Torstennator f9ec3b986e LibGUI: Fix {Value,Opacity}Slider value changes for values less than 0
This patch fixes a value glitch when changing the slider value via
dragging the knob with the mouse and having a min value smaller than 0.
Before this patch it was not possible to drag the value below 0 and it
just snapped to the configured min value if the mouse was at the most
left position. Now the value is calculated from the value range and
mouse position within the widget.
2022-05-08 17:17:56 +02:00

145 lines
4.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibGUI/OpacitySlider.h>
#include <LibGUI/Painter.h>
#include <LibGfx/Palette.h>
#include <LibGfx/StylePainter.h>
namespace GUI {
OpacitySlider::OpacitySlider(Gfx::Orientation orientation)
: AbstractSlider(orientation)
// FIXME: Implement vertical mode.
VERIFY(orientation == Gfx::Orientation::Horizontal);
Gfx::IntRect OpacitySlider::frame_inner_rect() const
return rect().shrunken(4, 4);
void OpacitySlider::paint_event(PaintEvent& event)
GUI::Painter painter(*this);
auto inner_rect = frame_inner_rect();
// Grid pattern
Gfx::StylePainter::paint_transparency_grid(painter, inner_rect, palette());
// Alpha gradient
for (int x = inner_rect.left(); x <= inner_rect.right(); ++x) {
float relative_offset = (float)x / (float)width();
float alpha = relative_offset * 255.0f;
Color color { 0, 0, 0, (u8)alpha };
painter.fill_rect({ x, inner_rect.y(), 1, inner_rect.height() }, color);
constexpr int notch_size = 3;
int notch_y_top = + notch_size;
int notch_y_bottom = inner_rect.bottom() - notch_size;
int notch_x = inner_rect.left() + ((float)value() / (float)max() * (float)inner_rect.width());
// Top notch
painter.set_pixel(notch_x, notch_y_top, palette().threed_shadow2());
for (int i = notch_size; i >= 0; --i) {
painter.set_pixel(notch_x - (i + 1), notch_y_top - i - 1, palette().threed_highlight());
for (int j = 0; j < i * 2; ++j) {
painter.set_pixel(notch_x - (i + 1) + j + 1, notch_y_top - i - 1, palette().button());
painter.set_pixel(notch_x + (i + 0), notch_y_top - i - 1, palette().threed_shadow1());
painter.set_pixel(notch_x + (i + 1), notch_y_top - i - 1, palette().threed_shadow2());
// Bottom notch
painter.set_pixel(notch_x, notch_y_bottom, palette().threed_shadow2());
for (int i = 0; i < notch_size; ++i) {
painter.set_pixel(notch_x - (i + 1), notch_y_bottom + i + 1, palette().threed_highlight());
for (int j = 0; j < i * 2; ++j) {
painter.set_pixel(notch_x - (i + 1) + j + 1, notch_y_bottom + i + 1, palette().button());
painter.set_pixel(notch_x + (i + 0), notch_y_bottom + i + 1, palette().threed_shadow1());
painter.set_pixel(notch_x + (i + 1), notch_y_bottom + i + 1, palette().threed_shadow2());
// Hairline
// NOTE: If we're in the whiter part of the gradient, the notch is painted as shadow between the notches.
// If we're in the darker part, the notch is painted as highlight.
// We adjust the hairline's x position so it lines up with the shadow/highlight of the notches.
u8 h = ((float)value() / (float)max()) * 255.0f;
if (h < 128)
painter.draw_line({ notch_x, notch_y_top }, { notch_x, notch_y_bottom }, Color(h, h, h, 255));
painter.draw_line({ notch_x - 1, notch_y_top }, { notch_x - 1, notch_y_bottom }, Color(h, h, h, 255));
// Text label
auto percent_text = String::formatted("{}%", (int)((float)value() / (float)max() * 100.0f));
painter.draw_text(inner_rect.translated(1, 1), percent_text, Gfx::TextAlignment::Center, Color::Black);
painter.draw_text(inner_rect, percent_text, Gfx::TextAlignment::Center, Color::White);
// Frame
Gfx::StylePainter::paint_frame(painter, rect(), palette(), Gfx::FrameShape::Container, Gfx::FrameShadow::Sunken, 2);
int OpacitySlider::value_at(Gfx::IntPoint const& position) const
auto inner_rect = frame_inner_rect();
if (position.x() < inner_rect.left())
return min();
if (position.x() > inner_rect.right())
return max();
float relative_offset = (float)(position.x() - inner_rect.x()) / (float)inner_rect.width();
int range = max() - min();
return min() + (int)(relative_offset * (float)range);
void OpacitySlider::mousedown_event(MouseEvent& event)
if (event.button() == MouseButton::Primary) {
m_dragging = true;
void OpacitySlider::mousemove_event(MouseEvent& event)
if (m_dragging) {
void OpacitySlider::mouseup_event(MouseEvent& event)
if (event.button() == MouseButton::Primary) {
m_dragging = false;
void OpacitySlider::mousewheel_event(MouseEvent& event)