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synced 2024-11-10 13:00:29 +03:00
The kernel now bills processes for time spent in kernelspace and userspace separately. The accounting is forwarded to the parent process in reap(). This makes the "time" builtin in bash work.
434 lines
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434 lines
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#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#include "InlineLinkedList.h"
#include <AK/String.h>
#include "TSS.h"
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include "i386.h"
#include <VirtualFileSystem/VirtualFileSystem.h>
#include <VirtualFileSystem/UnixTypes.h>
#include "TTY.h"
#include "Syscall.h"
class FileDescriptor;
class PageDirectory;
class Region;
class VMObject;
class Zone;
struct CoolGlobals {
pid_t current_pid;
extern CoolGlobals* g_cool_globals;
struct SignalActionData {
LinearAddress handler_or_sigaction;
dword mask { 0 };
int flags { 0 };
LinearAddress restorer;
class Process : public InlineLinkedListNode<Process> {
friend class InlineLinkedListNode<Process>;
static Process* create_kernel_process(void (*entry)(), String&& name);
static Process* create_user_process(const String& path, uid_t, gid_t, pid_t ppid, int& error, Vector<String>&& arguments = Vector<String>(), Vector<String>&& environment = Vector<String>(), TTY* = nullptr);
static Vector<Process*> allProcesses();
enum State {
Invalid = 0,
enum RingLevel {
Ring0 = 0,
Ring3 = 3,
bool isRing0() const { return m_ring == Ring0; }
bool isRing3() const { return m_ring == Ring3; }
bool is_blocked() const
return m_state == BlockedSleep || m_state == BlockedWait || m_state == BlockedRead || m_state == BlockedSignal;
PageDirectory& page_directory() { return *m_page_directory; }
const PageDirectory& page_directory() const { return *m_page_directory; }
bool in_kernel() const { return (m_tss.cs & 0x03) == 0; }
static Process* from_pid(pid_t);
const String& name() const { return m_name; }
pid_t pid() const { return m_pid; }
pid_t sid() const { return m_sid; }
pid_t pgid() const { return m_pgid; }
dword ticks() const { return m_ticks; }
word selector() const { return m_farPtr.selector; }
TSS32& tss() { return m_tss; }
State state() const { return m_state; }
uid_t uid() const { return m_uid; }
gid_t gid() const { return m_gid; }
uid_t euid() const { return m_euid; }
gid_t egid() const { return m_egid; }
pid_t ppid() const { return m_ppid; }
const FarPtr& farPtr() const { return m_farPtr; }
FileDescriptor* file_descriptor(int fd);
const FileDescriptor* file_descriptor(int fd) const;
void block(Process::State);
void unblock();
void setWakeupTime(dword t) { m_wakeupTime = t; }
dword wakeupTime() const { return m_wakeupTime; }
template<typename Callback> static void for_each(Callback);
template<typename Callback> static void for_each_in_pgrp(pid_t, Callback);
template<typename Callback> static void for_each_in_state(State, Callback);
template<typename Callback> static void for_each_not_in_state(State, Callback);
template<typename Callback> void for_each_child(Callback);
bool tick() { ++m_ticks; return --m_ticksLeft; }
void set_ticks_left(dword t) { m_ticksLeft = t; }
void setSelector(word s) { m_farPtr.selector = s; }
void set_state(State s) { m_state = s; }
pid_t sys$setsid();
pid_t sys$getsid(pid_t);
int sys$setpgid(pid_t pid, pid_t pgid);
pid_t sys$getpgrp();
pid_t sys$getpgid(pid_t);
uid_t sys$getuid();
gid_t sys$getgid();
uid_t sys$geteuid();
gid_t sys$getegid();
pid_t sys$getpid();
pid_t sys$getppid();
mode_t sys$umask(mode_t);
int sys$open(const char* path, int options);
int sys$close(int fd);
ssize_t sys$read(int fd, void* outbuf, size_t nread);
ssize_t sys$write(int fd, const void*, size_t);
int sys$fstat(int fd, Unix::stat*);
int sys$lstat(const char*, Unix::stat*);
int sys$stat(const char*, Unix::stat*);
int sys$lseek(int fd, off_t, int whence);
int sys$kill(pid_t pid, int sig);
int sys$geterror() { return m_error; }
void sys$exit(int status) NORETURN;
void sys$sigreturn() NORETURN;
pid_t sys$waitpid(pid_t, int* wstatus, int options);
void* sys$mmap(const Syscall::SC_mmap_params*);
int sys$munmap(void*, size_t size);
int sys$set_mmap_name(void*, size_t, const char*);
