#! /bin/bash # Author: Le0xFF # Script name: vli.sh # Github repo: https://github.com/Le0xFF/VoidLinuxInstaller # # Description: My first attempt at creating a bash script, trying to converting my gist into a bash script. Bugs are more than expected. # https://gist.github.com/Le0xFF/ff0e3670c06def675bb6920fe8dd64a3 # # Catch kill signals trap "kill_script" INT TERM QUIT # Variables ## Can be manually modified user_drive='' boot_partition='' root_partition='' boot_label='' root_label='' current_xkeyboard_layout='' user_keyboard_layout='' ## Better not change them drive_partition_selection='0' encryption_yn='n' luks_ot='' encrypted_name='' encrypted_partition='' lvm_yn='n' vg_name='' lv_root_name='' lvm_partition='' final_drive='' hdd_ssd='' # Constants regex_GPT="[Gg][Pp][Tt]" regex_YES="[Yy]" regex_NO="[Nn]" regex_BACK="[Bb][Aa][Cc][Kk]" regex_EFISTUB="[Ee][Ff][Ii][Ss][Tt][Uu][Bb]" regex_GRUB2="[Gg][Rr][Uu][Bb][2]" regex_ROOT="[Rr][Oo][Oo][Tt]" void_packages_repo="https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages.git" # Colours BLUE_LIGHT="\e[1;34m" BLUE_LIGHT_FIND="\033[1;34m" GREEN_DARK="\e[0;32m" GREEN_LIGHT="\e[1;32m" NORMAL="\e[0m" NORMAL_FIND="\033[0m" RED_LIGHT="\e[1;31m" BLACK_FG_WHITE_BG="\e[30;47m" # Functions function press_any_key_to_continue { echo -e -n "${BLACK_FG_WHITE_BG}[Press any key to continue...]${NORMAL}" read -n 1 -r _key } function kill_script { echo -e -n "\n\n${RED_LIGHT}Kill or quit signal captured.\nUnmonting what should have been mounted, cleaning and closing everything...${NORMAL}\n\n" if findmnt /mnt &>/dev/null; then umount --recursive /mnt fi if [[ "$lvm_yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$lvm_yn" == "Y" ]]; then lvchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" vgchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name" fi if [[ "$encryption_yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$encryption_yn" == "Y" ]]; then cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/"$encrypted_name" fi if [[ -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh ]]; then rm -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh fi echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Everything's done, quitting.${NORMAL}\n\n" exit 1 } function check_if_bash { if [[ "$(/bin/ps -p $$ | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}')" != "bash" ]]; then echo -e -n "Please run this script with bash shell: \"bash vli.sh\".\n" exit 1 fi } function check_if_run_as_root { if [[ "$UID" != "0" ]]; then echo -e -n "Please run this script as root.\n" exit 1 fi } function check_if_uefi { if ! grep efivar -q /proc/mounts; then if ! mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "Please run this script only on a UEFI system." exit 1 fi fi } function create_chroot_script { if [[ -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh ]]; then rm -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh fi cat >>"$HOME"/chroot.sh <<'EndOfChrootScript' #! /bin/bash # Variables bootloader_id='' bootloader='' newuser_yn='n' # Functions function press_any_key_to_continue { echo -e -n "${BLACK_FG_WHITE_BG}[Press any key to continue...]${NORMAL}" read -n 1 -r _key } # Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/voidlinux/comments/jlkv1j/xs_quick_install_tool_for_void_linux/ function xs { xpkg -a | fzf -m --preview 'xq {1}' --preview-window=right:66%:wrap | xargs -ro xi press_any_key_to_continue } function header_ic { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Initial configuration${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function initial_configuration { clear header_ic # Root password echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}root password${NORMAL}:\n" while true; do echo if passwd root; then break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue echo fi done echo -e -n "\nSetting root permissions...\n" chown root:root / chmod 755 / echo -e -n "\nEnabling wheel group to use sudo...\n" echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" >/etc/sudoers.d/10-wheel echo -e -n "\nExporting variables that will be used for fstab...\n" export LUKS_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$root_partition") export ROOT_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$final_drive") echo -e -n "\nWriting fstab...\n" sed -i '/tmpfs/d' /etc/fstab cat <>/etc/fstab # Root subvolume UUID=$ROOT_UUID / btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@ 0 1 # Home subvolume UUID=$ROOT_UUID /home btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@home 0 2 # Snapshots subvolume, uncomment the following line after creating a config for root [/] in snapper #UUID=$ROOT_UUID /.snapshots btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@snapshots 0 2 # Some applications don't like to have /var/log folders as read only. # Log folders, to allow booting snapshots with rd.live.overlay.overlayfs=1 UUID=$ROOT_UUID /var/log btrfs $BTRFS_OPT,subvol=@/var/log 0 2 # TMPfs tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0 EOF echo -e -n "\nEnabling internet service at first boot...\n" ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nAdding needed dracut configuration files...\n" echo -e "hostonly=yes\nhostonly_cmdline=yes" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/00-hostonly.conf echo -e "add_dracutmodules+=\" crypt btrfs lvm resume \"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/20-addmodules.conf echo -e "tmpdir=/tmp" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/30-tmpfs.conf echo -e -n "\nGenerating new dracut initramfs...\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo press_any_key_to_continue # Set timezone clear header_ic echo -e -n "\nSetting the ${BLUE_LIGHT}timezone${NORMAL} in /etc/rc.conf.