#! /bin/bash # Variables newuser_yn='' # Functions # Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/voidlinux/comments/jlkv1j/xs_quick_install_tool_for_void_linux/ function xs { xpkg -a | fzf -m --preview 'xq {1}' --preview-window=right:66%:wrap | xargs -ro xi } function initial_configuration { clear echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Initial configuration${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}root password${NORMAL}:\n" while true ; do echo passwd root if [[ "$?" == "0" ]] ; then break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo fi done echo -e -n "\nSetting root permissions...\n" chown root:root / chmod 755 / echo -e -n "\nEnabling wheel group to use sudo...\n" echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/10-wheel echo -e -n "\nExporting variables that will be used for fstab...\n" export LUKS_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$encrypted_partition") export ROOT_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$final_drive") echo -e -n "\nWriting fstab...\n" sed -i '/tmpfs/d' /etc/fstab cat << EOF >> /etc/fstab # Root subvolume UUID=$ROOT_UUID / btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@ 0 1 # Home subvolume UUID=$ROOT_UUID /home btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@home 0 2 # Snapshots subvolume, uncomment the following line after creating a config for root [/] in snapper #UUID=$ROOT_UUID /.snapshots btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@snapshots 0 2 # TMPfs tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0 EOF echo -e -n "\nAdding needed dracut configuration files...\n" echo -e "hostonly=yes\nhostonly_cmdline=yes" >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/00-hostonly.conf echo -e "add_dracutmodules+=\" crypt btrfs lvm resume \"" >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/20-addmodules.conf echo -e "tmpdir=/tmp" >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/30-tmpfs.conf echo -e -n "\nGenerating new dracut initramfs...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear } function header_ib { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Bootloader installation${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function install_bootloader { while true ; do if [[ "$luks_ot" == "2" ]] ; then header_ib echo -e -n "\nLUKS version $luks_ot was previously selected.\n${BLUE_LIGHT}EFISTUB${NORMAL} will be used as bootloader.\n\n" bootloader="EFISTUB" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo else header_ib echo -e -n "\nSelect which ${BLUE_LIGHT}bootloader${NORMAL} do you want to use (EFISTUB, GRUB2): " read -r bootloader fi if [[ "$bootloader" == "EFISTUB" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "efistub" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nBootloader selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL}.\n" echo -e -n "\nMounting $boot_partition to /boot...\n" mkdir /TEMPBOOT cp -pr /boot/* /TEMPBOOT/ rm -rf /boot/* mount -o rw,noatime "$boot_partition" /boot cp -pr /TEMPBOOT/* /boot/ rm -rf /TEMPBOOT echo -e -n "\nSetting correct options in /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook...\n" sed -i "/MODIFY_EFI_ENTRIES=0/s/0/1/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook if [[ "$encryption_yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$encryption_yn" == "Y" ]] ; then sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4 rd.auto=1 rd.luks.name=$LUKS_UUID=$encrypted_name\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]] ; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ rd.luks.allow-discards=$LUKS_UUID&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook fi elif { [[ "$encryption_yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$encryption_yn" == "N" ]]; } && { [[ "$lvm" == "y" ]] || [[ "$lvm_yn" == "Y" ]]; } ; then sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4 rd.auto=1\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook else sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook fi sed -i "/# DISK=/s|.*|DISK=\"\$(lsblk -pd -no pkname \$(findmnt -enr -o SOURCE -M /boot))\"|" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook sed -i "/# PART=/s_.*_PART=\"\$(lsblk -pd -no pkname \$(findmnt -enr -o SOURCE -M /boot) | grep --color=never -Eo \\\\\"[0-9]+\$\\\\\")\"_" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nModifying /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr to keep EFI entry after reboot...\n" sed -i "/efibootmgr -qo \$bootorder/s/^/#/" /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Keep in mind that to keep the new EFI entry after each reboot,${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}the last line of /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr has been commented.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Probably you will have to comment the same line after each efibootmgr update.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break elif [[ "$bootloader" == "GRUB2" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "grub2" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nBootloader selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL}.\n" if [[ "$encryption_yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$encryption_yn" == "Y" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nEnabling CRYPTODISK in GRUB...\n" echo -e -n "\nGRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y\n" >> /etc/default/grub sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.auto=1 rd.luks.name=$LUKS_UUID=$encrypted_name&/" /etc/default/grub if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]] ; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.luks.allow-discards=$LUKS_UUID&/" /etc/default/grub fi elif { [[ "$encryption_yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$encryption_yn" == "N" ]]; } && { [[ "$lvm" == "y" ]] || [[ "$lvm_yn" == "Y" ]]; } ; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.auto=1&/" /etc/default/grub fi if ! grep -q efivar /proc/mounts ; then echo -e -n "\nMounting efivarfs...