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* Copyright (c) 2022, Tim Flynn <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/JsonArray.h>
#include <AK/JsonObject.h>
#include <AK/JsonValue.h>
#include <AK/Optional.h>
#include <LibWeb/Loader/UserAgent.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/Capabilities.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebDriver/TimeoutsConfiguration.h>
namespace Web::WebDriver {
static Response deserialize_as_a_page_load_strategy(JsonValue value)
// 1. If value is not a string return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (!value.is_string())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capability pageLoadStrategy must be a string"sv);
// 2. If there is no entry in the table of page load strategies with keyword value return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (!value.as_string().is_one_of("none"sv, "eager"sv, "normal"sv))
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Invalid pageLoadStrategy capability"sv);
// 3. Return success with data value.
return value;
static Response deserialize_as_an_unhandled_prompt_behavior(JsonValue value)
// 1. If value is not a string return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (!value.is_string())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capability unhandledPromptBehavior must be a string"sv);
// 2. If value is not present as a keyword in the known prompt handling approaches table return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (!value.as_string().is_one_of("dismiss"sv, "accept"sv, "dismiss and notify"sv, "accept and notify"sv, "ignore"sv))
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Invalid pageLoadStrategy capability"sv);
// 3. Return success with data value.
return value;
static ErrorOr<JsonObject, Error> deserialize_as_a_proxy(JsonValue parameter)
// 1. If parameter is not a JSON Object return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (!parameter.is_object())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capability proxy must be an object"sv);
// 2. Let proxy be a new, empty proxy configuration object.
JsonObject proxy;
// 3. For each enumerable own property in parameter run the following substeps:
TRY(parameter.as_object().try_for_each_member([&](auto const& key, JsonValue const& value) -> ErrorOr<void, Error> {
// 1. Let key be the name of the property.
// 2. Let value be the result of getting a property named name from capability.
// FIXME: 3. If there is no matching key for key in the proxy configuration table return an error with error code invalid argument.
// FIXME: 4. If value is not one of the valid values for that key, return an error with error code invalid argument.
// 5. Set a property key to value on proxy.
proxy.set(key, value);
return {};
return proxy;
static Response deserialize_as_ladybird_options(JsonValue value)
if (!value.is_object())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Extension capability serenity:ladybird must be an object"sv);
auto const& object = value.as_object();
if (auto headless = object.get("headless"sv); headless.has_value() && !headless->is_bool())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Extension capability serenity:ladybird/headless must be a boolean"sv);
return value;
static JsonObject default_ladybird_options()
JsonObject options;
options.set("headless"sv, false);
return options;
static ErrorOr<JsonObject, Error> validate_capabilities(JsonValue const& capability)
// 1. If capability is not a JSON Object return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (!capability.is_object())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capability is not an Object"sv);
// 2. Let result be an empty JSON Object.
JsonObject result;
// 3. For each enumerable own property in capability, run the following substeps:
TRY(capability.as_object().try_for_each_member([&](auto const& name, JsonValue const& value) -> ErrorOr<void, Error> {
// a. Let name be the name of the property.
// b. Let value be the result of getting a property named name from capability.
// c. Run the substeps of the first matching condition:
JsonValue deserialized;
// -> value is null
if (value.is_null()) {
// Let deserialized be set to null.
// -> name equals "acceptInsecureCerts"
else if (name == "acceptInsecureCerts"sv) {
// If value is not a boolean return an error with error code invalid argument. Otherwise, let deserialized be set to value
if (!value.is_bool())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capability acceptInsecureCerts must be a boolean"sv);
deserialized = value;
// -> name equals "browserName"
// -> name equals "browserVersion"
// -> name equals "platformName"
else if (name.is_one_of("browserName"sv, "browserVersion"sv, "platformName"sv)) {
// If value is not a string return an error with error code invalid argument. Otherwise, let deserialized be set to value.
if (!value.is_string())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Capability {} must be a string", name));
deserialized = value;
// -> name equals "pageLoadStrategy"
else if (name == "pageLoadStrategy"sv) {
// Let deserialized be the result of trying to deserialize as a page load strategy with argument value.