\n" echo -e -n "\nPress any key to list all the timezones. Move with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r _key echo awk '/^Z/ { print $2 }; /^L/ { print $3 }' /usr/share/zoneinfo/tzdata.zi | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init while true; do echo -e -n "\nType the timezone you want to set and press [ENTER] (i.e. America/New_York): " read -r user_timezone if [[ ! -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/"$user_timezone" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else sed -i "/#TIMEZONE=/s|.*|TIMEZONE=\"$user_timezone\"|" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Timezone set to: $user_timezone.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break fi done # Set keyboard layout clear header_ic if [[ -n "$user_keyboard_layout" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_keyboard_layout${NORMAL} keyboard layout in /etc/rc.conf...\n" sed -i "/#KEYMAP=/s/.*/KEYMAP=\"$user_keyboard_layout\"/" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\nSetting keymap in dracut configuration and regenerating initramfs...\n\n" echo -e "i18n_vars=\"/etc/rc.conf:KEYMAP\"\ni18n_install_all=\"no\"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/i18n.conf press_any_key_to_continue echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo press_any_key_to_continue clear else echo -e -n "\nSetting ${BLUE_LIGHT}keyboard layout${NORMAL} in /etc/rc.conf.\n\nPress any key to list all the keyboard layouts.\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r _key echo find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/ -type f -iname "*.map.gz" -printf "${BLUE_LIGHT_FIND}%f\0${NORMAL_FIND}\n" | sed -e 's/\..*$//' | sort | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init while true; do echo -e -n "\nType the keyboard layout you want to set and press [ENTER]: " read -r user_keyboard_layout if [[ -z "$user_keyboard_layout" ]] || ! loadkeys "$user_keyboard_layout" 2>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else sed -i "/#KEYMAP=/s/.*/KEYMAP=\"$user_keyboard_layout\"/" /etc/rc.conf echo -e -n "\nKeyboard layout set to: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_keyboard_layout${NORMAL}.\n" echo -e -n "\nSetting keymap in dracut configuration and regenerating initramfs...\n\n" echo -e "i18n_vars=\"/etc/rc.conf:KEYMAP\"\ni18n_install_all=\"no\"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/i18n.conf press_any_key_to_continue echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly echo press_any_key_to_continue clear break fi done fi # Set hostname while true; do header_ic echo -e -n "\nSelect a ${BLUE_LIGHT}hostname${NORMAL} for your system: " read -r hostname if [[ -z "$hostname" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid hostname.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$hostname${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this the desired hostname? (y/n): " yn if [[ "$yn" == "y" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "Y" ]]; then set +o noclobber echo "$hostname" >/etc/hostname set -o noclobber echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Hostname successfully set.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 elif [[ "$yn" == "n" ]] || [[ "$yn" == "N" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another hostname.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done fi done # Set locales for x86_64 if [[ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]]; then header_ic echo -e -n "\nSetting the ${BLUE_LIGHT}locale${NORMAL} in /etc/default/libc-locales." echo -e -n "\n\nPress any key to print all the available locales.\n\nPlease remember the ${BLUE_LIGHT}line number${NORMAL} corresponding to the locale you want to enable.\n" echo -e -n "\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list." read -n 1 -r _key echo less --LINE-NUMBERS --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init /etc/default/libc-locales while true; do echo -e -n "\nPlease type the ${BLUE_LIGHT}line number${NORMAL} corresponding to the locale you want to enable and press [ENTER]: " read -r user_locale_line_number if [[ -z "$user_locale_line_number" ]] || [[ "$user_locale_line_number" -lt "11" ]] || [[ "$user_locale_line_number" -gt "499" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else while true; do user_locale_pre=$(sed -n "${user_locale_line_number}"p /etc/default/libc-locales) user_locale_uncommented=$(echo "${user_locale_pre//#/}") user_locale=$(echo "${user_locale_uncommented%%[[:space:]]*}") echo -e -n "\nYou choose line ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale_line_number${NORMAL} that cointains locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this correct? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then echo -e -n "\nUncommenting line ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale_line_number${NORMAL} that contains locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL}...\n" sed -i "$user_locale_line_number s/^#//" /etc/default/libc-locales echo -e -n "\nWriting locale ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_locale${NORMAL} to /etc/locale.conf...\n\n" sed -i "/LANG=/s/.*/LANG=$user_locale/" /etc/locale.conf press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another locale.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done fi done fi } function header_ib { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Bootloader installation${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function install_bootloader { while true; do if [[ "$luks_ot" == "2" ]]; then header_ib echo -e -n "\nLUKS version $luks_ot was previously selected.\n${BLUE_LIGHT}EFISTUB${NORMAL} will be used as bootloader.\n\n" bootloader="EFISTUB" press_any_key_to_continue echo else header_ib echo -e -n "\nSelect which ${BLUE_LIGHT}bootloader${NORMAL} do you want to use (EFISTUB, GRUB2): " read -r bootloader fi if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then echo -e -n "\nBootloader selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL}.