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synced 2024-11-10 13:00:29 +03:00
This URL library ends up being a relatively fundamental base library of the system, as LibCore depends on LibURL. This change has two main benefits: * Moving AK back more towards being an agnostic library that can be used between the kernel and userspace. URL has never really fit that description - and is not used in the kernel. * URL _should_ depend on LibUnicode, as it needs punnycode support. However, it's not really possible to do this inside of AK as it can't depend on any external library. This change brings us a little closer to being able to do that, but unfortunately we aren't there quite yet, as the code generators depend on LibCore.
375 lines
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375 lines
14 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2019-2022, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* Copyright (c) 2024, Tim Ledbetter <timledbetter@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/CSSStyleSheetPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/CSSStyleSheet.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/Parser/Parser.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleComputer.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleSheetList.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
namespace Web::CSS {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSStyleSheet> CSSStyleSheet::create(JS::Realm& realm, CSSRuleList& rules, MediaList& media, Optional<URL::URL> location)
return realm.heap().allocate<CSSStyleSheet>(realm, realm, rules, media, move(location));
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-cssstylesheet
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSStyleSheet>> CSSStyleSheet::construct_impl(JS::Realm& realm, Optional<CSSStyleSheetInit> const& options)
// 1. Construct a new CSSStyleSheet object sheet.
auto sheet = create(realm, CSSRuleList::create_empty(realm), CSS::MediaList::create(realm, {}), {});
// 2. Set sheet’s location to the base URL of the associated Document for the current global object.
auto associated_document = sheet->global_object().document();
// 3. Set sheet’s stylesheet base URL to the baseURL attribute value from options.
if (options.has_value() && options->base_url.has_value()) {
Optional<URL::URL> sheet_location_url;
if (sheet->location().has_value())
sheet_location_url = sheet->location().release_value();
// AD-HOC: This isn't explicitly mentioned in the specification, but multiple modern browsers do this.
URL::URL url = sheet->location().has_value() ? sheet_location_url->complete_url(options->base_url.value()) : options->base_url.value();
if (!url.is_valid())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm, "Constructed style sheets must have a valid base URL"_fly_string);
// 4. Set sheet’s parent CSS style sheet to null.
// 5. Set sheet’s owner node to null.
// 6. Set sheet’s owner CSS rule to null.
// 7. Set sheet’s title to the the empty string.
sheet->set_title(String {});
// 8. Unset sheet’s alternate flag.
// 9. Set sheet’s origin-clean flag.
// 10. Set sheet’s constructed flag.
// 11. Set sheet’s Constructor document to the associated Document for the current global object.
// 12. If the media attribute of options is a string, create a MediaList object from the string and assign it as sheet’s media.
// Otherwise, serialize a media query list from the attribute and then create a MediaList object from the resulting string and set it as sheet’s media.
if (options.has_value()) {
if (options->media.has<String>()) {
} else {
sheet->m_media = *options->media.get<JS::Handle<MediaList>>();
// 13. If the disabled attribute of options is true, set sheet’s disabled flag.
if (options.has_value() && options->disabled)
// 14. Return sheet
return sheet;
CSSStyleSheet::CSSStyleSheet(JS::Realm& realm, CSSRuleList& rules, MediaList& media, Optional<URL::URL> location)
: StyleSheet(realm, media)
, m_rules(&rules)
if (location.has_value())
for (auto& rule : *m_rules)
m_rules->on_change = [this]() {
void CSSStyleSheet::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
void CSSStyleSheet::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
for (auto& [key, namespace_rule] : m_namespace_rules)
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-insertrule
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<unsigned> CSSStyleSheet::insert_rule(StringView rule, unsigned index)
// FIXME: 1. If the origin-clean flag is unset, throw a SecurityError exception.
// If the disallow modification flag is set, throw a NotAllowedError DOMException.
if (disallow_modification())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call insert_rule() on non-modifiable stylesheets."_fly_string);
// 3. Let parsed rule be the return value of invoking parse a rule with rule.
auto context = m_style_sheet_list ? CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { m_style_sheet_list->document() } : CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { realm() };
auto parsed_rule = parse_css_rule(context, rule);
// 4. If parsed rule is a syntax error, return parsed rule.
if (!parsed_rule)
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm(), "Unable to parse CSS rule."_fly_string);
// 5. If parsed rule is an @import rule, and the constructed flag is set, throw a SyntaxError DOMException.
if (constructed() && parsed_rule->type() == CSSRule::Type::Import)
return WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm(), "Can't insert @import rules into a constructed stylesheet."_fly_string);
// 6. Return the result of invoking insert a CSS rule rule in the CSS rules at index.
auto result = m_rules->insert_a_css_rule(parsed_rule, index);
if (!result.is_exception()) {
// NOTE: The spec doesn't say where to set the parent style sheet, so we'll do it here.
if (m_style_sheet_list) {
return result;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-deleterule
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> CSSStyleSheet::delete_rule(unsigned index)
// FIXME: 1. If the origin-clean flag is unset, throw a SecurityError exception.
// 2. If the disallow modification flag is set, throw a NotAllowedError DOMException.
if (disallow_modification())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call delete_rule() on non-modifiable stylesheets."_fly_string);
// 3. Remove a CSS rule in the CSS rules at index.
auto result = m_rules->remove_a_css_rule(index);
if (!result.is_exception()) {
if (m_style_sheet_list) {
return result;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-replace
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> CSSStyleSheet::replace(String text)
// 1. Let promise be a promise
auto promise = JS::Promise::create(realm());
// 2. If the constructed flag is not set, or the disallow modification flag is set, reject promise with a NotAllowedError DOMException and return promise.
if (!constructed()) {
promise->reject(WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call replace() on non-constructed stylesheets"_fly_string));
return promise;
if (disallow_modification()) {
promise->reject(WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call replace() on non-modifiable stylesheets"_fly_string));
return promise;
// 3. Set the disallow modification flag.