ssize_t sys$get_dir_entries(int fd, void*, size_t);
int sys$getcwd(char*, size_t);
int sys$chdir(const char*);
int sys$sleep(unsigned seconds);
int sys$gettimeofday(timeval*);
int sys$gethostname(char* name, size_t length);
int sys$get_arguments(int* argc, char*** argv);
int sys$get_environment(char*** environ);
int sys$uname(utsname*);
int sys$readlink(const char*, char*, size_t);
int sys$ttyname_r(int fd, char*, size_t);
pid_t sys$fork(RegisterDump&);
int sys$execve(const char* filename, const char** argv, const char** envp);
int sys$isatty(int fd);
int sys$getdtablesize();
int sys$dup(int oldfd);
int sys$dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
int sys$sigaction(int signum, const Unix::sigaction* act, Unix::sigaction* old_act);
int sys$sigprocmask(int how, const Unix::sigset_t* set, Unix::sigset_t* old_set);
int sys$sigpending(Unix::sigset_t*);
int sys$getgroups(int size, gid_t*);
int sys$setgroups(size_t, const gid_t*);
int sys$pipe(int* pipefd);
int sys$killpg(int pgrp, int sig);
int sys$setgid(gid_t);
int sys$setuid(uid_t);
unsigned sys$alarm(unsigned seconds);
int sys$access(const char* pathname, int mode);
int sys$fcntl(int fd, int cmd, dword extra_arg);
int sys$ioctl(int fd, unsigned request, unsigned arg);
int sys$mkdir(const char* pathname, mode_t mode);
Unix::clock_t sys$times(Unix::tms*);
static void initialize();
void crash() NORETURN;
static int reap(Process&) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
const TTY* tty() const { return m_tty; }
size_t regionCount() const { return m_regions.size(); }
const Vector<RetainPtr<Region>>& regions() const { return m_regions; }
void dumpRegions();
void did_schedule() { ++m_timesScheduled; }
dword timesScheduled() const { return m_timesScheduled; }
dword m_ticks_in_user { 0 };
dword m_ticks_in_kernel { 0 };
dword m_ticks_in_user_for_dead_children { 0 };
dword m_ticks_in_kernel_for_dead_children { 0 };
pid_t waitee_pid() const { return m_waitee_pid; }
dword framePtr() const { return m_tss.ebp; }
dword stackPtr() const { return m_tss.esp; }
dword stackTop() const { return m_tss.ss == 0x10 ? m_stackTop0 : m_stackTop3; }
bool isValidAddressForKernel(LinearAddress) const;
bool validate_read(const void*, size_t) const;
bool validate_write(void*, size_t) const;
bool validate_read_str(const char* str) { return validate_read(str, strlen(str) + 1); }
template<typename T> bool validate_read_typed(T* value, size_t count = 1) { return validate_read(value, sizeof(T) * count); }
template<typename T> bool validate_write_typed(T* value, size_t count = 1) { return validate_write(value, sizeof(T) * count); }
CoreInode* cwd_inode() { return m_cwd ? m_cwd->core_inode() : nullptr; }
CoreInode* executable_inode() { return m_executable ? m_executable->core_inode() : nullptr; }
size_t number_of_open_file_descriptors() const;
size_t max_open_file_descriptors() const { return m_max_open_file_descriptors; }
void send_signal(byte signal, Process* sender);
bool dispatch_one_pending_signal();
bool dispatch_signal(byte signal);
bool has_unmasked_pending_signals() const;
void terminate_due_to_signal(byte signal);
Process* fork(RegisterDump&);
int exec(const String& path, Vector<String>&& arguments, Vector<String>&& environment);
bool is_root() const { return m_euid == 0; }
friend class MemoryManager;
friend class Scheduler;
friend class Region;
Process(String&& name, uid_t, gid_t, pid_t ppid, RingLevel, RetainPtr<Vnode>&& cwd = nullptr, RetainPtr<Vnode>&& executable = nullptr, TTY* = nullptr, Process* fork_parent = nullptr);
int do_exec(const String& path, Vector<String>&& arguments, Vector<String>&& environment);
void push_value_on_stack(dword);
int alloc_fd();
PageDirectory* m_page_directory { nullptr };
Process* m_prev { nullptr };
Process* m_next { nullptr };
String m_name;
void (*m_entry)() { nullptr };
pid_t m_pid { 0 };
uid_t m_uid { 0 };
gid_t m_gid { 0 };
uid_t m_euid { 0 };
gid_t m_egid { 0 };
pid_t m_sid { 0 };
pid_t m_pgid { 0 };
dword m_ticks { 0 };
dword m_ticksLeft { 0 };
dword m_stackTop0 { 0 };
dword m_stackTop3 { 0 };
FarPtr m_farPtr;
State m_state { Invalid };
dword m_wakeupTime { 0 };
TSS32 m_tss;
TSS32 m_tss_to_resume_kernel;