\n" echo -e -n "\nMounting $boot_partition to /boot...\n" mkdir /TEMPBOOT cp -pr /boot/* /TEMPBOOT/ rm -rf /boot/* mount -o rw,noatime "$boot_partition" /boot cp -pr /TEMPBOOT/* /boot/ rm -rf /TEMPBOOT echo -e -n "\nSetting correct options in /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook...\n" sed -i "/MODIFY_EFI_ENTRIES=0/s/0/1/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4 rd.auto=1 rd.luks.name=$LUKS_UUID=$encrypted_name\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ rd.luks.allow-discards=$LUKS_UUID&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook fi elif { [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; } && { [[ $lvm_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; }; then sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4 rd.auto=1\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook else sed -i "/# OPTIONS=/s/.*/OPTIONS=\"loglevel=4\"/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook fi sed -i "/# DISK=/s|.*|DISK=\"\$(lsblk -pd -no pkname \$(findmnt -enr -o SOURCE -M /boot))\"|" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook sed -i "/# PART=/s_.*_PART=\"\$(lsblk -pd -no pkname \$(findmnt -enr -o SOURCE -M /boot) | grep --color=never -Eo \\\\\"[0-9]+\$\\\\\")\"_" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nModifying /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr to keep EFI entry after reboot...\n" sed -i "/efibootmgr -qo \$bootorder/s/^/#/" /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Keep in mind that to keep the new EFI entry after each reboot,${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}the last line of /etc/kernel.d/post-install/50-efibootmgr has been commented.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Probably you will have to comment the same line after each efibootmgr update.${NORMAL}\n\n" break elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then echo -e -n "\nBootloader selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL}.\n" # Fix kdfontop.c error # https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/fb/fbcon.rst sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ fbcon=nodefer&/" /etc/default/grub if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then echo -e -n "\nEnabling CRYPTODISK in GRUB...\n" echo -e -n "\nGRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y\n" >>/etc/default/grub sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.auto=1 rd.luks.name=$LUKS_UUID=$encrypted_name&/" /etc/default/grub if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.luks.allow-discards=$LUKS_UUID&/" /etc/default/grub fi elif { [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; } && { [[ $lvm_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; }; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ rd.auto=1&/" /etc/default/grub fi if ! grep -q efivar /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nMounting efivarfs...\n" mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ fi while true; do echo -e -n "\nSelect a ${BLUE_LIGHT}bootloader-id${NORMAL} that will be used for grub install: " read -r bootloader_id if [[ -z "$bootloader_id" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid bootloader-id.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader_id${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this the desired bootloader-id? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then echo -e -n "\nGenerating random key to avoid typing password twice at boot...\n\n" dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=/boot/volume.key echo -e -n "\nRandom key generated, unlocking the encrypted partition...\n\n" if ! cryptsetup luksAddKey "$root_partition" /boot/volume.key; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script else chmod 000 /boot/volume.key chmod -R g-rwx,o-rwx /boot echo -e -n "\nAdding random key to /etc/crypttab...\n" echo -e "\n$encrypted_name UUID=$LUKS_UUID /boot/volume.key luks\n" >>/etc/crypttab echo -e -n "\nAdding random key to dracut configuration files...\n" echo -e "install_items+=\" /boot/volume.key /etc/crypttab \"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/10-crypt.conf echo -e -n "\nGenerating new dracut initramfs...\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly fi fi echo -e -n "\nInstalling GRUB on ${BLUE_LIGHT}/boot/efi${NORMAL} partition with ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader_id${NORMAL} as bootloader-id...\n\n" mkdir -p /boot/efi mount -o rw,noatime "$boot_partition" /boot/efi/ grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --boot-directory=/boot --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id="$bootloader_id" --recheck echo -e -n "\nEnabling grub snapshot service at first boot...\n" ln -s /etc/sv/grub-btrfs /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ break 3 elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another bootloader-id.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done fi done else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done if [[ $lvm_yn =~ $regex_YES ]] && [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nEnabling SSD trim for LVM...\n" sed -i 's/issue_discards = 0/issue_discards = 1/' /etc/lvm/lvm.conf fi export UEFI_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "$boot_partition") echo -e -n "\nWriting EFI partition to /etc/fstab...\n" if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then echo -e "\n# EFI partition\nUUID=$UEFI_UUID /boot vfat defaults,noatime 0 2" >>/etc/fstab elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then echo -e "\n# EFI partition\nUUID=$UEFI_UUID /boot/efi vfat defaults,noatime 0 2" >>/etc/fstab fi echo -e -n "\nBootloader ${BLUE_LIGHT}$bootloader${NORMAL} successfully installed.