Andreas Kling a4d51b3dc2 LibWeb: Add Painting::Box and move things from Layout::Box into it
The "paintable" state in Layout::Box was actually not safe to access
until after layout had been performed.

As a first step towards making this harder to mess up accidentally,
this patch moves painting information from Layout::Box to a new class:
Painting::Box. Every layout can have a corresponding paint box, and
it holds the final used metrics determined by layout.

The paint box is created and populated by FormattingState::commit().

I've also added DOM::Node::paint_box() as a convenient way to access
the paint box (if available) of a given DOM node.

Going forward, I believe this will allow us to better separate data
that belongs to layout vs painting, and also open up opportunities
for naturally invalidating caches in the paint box (since it's
reconstituted by every layout.)
2022-03-11 00:21:49 +01:00

444 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "AK/ReverseIterator.h"
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <LibJS/Interpreter.h>
#include <LibJS/Parser.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/DOMException.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ExceptionOr.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/IDLEventListener.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContextContainer.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventHandler.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLAnchorElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLBodyElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HTMLElement.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/Box.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/BreakNode.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/TextNode.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/Box.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/EventNames.h>
#include <LibWeb/UIEvents/FocusEvent.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
HTMLElement::HTMLElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name)
: Element(document, move(qualified_name))
, m_dataset(DOMStringMap::create(*this))
HTMLElement::ContentEditableState HTMLElement::content_editable_state() const
auto contenteditable = attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable);
// "true", an empty string or a missing value map to the "true" state.
if ((!contenteditable.is_null() && contenteditable.is_empty()) || contenteditable.equals_ignoring_case("true"))
return ContentEditableState::True;
// "false" maps to the "false" state.
if (contenteditable.equals_ignoring_case("false"))
return ContentEditableState::False;
// Having no such attribute or an invalid value maps to the "inherit" state.
return ContentEditableState::Inherit;
bool HTMLElement::is_editable() const
switch (content_editable_state()) {
case ContentEditableState::True:
return true;
case ContentEditableState::False:
return false;
case ContentEditableState::Inherit:
return parent() && parent()->is_editable();
String HTMLElement::content_editable() const
switch (content_editable_state()) {
case ContentEditableState::True:
return "true";
case ContentEditableState::False:
return "false";
case ContentEditableState::Inherit:
return "inherit";
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> HTMLElement::set_content_editable(const String& content_editable)
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_case("inherit")) {
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_case("true")) {
set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "true");
return {};
if (content_editable.equals_ignoring_case("false")) {
set_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::contenteditable, "false");
return {};
return DOM::SyntaxError::create("Invalid contentEditable value, must be 'true', 'false', or 'inherit'");
void HTMLElement::set_inner_text(StringView text)
String HTMLElement::inner_text()
StringBuilder builder;
// innerText for element being rendered takes visibility into account, so force a layout and then walk the layout tree.
if (!layout_node())
return text_content();
Function<void(const Layout::Node&)> recurse = [&](auto& node) {
for (auto* child = node.first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (is<Layout::TextNode>(child))
if (is<Layout::BreakNode>(child))
return builder.to_string();
// //
int HTMLElement::offset_top() const
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(this) || !layout_node() || !parent_element() || !parent_element()->layout_node())
return 0;
auto position = layout_node()->box_type_agnostic_position();
auto parent_position = parent_element()->layout_node()->box_type_agnostic_position();
return position.y() - parent_position.y();
int HTMLElement::offset_left() const
if (is<HTML::HTMLBodyElement>(this) || !layout_node() || !parent_element() || !parent_element()->layout_node())
return 0;
auto position = layout_node()->box_type_agnostic_position();
auto parent_position = parent_element()->layout_node()->box_type_agnostic_position();
return position.x() - parent_position.x();
int HTMLElement::offset_width() const
