Andreas Kling 41cc8e75f2 LibJS: Make PromiseJob store callback as a HeapFunction
This is a speculative fix for a flake seen on CI where a JobCallback
captured by a PromiseJob callback was GC'd prematurely.
2024-03-26 05:47:24 +01:00

690 lines
38 KiB
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* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Luke Wilde <>
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, networkException <>
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibJS/AST.h>
#include <LibJS/Heap/DeferGC.h>
#include <LibJS/Module.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Array.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Environment.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/FinalizationRegistry.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ModuleRequest.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/NativeFunction.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibJS/SourceTextModule.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/MainThreadVM.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/WindowExposedInterfaces.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/MutationType.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/AttributeNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/CustomElements/CustomElementDefinition.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/CustomElements/CustomElementReactionNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Location.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/PromiseRejectionEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ClassicScript.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ModuleScript.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Script.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/TemporaryExecutionContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TagNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/WindowProxy.h>
#include <LibWeb/MathML/TagNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/Namespace.h>
#include <LibWeb/NavigationTiming/EntryNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/PerformanceTimeline/EntryTypes.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
#include <LibWeb/SVG/AttributeNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/SVG/TagNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebGL/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/XHR/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/XLink/AttributeNames.h>
namespace Web::Bindings {
static RefPtr<JS::VM> s_main_thread_vm;
HTML::Script* active_script()
// 1. Let record be GetActiveScriptOrModule().
auto record = main_thread_vm().get_active_script_or_module();
// 2. If record is null, return null.
// 3. Return record.[[HostDefined]].
return record.visit(
[](JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>& js_script) -> HTML::Script* {
return verify_cast<HTML::ClassicScript>(js_script->host_defined());
[](JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Module>& js_module) -> HTML::Script* {
return verify_cast<HTML::ModuleScript>(js_module->host_defined());
[](Empty) -> HTML::Script* {
return nullptr;
ErrorOr<void> initialize_main_thread_vm()
s_main_thread_vm = TRY(JS::VM::create(make<WebEngineCustomData>()));
// NOTE: We intentionally leak the main thread JavaScript VM.
// This avoids doing an exhaustive garbage collection on process exit.
// These strings could potentially live on the VM similar to CommonPropertyNames.
// HostEnsureCanAddPrivateElement(O),
s_main_thread_vm->host_ensure_can_add_private_element = [](JS::Object const& object) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<void> {
// 1. If O is a WindowProxy object, or implements Location, then return Completion { [[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a new TypeError }.
if (is<HTML::WindowProxy>(object) || is<HTML::Location>(object))
return s_main_thread_vm->throw_completion<JS::TypeError>("Cannot add private elements to window or location object"sv);
// 2. Return NormalCompletion(unused).
return {};
// FIXME: Implement HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(callerRealm, calleeRealm),,-calleerealm)
// HostPromiseRejectionTracker(promise, operation),
s_main_thread_vm->host_promise_rejection_tracker = [](JS::Promise& promise, JS::Promise::RejectionOperation operation) {
// 1. Let script be the running script.
// The running script is the script in the [[HostDefined]] field in the ScriptOrModule component of the running JavaScript execution context.
HTML::Script* script { nullptr };
[&script](JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>& js_script) {
script = verify_cast<HTML::ClassicScript>(js_script->host_defined());
[&script](JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Module>& js_module) {
script = verify_cast<HTML::ModuleScript>(js_module->host_defined());
[](Empty) {
// 2. If script is a classic script and script's muted errors is true, then return.
// NOTE: is<T>() returns false if nullptr is passed.
if (is<HTML::ClassicScript>(script)) {
auto const& classic_script = static_cast<HTML::ClassicScript const&>(*script);
if (classic_script.muted_errors() == HTML::ClassicScript::MutedErrors::Yes)
// 3. Let settings object be the current settings object.
