sin-ack 3f3f45580a Everywhere: Add sv suffix to strings relying on StringView(char const*)
Each of these strings would previously rely on StringView's char const*
constructor overload, which would call __builtin_strlen on the string.
Since we now have operator ""sv, we can replace these with much simpler
versions. This opens the door to being able to remove
StringView(char const*).

No functional changes.
2022-07-12 23:11:35 +02:00

428 lines
20 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Assertions.h>
#include <AK/TypeCasts.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/FunctionObject.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/EventTargetWrapper.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/EventTargetWrapperFactory.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/EventWrapper.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/EventWrapperFactory.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/IDLAbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/WindowObject.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/AbortSignal.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Event.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EventDispatcher.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EventTarget.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/IDLEventListener.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Node.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ShadowRoot.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/MouseEvent.h>
namespace Web::DOM {
// FIXME: This shouldn't be here, as retargeting is not only used by the event dispatcher.
// When moving this function, it needs to be generalized.
static EventTarget* retarget(EventTarget* left, EventTarget* right)
// To retarget an object A against an object B, repeat these steps until they return an object:
for (;;) {
// 1. If one of the following is true then return A.
// - A is not a node
if (!is<Node>(left))
return left;
// - As root is not a shadow root
auto* left_node = verify_cast<Node>(left);
auto& left_root = left_node->root();
if (!is<ShadowRoot>(left_root))
return left;
// - B is a node and As root is a shadow-including inclusive ancestor of B
if (is<Node>(right) && left_root.is_shadow_including_inclusive_ancestor_of(verify_cast<Node>(*right)))
return left;
// 2. Set A to As roots host.
auto& left_shadow_root = verify_cast<ShadowRoot>(left_root);
left =;
bool EventDispatcher::inner_invoke(Event& event, Vector<NonnullRefPtr<DOM::DOMEventListener>>& listeners, Event::Phase phase, bool invocation_target_in_shadow_tree)
// 1. Let found be false.
bool found = false;
// 2. For each listener in listeners, whose removed is false:
for (auto& listener : listeners) {
if (listener->removed)
// 1. If events type attribute value is not listeners type, then continue.
if (event.type() != listener->type)
// 2. Set found to true.
found = true;
// 3. If phase is "capturing" and listeners capture is false, then continue.
if (phase == Event::Phase::CapturingPhase && !listener->capture)
// 4. If phase is "bubbling" and listeners capture is true, then continue.
if (phase == Event::Phase::BubblingPhase && listener->capture)
// 5. If listeners once is true, then remove listener from events currentTarget attribute values event listener list.
if (listener->once)
// 6. Let global be listener callbacks associated Realms global object.
auto& callback = listener->callback->callback();
auto& global = callback.callback.cell()->global_object();
// 7. Let currentEvent be undefined.
RefPtr<Event> current_event;
// 8. If global is a Window object, then:
if (is<Bindings::WindowObject>(global)) {
auto& bindings_window_global = verify_cast<Bindings::WindowObject>(global);
auto& window_impl = bindings_window_global.impl();
// 1. Set currentEvent to globals current event.
current_event = window_impl.current_event();
// 2. If invocationTargetInShadowTree is false, then set globals current event to event.
if (!invocation_target_in_shadow_tree)
// 9. If listeners passive is true, then set events in passive listener flag.
if (listener->passive)
// 10. Call a user objects operation with listeners callback, "handleEvent", « event », and events currentTarget attribute value. If this throws an exception, then:
// FIXME: These should be wrapped for us in call_user_object_operation, but it currently doesn't do that.
auto* this_value = Bindings::wrap(global, *event.current_target());
auto* wrapped_event = Bindings::wrap(global, event);
auto result = Bindings::IDL::call_user_object_operation(callback, "handleEvent", this_value, wrapped_event);
// If this throws an exception, then:
if (result.is_error()) {
// 1. Report the exception.
// FIXME: 2. Set legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag if given. (Only used by IndexedDB currently)
// 11. Unset events in passive listener flag.
// 12. If global is a Window object, then set globals current event to currentEvent.
if (is<Bindings::WindowObject>(global)) {
auto& bindings_window_global = verify_cast<Bindings::WindowObject>(global);
auto& window_impl = bindings_window_global.impl();
// 13. If events stop immediate propagation flag is set, then return found.
if (event.should_stop_immediate_propagation())
return found;
// 3. Return found.
return found;
void EventDispatcher::invoke(Event::PathEntry& struct_, Event& event, Event::Phase phase)
auto last_valid_shadow_adjusted_target = event.path().last_matching([&struct_](auto& entry) {
return entry.index <= struct_.index && !entry.shadow_adjusted_target.is_null();
// 1. Set events target to the shadow-adjusted target of the last struct in events path,
// that is either struct or preceding struct, whose shadow-adjusted target is non-null.