if (auto* paint_box = this->paint_box())
return paint_box->border_box_width();
return 0;
int HTMLElement::offset_height() const
if (auto* paint_box = this->paint_box())
return paint_box->border_box_height();
return 0;
bool HTMLElement::cannot_navigate() const
// FIXME: Return true if element's node document is not fully active
return !is<HTML::HTMLAnchorElement>(this) && !is_connected();
void HTMLElement::parse_attribute(const FlyString& name, const String& value)
Element::parse_attribute(name, value);
// 1. If namespace is not null, or localName is not the name of an event handler content attribute on element, then return.
// FIXME: Add the namespace part once we support attribute namespaces.
#undef __ENUMERATE
#define __ENUMERATE(attribute_name, event_name) \
if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::attribute_name) { \
element_event_handler_attribute_changed(event_name, value); \
#undef __ENUMERATE
static void run_focus_update_steps(NonnullRefPtrVector<DOM::Node> old_chain, NonnullRefPtrVector<DOM::Node> new_chain, DOM::Node& new_focus_target)
// 1. If the last entry in old chain and the last entry in new chain are the same,
// pop the last entry from old chain and the last entry from new chain and redo this step.
while (!old_chain.is_empty()
&& !new_chain.is_empty()
&& &old_chain.last() == &new_chain.last()) {
// 2. For each entry entry in old chain, in order, run these substeps:
for (auto& entry : old_chain) {
// FIXME: 1. If entry is an input element, and the change event applies to the element,
// and the element does not have a defined activation behavior,
// and the user has changed the element's value or its list of selected files
// while the control was focused without committing that change
// (such that it is different to what it was when the control was first focused),
// then fire an event named change at the element,
// with the bubbles attribute initialized to true.
RefPtr<DOM::EventTarget> blur_event_target;
if (is<DOM::Element>(entry)) {
// 2. If entry is an element, let blur event target be entry.
blur_event_target = entry;
} else if (is<DOM::Document>(entry)) {
// If entry is a Document object, let blur event target be that Document object's relevant global object.
blur_event_target = static_cast<DOM::Document&>(entry).window();
// 3. If entry is the last entry in old chain, and entry is an Element,
// and the last entry in new chain is also an Element,
// then let related blur target be the last entry in new chain.
// Otherwise, let related blur target be null.
RefPtr<DOM::EventTarget> related_blur_target;
if (!old_chain.is_empty()
&& &entry == &old_chain.last()
&& is<DOM::Element>(entry)
&& !new_chain.is_empty()
&& is<DOM::Element>(new_chain.last())) {
related_blur_target = new_chain.last();
// 4. If blur event target is not null, fire a focus event named blur at blur event target,
// with related blur target as the related target.
if (blur_event_target) {
// FIXME: Implement the "fire a focus event" spec operation.
auto blur_event = UIEvents::FocusEvent::create(HTML::EventNames::blur);
// FIXME: 3. Apply any relevant platform-specific conventions for focusing new focus target.
// (For example, some platforms select the contents of a text control when that control is focused.)
// 4. For each entry entry in new chain, in reverse order, run these substeps:
for (auto& entry : new_chain.in_reverse()) {
// 1. If entry is a focusable area: designate entry as the focused area of the document.
// FIXME: This isn't entirely right.
if (is<DOM::Element>(entry))
RefPtr<DOM::EventTarget> focus_event_target;
if (is<DOM::Element>(entry)) {
// 2. If entry is an element, let focus event target be entry.
focus_event_target = entry;
} else if (is<DOM::Document>(entry)) {
// If entry is a Document object, let focus event target be that Document object's relevant global object.
focus_event_target = static_cast<DOM::Document&>(entry).window();
// 3. If entry is the last entry in new chain, and entry is an Element,
// and the last entry in old chain is also an Element,
// then let related focus target be the last entry in old chain.
// Otherwise, let related focus target be null.
RefPtr<DOM::EventTarget> related_focus_target;
if (!new_chain.is_empty()
&& &entry == &new_chain.last()
&& is<DOM::Element>(entry)
&& !old_chain.is_empty()
&& is<DOM::Element>(old_chain.last())) {
related_focus_target = old_chain.last();
// 4. If focus event target is not null, fire a focus event named focus at focus event target,
// with related focus target as the related target.
if (focus_event_target) {
// FIXME: Implement the "fire a focus event" spec operation.
auto focus_event = UIEvents::FocusEvent::create(HTML::EventNames::focus);
static NonnullRefPtrVector<DOM::Node> focus_chain(DOM::Node* subject)
// FIXME: Move this somewhere more spec-friendly.
if (!subject)
return {};
// 1. Let output be an empty list.
NonnullRefPtrVector<DOM::Node> output;
// 2. Let currentObject be subject.
auto* current_object = subject;
// 3. While true:
while (true) {
// 1. Append currentObject to output.
// FIXME: 2. If currentObject is an area element's shape, then append that area element to output.