// 4. If script is not null, then set settings object to script's settings object.
auto& settings_object = script ? script->settings_object() : HTML::current_settings_object();
switch (operation) {
case JS::Promise::RejectionOperation::Reject:
// 4. If operation is "reject",
// 1. Add promise to settings object's about-to-be-notified rejected promises list.
case JS::Promise::RejectionOperation::Handle: {
// 5. If operation is "handle",
// 1. If settings object's about-to-be-notified rejected promises list contains promise, then remove promise from that list and return.
bool removed_about_to_be_notified_rejected_promise = settings_object.remove_from_about_to_be_notified_rejected_promises_list(promise);
if (removed_about_to_be_notified_rejected_promise)
// 3. Remove promise from settings object's outstanding rejected promises weak set.
bool removed_outstanding_rejected_promise = settings_object.remove_from_outstanding_rejected_promises_weak_set(&promise);
// 2. If settings object's outstanding rejected promises weak set does not contain promise, then return.
// NOTE: This is done out of order because removed_outstanding_rejected_promise will be false if the promise wasn't in the set or true if it was and got removed.
if (!removed_outstanding_rejected_promise)
// 4. Let global be settings object's global object.
auto& global = settings_object.global_object();
// 5. Queue a global task on the DOM manipulation task source given global to fire an event named rejectionhandled at global, using PromiseRejectionEvent,
// with the promise attribute initialized to promise, and the reason attribute initialized to the value of promise's [[PromiseResult]] internal slot.
HTML::queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::DOMManipulation, global, [&global, &promise] {
// FIXME: This currently assumes that global is a WindowObject.
auto& window = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(global);
HTML::PromiseRejectionEventInit event_init {
{}, // Initialize the inherited DOM::EventInit
/* .promise = */ promise,
/* .reason = */ promise.result(),
auto promise_rejection_event = HTML::PromiseRejectionEvent::create(HTML::relevant_realm(global), HTML::EventNames::rejectionhandled, event_init);
// HostCallJobCallback(callback, V, argumentsList),
s_main_thread_vm->host_call_job_callback = [](JS::JobCallback& callback, JS::Value this_value, ReadonlySpan<JS::Value> arguments_list) {
auto& callback_host_defined = verify_cast<WebEngineCustomJobCallbackData>(*callback.custom_data());
// 1. Let incumbent settings be callback.[[HostDefined]].[[IncumbentSettings]]. (NOTE: Not necessary)
// 2. Let script execution context be callback.[[HostDefined]].[[ActiveScriptContext]]. (NOTE: Not necessary)
// 3. Prepare to run a callback with incumbent settings.
// 4. If script execution context is not null, then push script execution context onto the JavaScript execution context stack.
if (callback_host_defined.active_script_context)
// 5. Let result be Call(callback.[[Callback]], V, argumentsList).
auto result = JS::call(*s_main_thread_vm, callback.callback(), this_value, arguments_list);
// 6. If script execution context is not null, then pop script execution context from the JavaScript execution context stack.
if (callback_host_defined.active_script_context) {
VERIFY(&s_main_thread_vm->running_execution_context() == callback_host_defined.active_script_context.ptr());
// 7. Clean up after running a callback with incumbent settings.
// 8. Return result.
return result;
// HostEnqueueFinalizationRegistryCleanupJob(finalizationRegistry),
s_main_thread_vm->host_enqueue_finalization_registry_cleanup_job = [](JS::FinalizationRegistry& finalization_registry) {
// 1. Let global be finalizationRegistry.[[Realm]]'s global object.
auto& global = finalization_registry.realm().global_object();
// 2. Queue a global task on the JavaScript engine task source given global to perform the following steps:
HTML::queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::JavaScriptEngine, global, [&finalization_registry] {
// 1. Let entry be finalizationRegistry.[[CleanupCallback]].[[Callback]].[[Realm]]'s environment settings object.
auto& entry = host_defined_environment_settings_object(*finalization_registry.cleanup_callback().callback().realm());
// 2. Check if we can run script with entry. If this returns "do not run", then return.
if (entry.can_run_script() == HTML::RunScriptDecision::DoNotRun)
// 3. Prepare to run script with entry.