deserialized = TRY(deserialize_as_a_page_load_strategy(value));
// -> name equals "proxy"
else if (name == "proxy"sv) {
// Let deserialized be the result of trying to deserialize as a proxy with argument value.
deserialized = TRY(deserialize_as_a_proxy(value));
// -> name equals "strictFileInteractability"
else if (name == "strictFileInteractability"sv) {
// If value is not a boolean return an error with error code invalid argument. Otherwise, let deserialized be set to value
if (!value.is_bool())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capability strictFileInteractability must be a boolean"sv);
deserialized = value;
// -> name equals "timeouts"
else if (name == "timeouts"sv) {
// Let deserialized be the result of trying to JSON deserialize as a timeouts configuration the value.
auto timeouts = TRY(json_deserialize_as_a_timeouts_configuration(value));
deserialized = JsonValue { timeouts_object(timeouts) };
// -> name equals "unhandledPromptBehavior"
else if (name == "unhandledPromptBehavior"sv) {
// Let deserialized be the result of trying to deserialize as an unhandled prompt behavior with argument value.
deserialized = TRY(deserialize_as_an_unhandled_prompt_behavior(value));
// FIXME: -> name is the name of an additional WebDriver capability
// FIXME: Let deserialized be the result of trying to run the additional capability deserialization algorithm for the extension capability corresponding to name, with argument value.
else if (name == "webSocketUrl"sv) {
// 1. If value is not a boolean, return error with code invalid argument.
if (!value.is_bool())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capability webSocketUrl must be a boolean"sv);
// 2. Return success with data value.
deserialized = value;
// -> name is the key of an extension capability
// If name is known to the implementation, let deserialized be the result of trying to deserialize value in an implementation-specific way. Otherwise, let deserialized be set to value.
else if (name == "serenity:ladybird"sv) {
deserialized = TRY(deserialize_as_ladybird_options(value));
// -> The remote end is an endpoint node
else {
// Return an error with error code invalid argument.
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Unrecognized capability: {}", name));
// d. If deserialized is not null, set a property on result with name name and value deserialized.
if (!deserialized.is_null())
result.set(name, move(deserialized));
return {};
// 4. Return success with data result.
return result;
static ErrorOr<JsonObject, Error> merge_capabilities(JsonObject const& primary, Optional<JsonObject const&> const& secondary)
// 1. Let result be a new JSON Object.
JsonObject result;
// 2. For each enumerable own property in primary, run the following substeps:
primary.for_each_member([&](auto const& name, auto const& value) {
// a. Let name be the name of the property.
// b. Let value be the result of getting a property named name from primary.
// c. Set a property on result with name name and value value.
result.set(name, value);
// 3. If secondary is undefined, return result.
if (!secondary.has_value())
return result;
// 4. For each enumerable own property in secondary, run the following substeps:
TRY(secondary->try_for_each_member([&](auto const& name, auto const& value) -> ErrorOr<void, Error> {
// a. Let name be the name of the property.
// b. Let value be the result of getting a property named name from secondary.
// c. Let primary value be the result of getting the property name from primary.
auto primary_value = primary.get(name);
// d. If primary value is not undefined, return an error with error code invalid argument.
if (primary_value.has_value())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, ByteString::formatted("Unable to merge capability {}", name));
// e. Set a property on result with name name and value value.
result.set(name, value);
return {};
// 5. Return result.
return result;
static bool matches_browser_version(StringView requested_version, StringView required_version)
// FIXME: Handle relative (>, >=, <. <=) comparisons. For now, require an exact match.
return requested_version == required_version;
static bool matches_platform_name(StringView requested_platform_name, StringView required_platform_name)
if (requested_platform_name == required_platform_name)
return true;
// The following platform names are in common usage with well-understood semantics and, when matching capabilities, greatest interoperability can be achieved by honoring them as valid synonyms for well-known Operating Systems:
// "linux" Any server or desktop system based upon the Linux kernel.
// "mac" Any version of Apples macOS.
// "windows" Any version of Microsoft Windows, including desktop and mobile versions.
// This list is not exhaustive.