// 4. In parallel, do these steps:
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([this, text = move(text), promise] {
// 1. Let rules be the result of running parse a stylesheet’s contents from text.
auto context = m_style_sheet_list ? CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { m_style_sheet_list->document() } : CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { realm() };
auto* parsed_stylesheet = parse_css_stylesheet(context, text);
auto& rules = parsed_stylesheet->rules();
// 2. If rules contains one or more @import rules, remove those rules from rules.
JS::MarkedVector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSRule>> rules_without_import(realm().heap());
for (auto rule : rules) {
if (rule->type() != CSSRule::Type::Import)
// 3. Set sheet’s CSS rules to rules.
m_rules->set_rules({}, rules_without_import);
// 4. Unset sheet’s disallow modification flag.
// 5. Resolve promise with sheet.
return promise;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-replacesync
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> CSSStyleSheet::replace_sync(StringView text)
// 1. If the constructed flag is not set, or the disallow modification flag is set, throw a NotAllowedError DOMException.
if (!constructed())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call replaceSync() on non-constructed stylesheets"_fly_string);
if (disallow_modification())
return WebIDL::NotAllowedError::create(realm(), "Can't call replaceSync() on non-modifiable stylesheets"_fly_string);
// 2. Let rules be the result of running parse a stylesheet’s contents from text.
auto context = m_style_sheet_list ? CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { m_style_sheet_list->document() } : CSS::Parser::ParsingContext { realm() };
auto* parsed_stylesheet = parse_css_stylesheet(context, text);
auto& rules = parsed_stylesheet->rules();
// 3. If rules contains one or more @import rules, remove those rules from rules.
JS::MarkedVector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSRule>> rules_without_import(realm().heap());
for (auto rule : rules) {
if (rule->type() != CSSRule::Type::Import)
// 4.Set sheet’s CSS rules to rules.
m_rules->set_rules({}, rules_without_import);
return {};
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-addrule
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<WebIDL::Long> CSSStyleSheet::add_rule(Optional<String> selector, Optional<String> style, Optional<WebIDL::UnsignedLong> index)
// 1. Let rule be an empty string.
StringBuilder rule;
// 2. Append selector to rule.
if (selector.has_value())
// 3. Append " { " to rule.
// 4. If block is not empty, append block, followed by a space, to rule.
if (style.has_value() && !style->is_empty())
rule.appendff("{} ", style.release_value());
// 5. Append "}" to rule.
// 6. Let index be optionalIndex if provided, or the number of CSS rules in the stylesheet otherwise.
// 7. Call insertRule(), with rule and index as arguments.
TRY(insert_rule(rule.string_view(), index.value_or(rules().length())));
// 8. Return -1.
return -1;
// https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#dom-cssstylesheet-removerule
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> CSSStyleSheet::remove_rule(Optional<WebIDL::UnsignedLong> index)
// The removeRule(index) method must run the same steps as deleteRule().
return delete_rule(index.value_or(0));
void CSSStyleSheet::for_each_effective_style_rule(Function<void(CSSStyleRule const&)> const& callback) const
if (m_media->matches()) {
void CSSStyleSheet::for_each_effective_keyframes_at_rule(Function<void(CSSKeyframesRule const&)> const& callback) const
if (m_media->matches())
bool CSSStyleSheet::evaluate_media_queries(HTML::Window const& window)
bool any_media_queries_changed_match_state = false;
bool did_match = m_media->matches();
bool now_matches = m_media->evaluate(window);
if (did_match != now_matches)
any_media_queries_changed_match_state = true;
if (now_matches && m_rules->evaluate_media_queries(window))
any_media_queries_changed_match_state = true;
return any_media_queries_changed_match_state;
void CSSStyleSheet::set_style_sheet_list(Badge<StyleSheetList>, StyleSheetList* list)
m_style_sheet_list = list;
Optional<FlyString> CSSStyleSheet::default_namespace() const
if (m_default_namespace_rule)
return m_default_namespace_rule->namespace_uri();
return {};
Optional<FlyString> CSSStyleSheet::namespace_uri(StringView namespace_prefix) const
return m_namespace_rules.get(namespace_prefix)
.map([](JS::GCPtr<CSSNamespaceRule> namespace_) {
return namespace_->namespace_uri();
void CSSStyleSheet::recalculate_namespaces()
m_default_namespace_rule = nullptr;
for (JS::NonnullGCPtr<CSSRule> rule : *m_rules) {
// "Any @namespace rules must follow all @charset and @import rules and precede all other
// non-ignored at-rules and style rules in a style sheet.
// ...
// A syntactically invalid @namespace rule (whether malformed or misplaced) must be ignored."
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-namespaces/#syntax
switch (rule->type()) {
case CSSRule::Type::Import:
case CSSRule::Type::Namespace:
// Any other types mean that further @namespace rules are invalid, so we can stop here.
auto& namespace_rule = verify_cast<CSSNamespaceRule>(*rule);
if (!namespace_rule.namespace_uri().is_empty() && namespace_rule.prefix().is_empty())
m_default_namespace_rule = namespace_rule;
m_namespace_rules.set(namespace_rule.prefix(), namespace_rule);