// 4. Let result be the result of performing CleanupFinalizationRegistry(finalizationRegistry).
auto result = finalization_registry.cleanup();
// 5. Clean up after running script with entry.
// 6. If result is an abrupt completion, then report the exception given by result.[[Value]].
if (result.is_error())
HTML::report_exception(result, finalization_registry.realm());
// HostEnqueuePromiseJob(job, realm),
s_main_thread_vm->host_enqueue_promise_job = [](JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::HeapFunction<JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Value>()>> job, JS::Realm* realm) {
// 1. If realm is not null, then let job settings be the settings object for realm. Otherwise, let job settings be null.
HTML::EnvironmentSettingsObject* job_settings { nullptr };
if (realm)
job_settings = &host_defined_environment_settings_object(*realm);
// IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED: The JS spec says we must take implementation defined steps to make the currently active script or module at the time of HostEnqueuePromiseJob being invoked
// also be the active script or module of the job at the time of its invocation.
// This means taking it here now and passing it through to the lambda.
auto script_or_module = s_main_thread_vm->get_active_script_or_module();
// 2. Queue a microtask on the surrounding agent's event loop to perform the following steps:
// This instance of "queue a microtask" uses the "implied document". The best fit for "implied document" here is "If the task is being queued by or for a script, then return the script's settings object's responsible document."
// Do note that "implied document" from the spec is handwavy and the spec authors are trying to get rid of it:
auto* script = active_script();
// NOTE: This keeps job_settings alive by keeping realm alive, which is holding onto job_settings.
HTML::queue_a_microtask(script ? script->settings_object().responsible_document().ptr() : nullptr, [job_settings, job = move(job), script_or_module = move(script_or_module)] {
// The dummy execution context has to be kept up here to keep it alive for the duration of the function.
OwnPtr<JS::ExecutionContext> dummy_execution_context;
if (job_settings) {
// 1. If job settings is not null, then check if we can run script with job settings. If this returns "do not run" then return.
if (job_settings->can_run_script() == HTML::RunScriptDecision::DoNotRun)
// 2. If job settings is not null, then prepare to run script with job settings.
// IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED: Additionally to preparing to run a script, we also prepare to run a callback here. This matches WebIDL's
// invoke_callback() / call_user_object_operation() functions, and prevents a crash in host_make_job_callback()
// when getting the incumbent settings object.
// IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED: Per the previous "implementation defined" comment, we must now make the script or module the active script or module.
// Since the only active execution context currently is the realm execution context of job settings, lets attach it here.
job_settings->realm_execution_context().script_or_module = script_or_module;
} else {
// FIXME: We need to setup a dummy execution context in case a JS::NativeFunction is called when processing the job.
// This is because JS::NativeFunction::call excepts something to be on the execution context stack to be able to get the caller context to initialize the environment.
// Do note that the JS spec gives _no_ guarantee that the execution context stack has something on it if HostEnqueuePromiseJob was called with a null realm:
dummy_execution_context = JS::ExecutionContext::create(s_main_thread_vm->heap());
dummy_execution_context->script_or_module = script_or_module;
// 3. Let result be job().
auto result = job->function()();
// 4. If job settings is not null, then clean up after running script with job settings.
if (job_settings) {
// IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED: Disassociate the realm execution context from the script or module.
job_settings->realm_execution_context().script_or_module = Empty {};
// IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED: See comment above, we need to clean up the non-standard prepare_to_run_callback() call.
} else {
// Pop off the dummy execution context. See the above FIXME block about why this is done.