// 2. Set events relatedTarget to structs relatedTarget.
// 3. Set events touch target list to structs touch target list.
// 4. If events stop propagation flag is set, then return.
if (event.should_stop_propagation())
// 5. Initialize events currentTarget attribute to structs invocation target.
// 6. Let listeners be a clone of events currentTarget attribute values event listener list.
// NOTE: This avoids event listeners added after this point from being run. Note that removal still has an effect due to the removed field.
auto listeners = event.current_target()->event_listener_list();
// 7. Let invocationTargetInShadowTree be structs invocation-target-in-shadow-tree.
bool invocation_target_in_shadow_tree = struct_.invocation_target_in_shadow_tree;
// 8. Let found be the result of running inner invoke with event, listeners, phase, invocationTargetInShadowTree, and legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag if given.
bool found = inner_invoke(event, listeners, phase, invocation_target_in_shadow_tree);
// 9. If found is false and events isTrusted attribute is true, then:
if (!found && event.is_trusted()) {
// 1. Let originalEventType be events type attribute value.
auto original_event_type = event.type();
// 2. If events type attribute value is a match for any of the strings in the first column in the following table,
// set events type attribute value to the string in the second column on the same row as the matching string, and return otherwise.
if (event.type() == "animationend")
else if (event.type() == "animationiteration")
else if (event.type() == "animationstart")
else if (event.type() == "transitionend")
// 3. Inner invoke with event, listeners, phase, invocationTargetInShadowTree, and legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag if given.
inner_invoke(event, listeners, phase, invocation_target_in_shadow_tree);
// 4. Set events type attribute value to originalEventType.
bool EventDispatcher::dispatch(NonnullRefPtr<EventTarget> target, NonnullRefPtr<Event> event, bool legacy_target_override)
// 1. Set events dispatch flag.
// 2. Let targetOverride be target, if legacy target override flag is not given, and targets associated Document otherwise. [HTML]
// NOTE: legacy target override flag is only used by HTML and only when target is a Window object.
RefPtr<EventTarget> target_override;
if (!legacy_target_override) {
target_override = target;
} else {
target_override = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(*target).associated_document();
// 3. Let activationTarget be null.
RefPtr<EventTarget> activation_target;
// 4. Let relatedTarget be the result of retargeting events relatedTarget against target.
RefPtr<EventTarget> related_target = retarget(event->related_target(), target);
bool clear_targets = false;
// 5. If target is not relatedTarget or target is events relatedTarget, then:
if (related_target != target || event->related_target() == target) {
// 1. Let touchTargets be a new list.
Event::TouchTargetList touch_targets;
// 2. For each touchTarget of events touch target list, append the result of retargeting touchTarget against target to touchTargets.
for (auto& touch_target : event->touch_target_list()) {
touch_targets.append(retarget(touch_target, target));
// 3. Append to an event path with event, target, targetOverride, relatedTarget, touchTargets, and false.
event->append_to_path(*target, target_override, related_target, touch_targets, false);
// 4. Let isActivationEvent be true, if event is a MouseEvent object and events type attribute is "click"; otherwise false.
bool is_activation_event = is<UIEvents::MouseEvent>(*event) && event->type() == HTML::EventNames::click;
// 5. If isActivationEvent is true and target has activation behavior, then set activationTarget to target.
if (is_activation_event && target->activation_behavior)
activation_target = target;
// FIXME: 6. Let slottable be target, if target is a slottable and is assigned, and null otherwise.
// 7. Let slot-in-closed-tree be false
bool slot_in_closed_tree = false;
// 8. Let parent be the result of invoking targets get the parent with event.
auto* parent = target->get_parent(event);
// 9. While parent is non-null:
while (parent) {
// FIXME: 1. If slottable is non-null:
// 1. Assert: parent is a slot.
// 2. Set slottable to null.
// 3. If parents root is a shadow root whose mode is "closed", then set slot-in-closed-tree to true.
// FIXME: 2. If parent is a slottable and is assigned, then set slottable to parent.
// 3. Let relatedTarget be the result of retargeting events relatedTarget against parent.
related_target = retarget(event->related_target(), parent);
// 4. Let touchTargets be a new list.