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear header_ib if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then while true; do echo -e -n "\nDo you want to set ${BLUE_LIGHT}${user_keyboard_layout}${NORMAL} keyboard layout also for GRUB2? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then if [[ $lvm_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then root_line=$(echo -e -n "cryptomount -u ${LUKS_UUID//-/}\nset root=(lvm/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name")\n") else root_line="set root=(lvm/$vg_name-$lv_root_name)" fi else if [[ $encryption_yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then root_line=$(echo -e -n "cryptomount -u ${LUKS_UUID//-/}\nset root=(cryptouuid/${LUKS_UUID//-/})\n") else disk=$(blkid -s UUID -o value $final_drive) root_line=$(echo -e -n "search --no-floppy --fs-uuid $disk --set pre_root\nset root=(\\\$pre_root)\n") fi fi echo -e -n "\nCreating /etc/kernel.d/post-install/51-grub_ckb...\n" cat <>/etc/kernel.d/post-install/51-grub_ckb #! /bin/sh # # Create grubx64.efi containing custom keyboard layout # Requires: ckbcomp, grub2, xkeyboard-config # if [ ! -f /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/ORIG_grubx64.efi_ORIG ] ; then if [ ! -f /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi ] ; then echo -e -n "\nFIle /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi not found, install GRUB2 first!\n" exit 1 else mv /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/ORIG_grubx64.efi_ORIG fi fi for file in $user_keyboard_layout.gkb early-grub.cfg grubx64_ckb.efi memdisk_ckb.tar ; do if [ -f /boot/grub/\$file ] ; then rm -f /boot/grub/\$file fi done grub-kbdcomp --output=/boot/grub/$user_keyboard_layout.gkb $user_keyboard_layout 2> /dev/null tar --create --file=/boot/grub/memdisk_ckb.tar --directory=/boot/grub/ $user_keyboard_layout.gkb 2> /dev/null cat << EndOfGrubConf >> /boot/grub/early-grub.cfg set gfxpayload=keep loadfont=unicode terminal_output gfxterm terminal_input at_keyboard keymap (memdisk)/$user_keyboard_layout.gkb ${root_line}/@ set prefix=\\\$root/boot/grub configfile \\\$prefix/grub.cfg EndOfGrubConf grub-mkimage --config=/boot/grub/early-grub.cfg --output=/boot/grub/grubx64_ckb.efi --format=x86_64-efi --memdisk=/boot/grub/memdisk_ckb.tar diskfilter gcry_rijndael gcry_sha256 ext2 memdisk tar at_keyboard keylayouts configfile gzio part_gpt all_video efi_gop efi_uga video_bochs video_cirrus echo linux font gfxterm gettext gfxmenu help reboot terminal test search search_fs_file search_fs_uuid search_label cryptodisk luks lvm btrfs if [ -f /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi ] ; then rm -f /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi fi cp /boot/grub/grubx64_ckb.efi /boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id/grubx64.efi End chmod +x /etc/kernel.d/post-install/51-grub_ckb echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring kernel...\n\n" kernelver_pre=$(ls /lib/modules/) kernelver="${kernelver_pre%.*}" xbps-reconfigure -f linux"$kernelver" break elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done fi echo -e -n "\nConfiguring AppArmor and setting it to enforce...\n" sed -i "/APPARMOR=/s/.*/APPARMOR=enforce/" /etc/default/apparmor sed -i "/#write-cache/s/^#//" /etc/apparmor/parser.conf sed -i "/#show_notifications/s/^#//" /etc/apparmor/notify.conf if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ apparmor=1 security=apparmor&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring kernel...\n\n" kernelver_pre=$(ls /lib/modules/) kernelver=$(echo ${kernelver_pre%.*}) xbps-reconfigure -f linux"$kernelver" elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ apparmor=1 security=apparmor&/" /etc/default/grub echo -e -n "\nUpdating grub...\n\n" update-grub fi echo press_any_key_to_continue clear } function header_cs { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}SwapFile creation${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function create_swapfile { while true; do header_cs echo -e -n "\nDo you want to create a ${BLUE_LIGHT}swapfile${NORMAL} in ${BLUE_LIGHT}/var/swap/${NORMAL} btrfs subvolume?\nThis will also enable ${BLUE_LIGHT}zswap${NORMAL}, a cache in RAM for swap.\nA swapfile is needed if you plan to use hibernation (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then ram_size=$(free -g --si | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $2}') while true; do clear header_cs echo -e -n "\nYour system has ${BLUE_LIGHT}${ram_size}GB${NORMAL} of RAM.\n" echo -e -n "\nPress [ENTER] to create a swapfile of the same dimensions or choose the desired size in GB (numbers only): " read -r swap_size if [[ -z "$swap_size" ]] || [[ "$swap_size" -gt "0" ]]; then if [[ -z "$swap_size" ]]; then swap_size=$ram_size fi echo -e -n "\nA swapfile of ${BLUE_LIGHT}${swap_size}GB${NORMAL} will be created in ${BLUE_LIGHT}/var/swap/${NORMAL} btrfs subvolume...\n\n" btrfs subvolume create /var/swap btrfs filesystem mkswapfile /var/swap/swapfile --size "${swap_size}"G mkswap --label SwapFile /var/swap/swapfile swapon /var/swap/swapfile RESUME_OFFSET=$(btrfs inspect-internal map-swapfile -r /var/swap/swapfile) if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ resume=UUID=$ROOT_UUID resume_offset=$RESUME_OFFSET&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ resume=UUID=$ROOT_UUID resume_offset=$RESUME_OFFSET&/" /etc/default/grub fi echo -e "\n# SwapFile\n/var/swap/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab echo -e -n "\nEnabling zswap...\n" echo "add_drivers+=\" lz4hc lz4hc_compress z3fold \"" >>/etc/dracut.conf.d/40-add_zswap_drivers.conf echo -e -n "\nRegenerating dracut initramfs...\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue echo dracut --regenerate-all --force --hostonly if [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_EFISTUB ]]; then sed -i "/OPTIONS=/s/\"$/ zswap.enabled=1 zswap.max_pool_percent=25 zswap.compressor=lz4hc zswap.zpool=z3fold&/" /etc/default/efibootmgr-kernel-hook echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring kernel...