#! /bin/bash # Author: Le0xFF # Script name: vli.sh # Github repo: https://github.com/Le0xFF/VoidLinuxInstaller # # Description: My first attempt at creating a bash script, trying to converting my gist into a bash script. Bugs are more than expected. # https://gist.github.com/Le0xFF/ff0e3670c06def675bb6920fe8dd64a3 # # Catch kill signals trap "kill_script" INT TERM QUIT # Variables drive_partition_selection='0' user_drive='' encryption_yn='n' luks_ot='' encrypted_name='' encrypted_partition='' lvm_yn='n' vg_name='' lv_root_name='' lvm_partition='' final_drive='' boot_partition='' root_partition='' boot_label='' root_label='' hdd_ssd='' current_xkeyboard_layout='' user_keyboard_layout='' # Constants regex_GPT="[Gg][Pp][Tt]" regex_YES="[Yy]" regex_NO="[Nn]" regex_BACK="[Bb][Aa][Cc][Kk]" regex_EFISTUB="[Ee][Ff][Ii][Ss][Tt][Uu][Bb]" regex_GRUB2="[Gg][Rr][Uu][Bb][2]" regex_ROOT="[Rr][Oo][Oo][Tt]" void_packages_repo="https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages.git" # Colours BLUE_LIGHT="\e[1;34m" BLUE_LIGHT_FIND="\033[1;34m" GREEN_DARK="\e[0;32m" GREEN_LIGHT="\e[1;32m" NORMAL="\e[0m" NORMAL_FIND="\033[0m" RED_LIGHT="\e[1;31m" # Functions function kill_script { echo -e -n "\n\n${RED_LIGHT}Kill or quit signal captured.\nUnmonting what should have been mounted, cleaning and closing everything...${NORMAL}\n\n" if findmnt /mnt &>/dev/null; then umount --recursive /mnt fi if [[ "$lvm_yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$lvm_yn" == "Y" ]]; then lvchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" vgchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name" fi if [[ "$encryption_yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$encryption_yn" == "Y" ]]; then cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/"$encrypted_name" fi if [[ -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh ]]; then rm -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh fi if [[ -f "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c ]]; then rm -f "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c fi echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Everything's done, quitting.${NORMAL}\n\n" exit 1 } function check_if_bash { if [[ "$(/bin/ps -p $$ | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}')" != "bash" ]]; then echo -e -n "Please run this script with bash shell: \"bash vli.sh\".\n" exit 1 fi } function check_if_run_as_root { if [[ "$UID" != "0" ]]; then echo -e -n "Please run this script as root.\n" exit 1 fi } function check_if_uefi { if ! grep efivar -q /proc/mounts; then if ! mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "Please run this script only on a UEFI system." exit 1 fi fi } function create_chroot_script { if [[ -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh ]]; then rm -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh fi cat >>"$HOME"/chroot.sh <<'EndOfChrootScript' #! /bin/bash # Variables bootloader_id='' bootloader='' newuser_yn='n' # Functions # Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/voidlinux/comments/jlkv1j/xs_quick_install_tool_for_void_linux/ function xs { xpkg -a | fzf -m --preview 'xq {1}' --preview-window=right:66%:wrap | xargs -ro xi read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key } function header_ic { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Initial configuration${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function initial_configuration { clear header_ic # Root password echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}root password${NORMAL}:\n" while true; do echo if passwd root; then break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo fi done echo -e -n "\nSetting root permissions...\n" chown root:root / chmod 755 / echo -e -n "\nEnabling wheel group to use sudo...\n" echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" >/etc/sudoers.d/10-wheel echo -e -n "\nExporting variables that will be used for fstab...\n" export LUKS_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$root_partition") export ROOT_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$final_drive") echo -e -n "\nWriting fstab...\n" sed -i '/tmpfs/d' /etc/fstab cat <>/etc/fstab # Root subvolume UUID=$ROOT_UUID / btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@ 0 1 # Home subvolume UUID=$ROOT_UUID /home btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@home 0 2 # Snapshots subvolume, uncomment the following line after creating a config for root [/] in snapper #UUID=$ROOT_UUID /.snapshots btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@snapshots 0 2 # Some applications don't like to have /var/log folders as read only. # Log folders, to allow booting snapshots with rd.live.overlay.overlayfs=1 UUID=$ROOT_UUID /var/log btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@/var/log 0 2 # TMPfs tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0 EOF echo -e -n "\nEnabling internet service at first boot...\n" ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nAdding needed dracut configuration files...\n" echo -e "hostonly=yes\nhostonly_cmdline=yes" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/00-hostonly.conf echo -e "add_dracutmodules+=\" crypt btrfs lvm resume \"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/20-addmodules.conf echo -e "tmpdir=/tmp" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/30-tmpfs.conf echo -e -n "\nGenerating new dracut initramfs...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key # Set timezone clear header_ic echo -e -n "\nSetting the ${BLUE_LIGHT}timezone${NORMAL} in /etc/rc.conf.\n" echo -e -n "\nPress any key to list all the timezones. Move with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r _key echo awk '/^Z/ { print $2 }; /^L/ { print $3 }' /usr/share/zoneinfo/tzdata.zi | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init while true; do echo -e -n "\nType the timezone you want to set and press [ENTER] (i.e. America/New_York): " read -r user_timezone if [[ ! -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/"$user_timezone" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else sed -i "/#TIMEZONE=/s|.*|TIMEZONE=\"$user_timezone\"|" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Timezone set to: $user_timezone.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break fi done # Set keyboard layout clear header_ic if [[ -n "$user_keyboard_layout" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_keyboard_layout${NORMAL} keyboard layout in /etc/rc.conf...\n" sed -i "/#KEYMAP=/s/.*/KEYMAP=\"$user_keyboard_layout\"/" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\nSetting keymap in dracut configuration and regenerating initramfs...\n\n" echo -e "i18n_vars=\"/etc/rc.conf:KEYMAP\ni18n_install_all=\"no\"\"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/i18n.conf read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}keyboard layout${NORMAL} in /etc/rc.conf.\n\nPress any key to list all the keyboard layouts.\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r _key echo find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/ -type f -iname "*.map.gz" -printf "${BLUE_LIGHT_FIND}%f\0${NORMAL_FIND}\n" | sed -e 's/\..*$//' | sort | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init while true; do echo -e -n "\nType the keyboard layout you want to set and press [ENTER]: " read -r user_keyboard_layout if [[ -z "$user_keyboard_layout" ]] || ! loadkeys "$user_keyboard_layout" 2>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else sed -i "/#KEYMAP=/s/.*/KEYMAP=\"$user_keyboard_layout\"/" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\nKeyboard layout set to: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_keyboard_layout${NORMAL}.\n" echo -e -n "\nSetting keymap in dracut configuration and regenerating initramfs...\n\n" echo -e "i18n_vars=\"/etc/rc.conf:KEYMAP\ni18n_install_all=\"no\"\"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/i18n.conf read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break fi done fi # Set hostname while true; do header_ic echo -e -n "\nSelect a ${BLUE_LIGHT}hostname${NORMAL} for your system: " read -r hostname if [[ -z "$hostname" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid hostname.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$hostname${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this the desired hostname? (y/n): " yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]]; then set +o noclobber echo "$hostname" >/etc/hostname set -o noclobber echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Hostname successfully set.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another hostname.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done fi done # Set locales for x86_64 if [[ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]]; then header_ic echo -e -n "\nSetting the ${BLUE_LIGHT}locale${NORMAL} in /etc/default/libc-locales." echo -e -n "\n\nPress any key to print all the available locales.\n\nKeep in mind the ${BLUE_LIGHT}one line number${NORMAL} you need because that line will be uncommented.\n" echo -e -n "\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r _key echo less --LINE-NUMBERS --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init /etc/default/libc-locales while true; do echo -e -n "\nType only ${BLUE_LIGHT}one line number${NORMAL} you want to uncomment to set your locale and and press [ENTER]: " read -r user_locale_line_number if [[ -z "$user_locale_line_number" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else while true; do user_locale_pre=$(sed -n "${user_locale_line_number}"p /etc/default/libc-locales) user_locale_uncommented=$(echo "${user_locale_pre//#/}") user_locale=$(echo "${user_locale_uncommented%%[[:space:]]*}") echo -e -n "\nYou choose line ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale_line_number${NORMAL} that cointains locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this correct? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then echo -e -n "\nUncommenting line ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale_line_number${NORMAL} that contains locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL}...\n" sed -i "$user_locale_line_number s/^#//" /etc/default/libc-locales echo -e -n "\nWriting locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL} to /etc/locale.conf...\n\n" sed -i "/LANG=/s/.*/LANG=$user_locale/" /etc/locale.conf read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another locale.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done fi done fi } function header_ib { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Bootloader installation${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function install_bootloader { while true; do if [[ "$luks_ot" == "2" ]]; then header_ib echo -e -n "\nLUKS version $luks_ot was previously selected.\n${BLUE_LIGHT}EFISTUB${NORMAL} will be used as bootloader.\n\n" bootloader="EFISTUB" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo else header_ib echo -e -n "\nSelect which ${BLUE_LIGHT}bootloader${NORMAL} do you want to use (EFISTUB, GRUB2): " read -r bootloader fi if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then echo -e -n "\nBootloader selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL}.