\n" mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ fi while true ; do echo -e -n "\nSelect a ${BLUE_LIGHT}bootloader-id${NORMAL} that will be used for grub install: " read -r bootloader_id if [[ -z "$bootloader_id" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid bootloader-id.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key else while true ; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader_id${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "Is this the desired bootloader-id? (y/n): " yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then if [[ "$encryption_yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$encryption_yn" == "Y" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nGenerating random key to avoid typing password twice at boot...\n\n" dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=/boot/volume.key echo -e -n "\nRandom key generated, unlocking the encrypted partition...\n" while true ; do echo cryptsetup luksAddKey "$encrypted_partition" /boot/volume.key if [[ "$?" == "0" ]] ; then break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo fi done chmod 000 /boot/volume.key chmod -R g-rwx,o-rwx /boot echo -e -n "\nAdding random key to /etc/crypttab...\n" echo -e "\n$encrypted_name UUID=$LUKS_UUID /boot/volume.key luks\n" >> /etc/crypttab echo -e -n "\nAdding random key to dracut configuration files...\n" echo -e "install_items+=\" /boot/volume.key /etc/crypttab \"" >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/10-crypt.conf echo -e -n "\nGenerating new dracut initramfs...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly fi echo -e -n "\n\nInstalling GRUB on ${BLUE_LIGHT}/boot/efi${NORMAL} partition with ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader_id${NORMAL} as bootloader-id...\n\n" mkdir -p /boot/efi mount -o rw,noatime "$boot_partition" /boot/efi/ grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --boot-directory=/boot --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id="$bootloader_id" --recheck break 3 elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nPlease select another bootloader-id.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done fi done else echo -e -n "\nPlease select a valid bootloader.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear fi done if { [[ "$lvm_yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$lvm_yn" == "Y" ]]; } && [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nEnabling SSD trim for LVM...\n" sed -i 's/issue_discards = 0/issue_discards = 1/' /etc/lvm/lvm.conf fi export UEFI_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$boot_partition") echo -e -n "\nWriting EFI partition to /etc/fstab...\n" if [[ "$bootloader" == "EFISTUB" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "efistub" ]] ; then echo -e "\n# EFI partition\nUUID=$UEFI_UUID /boot vfat defaults,noatime 0 2" >> /etc/fstab elif [[ "$bootloader" == "GRUB2" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "grub2" ]] ; then echo -e "\n# EFI partition\nUUID=$UEFI_UUID /boot/efi vfat defaults,noatime 0 2" >> /etc/fstab fi echo -e -n "\nBootloader ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL} successfully installed.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear } function header_cs { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}SwapFile creation${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function create_swapfile { while true ; do header_cs echo -e -n "\nDo you want to create a ${BLUE_LIGHT}swapfile${NORMAL} in ${BLUE_LIGHT}/var/swap/${NORMAL} btrfs subvolume?\nThis will also enable ${BLUE_LIGHT}zswap${NORMAL}, a cache in RAM for swap.\nA swapfile is needed if you plan to use hibernation (y/n): " read -n 1 -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then ram_size=$(free -g --si | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $2}') while true ; do clear header_cs echo -e -n "\nYour system has ${BLUE_LIGHT}${ram_size}GB${NORMAL} of RAM.\n" echo -e -n "\nPress [ENTER] to create a swapfile of the same dimensions or choose the desired size in GB (only numbers): " read -r swap_size if [[ "$swap_size" == "" ]] || [[ "$swap_size" -gt "0" ]] ; then if [[ "$swap_size" == "" ]] ; then swap_size=$ram_size fi echo -e -n "\nA swapfile of ${BLUE_LIGHT}${swap_size}GB${NORMAL} will be created in ${BLUE_LIGHT}/var/swap/${NORMAL} btrfs subvolume...\n\n" btrfs subvolume create /var/swap truncate -s 0 /var/swap/swapfile chattr +C /var/swap/swapfile chmod 600 /var/swap/swapfile dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap/swapfile bs=1G count="$swap_size" status=progress mkswap --label SwapFile /var/swap/swapfile swapon /var/swap/swapfile gcc -O2 "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical.c -o "$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical RESUME_OFFSET=$(($("$HOME"/btrfs_map_physical /var/swap/swapfile | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $NF}')/$(getconf PAGESIZE))) if [[ "$bootloader" == "EFISTUB" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "efistub" ]] ; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ resume=UUID=$ROOT_UUID resume_offset=$RESUME_OFFSET&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook elif [[ "$bootloader" == "GRUB2" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "grub2" ]] ; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ resume=UUID=$ROOT_UUID resume_offset=$RESUME_OFFSET&/" /etc/default/grub fi echo -e "\n# SwapFile\n/var/swap/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo -e -n "\nEnabling zswap...