Martin Blicha add3a02ddd LibChess: Fix hashing of the chess board
The hash function should take the board by reference, not by value.
Also, the fact whether black can castle kingside or not was included
twice in the hash, unnecesarily.
2021-07-30 20:49:18 +02:00

305 lines
9.6 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/IterationDecision.h>
#include <AK/Optional.h>
#include <AK/StringView.h>
#include <AK/Traits.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
namespace Chess {
enum class Type : u8 {
String char_for_piece(Type type);
Chess::Type piece_for_char_promotion(const StringView& str);
enum class Color : u8 {
Color opposing_color(Color color);
struct Piece {
constexpr Piece()
: color(Color::None)
, type(Type::None)
constexpr Piece(Color c, Type t)
: color(c)
, type(t)
Color color : 4;
Type type : 4;
bool operator==(const Piece& other) const { return color == other.color && type == other.type; }
constexpr Piece EmptyPiece = { Color::None, Type::None };
struct Square {
i8 rank; // zero indexed;
i8 file;
Square(const StringView& name);
Square(const int& rank, const int& file)
: rank(rank)
, file(file)
bool operator==(const Square& other) const { return rank == other.rank && file == other.file; }
template<typename Callback>
static void for_each(Callback callback)
for (int rank = 0; rank < 8; ++rank) {
for (int file = 0; file < 8; ++file) {
if (callback(Square(rank, file)) == IterationDecision::Break)
bool in_bounds() const { return rank >= 0 && file >= 0 && rank < 8 && file < 8; }
bool is_light() const { return (rank % 2) != (file % 2); }
String to_algebraic() const;
class Board;
struct Move {
Square from;
Square to;
Type promote_to;
Piece piece;
bool is_check : 1 = false;
bool is_mate : 1 = false;
bool is_capture : 1 = false;
bool is_ambiguous : 1 = false;
Square ambiguous { 50, 50 };
Move(const StringView& long_algebraic);
Move(const Square& from, const Square& to, const Type& promote_to = Type::None)
: from(from)
, to(to)
, promote_to(promote_to)
bool operator==(const Move& other) const { return from == other.from && to == && promote_to == other.promote_to; }
static Move from_algebraic(const StringView& algebraic, const Color turn, const Board& board);
String to_long_algebraic() const;
String to_algebraic() const;
class Board {
Piece get_piece(const Square&) const;
Piece set_piece(const Square&, const Piece&);
bool is_legal(const Move&, Color color = Color::None) const;
bool in_check(Color color) const;
bool is_promotion_move(const Move&, Color color = Color::None) const;
bool apply_move(const Move&, Color color = Color::None);
const Optional<Move>& last_move() const { return m_last_move; }
String to_fen() const;
enum class Result {
static String result_to_string(Result, Color turn);
static String result_to_points(Result, Color turn);
template<typename Callback>
void generate_moves(Callback callback, Color color = Color::None) const;
Move random_move(Color color = Color::None) const;
Result game_result() const;
Color game_winner() const;
int game_score() const;
bool game_finished() const;
void set_resigned(Color);
int material_imbalance() const;
Color turn() const { return m_turn; }
const Vector<Move>& moves() const { return m_moves; }
bool operator==(const Board& other) const;
bool is_legal_no_check(const Move&, Color color) const;
bool is_legal_promotion(const Move&, Color color) const;
bool apply_illegal_move(const Move&, Color color);
Piece m_board[8][8];
Optional<Move> m_last_move;
short m_moves_since_capture { 0 };
short m_moves_since_pawn_advance { 0 };
Color m_turn : 2 { Color::White };
Color m_resigned : 2 { Color::None };
bool m_white_can_castle_kingside : 1 { true };
bool m_white_can_castle_queenside : 1 { true };
bool m_black_can_castle_kingside : 1 { true };
bool m_black_can_castle_queenside : 1 { true };
// We trust that hash collisions will not happen to save lots of memory and time.