// NOTE: Of the synonyms listed in the spec, the only one that differs for us is macOS.
// Further, we are allowed to handle synonyms for SerenityOS.
if (requested_platform_name == "mac"sv && required_platform_name == "macos"sv)
return true;
if (requested_platform_name == "serenity"sv && required_platform_name == "serenityos"sv)
return true;
return false;
static JsonValue match_capabilities(JsonObject const& capabilities)
static auto browser_name = StringView { BROWSER_NAME, strlen(BROWSER_NAME) }.to_lowercase_string();
static auto platform_name = StringView { OS_STRING, strlen(OS_STRING) }.to_lowercase_string();
// 1. Let matched capabilities be a JSON Object with the following entries:
JsonObject matched_capabilities;
// "browserName"
// ASCII Lowercase name of the user agent as a string.
matched_capabilities.set("browserName"sv, browser_name);
// "browserVersion"
// The user agent version, as a string.
matched_capabilities.set("browserVersion"sv, BROWSER_VERSION);
// "platformName"
// ASCII Lowercase name of the current platform as a string.
matched_capabilities.set("platformName"sv, platform_name);
// "acceptInsecureCerts"
// Boolean initially set to false, indicating the session will not implicitly trust untrusted or self-signed TLS certificates on navigation.
matched_capabilities.set("acceptInsecureCerts"sv, false);
// "strictFileInteractability"
// Boolean initially set to false, indicating that interactability checks will be applied to <input type=file>.
matched_capabilities.set("strictFileInteractability"sv, false);
// "setWindowRect"
// Boolean indicating whether the remote end supports all of the resizing and positioning commands.
matched_capabilities.set("setWindowRect"sv, true);
// 2. Optionally add extension capabilities as entries to matched capabilities. The values of these may be elided, and there is no requirement that all extension capabilities be added.
matched_capabilities.set("serenity:ladybird"sv, default_ladybird_options());
// 3. For each name and value corresponding to capabilitys own properties:
auto result = capabilities.try_for_each_member([&](auto const& name, auto const& value) -> ErrorOr<void> {
// a. Let match value equal value.
// b. Run the substeps of the first matching name:
// -> "browserName"
if (name == "browserName"sv) {
// If value is not a string equal to the "browserName" entry in matched capabilities, return success with data null.
if (value.as_string() != matched_capabilities.get_byte_string(name).value())
return AK::Error::from_string_view("browserName"sv);
// -> "browserVersion"
else if (name == "browserVersion"sv) {
// Compare value to the "browserVersion" entry in matched capabilities using an implementation-defined comparison algorithm. The comparison is to accept a value that places constraints on the version using the "<", "<=", ">", and ">=" operators.
// If the two values do not match, return success with data null.
if (!matches_browser_version(value.as_string(), matched_capabilities.get_byte_string(name).value()))
return AK::Error::from_string_view("browserVersion"sv);
// -> "platformName"
else if (name == "platformName"sv) {
// If value is not a string equal to the "platformName" entry in matched capabilities, return success with data null.
if (!matches_platform_name(value.as_string(), matched_capabilities.get_byte_string(name).value()))
return AK::Error::from_string_view("platformName"sv);
// -> "acceptInsecureCerts"
else if (name == "acceptInsecureCerts"sv) {
// If value is true and the endpoint node does not support insecure TLS certificates, return success with data null.
if (value.as_bool())
return AK::Error::from_string_view("acceptInsecureCerts"sv);
// -> "proxy"
else if (name == "proxy"sv) {
// FIXME: If the endpoint node does not allow the proxy it uses to be configured, or if the proxy configuration defined in value is not one that passes the endpoint nodes implementation-specific validity checks, return success with data null.
// -> Otherwise
else {
// FIXME: If name is the name of an additional WebDriver capability which defines a matched capability serialization algorithm, let match value be the result of running the matched capability serialization algorithm for capability name with argument value.
// FIXME: Otherwise, if name is the key of an extension capability, let match value be the result of trying implementation-specific steps to match on name with value. If the match is not successful, return success with data null.
if (name == "webSocketUrl"sv) {
// 1. If value is false, return success with data null.
if (!value.as_bool())
return AK::Error::from_string_view("webSocketUrl"sv);
// 2. Return success with data value.