\n" echo "add_drivers+=\" lz4hc lz4hc_compress z3fold \"" >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/40-add_zswap_drivers.conf echo -e -n "\nRegenerating dracut initramfs...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly if [[ "$bootloader" == "EFISTUB" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "efistub" ]] ; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ zswap.enabled=1 zswap.max_pool_percent=25 zswap.compressor=lz4hc zswap.zpool=z3fold&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring kernel...\n\n" kernelver_pre=$(ls /lib/modules/) kernelver=$(echo ${kernelver_pre%.*}) xbps-reconfigure -f linux"$kernelver" elif [[ "$bootloader" == "GRUB2" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "grub2" ]] ; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ zswap.enabled=1 zswap.max_pool_percent=25 zswap.compressor=lz4hc zswap.zpool=z3fold&/" /etc/default/grub echo -e -n "\nUpdating grub...\n\n" update-grub fi swapoff --all echo -e -n "\nSwapfile successfully created and zswap successfully enabled.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid value.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nNo swapfile created.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear fi done } function header_iap { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Install additional packages${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function install_additional_packages { while true ; do header_iap echo -e -n "\nDo you want to ${BLUE_LIGHT}install${NORMAL} any ${BLUE_LIGHT}additional package${NORMAL} in your system? (y/n): " read -n 1 -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nPlease mark all the packages you want to install with [TAB] key.\nPress [ENTER] key when you're done to install the selected packages\nor press [ESC] key to abort the operation.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key xs echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nNo additional packages were installed.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear fi done } function header_eds { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Enable/disable services${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function enable_disable_services { header_eds echo -e -n "\nEnabling internet service at first boot...\n" ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nEnabling grub snapshot service at first boot...\n\n" ln -s /etc/sv/grub-btrfs /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear while true ; do header_eds echo -e -n "\nDo you want to ${BLUE_LIGHT}enable${NORMAL} any additional ${BLUE_LIGHT}service${NORMAL} in your system? (y/n): " read -n 1 -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then while true ; do clear header_eds echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that could be enabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/sv/ echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that are already enabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nWhich service do you want to enable? (i.e. NetworkManager, \"q\" to break): " read -r service_enabler if [[ "$service_enabler" == "q" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nAborting the operation...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break elif [[ ! -d /etc/sv/"$service_enabler" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nService ${RED_LIGHT}$service_enabler${NORMAL} does not exist.\nPlease select another service to be enabled.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key elif [[ -L /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_enabler" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nService ${RED_LIGHT}$service_enabler${NORMAL} already enabled.\nPlease select another service to be enabled.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key elif [[ "$service_enabler" == "" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid service name.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break else echo -e -n "\nEnabling service ${BLUE_LIGHT}$service_enabler${NORMAL}...\n\n" ln -s /etc/sv/"$service_enabler" /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break fi done elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nNo additional services were enabled.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear fi done while true ; do header_eds echo -e -n "\nDo you want to ${BLUE_LIGHT}disable${NORMAL} any ${BLUE_LIGHT}service${NORMAL} in your system? (y/n): " read -n 1 -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then while true ; do clear header_eds echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that could be disabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nWhich service do you want to disable? (i.e. NetworkManager, \"q\" to break): " read -r service_disabler if [[ "$service_disabler" == "q" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nAborting the operation...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break elif [[ ! -L /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_disabler" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nService ${RED_LIGHT}$service_disabler${NORMAL} does not exist.\nPlease select another service to be disabled.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key elif [[ "$service_disabler" == "" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid service name.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key else echo -e -n "\nDisabling service ${BLUE_LIGHT}$service_disabler${NORMAL}...\n\n" rm -f /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_disabler" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break fi done elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nNo additional services were disabled.