\n" echo -e -n "\nMounting $boot_partition to /boot...\n" mkdir /TEMPBOOT cp -pr /boot/* /TEMPBOOT/ rm -rf /boot/* mount -o rw,noatime "$boot_partition" /boot cp -pr /TEMPBOOT/* /boot/ rm -rf /TEMPBOOT echo -e -n "\nSetting correct options in /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook...\n" sed -i "/MODIFY_EFI_ENTRIES=0/s/0/1/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4 rd.auto=1 rd.luks.name=$LUKS_UUID=$encrypted_name\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ rd.luks.allow-discards=$LUKS_UUID&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook fi elif { [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; } && { [[ $lvm_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; }; then sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4 rd.auto=1\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook else sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook fi sed -i "/# DISK=/s|.*|DISK=\"\$(lsblk -pd -no pkname \$(findmnt -enr -o SOURCE -M /boot))\"|" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook sed -i "/# PART=/s_.*_PART=\"\$(lsblk -pd -no pkname \$(findmnt -enr -o SOURCE -M /boot) | grep --color=never -Eo \\\\\"[0-9]+\$\\\\\")\"_" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nModifying /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr to keep EFI entry after reboot...\n" sed -i "/efibootmgr -qo \$bootorder/s/^/#/" /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Keep in mind that to keep the new EFI entry after each reboot,${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}the last line of /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr has been commented.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Probably you will have to comment the same line after each efibootmgr update.${NORMAL}\n\n" break elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then echo -e -n "\nBootloader selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL}.\n" if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then echo -e -n "\nEnabling CRYPTODISK in GRUB...\n" echo -e -n "\nGRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y\n" >>/etc/default/grub sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.auto=1 rd.luks.name=$LUKS_UUID=$encrypted_name&/" /etc/default/grub if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.luks.allow-discards=$LUKS_UUID&/" /etc/default/grub fi elif { [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; } && { [[ $lvm_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; }; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.auto=1&/" /etc/default/grub fi if ! grep -q efivar /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nMounting efivarfs...\n" mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ fi while true; do echo -e -n "\nSelect a ${BLUE_LIGHT}bootloader-id${NORMAL} that will be used for grub install: " read -r bootloader_id if [[ -z "$bootloader_id" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid bootloader-id.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader_id${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this the desired bootloader-id? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then echo -e -n "\nGenerating random key to avoid typing password twice at boot...\n\n" dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=/boot/volume.key echo -e -n "\nRandom key generated, unlocking the encrypted partition...\n\n" if ! cryptsetup luksAddKey "$root_partition" /boot/volume.key; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script else chmod 000 /boot/volume.key chmod -R g-rwx,o-rwx /boot echo -e -n "\nAdding random key to /etc/crypttab...\n" echo -e "\n$encrypted_name UUID=$LUKS_UUID /boot/volume.key luks\n" >>/etc/crypttab echo -e -n "\nAdding random key to dracut configuration files...\n" echo -e "install_items+=\" /boot/volume.key /etc/crypttab \"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/10-crypt.conf echo -e -n "\nGenerating new dracut initramfs...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly fi fi echo -e -n "\nInstalling GRUB on ${BLUE_LIGHT}/boot/efi${NORMAL} partition with ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader_id${NORMAL} as bootloader-id...\n\n" mkdir -p /boot/efi mount -o rw,noatime "$boot_partition" /boot/efi/ grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --boot-directory=/boot --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id="$bootloader_id" --recheck echo -e -n "\nEnabling grub snapshot service at first boot...\n" ln -s /etc/sv/grub-btrfs /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ break 3 elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another bootloader-id.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done fi done else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done if [[ $lvm_yn =~ $regex_YES ]] && [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nEnabling SSD trim for LVM...\n" sed -i 's/issue_discards = 0/issue_discards = 1/' /etc/lvm/lvm.conf fi export UEFI_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$boot_partition") echo -e -n "\nWriting EFI partition to /etc/fstab...\n" if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then echo -e "\n# EFI partition\nUUID=$UEFI_UUID /boot vfat defaults,noatime 0 2" >>/etc/fstab elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then echo -e "\n# EFI partition\nUUID=$UEFI_UUID /boot/efi vfat defaults,noatime 0 2" >>/etc/fstab fi echo -e -n "\nBootloader ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL} successfully installed.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear header_ib if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then while true; do echo -e -n "\nDo you want to set ${BLUE_LIGHT}${user_keyboard_layout}${NORMAL} keyboard layout also for GRUB2? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then if [[ $lvm_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then root_line=$(echo -e -n "cryptomount -u ${LUKS_UUID//-/}\nset root=(lvm/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name")\n") else root_line="set root=(lvm/$vg_name-$lv_root_name)" fi else if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then root_line=$(echo -e -n "cryptomount -u ${LUKS_UUID//-/}\nset root=(cryptouuid/${LUKS_UUID//-/})\n") else disk=$(blkid -s UUID -o value $final_drive) root_line=$(echo -e -n "search --no-floppy --fs-uuid $disk --set pre_root\nset root=(\\\$pre_root)\n") fi fi echo -e -n "\nCreating /etc/kernel.d/post-install/51-grub_ckb...\n" cat <>/etc/kernel.d/post-install/51-grub_ckb #! /bin/sh # # Create grubx64.efi containing custom keyboard layout # Requires: ckbcomp, grub2, xkeyboard-config # if [ ! -f /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/ORIG_grubx64.efi_ORIG ] ; then if [ ! -f /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi ] ; then echo -e -n "\nFIle /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi not found, install GRUB2 first!\n" exit 1 else mv /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/ORIG_grubx64.efi_ORIG fi fi for file in $user_keyboard_layout.gkb early-grub.cfg grubx64_ckb.efi memdisk_ckb.tar ; do if [ -f /boot/grub/\$file ] ; then rm -f /boot/grub/\$file fi done grub-kbdcomp --output=/boot/grub/$user_keyboard_layout.gkb $user_keyboard_layout 2> /dev/null tar --create --file=/boot/grub/memdisk_ckb.tar --directory=/boot/grub/ $user_keyboard_layout.gkb 2> /dev/null cat << EndOfGrubConf >> /boot/grub/early-grub.cfg set gfxpayload=keep loadfont=unicode terminal_output gfxterm terminal_input at_keyboard keymap (memdisk)/$user_keyboard_layout.gkb ${root_line}/@ set prefix=\\\$root/boot/grub configfile \\\$prefix/grub.cfg EndOfGrubConf grub-mkimage --config=/boot/grub/early-grub.cfg --output=/boot/grub/grubx64_ckb.efi --format=x86_64-efi --memdisk=/boot/grub/memdisk_ckb.tar diskfilter gcry_rijndael gcry_sha256 ext2 memdisk tar at_keyboard keylayouts configfile gzio part_gpt all_video efi_gop efi_uga video_bochs video_cirrus echo linux font gfxterm gettext gfxmenu help reboot terminal test search search_fs_file search_fs_uuid search_label cryptodisk luks lvm btrfs if [ -f /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi ] ; then rm -f /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi fi cp /boot/grub/grubx64_ckb.efi /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi End chmod +x /etc/kernel.d/post-install/51-grub_ckb echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring kernel...\n\n" kernelver_pre=$(ls /lib/modules/) kernelver="${kernelver_pre%.*}" xbps-reconfigure -f linux"$kernelver" break elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done fi echo -e -n "\nConfiguring AppArmor and setting it to enforce...\n" sed -i "/APPARMOR=/s/.*/APPARMOR=enforce/" /etc/default/apparmor sed -i "/#write-cache/s/^#//" /etc/apparmor/parser.conf sed -i "/#show_notifications/s/^#//" /etc/apparmor/notify.conf if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ apparmor=1 security=apparmor&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring kernel...\n\n" kernelver_pre=$(ls /lib/modules/) kernelver=$(echo ${kernelver_pre%.*}) xbps-reconfigure -f linux"$kernelver" elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ apparmor=1 security=apparmor&/" /etc/default/grub echo -e -n "\nUpdating grub...\n\n" update-grub fi echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear } function header_cs { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}SwapFile creation${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function create_swapfile { while true; do header_cs echo -e -n "\nDo you want to create a ${BLUE_LIGHT}swapfile${NORMAL} in ${BLUE_LIGHT}/var/swap/${NORMAL} btrfs subvolume?\nThis will also enable ${BLUE_LIGHT}zswap${NORMAL}, a cache in RAM for swap.\nA swapfile is needed if you plan to use hibernation (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then ram_size=$(free -g --si | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $2}') while true; do clear header_cs echo -e -n "\nYour system has ${BLUE_LIGHT}${ram_size}GB${NORMAL} of RAM.\n" echo -e -n "\nPress [ENTER] to create a swapfile of the same dimensions or choose the desired size in GB (numbers only): " read -r swap_size if [[ -z "$swap_size" ]] || [[ "$swap_size" -gt "0" ]]; then if [[ -z "$swap_size" ]]; then swap_size=$ram_size fi echo -e -n "\nA swapfile of ${BLUE_LIGHT}${swap_size}GB${NORMAL} will be created in ${BLUE_LIGHT}/var/swap/${NORMAL} btrfs subvolume...\n\n" btrfs subvolume create /var/swap truncate -s 0 /var/swap/swapfile chattr +C /var/swap/swapfile chmod 600 /var/swap/swapfile dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap/swapfile bs=100M count="$((${swap_size} * 10))" status=progress mkswap --label SwapFile /var/swap/swapfile swapon /var/swap/swapfile gcc -O2 "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c -o "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical RESUME_OFFSET=$(($("$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical /var/swap/swapfile | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $NF}') / $(getconf PAGESIZE))) if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ resume=UUID=$ROOT_UUID resume_offset=$RESUME_OFFSET&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ resume=UUID=$ROOT_UUID resume_offset=$RESUME_OFFSET&/" /etc/default/grub fi echo -e "\n# SwapFile\n/var/swap/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab echo -e -n "\nEnabling zswap...