// 5. If result is an abrupt completion, then report the exception given by result.[[Value]].
if (result.is_error())
HTML::report_exception(result, job_settings->realm());
// HostMakeJobCallback(callable),
s_main_thread_vm->host_make_job_callback = [](JS::FunctionObject& callable) -> JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::JobCallback> {
// 1. Let incumbent settings be the incumbent settings object.
auto& incumbent_settings = HTML::incumbent_settings_object();
// 2. Let active script be the active script.
auto* script = active_script();
// 3. Let script execution context be null.
OwnPtr<JS::ExecutionContext> script_execution_context;
// 4. If active script is not null, set script execution context to a new JavaScript execution context, with its Function field set to null,
// its Realm field set to active script's settings object's Realm, and its ScriptOrModule set to active script's record.
if (script) {
script_execution_context = JS::ExecutionContext::create(s_main_thread_vm->heap());
script_execution_context->function = nullptr;
script_execution_context->realm = &script->settings_object().realm();
if (is<HTML::ClassicScript>(script)) {
script_execution_context->script_or_module = JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>(*verify_cast<HTML::ClassicScript>(script)->script_record());
} else if (is<HTML::ModuleScript>(script)) {
if (is<HTML::JavaScriptModuleScript>(script)) {
script_execution_context->script_or_module = JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Module>(*verify_cast<HTML::JavaScriptModuleScript>(script)->record());
} else {
// NOTE: Handle CSS and JSON module scripts once we have those.
} else {
// 5. Return the JobCallback Record { [[Callback]]: callable, [[HostDefined]]: { [[IncumbentSettings]]: incumbent settings, [[ActiveScriptContext]]: script execution context } }.
auto host_defined = adopt_own(*new WebEngineCustomJobCallbackData(incumbent_settings, move(script_execution_context)));
return JS::JobCallback::create(*s_main_thread_vm, callable, move(host_defined));
// HostGetImportMetaProperties(moduleRecord),
s_main_thread_vm->host_get_import_meta_properties = [](JS::SourceTextModule& module_record) {
auto& realm = module_record.realm();
auto& vm = realm.vm();
// 1. Let moduleScript be moduleRecord.[[HostDefined]].
auto& module_script = *verify_cast<HTML::Script>(module_record.host_defined());
// 2. Assert: moduleScript's base URL is not null, as moduleScript is a JavaScript module script.
// 3. Let urlString be moduleScript's base URL, serialized.
auto url_string = module_script.base_url().serialize();
// 4. Let steps be the following steps, given the argument specifier:
auto steps = [module_script = JS::NonnullGCPtr { module_script }](JS::VM& vm) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Value> {
auto specifier = vm.argument(0);
// 1. Set specifier to ? ToString(specifier).
auto specifier_string = TRY(specifier.to_string(vm));
// 2. Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given moduleScript and specifier.
auto url = TRY(Bindings::throw_dom_exception_if_needed(vm, [&] {
return HTML::resolve_module_specifier(*module_script, specifier_string.to_byte_string());
// 3. Return the serialization of url.
return JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, url.serialize());
// 4. Let resolveFunction be ! CreateBuiltinFunction(steps, 1, "resolve", « »).
auto resolve_function = JS::NativeFunction::create(realm, move(steps), 1, vm.names.resolve);
// 5. Return « Record { [[Key]]: "url", [[Value]]: urlString }, Record { [[Key]]: "resolve", [[Value]]: resolveFunction } ».
HashMap<JS::PropertyKey, JS::Value> meta;
meta.set("url", JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, move(url_string)));
meta.set("resolve", resolve_function);
return meta;
// FIXME: Implement HostImportModuleDynamically(referencingScriptOrModule, moduleRequest, promiseCapability),,-modulerequest,-promisecapability)
// FIXME: Implement HostResolveImportedModule(referencingScriptOrModule, moduleRequest),,-modulerequest)
// HostGetSupportedImportAttributes(),
s_main_thread_vm->host_get_supported_import_attributes = []() -> Vector<ByteString> {
// 1. Return « "type" ».
return { "type"sv };
// HostLoadImportedModule(referrer, moduleRequest, loadState, payload),
s_main_thread_vm->host_load_imported_module = [](JS::ImportedModuleReferrer referrer, JS::ModuleRequest const& module_request, JS::GCPtr<JS::GraphLoadingState::HostDefined> load_state, JS::ImportedModulePayload payload) -> void {
auto& vm = *s_main_thread_vm;
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
// 1. Let settingsObject be the current settings object.
