
Vector<Gfx::IntRect*, 8> reachable_rects;
auto recalculate_reachable = [&]() {
reachable_rects = { &screen_virtual_rects[main_screen_index] };
bool did_reach_another;
do {
did_reach_another = false;
auto& latest_reachable_rect = *reachable_rects[reachable_rects.size() - 1];
for (auto& rect : screen_virtual_rects) {
if (&rect == &latest_reachable_rect || reachable_rects.contains_slow(&rect))
if (rect.is_adjacent(latest_reachable_rect)) {
did_reach_another = true;
} while (did_reach_another);
if (reachable_rects.size() != screen_virtual_rects.size()) {
// Some screens were not reachable, try to move one somewhere closer
for (auto& screen_rect : screen_virtual_rects) {
if (reachable_rects.contains_slow(&screen_rect))
float closest_distance = 0;
Gfx::IntRect* closest_rect = nullptr;
for (auto& screen_rect2 : screen_virtual_rects) {
if (&screen_rect2 == &screen_rect)
if (!reachable_rects.contains_slow(&screen_rect2))
auto distance = screen_rect.outside_center_point_distance_to(screen_rect2);
if (!closest_rect || distance < closest_distance) {
closest_distance = distance;
closest_rect = &screen_rect2;
VERIFY(closest_rect); // We should always have one!
VERIFY(closest_rect != &screen_rect);
// Move the screen_rect closer to closest_rect
auto is_adjacent_to_reachable = [&]() {
for (auto* rect : reachable_rects) {
if (rect == &screen_rect)
if (screen_rect.is_adjacent(*rect))
return true;
return false;
// Move it until we're touching a reachable screen
do {
auto outside_center_points = screen_rect.closest_outside_center_points(*closest_rect);
int delta_x = 0;
if (outside_center_points[0].x() < outside_center_points[1].x())
delta_x = 1;
else if (outside_center_points[0].x() > outside_center_points[1].x())
delta_x = -1;
int delta_y = 0;
if (outside_center_points[0].y() < outside_center_points[1].y())
delta_y = 1;
else if (outside_center_points[0].y() > outside_center_points[1].y())
delta_y = -1;
VERIFY(delta_x != 0 || delta_y != 0);
screen_rect.translate_by(delta_x, delta_y);
} while (!is_adjacent_to_reachable());
did_change = true;
break; // We only try to move one at at time
// Moved the screen, re-evaluate
int smallest_x = 0;
int smallest_y = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < screen_virtual_rects.size(); i++) {
auto& rect = screen_virtual_rects[i];
if (i == 0 || rect.x() < smallest_x)
smallest_x = rect.x();
if (i == 0 || rect.y() < smallest_y)
smallest_y = rect.y();
if (smallest_x != 0 || smallest_y != 0) {
for (auto& rect : screen_virtual_rects)
rect.translate_by(-smallest_x, -smallest_y);
did_change = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < screens.size(); i++)
screens[i].location = screen_virtual_rects[i].location();
return did_change;
bool ScreenLayout::load_config(const Core::ConfigFile& config_file, String* error_msg)
main_screen_index = config_file.read_num_entry("Screens", "DefaultScreen", 0);
for (size_t index = 0;; index++) {
auto group_name = String::formatted("Screen{}", index);
if (!config_file.has_group(group_name))
screens.append({ config_file.read_entry(group_name, "Device"),
{ config_file.read_num_entry(group_name, "Left"), config_file.read_num_entry(group_name, "Top") },
{ config_file.read_num_entry(group_name, "Width"), config_file.read_num_entry(group_name, "Height") },
config_file.read_num_entry(group_name, "ScaleFactor", 1) });
if (!is_valid(error_msg)) {
*this = {};
return false;
return true;
bool ScreenLayout::save_config(Core::ConfigFile& config_file, bool sync) const
config_file.write_num_entry("Screens", "DefaultScreen", main_screen_index);
size_t index = 0;
while (index < screens.size()) {
auto& screen = screens[index];
auto group_name = String::formatted("Screen{}", index);
config_file.write_entry(group_name, "Device", screen.device);
config_file.write_num_entry(group_name, "Left", screen.location.x());
config_file.write_num_entry(group_name, "Top", screen.location.y());
config_file.write_num_entry(group_name, "Width", screen.resolution.width());