\n" echo "add_drivers+=\" lz4hc lz4hc_compress z3fold \"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/40-add_zswap_drivers.conf echo -e -n "\nRegenerating dracut initramfs...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ zswap.enabled=1 zswap.max_pool_percent=25 zswap.compressor=lz4hc zswap.zpool=z3fold&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring kernel...\n\n" kernelver_pre=$(ls /lib/modules/) kernelver=$(echo ${kernelver_pre%.*}) xbps-reconfigure -f linux"$kernelver" elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ zswap.enabled=1 zswap.max_pool_percent=25 zswap.compressor=lz4hc zswap.zpool=z3fold&/" /etc/default/grub echo -e -n "\nUpdating grub...\n\n" update-grub fi swapoff --all echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Swapfile successfully created and zswap successfully enabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Swapfile will not be created.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done } function header_cu { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Create new users${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function create_user { while true; do header_cu echo -e -n "\nDo you want to ${BLUE_LIGHT}add${NORMAL} any ${BLUE_LIGHT}new user${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\nOnly non-root users can later configure Void Packages (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then while true; do clear header_cu echo -e -n "\nPlease select a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for your new user (i.e. MyNewUser): " read -r newuser if [[ -z "$newuser" ]] || [[ $newuser =~ $regex_ROOT ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key elif getent passwd "$newuser" &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}User ${newuser} already exists.\nPlease select another username.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else while true; do echo -e -n "\nIs username ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} okay? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, please select another name.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then echo -e -n "\nAdding new user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} and giving access to groups:\n" echo -e -n "kmem, wheel, tty, tape, daemon, floppy, disk, lp, dialout, audio, video," echo -e -n "\nutmp, cdrom, optical, mail, storage, scanner, kvm, input, plugdev, users.\n" useradd --create-home --groups kmem,wheel,tty,tape,daemon,floppy,disk,lp,dialout,audio,video,utmp,cdrom,optical,mail,storage,scanner,kvm,input,plugdev,users "$newuser" echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}User ${newuser} successfully created.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key newuser_yn="y" break 3 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then if [[ -z "$newuser_yn" ]]; then newuser_yn="n" fi clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done } function header_cup { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Change users password${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function change_user_password { while true; do header_cup echo -e -n "\nDo you want to change users ${BLUE_LIGHT}password${NORMAL}? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then clear while true; do header_cup echo -e -n "\nListing all users:\n" awk -F':' '{print $1}' /etc/passwd echo -e -n "\nPlease select a valid user: " read -r user_change_password if grep -qw "$user_change_password" /etc/passwd; then while true; do echo if passwd "$user_change_password"; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Password successfully changed for user ${user_change_password}.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break 3 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 fi done else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done } function header_cus { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Change user shell${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function change_user_shell { while true; do header_cup echo -e -n "\nDo you want to change users default ${BLUE_LIGHT}shell${NORMAL}? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then clear while true; do header_cup echo -e -n "\nListing all users found in /etc/passwd:\n" awk -F':' '{print $1}' /etc/passwd echo -e -n "\nPlease select a valid user: " read -r user_change_shell if grep -q "$user_change_shell" /etc/passwd; then clear header_cus echo -e -n "\nListing all the available shells:\n\n" chsh --list-shells echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}shell${NORMAL} do you want to set for user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_change_shell${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\nPlease enter the full shell path (i.e. /bin/sh): " read -r set_user_shell if [[ ! -x "$set_user_shell" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else echo if chsh --shell "$set_user_shell" "$user_change_shell"; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Default shell successfully changed.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi clear break 3 fi else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done } function header_up { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Uninstall package${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function uninstall_packages { while true; do header_up echo -e -n "\nDo you want to ${BLUE_LIGHT}uninstall${NORMAL} any package? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then clear while true; do header_up echo -e -n "\nListing all installed packages." echo -e -n "\nPress any key to continue and then press \"q\" to exit the list.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key xpkg -m | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init echo -e -n "\nPlease enter all the packages you want to uninstall separated by spaces: " read -r user_uninstall_packages if xbps-remove $user_uninstall_packages; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Packages were successfully uninstalled.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi clear break 2 done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done } function header_eds { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Enable/disable services${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function enable_disable_services { while true; do clear header_eds echo -e -n "\nDo you want to enable or disable any service?\n\n" select user_arch in Enable Disable back; do case "$user_arch" in Enable) clear header_eds echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that could be enabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/sv/ echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that are already enabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nWhich service do you want to enable? (i.e. NetworkManager || back): " read -r service_enabler if [[ $service_enabler =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break elif [[ ! -d /etc/sv/"$service_enabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Service $service_enabler does not exist.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break elif [[ -L /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_enabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Service $service_enabler already enabled.${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break elif [[ -z "$service_enabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else echo -e -n "\nEnabling service ${BLUE_LIGHT}$service_enabler${NORMAL}...\n" if ln -s /etc/sv/"$service_enabler" /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Service successfully enabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi fi ;; Disable) clear header_eds echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that could be disabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nWhich service do you want to disable? (i.e. NetworkManager || back): " read -r service_disabler if [[ $service_disabler =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break elif [[ ! -L /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_disabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Service $service_disabler does not exist.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break elif [[ -z "$service_disabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else echo -e -n "\nDisabling service ${BLUE_LIGHT}$service_disabler${NORMAL}...\n" if rm -f /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_disabler"; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Service successfully enabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break fi fi ;; back) clear break 2 ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break ;; esac done done } function header_vp { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Configure Void Packages${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function void_packages { if ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; then if [[ "$newuser_yn" == "y" ]]; then while true; do header_vp echo -e -n "\nDo you want to clone a ${BLUE_LIGHT}Void Packages${NORMAL} repository to a specific folder for a specific non-root user? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then while true; do clear header_vp echo -e -n "\nPlease enter an existing ${BLUE_LIGHT}username${NORMAL} (back): " read -r void_packages_username if [[ $void_packages_username =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break elif [[ $void_packages_username =~ $regex_ROOT ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Root user cannot be used to configure Void Packages.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key elif ! getent passwd "$void_packages_username" &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}User $void_packages_username do not exists.${RED_LIGHT}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else while true; do clear header_vp echo -e -n "\nUser selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}full empty path${NORMAL} where you want to clone Void Packages." echo -e -n "\nThe script will create that folder and then clone Void Packages into it (i.e. /home/user/MyVoidPackages/ || back): " read -r void_packages_path if [[ $void_packages_path =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break elif [[ -z "$void_packages_path" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else while true; do if [[ ! -d "$void_packages_path" ]]; then if ! su - "$void_packages_username" --command "mkdir -p $void_packages_path 2> /dev/null"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}User $void_packages_username cannot create a folder in this directory.${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another path.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break fi else if [[ -n $(ls -A "$void_packages_path") ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Directory $void_packages_path${NORMAL} is not empty.\nPlease select another path.