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synced 2024-11-11 01:06:01 +03:00
Add polling support to NVMe so that it does not use interrupt to complete a IO but instead actively polls for completion. This probably is not very efficient in terms of CPU usage but it does not use interrupts to complete a IO which is beneficial at the moment as there is no MSI(X) support and it can reduce the latency of an IO in a very fast NVMe device. The NVMeQueue class has been made the base class for NVMeInterruptQueue and NVMePollQueue. The factory function `NVMeQueue::try_create` will return the appropriate queue to the controller based on the polling boot parameter. The polling mode can be enabled by adding an extra boot parameter: `nvme_poll`.
219 lines
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219 lines
5.1 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2021, Pankaj R <pankydev8@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Endian.h>
#include <AK/Types.h>
struct ControllerRegister {
u64 cap;
u32 vs;
u32 intms;
u32 intmc;
u32 cc;
u32 rsvd1;
u32 csts;
u32 nssr;
u32 aqa;
u64 asq;
u64 acq;
u64 rsvd2[505];
struct IdentifyNamespace {
u64 nsze;
u64 ncap;
u8 rsdv1[10];
u8 flbas;
u8 rsvd2[100];
u32 lbaf[16];
u64 rsvd3[488];
// BAR
static constexpr u32 BAR_ADDR_MASK = 0xFFFFFFF0;
static constexpr u32 REG_SQ0TDBL_START = 0x1000;
static constexpr u32 REG_SQ0TDBL_END = 0x1003;
static constexpr u8 DBL_REG_SIZE = 8;
// CAP
static constexpr u8 CAP_DBL_SHIFT = 32;
static constexpr u8 CAP_DBL_MASK = 0xf;
static constexpr u8 CAP_TO_SHIFT = 24;
static constexpr u64 CAP_TO_MASK = 0xff << CAP_TO_SHIFT;
static constexpr u16 MQES(u64 cap)
return (cap & 0xffff) + 1;
static constexpr u32 CAP_TO(u64 cap)
return (cap & CAP_TO_MASK) >> CAP_TO_SHIFT;
// CC – Controller Configuration
static constexpr u8 CC_EN_BIT = 0x0;
static constexpr u8 CSTS_RDY_BIT = 0x0;
static constexpr u8 CSTS_SHST_SHIFT = 2;
static constexpr u32 CSTS_SHST_MASK = 0x3 << CSTS_SHST_SHIFT;
static constexpr u8 CC_IOSQES_BIT = 16;
static constexpr u8 CC_IOCQES_BIT = 20;
static constexpr u32 CSTS_SHST(u32 x)
static constexpr u16 CC_AQA_MASK = (0xfff);
static constexpr u16 ACQ_SIZE(u32 x)
return (x >> 16) & CC_AQA_MASK;
static constexpr u16 ASQ_SIZE(u32 x)
return x & CC_AQA_MASK;
static constexpr u8 CQ_WIDTH = 4; // CQ is 16 bytes(2^4) in size.
static constexpr u8 SQ_WIDTH = 6; // SQ size is 64 bytes(2^6) in size.
static constexpr u16 CQ_SIZE(u16 q_depth)
return q_depth << CQ_WIDTH;
static constexpr u16 SQ_SIZE(u16 q_depth)
return q_depth << SQ_WIDTH;
static constexpr u8 PHASE_TAG(u16 x)
return x & 0x1;
static constexpr u16 CQ_STATUS_FIELD_MASK = 0xfffe;
static constexpr u16 CQ_STATUS_FIELD(u16 x)
return (x & CQ_STATUS_FIELD_MASK) >> 1;
static constexpr u16 IO_QUEUE_SIZE = 64; // TODO:Need to be configurable
static constexpr u16 NVMe_IDENTIFY_SIZE = 4096;
static constexpr u8 NVMe_CNS_ID_ACTIVE_NS = 0x2;
static constexpr u8 NVMe_CNS_ID_NS = 0x0;
static constexpr u8 FLBA_SIZE_INDEX = 26;
static constexpr u8 FLBA_SIZE_MASK = 0xf;
static constexpr u8 LBA_FORMAT_SUPPORT_INDEX = 128;
static constexpr u32 LBA_SIZE_MASK = 0x00ff0000;
enum AdminCommandOpCode {
// IO opcodes
enum IOCommandOpcode {
static constexpr u8 QUEUE_PHY_CONTIGUOUS = (1 << 0);
static constexpr u8 QUEUE_IRQ_ENABLED = (1 << 1);
static constexpr u8 QUEUE_IRQ_DISABLED = (0 << 1);
struct [[gnu::packed]] NVMeCompletion {
LittleEndian<u32> cmd_spec;
LittleEndian<u32> res;
LittleEndian<u16> sq_head; /* how much of this queue may be reclaimed */
LittleEndian<u16> sq_id; /* submission queue that generated this entry */
u16 command_id; /* of the command which completed */
LittleEndian<u16> status; /* did the command fail, and if so, why? */
struct [[gnu::packed]] DataPtr {
LittleEndian<u64> prp1;
LittleEndian<u64> prp2;
struct [[gnu::packed]] NVMeGenericCmd {
LittleEndian<u32> nsid;
LittleEndian<u64> rsvd;
LittleEndian<u64> metadata;
struct DataPtr data_ptr;
LittleEndian<u32> cdw10;
LittleEndian<u32> cdw11;
LittleEndian<u32> cdw12;
LittleEndian<u32> cdw13;
LittleEndian<u32> cdw14;
LittleEndian<u32> cdw15;
struct [[gnu::packed]] NVMeRWCmd {
LittleEndian<u32> nsid;
LittleEndian<u64> rsvd;
LittleEndian<u64> metadata;
struct DataPtr data_ptr;
LittleEndian<u64> slba;
LittleEndian<u16> length;
LittleEndian<u16> control;
LittleEndian<u32> dsmgmt;
LittleEndian<u32> reftag;
LittleEndian<u16> apptag;
LittleEndian<u16> appmask;
struct [[gnu::packed]] NVMeIdentifyCmd {
LittleEndian<u32> nsid;
LittleEndian<u64> rsvd1[2];
struct DataPtr data_ptr;
u8 cns;
u8 rsvd2;
LittleEndian<u16> ctrlid;
u8 rsvd3[3];
u8 csi;
u64 rsvd4[2];
struct [[gnu::packed]] NVMeCreateCQCmd {
u32 rsvd1[5];
LittleEndian<u64> prp1;
u64 rsvd2;
LittleEndian<u16> cqid;
LittleEndian<u16> qsize;
LittleEndian<u16> cq_flags;
LittleEndian<u16> irq_vector;
u64 rsvd12[2];
struct [[gnu::packed]] NVMeCreateSQCmd {
u32 rsvd1[5];
LittleEndian<u64> prp1;
u64 rsvd2;
LittleEndian<u16> sqid;
LittleEndian<u16> qsize;
LittleEndian<u16> sq_flags;
LittleEndian<u16> cqid;
u64 rsvd12[2];
struct [[gnu::packed]] NVMeSubmission {
u8 op;
u8 flags;
LittleEndian<u16> cmdid;
union [[gnu::packed]] {
NVMeGenericCmd generic;
NVMeIdentifyCmd identify;
NVMeRWCmd rw;
NVMeCreateCQCmd create_cq;
NVMeCreateSQCmd create_sq;