\n\n" kernelver_pre=$(ls /lib/modules/) kernelver=$(echo ${kernelver_pre%.*}) xbps-reconfigure -f linux"$kernelver" elif [[ $bootloader =~ $regex_GRUB2 ]]; then sed -i "/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/s/\"$/ zswap.enabled=1 zswap.max_pool_percent=25 zswap.compressor=lz4hc zswap.zpool=z3fold&/" /etc/default/grub echo -e -n "\nUpdating grub...\n\n" update-grub fi swapoff --all echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Swapfile successfully created and zswap successfully enabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Swapfile will not be created.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done } function header_cu { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Create new users${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function create_user { while true; do header_cu echo -e -n "\nDo you want to ${BLUE_LIGHT}add${NORMAL} any ${BLUE_LIGHT}new user${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\nOnly non-root users can later configure Void Packages (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then while true; do clear header_cu echo -e -n "\nPlease select a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for your new user (i.e. MyNewUser): " read -r newuser if [[ -z "$newuser" ]] || [[ $newuser =~ $regex_ROOT ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue elif getent passwd "$newuser" &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}User ${newuser} already exists.\nPlease select another username.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else while true; do echo -e -n "\nIs username ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} okay? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, please select another name.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then echo -e -n "\nAdding new user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$newuser${NORMAL} and giving access to groups:\n" echo -e -n "kmem, wheel, tty, tape, daemon, floppy, disk, lp, dialout, audio, video," echo -e -n "\nutmp, cdrom, optical, mail, storage, scanner, kvm, input, plugdev, users.\n" useradd --create-home --groups kmem,wheel,tty,tape,daemon,floppy,disk,lp,dialout,audio,video,utmp,cdrom,optical,mail,storage,scanner,kvm,input,plugdev,users "$newuser" echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}User ${newuser} successfully created.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue newuser_yn="y" break 3 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then if [[ -z "$newuser_yn" ]]; then newuser_yn="n" fi clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done } function header_cup { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Change users password${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function change_user_password { while true; do header_cup echo -e -n "\nDo you want to change users ${BLUE_LIGHT}password${NORMAL}? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then clear while true; do header_cup echo -e -n "\nListing all users:\n" awk -F':' '{print $1}' /etc/passwd echo -e -n "\nPlease select a valid user: " read -r user_change_password if grep -qw "$user_change_password" /etc/passwd; then while true; do echo if passwd "$user_change_password"; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Password successfully changed for user ${user_change_password}.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break 3 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 fi done else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done } function header_cus { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Change user shell${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function change_user_shell { while true; do header_cup echo -e -n "\nDo you want to change users default ${BLUE_LIGHT}shell${NORMAL}? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then clear while true; do header_cup echo -e -n "\nListing all users found in /etc/passwd:\n" awk -F':' '{print $1}' /etc/passwd echo -e -n "\nPlease select a valid user: " read -r user_change_shell if grep -q "$user_change_shell" /etc/passwd; then clear header_cus echo -e -n "\nListing all the available shells:\n\n" chsh --list-shells echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}shell${NORMAL} do you want to set for user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_change_shell${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\nPlease enter the full shell path (i.e. /bin/sh): " read -r set_user_shell if [[ ! -x "$set_user_shell" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else echo if chsh --shell "$set_user_shell" "$user_change_shell"; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Default shell successfully changed.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi clear break 3 fi else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done } function header_up { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Uninstall package${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function uninstall_packages { while true; do header_up echo -e -n "\nDo you want to ${BLUE_LIGHT}uninstall${NORMAL} any package? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then clear while true; do header_up echo -e -n "\nListing all installed packages." echo -e -n "\nPress any key to continue and then press \"q\" to exit the list.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue xpkg -m | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init echo -e -n "\nPlease enter all the packages you want to uninstall separated by spaces: " read -r user_uninstall_packages if xbps-remove $user_uninstall_packages; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Packages were successfully uninstalled.