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break fi if [[ $(stat --dereference --format="%U" "$void_packages_path") != "$void_packages_username" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}User $void_packages_username doesn't have write permission in this directory.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e- n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another path.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break fi fi echo -e -n "\nPath selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_path${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nIs this correct? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, select another path.${NORMAL}\n\n" if [[ -z "$(ls -A $void_packages_path)" ]]; then rm -rf "$void_packages_path" fi read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then while true; do echo -e -n "\nDo you want to specify a ${BLUE_LIGHT}custom public repository${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\nIf not, official repository will be used (y/n/back): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Official repository will be used.${NORMAL}\n" git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_repo" break elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then while true; do echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter a public repository url and optionally a branch (i.e. https://github.com/MyPersonal/VoidPackages MyBranch): " read -r void_packages_custom_repo void_packages_custom_branch if [[ -z "$void_packages_custom_branch" ]]; then repo_check=$(GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git ls-remote "$void_packages_custom_repo" | wc -l) else repo_check=$(GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git ls-remote "$void_packages_custom_repo" "$void_packages_custom_branch" | wc -l) fi if [[ "$repo_check" != "0" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nCustom repository ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_custom_repo${NORMAL} will be used.\n" if [[ -z "$void_packages_custom_branch" ]]; then git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_custom_repo" else git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_custom_repo -b $void_packages_custom_branch" fi break 2 else echo -e -n "\n\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid public repository url.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done echo -e -n "\nSwitching to user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}...\n\n" su --login --shell=/bin/bash --whitelist-environment=git_cmd,void_packages_path "$void_packages_username" <> "$void_packages_path"/etc/conf EOSU echo -e -n "\nLogging out user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}...\n" echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Void Packages successfully cloned and configured.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 4 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done fi done fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done elif [[ "$newuser_yn" == "n" ]]; then header_vp echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please add at least one non-root user to configure additional Void Packages.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi else header_vp echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}No internet connection available.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi } function header_fc { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Final touches${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function finish_chroot { header_fc echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring every package...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo xbps-reconfigure -fa echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Everything's done, exiting chroot...${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear } # Main function header_chroot_main { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}####### ${GREEN_LIGHT}Void Linux Installer Menu${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function chroot_main { while true; do header_chroot_main echo -e -n "\n1) Create users" echo -e -n "\n2) Change user password" echo -e -n "\n3) Change user default shell" echo echo -e -n "\n4) Install additional packages" echo -e -n "\n5) Uninstall packages" echo -e -n "\n6) Enable/disable services" echo -e -n "\n7) Configure Void Packages" echo echo -e -n "\nq) ${RED_LIGHT}Finish last steps and quit chroot.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nUser selection: " read -r menu_selection case "${menu_selection}" in 1) clear create_user clear ;; 2) clear change_user_password clear ;; 3) clear change_user_shell clear ;; 4) clear xs clear ;; 5) clear uninstall_packages clear ;; 6) clear enable_disable_services clear ;; 7) clear void_packages clear ;; q) clear finish_chroot break ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear ;; esac done } initial_configuration install_bootloader create_swapfile chroot_main exit 0 EndOfChrootScript if [[ ! -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh ]]; then echo -e -n "Please run this script again to be sure that $HOME/chroot.sh script is created too." exit 1 fi chmod +x "$HOME"/chroot.sh } function create_btrfs_map_physical_c { if [[ -f "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c ]]; then rm -f "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c fi cat >>"$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c <<'EndOfProgram' // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Omar Sandoval // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define le16_to_cpu __le16_to_cpu #define le32_to_cpu __le32_to_cpu #define le64_to_cpu __le64_to_cpu static const char *progname = "btrfs_map_physical"; static void usage(bool error) { fprintf(error ? stderr : stdout, "usage: %s [OPTION]... PATH\n" "\n" "Map the logical and physical extents of a file on Btrfs\n\n" "Pipe this to `column -ts $'\\t'` for prettier output.\n" "\n" "Btrfs represents a range of data in a file with a \"file extent\". Each\n" "file extent refers to a subset of an \"extent\". Each extent has a\n" "location in the logical address space of the filesystem belonging to a\n" "\"chunk\". Each chunk maps has a profile (i.e., RAID level) and maps to\n" "one or more physical locations, or \"stripes\", on disk. The extent may be\n" "\"encoded\" on disk (currently this means compressed, but in the future it\n" "may also be encrypted).\n" "\n" "An explanation of each printed field and its corresponding on-disk data\n" "structure is provided below:\n" "\n" "FILE OFFSET Offset in the file where the file extent starts\n" " [(struct btrfs_key).offset]\n" "FILE SIZE Size of the file extent\n" " [(struct btrfs_file_extent_item).num_bytes for most\n" " extents, (struct btrfs_file_extent_item).ram_bytes\n" " for inline extents]\n" "EXTENT OFFSET Offset from the beginning of the unencoded extent\n" " where the file extent starts\n" " [(struct btrfs_file_extent_item).offset]\n" "EXTENT TYPE Type of the extent (inline, preallocated, etc.)\n" " [(struct btrfs_file_extent_item).type];\n" " how it is encoded\n" " [(struct btrfs_file_extent_item){compression,\n" " encryption,other_encoding}];\n" " and its data profile\n" " [(struct btrfs_chunk).type]\n" "LOGICAL SIZE Size of the unencoded extent\n" " [(struct btrfs_file_extent_item).ram_bytes]\n" "LOGICAL OFFSET Location of the extent in the filesystem's logical\n" " address space\n" " [(struct btrfs_file_extent_offset).disk_bytenr]\n" "PHYSICAL SIZE Size of the encoded extent on disk\n" " [(struct btrfs_file_extent_offset).disk_num_bytes]\n" "DEVID ID of the device containing the extent\n" " [(struct btrfs_stripe).devid]\n" "PHYSICAL OFFSET Location of the extent on the device\n" " [calculated from (struct btrfs_stripe).offset]\n" "\n" "FILE SIZE is rounded up to the sector size of the filesystem.\n" "\n" "Inline extents are stored with the metadata of the filesystem; this tool\n" "does not have the ability to determine their location.\n" "\n" "Gaps in a file are represented with a hole file extent unless the\n" "filesystem was formatted with the \"no-holes\" option.\n" "\n" "If the file extent was truncated, hole punched, cloned, or deduped,\n" "EXTENT OFFSET may be non-zero and LOGICAL SIZE may be different from\n" "FILE SIZE.\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -h, --help display this help message and exit\n", progname); exit(error ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS); } struct stripe { uint64_t devid; uint64_t offset; }; struct chunk { uint64_t offset; uint64_t length; uint64_t stripe_len; uint64_t type; struct stripe *stripes; size_t num_stripes; size_t sub_stripes; }; struct chunk_tree { struct chunk *chunks; size_t num_chunks; }; static int read_chunk_tree(int fd, struct chunk **chunks, size_t *num_chunks) { struct btrfs_ioctl_search_args search = { .key = { .tree_id = BTRFS_CHUNK_TREE_OBJECTID, .min_objectid = BTRFS_FIRST_CHUNK_TREE_OBJECTID, .min_type = BTRFS_CHUNK_ITEM_KEY, .min_offset = 0, .max_objectid = BTRFS_FIRST_CHUNK_TREE_OBJECTID, .max_type = BTRFS_CHUNK_ITEM_KEY, .max_offset = UINT64_MAX, .min_transid = 0, .max_transid = UINT64_MAX, .nr_items = 0, }, }; size_t items_pos = 0, buf_off = 0; size_t capacity = 0; int ret; *chunks = NULL; *num_chunks = 0; for (;;) { const struct btrfs_ioctl_search_header *header; const struct btrfs_chunk *item; struct chunk *chunk; size_t i; if (items_pos >= search.key.nr_items) { search.key.nr_items = 4096; ret = ioctl(fd, BTRFS_IOC_TREE_SEARCH, &search); if (ret == -1) { perror("BTRFS_IOC_TREE_SEARCH"); return -1; } items_pos = 0; buf_off = 0; if (search.key.nr_items == 0) break; } header = (struct btrfs_ioctl_search_header *)(search.buf + buf_off); if (header->type != BTRFS_CHUNK_ITEM_KEY) goto next; item = (void *)(header + 1); if (*num_chunks >= capacity) { struct chunk *tmp; if (capacity == 0) capacity = 1; else capacity *= 2; tmp = realloc(*chunks, capacity * sizeof(**chunks)); if (!tmp) { perror("realloc"); return -1; } *chunks = tmp; } chunk = &(*chunks)[*num_chunks]; chunk->offset = header->offset; chunk->length = le64_to_cpu(item->length); chunk->stripe_len = le64_to_cpu(item->stripe_len); chunk->type = le64_to_cpu(item->type); chunk->num_stripes = le16_to_cpu(item->num_stripes); chunk->sub_stripes = le16_to_cpu(item->sub_stripes); chunk->stripes = calloc(chunk->num_stripes, sizeof(*chunk->stripes)); if (!chunk->stripes) { perror("calloc"); return -1; } (*num_chunks)++; for (i = 0; i < chunk->num_stripes; i++) { const struct btrfs_stripe *stripe; stripe = &item->stripe + i; chunk->stripes[i].devid = le64_to_cpu(stripe->devid); chunk->stripes[i].offset = le64_to_cpu(stripe->offset); } next: items_pos++; buf_off += sizeof(*header) + header->len; if (header->offset == UINT64_MAX) break; else search.key.min_offset = header->offset + 1; } return 0; } static struct chunk *find_chunk(struct chunk *chunks, size_t num_chunks, uint64_t logical) { size_t lo, hi; if (!num_chunks) return NULL; lo = 0; hi = num_chunks - 1; while (lo <= hi) { size_t mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if (logical < chunks[mid].offset) hi = mid - 1; else if (logical >= chunks[mid].offset + chunks[mid].length) lo = mid + 1; else