# VoidLinuxInstaller script The **VoidLinuxInstaller script** is an attempt to make [my gist](https://gist.github.com/Le0xFF/ff0e3670c06def675bb6920fe8dd64a3) an interactive bash script. As stated in the gist, this script provides: - Full Disk Encryption (including `/boot`) with LUKS; - Logic Volume Management (LVM); - BTRFS as filesystem. - Trim on SSD; To know how the script works in details, please jump to the [How does it work?](#how-does-it-work) section! To know how to run the script, please jump to the [How to run it?](#how-to-run-it) section! This script comes from my need to automate my gist as much as I can, and also as a way to learn Bash scripting as well. *This is my first Bash script ever created so bugs, errors and really ugly code are expected!* I've tried this script a lot with virtual machines and following every step always brought me to a functional system, so there should be no problem from this point of view! Pull requests are absolutely welcome!
## How to run it? First update `xbps` package: ``` bash xbps-install -Sy xbps ``` then install `wget` or `curl` package: ``` bash # For wget xbps-install -Sy wget # For curl xbps-install -Sy curl ``` then download the needed file: ``` bash # For wget wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Le0xFF/VoidLinuxInstaller/main/vli.sh -O $HOME/vli.sh # For curl curl -o $HOME/vli.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Le0xFF/VoidLinuxInstaller/main/vli.sh ``` then make it executable: ``` bash chmod +x $HOME/vli.sh ``` and finally run it: ``` bash bash $HOME/vli.sh ```
## How does it work? Here is documented how the script works in details and what will ask to the user in each different step. It will: 1. prompt the user to eventually change their keyboard layout from a list of all the different available layouts. 2. check internet connection and eventually guide the user to connect to the internet; 3. wipe a user choosen drive and that drive will be the one also selected for partitioning; 4. partition a user choosen drive: - if the previous drive was not the right one, it will ask the user if they want to change it eventually; - check the [Suggested partition layout](#suggested-partition-layout) to follow the script workflow; 5. encrypt a user choosen partition for Full Disk Encryption: - it will ask for a mountpoint name, so that the encrypted partition will be mounted as `/dev/mapper/`; 6. ask the user if they want to apply Logical Volume Management to the previous encrypted partition, to have the flexibility to resize `/` and to add more space in the future without reformatting the whole system: - it will ask for a Volume Group name, so that will be mounted as `/dev/mapper/`; - it will ask for a Logical Volume name for **root** partition and its size will be the previously selected partition, so that will be mounted as `/dev/mapper/-`; - check the [Final partitioning result](#final-partitioning-result) to get an overview of what the outcome will be; 7. Formatting partitions to proper filesystems: - it will prompt user to select which partition to use as **boot** partition and to choose its label; it will be formatted as FAT32 and mounted as `/boot/efi`; - it will prompt user to select a label for the **root** logical volume, that will be formatted as BTRFS; 8. create BTRFS subvolumes with specific fstab mount options; if user wants to change them, please edit the script looking for `create_btrfs_subvolumes` function ([BTRFS mount options official documentation](https://btrfs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/btrfs-man5.html#mount-options)): - **BTRFS mounting options**: * `rw,noatime,discard=async,compress-force=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120` - **BTRFS subvolumes that will be created**: * `/@` * `/@home` * `/@snapshots` * `/var/cache/xbps` * `/var/tmp` * `/var/log` 9. install base system: - It will ask user to choose between `x86_64` and `x86_64-musl`; 10. chroot: * set *root* password and `/` permissions; * create proper `/etc/fstab` file; * generate random key to avoid typing password two times at boot; * create proper dracut configuration and initramfs; * install grub; * enable internet at first boot with NetworkManager. ### Suggested partition layout To have a smooth script workflow, the following is the suggested disk layout: - GPT as disk label type for UEFI systems, also because this script will only works on UEFI systems; - Less than 1 GB for `/boot/efi` as first partition, as EFI System type; - Rest of the disk for the Volume Group, where LVM will be applied, as second partition as Linux filesystem. Those two will be physical partition. You don't need to create a `/home` partition because BTRFS subvolumes will take care of that. ### Final partitioning result Following the script, at the very end your drive will end up being like the following: ``` bash /dev/nvme0n1 259:0 0 953,9G 0 disk ├─/dev/nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 1G 0 part /boot/efi └─/dev/nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 942,9G 0 part └─/dev/mapper/ 254:0 0 942,9G 0 crypt └─/dev/mapper/- 254:1 0 942,9G 0 lvm /.snapshots /home / ``` > Note: `/.snapshots` will be available after following the [Follow up for `@snapshots` subvolume](#follow-up-for-snapshots-subvolume) section.