// 5. For each touchTarget of events touch target list, append the result of retargeting touchTarget against parent to touchTargets.
for (auto& touch_target : event->touch_target_list()) {
touch_targets.append(retarget(touch_target, parent));
// 6. If parent is a Window object, or parent is a node and targets root is a shadow-including inclusive ancestor of parent, then:
if (is<HTML::Window>(parent)
|| (is<Node>(parent) && verify_cast<Node>(*target).root().is_shadow_including_inclusive_ancestor_of(verify_cast<Node>(*parent)))) {
// 1. If isActivationEvent is true, events bubbles attribute is true, activationTarget is null, and parent has activation behavior, then set activationTarget to parent.
if (is_activation_event && event->bubbles() && !activation_target && parent->activation_behavior)
activation_target = parent;
// 2. Append to an event path with event, parent, null, relatedTarget, touchTargets, and slot-in-closed-tree.
event->append_to_path(*parent, nullptr, related_target, touch_targets, slot_in_closed_tree);
// 7. Otherwise, if parent is relatedTarget, then set parent to null.
else if (related_target == parent) {
parent = nullptr;
// 8. Otherwise, set target to parent and then:
else {
target = *parent;
// 1. If isActivationEvent is true, activationTarget is null, and target has activation behavior, then set activationTarget to target.
if (is_activation_event && !activation_target && target->activation_behavior)
activation_target = target;
// 2. Append to an event path with event, parent, target, relatedTarget, touchTargets, and slot-in-closed-tree.
event->append_to_path(*parent, target, related_target, touch_targets, slot_in_closed_tree);
// 9. If parent is non-null, then set parent to the result of invoking parents get the parent with event.
if (parent) {
parent = parent->get_parent(event);
// 10. Set slot-in-closed-tree to false.
slot_in_closed_tree = false;
// 10. Let clearTargetsStruct be the last struct in events path whose shadow-adjusted target is non-null.
auto clear_targets_struct = event->path().last_matching([](auto& entry) {
return !entry.shadow_adjusted_target.is_null();
// 11. Let clearTargets be true if clearTargetsStructs shadow-adjusted target, clearTargetsStructs relatedTarget,
// or an EventTarget object in clearTargetsStructs touch target list is a node and its root is a shadow root; otherwise false.
if (is<Node>(clear_targets_struct.value().shadow_adjusted_target.ptr())) {
auto& shadow_adjusted_target_node = verify_cast<Node>(*clear_targets_struct.value().shadow_adjusted_target);
if (is<ShadowRoot>(shadow_adjusted_target_node.root()))
clear_targets = true;
if (!clear_targets && is<Node>(clear_targets_struct.value().related_target.ptr())) {
auto& related_target_node = verify_cast<Node>(*clear_targets_struct.value().related_target);
if (is<ShadowRoot>(related_target_node.root()))
clear_targets = true;
if (!clear_targets) {
for (auto touch_target : clear_targets_struct.value().touch_target_list) {
if (is<Node>(*touch_target.ptr())) {
auto& touch_target_node = verify_cast<Node>(*touch_target.ptr());
if (is<ShadowRoot>(touch_target_node.root())) {
clear_targets = true;
// 12. If activationTarget is non-null and activationTarget has legacy-pre-activation behavior, then run activationTargets legacy-pre-activation behavior.
if (activation_target)
// 13. For each struct in events path, in reverse order:
for (auto& entry : event->path().in_reverse()) {
// 1. If structs shadow-adjusted target is non-null, then set events eventPhase attribute to AT_TARGET.
if (entry.shadow_adjusted_target)
// 2. Otherwise, set events eventPhase attribute to CAPTURING_PHASE.
// 3. Invoke with struct, event, "capturing", and legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag if given.
invoke(entry, event, Event::Phase::CapturingPhase);
// 14. For each struct in events path:
for (auto& entry : event->path()) {
// 1. If structs shadow-adjusted target is non-null, then set events eventPhase attribute to AT_TARGET.
if (entry.shadow_adjusted_target) {
// 2. Otherwise:
else {
// 1. If events bubbles attribute is false, then continue.
if (!event->bubbles())
// 2. Set events eventPhase attribute to BUBBLING_PHASE.
// 3. Invoke with struct, event, "bubbling", and legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag if given.
invoke(entry, event, Event::Phase::BubblingPhase);
// 6. Set events eventPhase attribute to NONE.
// 7. Set events currentTarget attribute to null.
// 8. Set events path to the empty list.
// 9. Unset events dispatch flag, stop propagation flag, and stop immediate propagation flag.
// 10. If clearTargets, then:
if (clear_targets) {
// 1. Set events target to null.
// 2. Set events relatedTarget to null.
// 3. Set events touch target list to the empty list.
// 11. If activationTarget is non-null, then:
if (activation_target) {
// 1. If events canceled flag is unset, then run activationTargets activation behavior with event.
if (!event->cancelled()) {
// 2. Otherwise, if activationTarget has legacy-canceled-activation behavior, then run activationTargets legacy-canceled-activation behavior.
else {
// 12. Return false if events canceled flag is set; otherwise true.
return !event->cancelled();