return &chunks[mid]; } return NULL; } static int print_extents(int fd, struct chunk *chunks, size_t num_chunks) { struct btrfs_ioctl_search_args search = { .key = { .min_type = BTRFS_EXTENT_DATA_KEY, .max_type = BTRFS_EXTENT_DATA_KEY, .min_offset = 0, .max_offset = UINT64_MAX, .min_transid = 0, .max_transid = UINT64_MAX, .nr_items = 0, }, }; struct btrfs_ioctl_ino_lookup_args args = { .treeid = 0, .objectid = BTRFS_FIRST_FREE_OBJECTID, }; size_t items_pos = 0, buf_off = 0; struct stat st; int ret; puts("FILE OFFSET\tFILE SIZE\tEXTENT OFFSET\tEXTENT TYPE\tLOGICAL SIZE\tLOGICAL OFFSET\tPHYSICAL SIZE\tDEVID\tPHYSICAL OFFSET"); ret = fstat(fd, &st); if (ret == -1) { perror("fstat"); return -1; } ret = ioctl(fd, BTRFS_IOC_INO_LOOKUP, &args); if (ret == -1) { perror("BTRFS_IOC_INO_LOOKUP"); return -1; } search.key.tree_id = args.treeid; search.key.min_objectid = search.key.max_objectid = st.st_ino; for (;;) { const struct btrfs_ioctl_search_header *header; const struct btrfs_file_extent_item *item; uint8_t type; /* Initialize to silence GCC. */ uint64_t file_offset = 0; uint64_t file_size = 0; uint64_t extent_offset = 0; uint64_t logical_size = 0; uint64_t logical_offset = 0; uint64_t physical_size = 0; struct chunk *chunk = NULL; if (items_pos >= search.key.nr_items) { search.key.nr_items = 4096; ret = ioctl(fd, BTRFS_IOC_TREE_SEARCH, &search); if (ret == -1) { perror("BTRFS_IOC_TREE_SEARCH"); return -1; } items_pos = 0; buf_off = 0; if (search.key.nr_items == 0) break; } header = (struct btrfs_ioctl_search_header *)(search.buf + buf_off); if (header->type != BTRFS_EXTENT_DATA_KEY) goto next; item = (void *)(header + 1); type = item->type; file_offset = header->offset; if (type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_INLINE) { file_size = logical_size = le64_to_cpu(item->ram_bytes); extent_offset = 0; physical_size = (header->len - offsetof(struct btrfs_file_extent_item, disk_bytenr)); } else if (type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_REG || type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_PREALLOC) { file_size = le64_to_cpu(item->num_bytes); extent_offset = le64_to_cpu(item->offset); logical_size = le64_to_cpu(item->ram_bytes); logical_offset = le64_to_cpu(item->disk_bytenr); physical_size = le64_to_cpu(item->disk_num_bytes); if (logical_offset) { chunk = find_chunk(chunks, num_chunks, logical_offset); if (!chunk) { printf("\n"); fprintf(stderr, "could not find chunk containing %" PRIu64 "\n", logical_offset); return -1; } } } printf("%" PRIu64 "\t", file_offset); if (type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_INLINE || type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_REG || type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_PREALLOC) { printf("%" PRIu64 "\t%" PRIu64 "\t", file_size, extent_offset); } else { printf("\t\t"); } switch (type) { case BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_INLINE: printf("inline"); break; case BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_REG: if (logical_offset) printf("regular"); else printf("hole"); break; case BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_PREALLOC: printf("prealloc"); break; default: printf("type%u", type); break; } switch (item->compression) { case 0: break; case 1: printf(",compression=zlib"); break; case 2: printf(",compression=lzo"); break; case 3: printf(",compression=zstd"); break; default: printf(",compression=%u", item->compression); break; } if (item->encryption) printf(",encryption=%u", item->encryption); if (item->other_encoding) { printf(",other_encoding=%u", le16_to_cpu(item->other_encoding)); } if (chunk) { switch (chunk->type & BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_PROFILE_MASK) { case 0: break; case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID0: printf(",raid0"); break; case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID1: printf(",raid1"); break; case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_DUP: printf(",dup"); break; case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID10: printf(",raid10"); break; case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID5: printf(",raid5"); break; case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID6: printf(",raid6"); break; default: printf(",profile%" PRIu64, (uint64_t)(chunk->type & BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_PROFILE_MASK)); break; } } printf("\t"); if (type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_INLINE || type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_REG || type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_PREALLOC) printf("%" PRIu64 "\t", logical_size); else printf("\t"); if (type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_REG || type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_PREALLOC) printf("%" PRIu64 "\t", logical_offset); else printf("\t"); if (type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_INLINE || type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_REG || type == BTRFS_FILE_EXTENT_PREALLOC) printf("%" PRIu64 "\t", physical_size); else printf("\t"); if (chunk) { uint64_t offset, stripe_nr, stripe_offset; size_t stripe_index, num_stripes; size_t i; offset = logical_offset - chunk->offset; stripe_nr = offset / chunk->stripe_len; stripe_offset = offset - stripe_nr * chunk->stripe_len; switch (chunk->type & BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_PROFILE_MASK) { case 0: case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID0: stripe_index = stripe_nr % chunk->num_stripes; stripe_nr /= chunk->num_stripes; num_stripes = 1; break; case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID1: case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_DUP: stripe_index = 0; num_stripes = chunk->num_stripes; break; case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID10: { size_t factor; factor = chunk->num_stripes / chunk->sub_stripes; stripe_index = (stripe_nr % factor * chunk->sub_stripes); stripe_nr /= factor; num_stripes = chunk->sub_stripes; break; } case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID5: case BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID6: { size_t nr_parity_stripes, nr_data_stripes; if (chunk->type & BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID6) nr_parity_stripes = 2; else nr_parity_stripes = 1; nr_data_stripes = (chunk->num_stripes - nr_parity_stripes); stripe_index = stripe_nr % nr_data_stripes; stripe_nr /= nr_data_stripes; stripe_index = ((stripe_nr + stripe_index) % chunk->num_stripes); num_stripes = 1; break; } default: num_stripes = 0; break; } for (i = 0; i < num_stripes; i++) { if (i != 0) printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); printf("%" PRIu64 "\t%" PRIu64, chunk->stripes[stripe_index].devid, chunk->stripes[stripe_index].offset + stripe_nr * chunk->stripe_len + stripe_offset); stripe_index++; } } printf("\n"); next: items_pos++; buf_off += sizeof(*header) + header->len; if (header->offset == UINT64_MAX) break; else search.key.min_offset = header->offset + 1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, }; int fd, ret; struct chunk *chunks; size_t num_chunks, i; if (argv[0]) progname = argv[0]; for (;;) { int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h", long_options, NULL); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'h': usage(false); default: usage(true); } } if (optind != argc - 1) usage(true); fd = open(argv[optind], O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { perror("open"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ret = read_chunk_tree(fd, &chunks, &num_chunks); if (ret == -1) goto out; ret = print_extents(fd, chunks, num_chunks); out: for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) free(chunks[i].stripes); free(chunks); close(fd); return ret ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } EndOfProgram if [[ ! -f "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c ]]; then echo -e -n "Please run this script again to be sure that $HOME/btrfs_map_physical.c is created too." exit 1 fi } function intro { clear echo -e -n " ${GREEN_LIGHT}pQQQQQQQQQQQQppq${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}###${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Void Linux installer script${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}###${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_LIGHT}p Q${NORMAL} \n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_LIGHT}pppQppQppppQ Q${NORMAL} My first attempt at creating a bash script.\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{{{{{${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}p Q${NORMAL} Bugs and unicorns farts are expected.\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}dpppppp p Q${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}p p p Q${NORMAL} This script try to automate what my gist describes.\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}p Q p Q${NORMAL} Link to the gist: ${BLUE_LIGHT}https://gist.github.com/Le0xFF/ff0e3670c06def675bb6920fe8dd64a3${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}p Q p Q${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}ppppppQ p Q${NORMAL} This script will install Void Linux with BTRFS as filesystem and optionally:\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}ppppQ${NORMAL} LVM and Full Disk Encryption using LUKS1/2 and it will eventually enable trim on SSD.\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{ {{{{{{{{{{{{${NORMAL} To understand better what the script does, please look at the README: ${BLUE_LIGHT}https://github.com/Le0xFF/VoidLinuxInstaller${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} \n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{${NORMAL} [Press any key to begin with the process...]\n" read -n 1 -r key clear } function header_skl { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Keyboard layout change${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function set_keyboard_layout { while true; do while true; do if [[ -n "${current_xkeyboard_layout}" ]] || [[ -n "${user_keyboard_layout}" ]]; then header_skl echo -e -n "\nYour current keyboard layout is ${BLUE_LIGHT}${current_xkeyboard_layout:-${user_keyboard_layout}}${NORMAL}, do you want to change it? (y/n/back): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then user_keyboard_layout="${current_xkeyboard_layout:-${user_keyboard_layout}}" echo -e -n "\nKeyboard layout won't be changed.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_BACK} ]]; then clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\nNot a valid input.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi else break fi done header_skl echo -e -n "\nThe keyboard layout will be also set configured for your future installed system.\n" echo -e -n "\nPress any key to list all the keyboard layouts.\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/ \ -type f \ -iname "*.map.gz" \ -printf "${BLUE_LIGHT_FIND}%f\0${NORMAL_FIND}\n" | sed -e 's/\..*$//' | sort | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init while true; do echo -e -n "\nType the keyboard layout you want to set and press [ENTER]: " read -r user_keyboard_layout if loadkeys "$user_keyboard_layout" 2>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\nKeyboad layout set to: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_keyboard_layout${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid keyboard layout.