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi clear break 2 done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done } function header_eds { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Enable/disable services${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function enable_disable_services { while true; do clear header_eds echo -e -n "\nDo you want to enable or disable any service?\n\n" select user_arch in Enable Disable back; do case "$user_arch" in Enable) clear header_eds echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that could be enabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/sv/ echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that are already enabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nWhich service do you want to enable? (i.e. NetworkManager || back): " read -r service_enabler if [[ $service_enabler =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break elif [[ ! -d /etc/sv/"$service_enabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Service $service_enabler does not exist.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break elif [[ -L /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_enabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Service $service_enabler already enabled.${NORMAL}.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break elif [[ -z "$service_enabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else echo -e -n "\nEnabling service ${BLUE_LIGHT}$service_enabler${NORMAL}...\n" if ln -s /etc/sv/"$service_enabler" /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Service successfully enabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi fi ;; Disable) clear header_eds echo -e -n "\nListing all the services that could be disabled...\n" ls --almost-all --color=always /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ echo -e -n "\nWhich service do you want to disable? (i.e. NetworkManager || back): " read -r service_disabler if [[ $service_disabler =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break elif [[ ! -L /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_disabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Service $service_disabler does not exist.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break elif [[ -z "$service_disabler" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else echo -e -n "\nDisabling service ${BLUE_LIGHT}$service_disabler${NORMAL}...\n" if rm -f /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/"$service_disabler"; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Service successfully enabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break fi fi ;; back) clear break 2 ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break ;; esac done done } function header_vp { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Configure Void Packages${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function void_packages { if ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; then if [[ "$newuser_yn" == "y" ]]; then while true; do header_vp echo -e -n "\nDo you want to clone a ${BLUE_LIGHT}Void Packages${NORMAL} repository to a specific folder for a specific non-root user? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then while true; do clear header_vp echo -e -n "\nPlease enter an existing ${BLUE_LIGHT}username${NORMAL} (back): " read -r void_packages_username if [[ $void_packages_username =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break elif [[ $void_packages_username =~ $regex_ROOT ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Root user cannot be used to configure Void Packages.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue elif ! getent passwd "$void_packages_username" &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}User $void_packages_username do not exists.${RED_LIGHT}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else while true; do clear header_vp echo -e -n "\nUser selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}full empty path${NORMAL} where you want to clone Void Packages." echo -e -n "\nThe script will create that folder and then clone Void Packages into it (i.e. /home/user/MyVoidPackages/ || back): " read -r void_packages_path if [[ $void_packages_path =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break elif [[ -z "$void_packages_path" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else while true; do if [[ ! -d "$void_packages_path" ]]; then if ! su - "$void_packages_username" --command "mkdir -p $void_packages_path 2> /dev/null"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}User $void_packages_username cannot create a folder in this directory.${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another path.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break fi else if [[ -n $(ls -A "$void_packages_path") ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Directory $void_packages_path${NORMAL} is not empty.\nPlease select another path.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break fi if [[ $(stat --dereference --format="%U" "$void_packages_path") != "$void_packages_username" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}User $void_packages_username doesn't have write permission in this directory.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e- n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another path.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break fi fi echo -e -n "\nPath selected: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_path${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nIs this correct? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, select another path.