## Follow up for `@snapshots` subvolume With this script, the `@snapshots` subvolume will be created, but not the `/.snapshots` folder. This is done to avoid stupid snapper issues when trying to create a configuration for `/`. So after installing `snapper` from Void Linux's repositories and after creating a configuration for `/`, you have to delete the subvolume that snapper will automatically create. After that create the `/.snapshots` folder and then uncomment the relative line from `/etc/fstab`: ``` bash # run these commands as root snapper -c root create-config / btrfs subvolume delete /.snapshots mkdir /.snapshots ## edit /etc/fstab uncommenting the line relative to @snapshots subvolume ## reboot ``` > Source: [Arch Wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Snapper#Configuration_of_snapper_and_mount_point)
## What to do if system breaks? In case anything will break, you will just have to delete the `@` subvolume, create it again and reinstall your distro. `/home` folder won't be affected in any way. In details, after booting a LiveCD, mount the encrypted partition: ``` bash cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p2 ``` Scan for Volume Groups and then enable the one you need: ``` bash vgscan vgchange -ay ``` Mount the true btrfs root by its subvol or by its subvolid: ``` bash # by subvol mount -o subvol=/ /dev/mapper/- /mnt # or by subvolid mount -o subvolid=0 /dev/mapper/- /mnt ``` After that if you do an `ls /mnt/` you will see all the subvolume previously created. Now you must delete **ONLY** the `@` subvolume and finally unmount `/mnt`: ``` bash btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/@ umount /mnt ``` You now have to reinstall Void Linux manually (the script is not programmed to help you this time). For this you can follow the [original gist](https://gist.github.com/Le0xFF/ff0e3670c06def675bb6920fe8dd64a3) and start again from *Mount partitions and create btrfs subvolumes* instruction, without creating the `@home` subvolume. When the package reconfiguration is finished, you have to create a user with the same name of the one you created before, possibly adding it to the same groups as before, but you can do it later too. **Don't add the `-m` flag or your original home folder will be destroyed**: ``` bash useradd -G wheel passwd ``` This is not necessary because adding the same user will automatically change the home folder permission, but just in case: ``` bash chown -R : /home/ ```
## How to add more space with a new drive with LVM > Probably the following could also be done from a running system, but maybe it's better to boot a LiveCD just in case. First a new physical drive must be added to the system. This drive in the following example will be called `/dev/sda`. After booting a LiveCD, mount the encrypted partition: ``` bash cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p2 ``` Scan for Volume Groups and then enable the one you need: ``` bash vgscan vgchange -ay ``` Scan for Logical Volumes and then enable the one you need: ``` bash lvscan lvchange -ay / ``` Then a new Physical Volume for the new drive must be created: ``` bash pvcreate /dev/sda ``` After that it must be added to the existing Logical Volume: ``` bash vgextend /dev/sda ``` Then the Logical Volume must be extended to cover the new free space: ``` bash lvm lvextend -l +100%FREE / ``` Finally also the BTRFS filesystem must be extended to cover all the free space; to do that, the BTRFS partition must be mounted: ``` bash mount -t btrfs /dev/mapper/- /mnt/ btrfs filesystem resize max /mnt/ ```
## Notes - To speed up decryption at boot you could lower the number of iteration for each key as described on the [Arch Wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GRUB/Tips_and_tricks#Speeding_up_LUKS_decryption_in_GRUB), but keep in mind that this comes with its own security concerns. - **I DON'T RECOMMEND FOLLOWING THIS, IT'S HERE ONLY AS REFERENCE:** * https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GRUB/Tips_and_tricks#Manual_configuration_of_core_image_for_early_boot * https://cryptsetup-team.pages.debian.net/cryptsetup/encrypted-boot.html#using-a-custom-keyboard-layout
## Resources > **[1]** https://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html > **[2]** https://gist.github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bff3af81eac27e210e1dc88ba660596e > **[3]** https://gist.github.com/gbrlsnchs/9c9dc55cd0beb26e141ee3ea59f26e21 > **[4]** https://unixsheikh.com/tutorials/real-full-disk-encryption-using-grub-on-void-linux-for-bios.html