${NORMAL}" fi done break done } function header_cti { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Setup internet connection${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function connect_to_internet { while true; do header_cti echo -e -n "\nDo you want to use wifi? (y/n/back): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if pgrep NetworkManager &>/dev/null; then echo ip --color=auto link show echo echo -e -n "Input you wifi interface name (i.e. wlp2s0): " read -r WIFI_INTERFACE echo -e -n "\nInput a preferred name to give to your internet connection: " read -r WIFI_NAME echo -e -n "Input your wifi SSID or BSSID: " read -r WIFI_SSID nmcli connection add type wifi con-name "${WIFI_NAME}" ifname "${WIFI_INTERFACE}" ssid "${WIFI_SSID}" nmcli connection modify "${WIFI_NAME}" wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk nmcli --ask connection up "${WIFI_NAME}" if ping -c 2 &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Successfully connected to the internet.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}No internet connection detected.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi else echo -e -n "\n\n${RED_LIGHT}Please be sure that NetworkManager is running.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then if ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Successfully connected to the internet.${NORMAL}\n\n" else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please check or connect your ethernet cable.${NORMAL}\n\n" fi read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_BACK} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done } function header_sd { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Destination drive${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function select_destination { if [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]] || { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]] && [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; } || { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]] && [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; }; then while true; do header_sd if [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPrinting all the connected drives:\n\n" lsblk -p echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}drive${NORMAL} do you want to select as ${BLUE_LIGHT}destination drive${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\nIt will be automatically selected as the drive to be formatted and partitioned." echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter the full drive path (i.e. /dev/sda || back): " read -r user_drive elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPrinting destination drive:\n\n" lsblk -p "${user_drive}" echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}partition${NORMAL} do you want to select as ${BLUE_LIGHT}EFI${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter the full partition path (i.e. /dev/sda1 || back): " read -r boot_partition elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPrinting destination drive:\n\n" lsblk -p "${user_drive}" echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}partition${NORMAL} do you want to select as ${BLUE_LIGHT}ROOT${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter the full partition path (i.e. /dev/sda2 || back): " read -r root_partition fi if [[ $user_drive =~ ${regex_BACK} ]] || [[ $boot_partition =~ ${regex_BACK} ]] || [[ $root_partition =~ ${regex_BACK} ]]; then clear break elif { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]] && [[ ! -b "$user_drive" ]]; } || { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]] && [[ ! -b "$boot_partition" ]]; } || { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]] && [[ ! -b "$root_partition" ]]; }; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid destination.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else if [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nDrive selected as destination: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_drive${NORMAL}\n" elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nEFI partition selected as destination: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$boot_partition${NORMAL}\n" elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nROOT partition selected as destination: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$root_partition${NORMAL}\n" fi while true; do echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}DESTINATION WILL BE WIPED AND PARTITIONED, EVERY DATA INSIDE WILL BE LOST.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):${NORMAL} " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, select another destination.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]]; then if grep -q "$user_drive" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nDrive already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting every partition...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$user_drive" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nDrive unmounted successfully.\n" fi echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Correct drive selected.${NORMAL}\n\n" boot_partition='' root_partition='' elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]]; then if grep -q "$boot_partition" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nPartition already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting partition...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$boot_partition" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nPartition unmounted successfully.\n" fi echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Correct EFI partition selected.${NORMAL}\n\n" elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]]; then if grep -q "$root_partition" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nPartition already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting partition...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$root_partition" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nPartition unmounted successfully.\n" fi echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Correct ROOT partition selected.${NORMAL}\n\n" fi read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo fi done fi done else header_dw echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please first select a valid destination drive.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi } function header_dw { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Disk wiping${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function disk_wiping { if [[ ! -b "$user_drive" ]]; then header_dw echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid destination drive before wiping.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else while true; do header_dw echo -e -n "\nDrive selected for wiping: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_drive${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}THIS DRIVE WILL BE WIPED, EVERY DATA INSIDE WILL BE LOST.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):${NORMAL} " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, please select another destination drive.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if grep -q "$user_drive" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nDrive already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting every partition before wiping...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$user_drive" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nDrive unmounted successfully.\n" fi echo -e -n "\nWiping the drive...\n\n" if wipefs -a "$user_drive"; then sync echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Drive successfully wiped.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break fi else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done fi } function header_dp { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Disk partitioning${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function disk_partitioning { if [[ ! -b "$user_drive" ]]; then header_dp echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid destination drive before partitioning.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else while true; do clear header_dp echo -e -n "\nDrive previously selected for partitioning: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_drive${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Do you want to change it? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, please select another destination drive.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then if grep -q "$user_drive" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nDrive already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting every partition before partitioning...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$user_drive" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nDrive unmounted successfully.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi while true; do clear header_dp echo -e -n "\n${BLUE_LIGHT}Suggested disk layout${NORMAL}:" echo -e -n "\n- GPT as partition table for UEFI systems;" echo -e -n "\n- Less than 1 GB for /boot/efi as first partition [EFI System];" echo -e -n "\n- Rest of the disk for the partition that will be logically partitioned with LVM (/ and /home) [Linux filesystem]." echo -e -n "\n\nThose two will be physical partition.\nYou don't need to create a /home partition now because btrfs subvolumes will take care of that.\n" echo -e -n "\nDrive selected for partitioning: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_drive${NORMAL}\n\n" read -r -p "Which tool do you want to use? (fdisk/cfdisk/sfdisk): " tool case "$tool" in fdisk) fdisk "$user_drive" sync break ;; cfdisk) cfdisk "$user_drive" sync break ;; sfdisk) sfdisk "$user_drive" sync break ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select only one of the three suggested tools.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key ;; esac done while true; do if [[ $(fdisk -l "$user_drive" | grep Disklabel | awk '{print $3}') =~ ${regex_GPT} ]]; then clear header_dp echo lsblk -p "$user_drive" echo read -r -p "Is this the desired partition table? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Drive successfully partitioned.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please partition your drive again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi else user_drive='' clear header_dp echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please wipe destination drive again and select GPT as partition table.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 fi done else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done fi } function header_de { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Disk encryption${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function disk_encryption { if [[ ! -b "$root_partition" ]]; then header_de echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid ROOT partition before enabling Full Disk Encryption.