config_file.write_num_entry(group_name, "Height", screen.resolution.height());
config_file.write_num_entry(group_name, "ScaleFactor", screen.scale_factor);
// Prune screens no longer in the layout
for (;;) {
auto group_name = String::formatted("Screen{}", index++);
if (!config_file.has_group(group_name))
if (sync && !config_file.sync())
return false;
return true;
bool ScreenLayout::operator!=(const ScreenLayout& other) const
if (this == &other)
return false;
if (main_screen_index != other.main_screen_index)
return true;
if (screens.size() != other.screens.size())
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < screens.size(); i++) {
if (screens[i] != other.screens[i])
return true;
return false;
bool ScreenLayout::try_auto_add_framebuffer(String const& device_path)
int framebuffer_fd = open(device_path.characters(), O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
if (framebuffer_fd < 0) {
int err = errno;
dbgln("Error ({}) opening framebuffer device {}", err, device_path);
return false;
ScopeGuard fd_guard([&] {
// FIXME: Add multihead support for one framebuffer
FBHeadResolution resolution {};
memset(&resolution, 0, sizeof(FBHeadResolution));
if (fb_get_resolution(framebuffer_fd, &resolution) < 0) {
int err = errno;
dbgln("Error ({}) querying resolution from framebuffer device {}", err, device_path);
return false;
if (resolution.width == 0 || resolution.height == 0) {
// Looks like the display is not turned on. Since we don't know what the desired
// resolution should be, use the main display as reference.
if (screens.is_empty())
return false;
auto& main_screen = screens[main_screen_index];
resolution.width = main_screen.resolution.width();
resolution.height = main_screen.resolution.height();
auto append_screen = [&](Gfx::IntRect const& new_screen_rect) {
screens.append({ .device = device_path,
.location = new_screen_rect.location(),
.resolution = new_screen_rect.size(),
.scale_factor = 1 });
if (screens.is_empty()) {
append_screen({ 0, 0, (int)resolution.width, (int)resolution.height });
return true;
auto original_screens = move(screens);
screens = original_screens;
ArmedScopeGuard screens_guard([&] {
screens = move(original_screens);
// Now that we know the current resolution, try to find a location that we can add onto
// TODO: make this a little more sophisticated in case a more complex layout is already configured
for (auto& screen : screens) {
auto screen_rect = screen.virtual_rect();
Gfx::IntRect new_screen_rect {
screen_rect.right() + 1,,
bool collision = false;
for (auto& other_screen : screens) {
if (&screen == &other_screen)
if (other_screen.virtual_rect().intersects(new_screen_rect)) {
collision = true;
if (!collision) {
if (is_valid()) {
// We got lucky!
return true;
dbgln("Failed to add framebuffer device {} with resolution {}x{} to screen layout", device_path, resolution.width, resolution.height);
return false;
namespace IPC {
bool encode(Encoder& encoder, const WindowServer::ScreenLayout::Screen& screen)
encoder << screen.device << screen.location << screen.resolution << screen.scale_factor;
return true;
bool decode(Decoder& decoder, WindowServer::ScreenLayout::Screen& screen)
String device;
if (!decoder.decode(device))
return false;
Gfx::IntPoint location;
if (!decoder.decode(location))
return false;
Gfx::IntSize resolution;
if (!decoder.decode(resolution))
return false;
int scale_factor = 0;
if (!decoder.decode(scale_factor))
return false;
screen = { device, location, resolution, scale_factor };
return true;
bool encode(Encoder& encoder, const WindowServer::ScreenLayout& screen_layout)
encoder << screen_layout.screens << screen_layout.main_screen_index;
return true;
bool decode(Decoder& decoder, WindowServer::ScreenLayout& screen_layout)
Vector<WindowServer::ScreenLayout::Screen> screens;
if (!decoder.decode(screens))
return false;
unsigned main_screen_index = 0;
if (!decoder.decode(main_screen_index))
return false;
screen_layout = { move(screens), main_screen_index };
return true;