${NORMAL}\n\n" if [[ -z "$(ls -A $void_packages_path)" ]]; then rm -rf "$void_packages_path" fi press_any_key_to_continue clear break elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then while true; do echo -e -n "\nDo you want to specify a ${BLUE_LIGHT}custom public repository${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\nIf not, official repository will be used (y/n/back): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Official repository will be used.${NORMAL}\n" git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_repo" break elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_YES ]]; then while true; do echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter a public repository url and optionally a branch (i.e. https://github.com/MyPersonal/VoidPackages MyBranch): " read -r void_packages_custom_repo void_packages_custom_branch if [[ -z "$void_packages_custom_branch" ]]; then repo_check=$(GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git ls-remote "$void_packages_custom_repo" | wc -l) else repo_check=$(GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git ls-remote "$void_packages_custom_repo" "$void_packages_custom_branch" | wc -l) fi if [[ "$repo_check" != "0" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nCustom repository ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_custom_repo${NORMAL} will be used.\n" if [[ -z "$void_packages_custom_branch" ]]; then git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_custom_repo" else git_cmd="git clone $void_packages_custom_repo -b $void_packages_custom_branch" fi break 2 else echo -e -n "\n\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid public repository url.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_BACK ]]; then clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done echo -e -n "\nSwitching to user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}...\n\n" su --login --shell=/bin/bash --whitelist-environment=git_cmd,void_packages_path "$void_packages_username" <> "$void_packages_path"/etc/conf EOSU echo -e -n "\nLogging out user ${BLUE_LIGHT}$void_packages_username${NORMAL}...\n" echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Void Packages successfully cloned and configured.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 4 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done fi done fi done elif [[ $yn =~ $regex_NO ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done elif [[ "$newuser_yn" == "n" ]]; then header_vp echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please add at least one non-root user to configure additional Void Packages.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi else header_vp echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}No internet connection available.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi } function header_fc { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Final touches${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function finish_chroot { header_fc echo -e -n "\nReconfiguring every package...\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue echo xbps-reconfigure -fa echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Everything's done, exiting chroot...${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear } function chroot_shell { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot Bash Shell${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nType \"exit\" anytime to go back to chroot menu.\n\n" PS1="${GREEN_DARK}[${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}|${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}\w${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}]${NORMAL} # " /bin/bash } # Main function header_chroot_main { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Chroot${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Void Linux Installer Menu${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function chroot_main { while true; do header_chroot_main echo -e -n "\n1) Create users" echo -e -n "\n2) Change user password" echo -e -n "\n3) Change user default shell" echo echo -e -n "\n4) Change repository mirror" echo -e -n "\n5) Install additional packages" echo -e -n "\n6) Uninstall packages" echo -e -n "\n7) Configure Void Packages" echo echo -e -n "\n8) Enable/disable services" echo echo -e -n "\n9) Open /bin/bash shell" echo echo -e -n "\nq) ${RED_LIGHT}Finish last steps and quit chroot.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nUser selection: " read -r menu_selection case "${menu_selection}" in 1) clear create_user clear ;; 2) clear change_user_password clear ;; 3) clear change_user_shell clear ;; 4) clear xmirror clear ;; 5) clear xs clear ;; 6) clear uninstall_packages clear ;; 7) clear void_packages clear ;; 8) clear enable_disable_services clear ;; 9) clear chroot_shell clear ;; q) clear finish_chroot break ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear ;; esac done } initial_configuration install_bootloader create_swapfile chroot_main exit 0 EndOfChrootScript if [[ ! -f "$HOME"/chroot.sh ]]; then echo -e -n "Please run this script again to be sure that $HOME/chroot.sh script is created too." exit 1 fi chmod +x "$HOME"/chroot.sh } function intro { clear echo -e -n " ${GREEN_LIGHT}pQQQQQQQQQQQQppq${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}###${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Void Linux installer script${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}###${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_LIGHT}p Q${NORMAL} \n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_LIGHT}pppQppQppppQ Q${NORMAL} My first attempt at creating a bash script.\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{{{{{${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}p Q${NORMAL} Bugs and unicorns farts are expected.\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}dpppppp p Q${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}p p p Q${NORMAL} This script try to automate what my gist describes.