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear fi done } function header_cu { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Create new users${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function create_user { while true; do header_cu echo -e -n "\nDo you want to ${BLUE_LIGHT}add${NORMAL} any ${BLUE_LIGHT}new user${NORMAL}?\nOnly non-root users can later configure Void Packages (y/n): " read -n 1 -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then while true ; do clear header_cu echo -e -n "\nPlease select a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for your new user (i.e. MyNewUser): " read -r newuser if [[ -z "$newuser" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease select a valid name.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key elif [[ "$newuser" == "root" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nYou can't add root again\nPlease select another name.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key elif getent passwd "$newuser" &> /dev/null ; then echo -e -n "\nUser ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} already exists.\nPlease select another username.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break else while true; do echo -e -n "\nIs username ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} okay? (y/n and [ENTER]): " read -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nAborting, pleasae select another name.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break elif [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nAdding new user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} and giving access to groups:\n" echo -e -n "kmem, wheel, tty, tape, daemon, floppy, disk, lp, dialout, audio, video,\nutmp, cdrom, optical, mail, storage, scanner, kvm, input, plugdev, users.\n" useradd --create-home --groups kmem,wheel,tty,tape,daemon,floppy,disk,lp,dialout,audio,video,utmp,cdrom,optical,mail,storage,scanner,kvm,input,plugdev,users "$newuser" echo -e -n "\nPlease select a new password for user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL}:\n" while true ; do echo passwd "$newuser" if [[ "$?" == "0" ]] ; then break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo fi done while true ; do echo -e -n "\nListing all the available shells:\n\n" chsh --list-shells echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}shell${NORMAL} do you want to set for user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL}?\nPlease enter the full path (i.e. /bin/sh): " read -r set_user_shell if [[ ! -x "$set_user_shell" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid shell.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key else while true ; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$set_user_shell${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "Is this the desired shell? (y/n): " yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then echo echo chsh --shell "$set_user_shell" "$newuser" echo -e -n "\nDefault shell for user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} successfully changed.\n" echo -e -n "\nUser ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} successfully created.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key newuser_yn="y" clear break 4 elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nPlease select another shell.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done fi done else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done fi done elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nNo additional user was added.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key if [[ "$newuser_yn" == "" ]] ; then newuser_yn="n" fi clear break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear fi done } function header_vp { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Configure Void Packages${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function void_packages { if [[ "$newuser_yn" == "y" ]] ; then while true; do header_vp echo -e -n "\nDo you want to clone a ${BLUE_LIGHT}Void Packages${NORMAL} repository to a specific folder for a specific non-root user? (y/n): " read -n 1 -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then while true ; do clear header_vp echo -e -n "\nPlease enter an existing ${BLUE_LIGHT}username${NORMAL}: " read -r void_packages_username if [[ -z "$void_packages_username" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease input a valid username.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key elif [[ "$void_packages_username" == "root" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nRoot user cannot be used to configure Void Packages.\nPlease select another username.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key elif ! getent passwd "$void_packages_username" &> /dev/null ; then echo -e -n "\nUser ${RED_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL} doesn't exists.\nPlease select another username.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key else while true ; do clear header_vp echo -e -n "\nUser selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}full empty path${NORMAL} where you want to clone Void Packages.\nThe script will create that folder and then clone Void Packages into it (i.e. /opt/MyPath/ToVoidPackages/): " read -r void_packages_path if [[ -z "$void_packages_path" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease input a valid path.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear else while true; do if [[ ! -d "$void_packages_path" ]] ; then if ! su - "$void_packages_username" --command "mkdir -p $void_packages_path 2> /dev/null" ; then echo -e -n "\nUser ${RED_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL} cannot create a folder in this directory.\nPlease select another path.