Optional<HTML::EnvironmentSettingsObject&> settings_object = HTML::current_settings_object();
// FIXME: 2. If settingsObject's global object implements WorkletGlobalScope or ServiceWorkerGlobalScope and loadState is undefined, then:
// 3. Let referencingScript be null.
Optional<HTML::Script&> referencing_script;
// FIXME: 4. Let fetchOptions be the default classic script fetch options.
auto fetch_options = HTML::default_classic_script_fetch_options();
// 5. Let fetchReferrer be "client".
auto fetch_referrer = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Referrer::Client;
// 6. If referrer is a Script Record or a Module Record, then:
if (referrer.has<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>>() || referrer.has<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::CyclicModule>>()) {
// 1. Set referencingScript to referrer.[[HostDefined]].
referencing_script = verify_cast<HTML::Script>(referrer.has<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>>() ? *referrer.get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Script>>()->host_defined() : *referrer.get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::CyclicModule>>()->host_defined());
// 2. Set settingsObject to referencingScript's settings object.
settings_object = referencing_script->settings_object();
// FIXME: 3. Set fetchOptions to the new descendant script fetch options for referencingScript's fetch options.
// FIXME: 4. Assert: fetchOptions is not null, as referencingScript is a classic script or a JavaScript module script.
// FIXME: 5. Set fetchReferrer to referrer's base URL.
// 7. Disallow further import maps given settingsObject.
// 8. Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given referencingScript and moduleRequest.[[Specifier]],
// catching any exceptions. If they throw an exception, let resolutionError be the thrown exception.
auto url = HTML::resolve_module_specifier(referencing_script, module_request.module_specifier);
// 9. If the previous step threw an exception, then:
if (url.is_exception()) {
// 1. Let completion be Completion Record { [[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: resolutionError, [[Target]]: empty }.
auto completion = dom_exception_to_throw_completion(main_thread_vm(), url.exception());
// 2. Perform FinishLoadingImportedModule(referrer, moduleRequest, payload, completion).
HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext context { host_defined_environment_settings_object(realm) };
JS::finish_loading_imported_module(referrer, module_request, payload, completion);
// 3. Return.
// 10. Let destination be "script".
auto destination = Fetch::Infrastructure::Request::Destination::Script;
// 11. Let fetchClient be settingsObject.
JS::NonnullGCPtr fetch_client { *settings_object };
// 12. If loadState is not undefined, then:
HTML::PerformTheFetchHook perform_fetch;
if (load_state) {
auto& fetch_context = static_cast<HTML::FetchContext&>(*load_state);
// 1. Set destination to loadState.[[Destination]].
destination = fetch_context.destination;
// 2. Set fetchClient loadState.[[FetchClient]].
fetch_client = fetch_context.fetch_client;
// For step 13
perform_fetch = fetch_context.perform_fetch;
auto on_single_fetch_complete = HTML::create_on_fetch_script_complete(realm.heap(), [referrer, &realm, load_state, module_request, payload](JS::GCPtr<HTML::Script> const& module_script) -> void {
// onSingleFetchComplete given moduleScript is the following algorithm:
// 1. Let completion be null.