struct FileDescriptorAndFlags {
operator bool() const { return !!descriptor; }
void clear() { descriptor = nullptr; flags = 0; }
void set(RetainPtr<FileDescriptor>&& d, dword f = 0) { descriptor = move(d), flags = f; }
RetainPtr<FileDescriptor> descriptor;
dword flags { 0 };
Vector<FileDescriptorAndFlags> m_fds;
RingLevel m_ring { Ring0 };
int m_error { 0 };
void* m_kernelStack { nullptr };
dword m_timesScheduled { 0 };
pid_t m_waitee_pid { -1 };
int m_blocked_fd { -1 };
size_t m_max_open_file_descriptors { 16 };
SignalActionData m_signal_action_data[32];
dword m_pending_signals { 0 };
dword m_signal_mask { 0xffffffff };
byte m_termination_status { 0 };
byte m_termination_signal { 0 };
RetainPtr<Vnode> m_cwd;
RetainPtr<Vnode> m_executable;
TTY* m_tty { nullptr };
Region* allocate_region(LinearAddress, size_t, String&& name, bool is_readable = true, bool is_writable = true, bool commit = true);
Region* allocate_file_backed_region(LinearAddress, size_t, RetainPtr<Vnode>&& vnode, String&& name, bool is_readable, bool is_writable);
Region* allocate_region_with_vmo(LinearAddress, size_t, RetainPtr<VMObject>&&, size_t offset_in_vmo, String&& name, bool is_readable, bool is_writable);
bool deallocate_region(Region& region);
Region* regionFromRange(LinearAddress, size_t);
Vector<RetainPtr<Region>> m_regions;
// FIXME: Implement some kind of ASLR?
LinearAddress m_nextRegion;
LinearAddress m_return_to_ring3_from_signal_trampoline;
LinearAddress m_return_to_ring0_from_signal_trampoline;
pid_t m_ppid { 0 };
mode_t m_umask { 022 };
bool m_was_interrupted_while_blocked { false };
static void notify_waiters(pid_t waitee, int exit_status, int signal);
Vector<String> m_arguments;
Vector<String> m_initialEnvironment;
HashTable<gid_t> m_gids;
Region* m_stack_region { nullptr };
Region* m_signal_stack_user_region { nullptr };
Region* m_signal_stack_kernel_region { nullptr };
extern Process* current;
class ProcessInspectionHandle {
ProcessInspectionHandle(Process& process)
: m_process(process)
, m_original_state(process.state())
if (&process != current)
Process* operator->() { return &m_process; }
Process& operator*() { return m_process; }
Process& m_process;
Process::State m_original_state { Process::Invalid };
static inline const char* toString(Process::State state)
switch (state) {
case Process::Invalid: return "Invalid";
case Process::Runnable: return "Runnable";
case Process::Running: return "Running";
case Process::Dead: return "Dead";
case Process::Skip1SchedulerPass: return "Skip1";
case Process::Skip0SchedulerPasses: return "Skip0";
case Process::BlockedSleep: return "Sleep";
case Process::BlockedWait: return "Wait";
case Process::BlockedRead: return "Read";
case Process::BlockedWrite: return "Write";
case Process::BlockedSignal: return "Signal";
case Process::BeingInspected: return "Inspect";
return nullptr;
extern void block(Process::State);
extern void sleep(dword ticks);
extern InlineLinkedList<Process>* g_processes;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each(Callback callback)
for (auto* process = g_processes->head(); process;) {
auto* next_process = process->next();
if (!callback(*process))
process = next_process;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each_child(Callback callback)
pid_t my_pid = pid();
for (auto* process = g_processes->head(); process;) {
auto* next_process = process->next();
if (process->ppid() == my_pid) {
if (!callback(*process))
process = next_process;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each_in_pgrp(pid_t pgid, Callback callback)
for (auto* process = g_processes->head(); process;) {
auto* next_process = process->next();
if (process->pgid() == pgid) {
if (!callback(*process))
process = next_process;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each_in_state(State state, Callback callback)
for (auto* process = g_processes->head(); process;) {
auto* next_process = process->next();
if (process->state() == state)
process = next_process;
template<typename Callback>
inline void Process::for_each_not_in_state(State state, Callback callback)
for (auto* process = g_processes->head(); process;) {
auto* next_process = process->next();
if (process->state() != state)
process = next_process;