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break fi else if [[ -n $(ls -A "$void_packages_path") ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nDirectory ${RED_LIGHT}$void_packages_path${NORMAL} is not empty.\nPlease select another path.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break fi if [[ $(stat --dereference --format="%U" $void_packages_path) != "$void_packages_username" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nUser ${RED_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL} doesn't have write permission in this directory.\nPlease select another path.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break fi fi echo -e -n "\nPath selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_path${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nIs this correct? (y/n): " read -n 1 -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nAborting, select another path.\n\n" if [[ -z "$(ls -A $void_packages_path)" ]]; then rm -rf "$void_packages_path" fi read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break elif [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then while true ; do echo -e -n "\n\nDo you want to specify a ${BLUE_LIGHT}custom public repository${NORMAL}?\nIf not, official repository will be used (y/n): " read -n 1 -r yn if [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nOfficial repository will be used.\n" git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_repo" elif [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then while true ; do echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter a public repository url and optionally a branch (i.e. https://github.com/MyPersonal/VoidPackages MyBranch): " read -r void_packages_custom_repo void_packages_custom_branch if [[ -z "$void_packages_custom_branch" ]] ; then repo_check=$(GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git ls-remote "$void_packages_custom_repo" | wc -l) else repo_check=$(GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git ls-remote "$void_packages_custom_repo" "$void_packages_custom_branch" | wc -l) fi if [[ "$repo_check" == "1" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nCustom repository ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_custom_repo${NORMAL} will be used.\n" if [[ -z "$void_packages_custom_branch" ]] ; then git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_custom_repo" else git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_custom_repo -b $void_packages_custom_branch" fi break 2 else echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter a valid public repository url.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done echo -e -n "\nSwitching to user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}...\n\n" su --login --shell=/bin/bash --whitelist-environment=git_cmd,void_packages_path "$void_packages_username" << EOSU $git_cmd "$void_packages_path" echo -e -n "\nEnabling restricted packages...\n" echo "XBPS_ALLOW_RESTRICTED=yes" >> "$void_packages_path"/etc/conf EOSU echo -e -n "\nLogging out user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}...\n" echo -e -n "\nVoid Packages successfully cloned and configured.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break 3 else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done fi done fi done elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nVoid Packages were not configured.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear fi done elif [[ "$newuser_yn" == "n" ]] ; then header_vp echo -e -n "\nNo non-root user was created.\nVoid Packages cannot be configured for root user.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear fi } function header_fc { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Final touches${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function finish_chroot { header_fc echo -e -n "\nSetting the ${BLUE_LIGHT}timezone${NORMAL} in /etc/rc.conf.\n\nPress any key to list all the timezones.\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r key echo awk '/^Z/ { print $2 }; /^L/ { print $3 }' /usr/share/zoneinfo/tzdata.zi | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init while true ; do echo -e -n "\nType the timezone you want to set and press [ENTER] (i.e. America/New_York): " read -r user_timezone if [[ ! -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/"$user_timezone" ]] ; then echo -e "\nEnter a valid timezone.\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key else sed -i "/#TIMEZONE=/s|.*|TIMEZONE=\"$user_timezone\"|" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\nTimezone set to: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_timezone${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break fi done header_fc if [[ -n "$user_keyboard_layout" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_keyboard_layout${NORMAL} keyboard layout in /etc/rc.conf...\n" sed -i "/#KEYMAP=/s/.*/KEYMAP=\"$user_keyboard_layout\"/" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\nSetting keymap in dracut configuration and regenerating initramfs...\n\n" echo -e "i18n_vars=\"/etc/rc.conf:KEYMAP\ni18n_install_all=\"no\"\"" >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/i18n.conf read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear else echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}keyboard layout${NORMAL} in /etc/rc.conf.\n\nPress any key to list all the keyboard layouts.\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r key echo find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/ -type f -iname "*.map.gz" -printf "${BLUE_LIGHT_FIND}%f\0${NORMAL_FIND}\n" | sed -e 's/\..*$//' | sort |less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init while true ; do echo -e -n "\nType the keyboard layout you want to set and press [ENTER]: " read -r user_keyboard_layout if [[ -z "$user_keyboard_layout" ]] || ! loadkeys "$user_keyboard_layout" 2> /dev/null ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease select a valid keyboard layout.