HashMap<unsigned, int> m_previous_states;
Vector<Move> m_moves;
friend struct Traits<Board>;
template<typename Callback>
void Board::generate_moves(Callback callback, Color color) const
if (color == Color::None)
color = turn();
auto try_move = [&](Move m) {
if (is_legal(m, color)) {
if (callback(m) == IterationDecision::Break)
return false;
return true;
Square::for_each([&](Square sq) {
auto piece = get_piece(sq);
if (piece.color != color)
return IterationDecision::Continue;
bool keep_going = true;
if (piece.type == Type::Pawn) {
for (auto& piece : Vector({ Type::None, Type::Knight, Type::Bishop, Type::Rook, Type::Queen })) {
keep_going = try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + 1, sq.file }, piece })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + 2, sq.file }, piece })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank - 1, sq.file }, piece })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank - 2, sq.file }, piece })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + 1, sq.file + 1 }, piece })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + 1, sq.file - 1 }, piece })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank - 1, sq.file + 1 }, piece })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank - 1, sq.file - 1 }, piece });
} else if (piece.type == Type::Knight) {
keep_going = try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + 2, sq.file + 1 } })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + 2, sq.file - 1 } })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + 1, sq.file + 2 } })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + 1, sq.file - 2 } })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank - 2, sq.file + 1 } })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank - 2, sq.file - 1 } })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank - 1, sq.file + 2 } })
&& try_move({ sq, { sq.rank - 1, sq.file - 2 } });
} else if (piece.type == Type::Bishop) {
for (int dr = -1; dr <= 1; dr += 2) {
for (int df = -1; df <= 1; df += 2) {
for (Square to = sq; to.in_bounds(); to = { to.rank + dr, to.file + df }) {
if (!try_move({ sq, to }))
return IterationDecision::Break;
} else if (piece.type == Type::Rook) {
for (int dr = -1; dr <= 1; dr++) {
for (int df = -1; df <= 1; df++) {
if ((dr == 0) != (df == 0)) {
for (Square to = sq; to.in_bounds(); to = { to.rank + dr, to.file + df }) {
if (!try_move({ sq, to }))
return IterationDecision::Break;
} else if (piece.type == Type::Queen) {
for (int dr = -1; dr <= 1; dr++) {
for (int df = -1; df <= 1; df++) {
if (dr != 0 || df != 0) {
for (Square to = sq; to.in_bounds(); to = { to.rank + dr, to.file + df }) {
if (!try_move({ sq, to }))
return IterationDecision::Break;
} else if (piece.type == Type::King) {
for (int dr = -1; dr <= 1; dr++) {
for (int df = -1; df <= 1; df++) {
if (!try_move({ sq, { sq.rank + dr, sq.file + df } }))
return IterationDecision::Break;
// Castling moves.
if (sq == Square("e1")) {
keep_going = try_move({ sq, Square("c1") }) && try_move({ sq, Square("g1") });
} else if (sq == Square("e8")) {
keep_going = try_move({ sq, Square("c8") }) && try_move({ sq, Square("g8") });
if (keep_going) {
return IterationDecision::Continue;
} else {
return IterationDecision::Break;
struct AK::Traits<Chess::Piece> : public GenericTraits<Chess::Piece> {
static unsigned hash(Chess::Piece const& piece)
return pair_int_hash(static_cast<u32>(piece.color), static_cast<u32>(piece.type));
struct AK::Traits<Chess::Board> : public GenericTraits<Chess::Board> {
static unsigned hash(Chess::Board const& chess)
unsigned hash = 0;
hash = pair_int_hash(hash, static_cast<u32>(chess.m_white_can_castle_queenside));
hash = pair_int_hash(hash, static_cast<u32>(chess.m_white_can_castle_kingside));
hash = pair_int_hash(hash, static_cast<u32>(chess.m_black_can_castle_queenside));
hash = pair_int_hash(hash, static_cast<u32>(chess.m_black_can_castle_kingside));
Chess::Square::for_each([&](Chess::Square sq) {
hash = pair_int_hash(hash, Traits<Chess::Piece>::hash(chess.get_piece(sq)));
return IterationDecision::Continue;
return hash;