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]] && [[ -b /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" ]]; then header_de echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}In this script is not allowed to encrypt a partition after using LVM.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then while true; do header_de echo -e -n "\nEncryption is already enabled for partition ${BLUE_LIGHT}$root_partition${NORMAL}." echo -e -n "\nDo you want to disable it? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/"${encrypted_name}"; then luks_ot='' encryption_yn='n' encrypted_partition='' echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Encryption will be disabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then while true; do header_de echo -e -n "\nDo you want to set up ${BLUE_LIGHT}Full Disk Encryption${NORMAL}? (y/n): " read -r encryption_yn if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then while true; do echo -e -n "\nDestination partition: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$root_partition${NORMAL}.\n" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}THIS PARTITION WILL BE FORMATTED AND ENCRYPTED, EVERY DATA INSIDE WILL BE LOST.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):${NORMAL} " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then encryption_yn='n' echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, please select another ROOT partition.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Correct partition selected.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear header_de echo -e -n "\nThe selected partition will now be encrypted with LUKS version 1 or 2.\n" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}LUKS version 1${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "- Can be used by both EFISTUB and GRUB2\n" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}LUKS version 2${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "- Can be used only by EFISTUB and it will automatically be selected later.\n" echo -e -n " [GRUB2 LUKS version 2 support with encrypted /boot is still limited: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?55093].\n" while true; do echo -e -n "\nWhich LUKS version do you want to use? (1/2): " read -r luks_ot if [[ "$luks_ot" == "1" ]] || [[ "$luks_ot" == "2" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nUsing LUKS version ${BLUE_LIGHT}$luks_ot${NORMAL}.\n\n" if cryptsetup luksFormat --type=luks"$luks_ot" "$root_partition" --debug --verbose; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Partition successfully encrypted.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter 1 or 2.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done while true; do header_de echo -e -n "\nEnter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for the ${BLUE_LIGHT}encrypted partition${NORMAL} without any spaces (i.e. MyEncryptedLinuxPartition).\n" echo -e -n "\nThe name will be used to mount the encrypted partition to ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/[...]${NORMAL} : " read -r encrypted_name if [[ -z "$encrypted_name" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid name.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$encrypted_name${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this the desired name? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPartition will now be mounted as: ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/$encrypted_name${NORMAL}\n\n" if ! cryptsetup open "$root_partition" "$encrypted_name"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script else encrypted_partition=/dev/mapper/"$encrypted_name" echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Encrypted partition successfully mounted.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another name.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done fi done break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done fi fi fi } function header_lc { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Logical Volume Management${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function lvm_creation { if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]] && [[ ! -b "$root_partition" ]]; then header_lc echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid ROOT partition before enabling LVM.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]] && [[ ! -b "$encrypted_partition" ]]; then header_lc echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please encrypt a valid ROOT partition before enabling LVM.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then while true; do header_de if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\nLVM is already enabled for partition ${BLUE_LIGHT}$encrypted_partition${NORMAL}." elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\nLVM is already enabled for partition ${BLUE_LIGHT}$root_partition${NORMAL}." fi echo -e -n "\nDo you want to disable it? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if lvchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" && vgchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"; then lvm_yn='n' lvm_partition='' echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}LVM will be disabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then while true; do header_lc echo -e -n "\nWith LVM will be easier in the future to add more space" echo -e -n "\nto the ROOT partition without formatting the whole system.\n" echo -e -n "\nDo you want to use ${BLUE_LIGHT}LVM${NORMAL}? (y/n): " read -r lvm_yn if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then clear while true; do header_lc echo -e -n "\nCreating logical partitions wih LVM.\n" echo -e -n "\nEnter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for the ${BLUE_LIGHT}Volume Group${NORMAL} without any spaces (i.e. MyLinuxVolumeGroup).\n" echo -e -n "\nThe name will be used to mount the Volume Group as: ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/[...]${NORMAL} : " read -r vg_name if [[ -z "$vg_name" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid name.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$vg_name${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this the desired name? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n\nVolume Group will now be created and mounted as: ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/$vg_name${NORMAL}\n\n" if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if ! vgcreate "$vg_name" "$encrypted_partition"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then if ! vgcreate "$vg_name" "$root_partition"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi fi echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another name${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done fi done while true; do header_lc echo -e -n "\nEnter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for the ${BLUE_LIGHT}Logical Volume${NORMAL} without any spaces (i.e. MyLinuxLogicVolume)." echo -e -n "\nIts size will be the entire partition previosly selected.\n" echo -e -n "\nThe name will be used to mount the Logical Volume as: ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/$vg_name-[...]${NORMAL} : " read -r lv_root_name if [[ -z "$lv_root_name" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid name.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$lv_root_name${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this correct? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\nLogical Volume ${BLUE_LIGHT}$lv_root_name${NORMAL} will now be created.\n\n" if lvcreate --name "$lv_root_name" -l +100%FREE "$vg_name"; then echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key lvm_partition=/dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" clear break 3 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another name${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi done fi done elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done fi fi } function header_al { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Filesystem labels${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function assign_labels { header_al echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a label for ${BLUE_LIGHT}EFI partition${NORMAL}: " read -r boot_label echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a label for ${BLUE_LIGHT}ROOT partition${NORMAL}: " read -r root_label } function detect_final_drive { if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then final_drive=$lvm_partition elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then final_drive=$encrypted_partition fi elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then final_drive=$lvm_partition elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then final_drive=$root_partition fi fi } function header_fcis { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}System creation${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function format_create_install_system { detect_final_drive if [[ -z "$final_drive" ]] || [[ -z "$boot_label" ]] || [[ -z "$root_label" ]]; then header_fcis echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please complete at least steps 3, 6, 7 and 10 before installing the system.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear elif ! ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; then header_fcis echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Installation requires internet connection.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else if [[ "$boot_partition" == "$root_partition" ]]; then header_fcis echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}EFI and ROOT partitions must not be the same.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear else while true; do header_fcis echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}BY SELECTING YES, EVERYTHING WILL BE FORMATTED, EVERY DATA WILL BE LOST.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):${NORMAL} " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then # Format partition clear header_fcis echo -e -n "\nFormatting ${BLUE_LIGHT}EFI partition${NORMAL} as ${BLUE_LIGHT}FAT32${NORMAL}...\n\n" if grep -q "$boot_partition" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nPartition already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting it before formatting...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$boot_partition" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nDrive unmounted successfully.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi if mkfs.vfat -n "$boot_label" -F 32 "$boot_partition"; then sync echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}EFI partition successfully formatted.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi clear header_fcis echo -e -n "\nRoot partition will be formatted as ${BLUE_LIGHT}BTRFS${NORMAL}...\n\n" if mkfs.btrfs --force -L "$root_label" "$final_drive"; then sync echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}ROOT partition successfully formatted.