
99 lines
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#import <HTML/DOMStringMap.idl>
interface HTMLElement : Element {
[Reflect] attribute DOMString title;
[Reflect] attribute DOMString lang;
[Reflect] attribute boolean hidden;
attribute DOMString contentEditable;
undefined click();
// FIXME: Support the optional FocusOptions parameter.
undefined focus();
[LegacyNullToEmptyString] attribute DOMString innerText;
readonly attribute long offsetTop;
readonly attribute long offsetLeft;
readonly attribute long offsetWidth;
readonly attribute long offsetHeight;
// FIXME: This should come from a HTMLOrSVGElement mixin
[SameObject] readonly attribute DOMStringMap dataset;
// FIXME: These should all come from a GlobalEventHandlers mixin
attribute EventHandler onabort;
attribute EventHandler onauxclick;
attribute EventHandler onblur;
attribute EventHandler oncancel;
attribute EventHandler oncanplay;
attribute EventHandler oncanplaythrough;
attribute EventHandler onchange;
attribute EventHandler onclick;
attribute EventHandler onclose;
attribute EventHandler oncontextmenu;
attribute EventHandler oncuechange;
attribute EventHandler ondblclick;
attribute EventHandler ondrag;
attribute EventHandler ondragend;
attribute EventHandler ondragenter;
attribute EventHandler ondragleave;
attribute EventHandler ondragover;
attribute EventHandler ondragstart;
attribute EventHandler ondrop;
attribute EventHandler ondurationchange;
attribute EventHandler onemptied;
attribute EventHandler onended;
// FIXME: Should be an OnErrorEventHandler
attribute EventHandler onerror;
attribute EventHandler onfocus;
attribute EventHandler onformdata;
attribute EventHandler oninput;
attribute EventHandler oninvalid;
attribute EventHandler onkeydown;
attribute EventHandler onkeypress;
attribute EventHandler onkeyup;
attribute EventHandler onload;
attribute EventHandler onloadeddata;
attribute EventHandler onloadedmetadata;
attribute EventHandler onloadstart;
attribute EventHandler onmousedown;
[LegacyLenientThis] attribute EventHandler onmouseenter;
[LegacyLenientThis] attribute EventHandler onmouseleave;
attribute EventHandler onmousemove;
attribute EventHandler onmouseout;
attribute EventHandler onmouseover;
attribute EventHandler onmouseup;
attribute EventHandler onpause;
attribute EventHandler onplay;
attribute EventHandler onplaying;
attribute EventHandler onprogress;
attribute EventHandler onratechange;
attribute EventHandler onreset;
attribute EventHandler onresize;
attribute EventHandler onscroll;
attribute EventHandler onsecuritypolicyviolation;
attribute EventHandler onseeked;
attribute EventHandler onseeking;
attribute EventHandler onselect;
attribute EventHandler onslotchange;
attribute EventHandler onstalled;
attribute EventHandler onsubmit;
attribute EventHandler onsuspend;
attribute EventHandler ontimeupdate;
attribute EventHandler ontoggle;
attribute EventHandler onvolumechange;
attribute EventHandler onwaiting;
attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationend;
attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationiteration;
attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationstart;
attribute EventHandler onwebkittransitionend;
attribute EventHandler onwheel;