// NOTE: Our JS::Completion does not support non JS::Value types for its [[Value]], a such we
// use JS::ThrowCompletionOr here.
auto& vm = realm.vm();
JS::GCPtr<JS::Module> module = nullptr;
auto completion = [&]() -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Module>> {
// 2. If moduleScript is null, then set completion to Completion Record { [[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a new TypeError, [[Target]]: empty }.
if (!module_script) {
return JS::throw_completion(JS::TypeError::create(realm, ByteString::formatted("Loading imported module '{}' failed.", module_request.module_specifier)));
// 3. Otherwise, if moduleScript's parse error is not null, then:
else if (!module_script->parse_error().is_null()) {
// 1. Let parseError be moduleScript's parse error.
auto parse_error = module_script->parse_error();
// 2. Set completion to Completion Record { [[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: parseError, [[Target]]: empty }.
auto completion = JS::throw_completion(parse_error);
// 3. If loadState is not undefined and loadState.[[ParseError]] is null, set loadState.[[ParseError]] to parseError.
if (load_state) {
auto& load_state_as_fetch_context = static_cast<HTML::FetchContext&>(*load_state);
if (load_state_as_fetch_context.parse_error.is_null()) {
load_state_as_fetch_context.parse_error = parse_error;
return completion;
// 4. Otherwise, set completion to Completion Record { [[Type]]: normal, [[Value]]: result's record, [[Target]]: empty }.
else {
module = static_cast<HTML::JavaScriptModuleScript&>(*module_script).record();
return JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Module>>(*module);
// 5. Perform FinishLoadingImportedModule(referrer, moduleRequest, payload, completion).
// NON-STANDARD: To ensure that LibJS can find the module on the stack, we push a new execution context.
auto module_execution_context = JS::ExecutionContext::create(realm.heap());
module_execution_context->realm = realm;
if (module)
module_execution_context->script_or_module = JS::NonnullGCPtr { *module };
JS::finish_loading_imported_module(referrer, module_request, payload, completion);
// 13. Fetch a single imported module script given url, fetchClient, destination, fetchOptions, settingsObject, fetchReferrer,
// moduleRequest, and onSingleFetchComplete as defined below.
// If loadState is not undefined and loadState.[[PerformFetch]] is not null, pass loadState.[[PerformFetch]] along as well.
HTML::fetch_single_imported_module_script(realm, url.release_value(), *fetch_client, destination, fetch_options, *settings_object, fetch_referrer, module_request, perform_fetch, on_single_fetch_complete);
return {};
JS::VM& main_thread_vm()
return *s_main_thread_vm;
void queue_mutation_observer_microtask(DOM::Document const& document)
auto& vm = main_thread_vm();
auto& custom_data = verify_cast<WebEngineCustomData>(*vm.custom_data());
// 1. If the surrounding agents mutation observer microtask queued is true, then return.
if (custom_data.mutation_observer_microtask_queued)
// 2. Set the surrounding agents mutation observer microtask queued to true.
custom_data.mutation_observer_microtask_queued = true;
// 3. Queue a microtask to notify mutation observers.
// NOTE: This uses the implied document concept. In the case of mutation observers, it is always done in a node context, so document should be that node's document.
// FIXME: Is it safe to pass custom_data through?
HTML::queue_a_microtask(&document, [&custom_data, &heap = document.heap()]() {
// 1. Set the surrounding agents mutation observer microtask queued to false.
custom_data.mutation_observer_microtask_queued = false;
// 2. Let notifySet be a clone of the surrounding agents mutation observers.
JS::MarkedVector<DOM::MutationObserver*> notify_set(heap);
for (auto& observer : custom_data.mutation_observers)
// FIXME: 3. Let signalSet be a clone of the surrounding agents signal slots.
// FIXME: 4. Empty the surrounding agents signal slots.
// 5. For each mo of notifySet:
for (auto& mutation_observer : notify_set) {
// 1. Let records be a clone of mos record queue.