// FIXME: Remove this when we support BIDI communication.
return AK::Error::from_string_view("webSocketUrl"sv);
// c. Set a property on matched capabilities with name name and value match value.
matched_capabilities.set(name, value);
return {};
if (result.is_error()) {
dbgln_if(WEBDRIVER_DEBUG, "Failed to match capability: {}", result.error());
return JsonValue {};
// 4. Return success with data matched capabilities.
return matched_capabilities;
Response process_capabilities(JsonValue const& parameters)
if (!parameters.is_object())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Session parameters is not an object"sv);
// 1. Let capabilities request be the result of getting the property "capabilities" from parameters.
// a. If capabilities request is not a JSON Object, return error with error code invalid argument.
auto maybe_capabilities_request = parameters.as_object().get_object("capabilities"sv);
if (!maybe_capabilities_request.has_value())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capabilities is not an object"sv);
auto const& capabilities_request = maybe_capabilities_request.value();
// 2. Let required capabilities be the result of getting the property "alwaysMatch" from capabilities request.
// a. If required capabilities is undefined, set the value to an empty JSON Object.
JsonObject required_capabilities;
if (auto capability = capabilities_request.get("alwaysMatch"sv); capability.has_value()) {
// b. Let required capabilities be the result of trying to validate capabilities with argument required capabilities.
required_capabilities = TRY(validate_capabilities(*capability));
// 3. Let all first match capabilities be the result of getting the property "firstMatch" from capabilities request.
JsonArray all_first_match_capabilities;
if (auto capabilities = capabilities_request.get("firstMatch"sv); capabilities.has_value()) {
// b. If all first match capabilities is not a JSON List with one or more entries, return error with error code invalid argument.
if (!capabilities->is_array() || capabilities->as_array().is_empty())
return Error::from_code(ErrorCode::InvalidArgument, "Capability firstMatch must be an array with at least one entry"sv);
all_first_match_capabilities = capabilities->as_array();
} else {
// a. If all first match capabilities is undefined, set the value to a JSON List with a single entry of an empty JSON Object.
all_first_match_capabilities.must_append(JsonObject {});
// 4. Let validated first match capabilities be an empty JSON List.
JsonArray validated_first_match_capabilities;
// 5. For each first match capabilities corresponding to an indexed property in all first match capabilities:
TRY(all_first_match_capabilities.try_for_each([&](auto const& first_match_capabilities) -> ErrorOr<void, Error> {
// a. Let validated capabilities be the result of trying to validate capabilities with argument first match capabilities.
auto validated_capabilities = TRY(validate_capabilities(first_match_capabilities));
// b. Append validated capabilities to validated first match capabilities.
return {};
// 6. Let merged capabilities be an empty List.
JsonArray merged_capabilities;
// 7. For each first match capabilities corresponding to an indexed property in validated first match capabilities:
TRY(validated_first_match_capabilities.try_for_each([&](auto const& first_match_capabilities) -> ErrorOr<void, Error> {
// a. Let merged be the result of trying to merge capabilities with required capabilities and first match capabilities as arguments.
auto merged = TRY(merge_capabilities(required_capabilities, first_match_capabilities.as_object()));
// b. Append merged to merged capabilities.
return {};
// 8. For each capabilities corresponding to an indexed property in merged capabilities:
for (auto const& capabilities : merged_capabilities.values()) {
// a. Let matched capabilities be the result of trying to match capabilities with capabilities as an argument.
auto matched_capabilities = match_capabilities(capabilities.as_object());
// b. If matched capabilities is not null, return success with data matched capabilities.
if (!matched_capabilities.is_null())
return matched_capabilities;
// 9. Return success with data null.
return JsonValue {};
LadybirdOptions::LadybirdOptions(JsonObject const& capabilities)
auto options = capabilities.get_object("serenity:ladybird"sv);
if (!options.has_value())
auto headless = options->get_bool("headless"sv);
if (headless.has_value())
this->headless = headless.value();