// FIXME: Otherwise, if currentObject's DOM anchor is an element that is not currentObject itself, then append currentObject's DOM anchor to output.
// FIXME: Everything below needs work. The conditions are not entirely right.
if (!is<DOM::Document>(*current_object)) {
// 3. If currentObject is a focusable area, then set currentObject to currentObject's DOM anchor's node document.
current_object = &current_object->document();
} else if (is<DOM::Document>(*current_object)
&& static_cast<DOM::Document&>(*current_object).browsing_context()
&& !static_cast<DOM::Document&>(*current_object).browsing_context()->is_top_level()) {
// Otherwise, if currentObject is a Document whose browsing context is a child browsing context,
// then set currentObject to currentObject's browsing context's container.
current_object = static_cast<DOM::Document&>(*current_object).browsing_context()->container();
} else {
// 4. Return output.
return output;
// FIXME: This should accept more types.
static void run_focusing_steps(DOM::Node* new_focus_target, DOM::Node* fallback_target = nullptr, [[maybe_unused]] Optional<String> focus_trigger = {})
// FIXME: 1. If new focus target is not a focusable area, then set new focus target
// to the result of getting the focusable area for new focus target,
// given focus trigger if it was passed.
// 2. If new focus target is null, then:
if (!new_focus_target) {
// 1. If no fallback target was specified, then return.
if (!fallback_target)
// 2. Otherwise, set new focus target to the fallback target.
new_focus_target = fallback_target;
// 3. If new focus target is a browsing context container with non-null nested browsing context,
// then set new focus target to the nested browsing context's active document.
if (is<BrowsingContextContainer>(*new_focus_target)) {
auto& browsing_context_container = static_cast<BrowsingContextContainer&>(*new_focus_target);
if (auto* nested_browsing_context = browsing_context_container.nested_browsing_context())
new_focus_target = nested_browsing_context->active_document();
// FIXME: 4. If new focus target is a focusable area and its DOM anchor is inert, then return.
// 5. If new focus target is the currently focused area of a top-level browsing context, then return.
if (!new_focus_target->document().browsing_context())
auto& top_level_browsing_context = new_focus_target->document().browsing_context()->top_level_browsing_context();
if (new_focus_target == top_level_browsing_context.currently_focused_area())
// 6. Let old chain be the current focus chain of the top-level browsing context in which
// new focus target finds itself.
auto old_chain = focus_chain(top_level_browsing_context.currently_focused_area());
// 7. Let new chain be the focus chain of new focus target.
auto new_chain = focus_chain(new_focus_target);
run_focus_update_steps(old_chain, new_chain, *new_focus_target);
void HTMLElement::focus()
// 1. If the element is marked as locked for focus, then return.
if (m_locked_for_focus)
// 2. Mark the element as locked for focus.
m_locked_for_focus = true;
// 3. Run the focusing steps for the element.
// FIXME: 4. If the value of the preventScroll dictionary member of options is false,
// then scroll the element into view with scroll behavior "auto",
// block flow direction position set to an implementation-defined value,
// and inline base direction position set to an implementation-defined value.
// 5. Unmark the element as locked for focus.
m_locked_for_focus = false;
bool HTMLElement::fire_a_synthetic_pointer_event(FlyString const& type, DOM::Element& target, bool not_trusted)
// 1. Let event be the result of creating an event using PointerEvent.
// 2. Initialize event's type attribute to e.
// FIXME: Actually create a PointerEvent!
auto event = DOM::Event::create(type);
// 3. Initialize event's bubbles and cancelable attributes to true.
// 4. Set event's composed flag.
// 5. If the not trusted flag is set, initialize event's isTrusted attribute to false.
if (not_trusted) {
// FIXME: 6. Initialize event's ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, and metaKey attributes according to the current state
// of the key input device, if any (false for any keys that are not available).
// FIXME: 7. Initialize event's view attribute to target's node document's Window object, if any, and null otherwise.
// FIXME: 8. event's getModifierState() method is to return values appropriately describing the current state of the key input device.
// 9. Return the result of dispatching event at target.
return target.dispatch_event(move(event));
void HTMLElement::click()
// FIXME: 1. If this element is a form control that is disabled, then return.
// 2. If this element's click in progress flag is set, then return.
if (m_click_in_progress)
// 3. Set this element's click in progress flag.
m_click_in_progress = true;
// FIXME: 4. Fire a synthetic pointer event named click at this element, with the not trusted flag set.
fire_a_synthetic_pointer_event(HTML::EventNames::click, *this, true);
// 5. Unset this element's click in progress flag.
m_click_in_progress = false;