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi # Create BTRFS subvolumes clear header_fcis if [[ -n $(lsblk "$final_drive" --discard | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $3}') ]] && [[ -n $(lsblk "$final_drive" --discard | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $4}') ]]; then hdd_ssd=ssd else hdd_ssd=hdd fi echo -e -n "\nBTRFS subvolumes will now be created with following options:\n" echo -e -n "- rw\n" echo -e -n "- noatime\n" if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then echo -e -n "- discard=async\n" fi echo -e -n "- compress-force=zstd\n" echo -e -n "- space_cache=v2\n" echo -e -n "- commit=120\n" echo -e -n "\nSubvolumes that will be created:\n" echo -e -n "- /@\n" echo -e -n "- /@home\n" echo -e -n "- /@snapshots\n" echo -e -n "- /var/cache/xbps\n" echo -e -n "- /var/tmp\n" echo -e -n "- /var/log\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key if grep -q /mnt /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "Everything mounted to /mnt will now be unmounted...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive /mnt echo -e -n "\nDone.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key fi echo -e -n "\nCreating BTRFS subvolumes and mounting them to /mnt...\n" if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then export BTRFS_OPT=rw,noatime,discard=async,compress-force=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 elif [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "hdd" ]]; then export BTRFS_OPT=rw,noatime,compress-force=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 fi mount -o "$BTRFS_OPT" "$final_drive" /mnt btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@ btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@home btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@snapshots umount /mnt mount -o "$BTRFS_OPT",subvol=@ "$final_drive" /mnt mkdir /mnt/home mount -o "$BTRFS_OPT",subvol=@home "$final_drive" /mnt/home/ mkdir -p /mnt/var/cache btrfs subvolume create /mnt/var/cache/xbps btrfs subvolume create /mnt/var/tmp btrfs subvolume create /mnt/var/log echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Done.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key # Install base system while true; do clear header_fcis echo -e -n "\nSelect which ${BLUE_LIGHT}architecture${NORMAL} do you want to use:\n\n" select user_arch in x86_64 x86_64-musl; do case "$user_arch" in x86_64) echo -e -n "\n${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_arch${NORMAL} selected.\n" ARCH="$user_arch" export REPO=https://repo-default.voidlinux.org/current break 2 ;; x86_64-musl) echo -e -n "\n${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_arch${NORMAL} selected.\n" ARCH="$user_arch" export REPO=https://repo-default.voidlinux.org/current/musl break 2 ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key break ;; esac done done echo -e -n "\nCopying RSA keys...\n" mkdir -p /mnt/var/db/xbps/keys cp /var/db/xbps/keys/* /mnt/var/db/xbps/keys/ echo -e -n "\nInstalling base system...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key echo if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy xbps; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy -r /mnt -R "$REPO" base-system btrfs-progs cryptsetup grub-x86_64-efi \ efibootmgr lvm2 grub-btrfs grub-btrfs-runit NetworkManager bash-completion nano gcc apparmor git curl \ util-linux tar coreutils binutils xtools fzf plocate ictree xkeyboard-config ckbcomp void-repo-nonfree; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi if [[ "$XBPS_ARCH" == "x86_64" ]]; then if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy -r /mnt -R "$REPO" void-repo-multilib void-repo-multilib-nonfree; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi fi if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy -r /mnt -R "$REPO"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi if [[ "$XBPS_ARCH" == "x86_64" ]] && grep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | grep --ignore-case "intel" &>/dev/null; then if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy -r /mnt -R "$REPO" intel-ucode; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi fi echo -e -n "\nMounting folders for chroot...\n" mount -t proc none /mnt/proc mount -t sysfs none /mnt/sys mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev mount --rbind /run /mnt/run mount --rbind /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /mnt/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ echo -e -n "\nCopying /etc/resolv.conf...\n" cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/ if cp -L /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* /mnt/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\nCopying /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/...\n" fi # Chrooting echo -e -n "\nChrooting...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key cp "$HOME"/chroot.sh /mnt/root/ cp "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c /mnt/root/ BTRFS_OPT="$BTRFS_OPT" boot_partition="$boot_partition" encryption_yn="$encryption_yn" luks_ot="$luks_ot" root_partition="$root_partition" \ encrypted_name="$encrypted_name" lvm_yn="$lvm_yn" vg_name="$vg_name" lv_root_name="$lv_root_name" user_drive="$user_drive" final_drive="$final_drive" \ user_keyboard_layout="$user_keyboard_layout" hdd_ssd="$hdd_ssd" void_packages_repo="$void_packages_repo" ARCH="$ARCH" BLUE_LIGHT="$BLUE_LIGHT" \ BLUE_LIGHT_FIND="$BLUE_LIGHT_FIND" GREEN_DARK="$GREEN_DARK" GREEN_LIGHT="$GREEN_LIGHT" NORMAL="$NORMAL" NORMAL_FIND="$NORMAL_FIND" RED_LIGHT="$RED_LIGHT" \ regex_YES=$regex_YES regex_NO=$regex_NO regex_BACK=$regex_BACK regex_EFISTUB=$regex_EFISTUB regex_GRUB2=$regex_GRUB2 regex_ROOT=$regex_ROOT PS1='(chroot) # ' chroot /mnt/ /bin/bash "$HOME"/chroot.sh clear header_fcis echo -e -n "\nCleaning...\n" rm -f /mnt/root/chroot.sh rm -f /mnt/root/btrfs_map_physical.c rm -f /mnt/root/btrfs_map_physical echo -e -n "\nUnmounting partitions...\n\n" if findmnt /mnt &>/dev/null; then umount --recursive /mnt fi if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then lvchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" vgchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name" fi if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/"$encrypted_name" fi echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear outro else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear fi done fi fi } function outro { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Installation completed${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nAfter rebooting into the new installed system, be sure to:\n" echo -e -n "- If you plan yo use snapper, after installing it and creating a configuration for / [root],\n uncomment the line relative to /.snapshots folder\n" echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Everything's done, goodbye.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to exit...]" _key clear exit 0 } # Main function header_main { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI # ${GREEN_LIGHT}Void Linux Installer Menu${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function main { while true; do header_main echo -e -n "\n1) Set keyboard layout\t\t\t......\tKeyboard layout: " current_xkeyboard_layout=$(setxkbmap -query 2>/dev/null | grep layout | awk '{print $2}') if [[ -n "${current_xkeyboard_layout}" ]] || [[ -n "${user_keyboard_layout}" ]]; then echo -e -n "\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${current_xkeyboard_layout:-${user_keyboard_layout}}${NORMAL}" user_keyboard_layout="${current_xkeyboard_layout:-${user_keyboard_layout}}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n2) Set up internet connection\t\t......\tConnection status: " if ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\tconnected${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnot connected${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n3) Select destination drive\t\t......\tDrive selected: " if [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${user_drive}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n4) Wipe destination drive\t\t......\tDrive selected: " if [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${user_drive}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n5) Partition destination drive\t\t......\tDrive selected: " if [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${user_drive}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n6) Select EFI partition\t\t\t......\tPartition selected: " if [[ -b "$boot_partition" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${boot_partition}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n7) Select ROOT partition\t\t......\tPartition selected: " if [[ -b "$root_partition" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${root_partition}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n8) Set up Full Disk Encryption\t\t......\tEncryption: " if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t\tYES${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tEncrypted partition:\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${encrypted_partition}${NORMAL}" elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\t\tNO${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tEncrypted partition:\t${RED_LIGHT}none${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n9) Set up Logical Volume Management\t......\tLVM: " if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t\t\tYES${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tLVM partition\t\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${lvm_partition}${NORMAL}" elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\t\t\tNO${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tLVM partition:\t\t${RED_LIGHT}none${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n10) Set up partition labels: " if [[ -n $boot_label ]]; then echo -e -n "\t\t......\tEFI label\t\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${boot_label}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "\t\t......\tEFI label\t\t${RED_LIGHT}none${NORMAL}" fi if [[ -n $root_label ]]; then echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tROOT label\t\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${root_label}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tROOT label\t\t${RED_LIGHT}none${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n11) Install base system and chroot inside" echo echo -e -n "\nx) ${RED_LIGHT}Quit and unmount everything.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nUser selection: " read -r menu_selection case "${menu_selection}" in 1) clear set_keyboard_layout clear ;; 2) clear connect_to_internet clear ;; 3) clear drive_partition_selection='3' select_destination drive_partition_selection='0' clear ;; 4) clear disk_wiping clear ;; 5) clear disk_partitioning clear ;; 6) clear drive_partition_selection='6' select_destination drive_partition_selection='0' clear ;; 7) clear drive_partition_selection='7' select_destination drive_partition_selection='0' clear ;; 8) clear disk_encryption clear ;; 9) clear lvm_creation clear ;; 10) clear assign_labels clear ;; 11) clear format_create_install_system clear ;; x) kill_script ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key clear ;; esac done } check_if_bash check_if_run_as_root check_if_uefi create_chroot_script create_btrfs_map_physical_c intro main