// 2. Empty mos record queue.
auto records = mutation_observer->take_records();
// 3. For each node of mos node list, remove all transient registered observers whose observer is mo from nodes registered observer list.
for (auto& node : mutation_observer->node_list()) {
// FIXME: Is this correct?
if (node.is_null())
if (node->registered_observer_list()) {
node->registered_observer_list()->remove_all_matching([&mutation_observer](DOM::RegisteredObserver& registered_observer) {
return is<DOM::TransientRegisteredObserver>(registered_observer) && static_cast<DOM::TransientRegisteredObserver&>(registered_observer).observer().ptr() == mutation_observer;
// 4. If records is not empty, then invoke mos callback with « records, mo », and mo. If this throws an exception, catch it, and report the exception.
if (!records.is_empty()) {
auto& callback = mutation_observer->callback();
auto& realm = callback.callback_context->realm();
auto wrapped_records = MUST(JS::Array::create(realm, 0));
for (size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {
auto& record =;
auto property_index = JS::PropertyKey { i };
MUST(wrapped_records->create_data_property(property_index, record.ptr()));
auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(callback, mutation_observer, wrapped_records, mutation_observer);
if (result.is_abrupt())
HTML::report_exception(result, realm);
// FIXME: 6. For each slot of signalSet, fire an event named slotchange, with its bubbles attribute set to true, at slot.
NonnullOwnPtr<JS::ExecutionContext> create_a_new_javascript_realm(JS::VM& vm, Function<JS::Object*(JS::Realm&)> create_global_object, Function<JS::Object*(JS::Realm&)> create_global_this_value)
// 1. Perform InitializeHostDefinedRealm() with the provided customizations for creating the global object and the global this binding.
// 2. Let realm execution context be the running JavaScript execution context.
auto realm_execution_context = MUST(JS::Realm::initialize_host_defined_realm(vm, move(create_global_object), move(create_global_this_value)));
// 3. Remove realm execution context from the JavaScript execution context stack.
vm.execution_context_stack().remove_first_matching([&realm_execution_context](auto execution_context) {
return execution_context == realm_execution_context.ptr();
// NO-OP: 4. Let realm be realm execution context's Realm component.
// NO-OP: 5. Set realm's agent to agent.
// FIXME: 6. If agent's agent cluster's cross-origin isolation mode is "none", then:
// 1. Let global be realm's global object.
// 2. Let status be ! global.[[Delete]]("SharedArrayBuffer").
// 3. Assert: status is true.
// 7. Return realm execution context.
return realm_execution_context;
void WebEngineCustomData::spin_event_loop_until(JS::SafeFunction<bool()> goal_condition)
void invoke_custom_element_reactions(Vector<JS::Handle<DOM::Element>>& element_queue)
// 1. While queue is not empty:
while (!element_queue.is_empty()) {
// 1. Let element be the result of dequeuing from queue.
auto element = element_queue.take_first();
// 2. Let reactions be element's custom element reaction queue.
auto* reactions = element->custom_element_reaction_queue();
// 3. Repeat until reactions is empty:
if (!reactions)
while (!reactions->is_empty()) {
// 1. Remove the first element of reactions, and let reaction be that element. Switch on reaction's type:
auto reaction = reactions->take_first();
auto maybe_exception = reaction.visit(
[&](DOM::CustomElementUpgradeReaction const& custom_element_upgrade_reaction) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<void> {
// -> upgrade reaction
// Upgrade element using reaction's custom element definition.
return element->upgrade_element(*custom_element_upgrade_reaction.custom_element_definition);
[&](DOM::CustomElementCallbackReaction& custom_element_callback_reaction) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<void> {
// -> callback reaction
// Invoke reaction's callback function with reaction's arguments, and with element as the callback this value.
auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(*custom_element_callback_reaction.callback, element.ptr(), custom_element_callback_reaction.arguments);
if (result.is_abrupt())
return result.release_error();
return {};
// If this throws an exception, catch it, and report the exception.
if (maybe_exception.is_throw_completion())
HTML::report_exception(maybe_exception, element->realm());