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key else sed -i "/#KEYMAP=/s/.*/KEYMAP=\"$user_keyboard_layout\"/" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\nKeyboard layout set to: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_keyboard_layout${NORMAL}.\n" echo -e -n "\nSetting keymap in dracut configuration and regenerating initramfs...\n\n" echo -e "i18n_vars=\"/etc/rc.conf:KEYMAP\ni18n_install_all=\"no\"\"" >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/i18n.conf read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break fi done fi if [[ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]] ; then header_fc echo -e -n "\nSetting the ${BLUE_LIGHT}locale${NORMAL} in /etc/default/libc-locales.\n\nPress any key to print all the available locales.\n\nKeep in mind the ${BLUE_LIGHT}one line number${NORMAL} you need because that line will be uncommented.\n\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r key echo less --LINE-NUMBERS --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init /etc/default/libc-locales while true ; do echo -e -n "\nType only ${BLUE_LIGHT}one line number${NORMAL} you want to uncomment to set your locale and and press [ENTER]: " read -r user_locale_line_number if [[ -z "$user_locale_line_number" ]] ; then echo -e "\nEnter a valid line-number.\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key else while true ; do user_locale_pre=$(sed -n "${user_locale_line_number}"p /etc/default/libc-locales) user_locale_uncommented=$(echo "${user_locale_pre//#}") user_locale=$(echo "${user_locale_uncommented%%[[:space:]]*}") echo -e -n "\nYou choose line ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale_line_number${NORMAL} that cointains locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "Is this correct? (y/n): " yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nUncommenting line ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale_line_number${NORMAL} that contains locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL}...\n" sed -i "$user_locale_line_number s/^#//" /etc/default/libc-locales echo -e -n "\nWriting locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL} to /etc/locale.conf...\n\n" sed -i "/LANG=/s/.*/LANG=$user_locale/" /etc/locale.conf read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break 2 elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nPlease select another locale.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done fi done fi while true ; do header_fc echo -e -n "\nSelect a ${BLUE_LIGHT}hostname${NORMAL} for your system: " read -r hostname if [[ -z "$hostname" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid hostname.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear else while true ; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$hostname${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "Is this the desired hostname? (y/n): " yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then set +o noclobber echo "$hostname" > /etc/hostname set -o noclobber echo -e -n "\n\nHostname successfully set.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break 2 elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nPlease select another hostname.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done fi done while true ; do header_fc echo -e -n "\nListing all the available shells:\n\n" chsh --list-shells echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}shell${NORMAL} do you want to set for ${BLUE_LIGHT}root${NORMAL} user?\nPlease enter the full path (i.e. /bin/sh): " read -r set_shell if [[ ! -x "$set_shell" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid shell.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear else while true ; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$set_shell${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "Is this the desired shell? (y/n): " yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]] ; then echo echo chsh --shell "$set_shell" echo -e -n "\nDefault shell successfully changed.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key break 2 elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]] ; then echo -e -n "\n\nPlease select another shell.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear break else echo -e -n "\nPlease answer y or n.\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key fi done fi done echo -e -n "\n\nConfiguring AppArmor and setting it to enforce...\n" sed -i "/APPARMOR=/s/.*/APPARMOR=enforce/" /etc/default/apparmor sed -i "/#write-cache/s/^#//" /etc/apparmor/parser.conf sed -i "/#show_notifications/s/^#//" /etc/apparmor/notify.conf if [[ "$bootloader" == "EFISTUB" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "efistub" ]] ; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ apparmor=1 security=apparmor&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring kernel...\n\n" kernelver_pre=$(ls /lib/modules/) kernelver=$(echo ${kernelver_pre%.*}) xbps-reconfigure -f linux"$kernelver" elif [[ "$bootloader" == "GRUB2" ]] || [[ "$bootloader" == "grub2" ]] ; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ apparmor=1 security=apparmor&/" /etc/default/grub echo -e -n "\nUpdating grub...\n\n" update-grub fi echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring every package...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key echo xbps-reconfigure -fa echo -e -n "\nEverything's done, exiting chroot...\n\n" read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" key clear } initial_configuration install_bootloader create_swapfile install_additional_packages enable_disable_services create_user void_packages finish_chroot exit 0