\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}p Q p Q${NORMAL} Link to the gist: ${BLUE_LIGHT}https://gist.github.com/Le0xFF/ff0e3670c06def675bb6920fe8dd64a3${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}p Q p Q${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}ppppppQ p Q${NORMAL} This script will install Void Linux with BTRFS as filesystem and optionally:\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}ppppQ${NORMAL} LVM and Full Disk Encryption using LUKS1/2 and it will eventually enable trim on SSD.\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{ {{{{{{{{{{{{${NORMAL} To understand better what the script does, please look at the README: ${BLUE_LIGHT}https://github.com/Le0xFF/VoidLinuxInstaller${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{ {${NORMAL} \n" echo -e -n " ${GREEN_DARK}{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{${NORMAL} [Press any key to begin with the process...]\n" read -n 1 -r key clear } function header_skl { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Keyboard layout change${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function set_keyboard_layout { while true; do while true; do if [[ -n "${current_xkeyboard_layout}" ]] || [[ -n "${user_keyboard_layout}" ]]; then header_skl echo -e -n "\nYour current keyboard layout is ${BLUE_LIGHT}${current_xkeyboard_layout:-${user_keyboard_layout}}${NORMAL}, do you want to change it? (y/n/back): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then user_keyboard_layout="${current_xkeyboard_layout:-${user_keyboard_layout}}" echo -e -n "\nKeyboard layout won't be changed.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_BACK} ]]; then clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\nNot a valid input.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi else break fi done header_skl echo -e -n "\nThe keyboard layout will be also set configured for your future installed system.\n" echo -e -n "\nPress any key to list all the keyboard layouts.\nMove with arrow keys and press \"q\" to exit the list.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue echo find /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/ \ -type f \ -iname "*.map.gz" \ -printf "${BLUE_LIGHT_FIND}%f\0${NORMAL_FIND}\n" | sed -e 's/\..*$//' | sort | less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --no-init while true; do echo -e -n "\nType the keyboard layout you want to set and press [ENTER]: " read -r user_keyboard_layout if loadkeys "$user_keyboard_layout" 2>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\nKeyboad layout set to: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_keyboard_layout${NORMAL}.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid keyboard layout.${NORMAL}" fi done break done } function header_cti { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Setup internet connection${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function connect_to_internet { while true; do header_cti echo -e -n "\nDo you want to use wifi? (y/n/back): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if pgrep NetworkManager &>/dev/null; then echo ip --color=auto link show echo echo -e -n "Input you wifi interface name (i.e. wlp2s0): " read -r WIFI_INTERFACE echo -e -n "\nInput a preferred name to give to your internet connection: " read -r WIFI_NAME echo -e -n "Input your wifi SSID or BSSID: " read -r WIFI_SSID nmcli connection add type wifi con-name "${WIFI_NAME}" ifname "${WIFI_INTERFACE}" ssid "${WIFI_SSID}" nmcli connection modify "${WIFI_NAME}" wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk nmcli --ask connection up "${WIFI_NAME}" if ping -c 2 &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Successfully connected to the internet.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}No internet connection detected.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi else echo -e -n "\n\n${RED_LIGHT}Please be sure that NetworkManager is running.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then if ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Successfully connected to the internet.${NORMAL}\n\n" else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please check or connect your ethernet cable.${NORMAL}\n\n" fi press_any_key_to_continue clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_BACK} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done } function header_sd { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Destination drive${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function select_destination { if [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]] || { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]] && [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; } || { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]] && [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; }; then while true; do header_sd if [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPrinting all the connected drives:\n\n" lsblk -p echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}drive${NORMAL} do you want to select as ${BLUE_LIGHT}destination drive${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\nIt will be automatically selected as the drive to be formatted and partitioned." echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter the full drive path (i.e. /dev/sda || back): " read -r user_drive elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPrinting destination drive:\n\n" lsblk -p "${user_drive}" echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}partition${NORMAL} do you want to select as ${BLUE_LIGHT}EFI${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter the full partition path (i.e. /dev/sda1 || back): " read -r boot_partition elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPrinting destination drive:\n\n" lsblk -p "${user_drive}" echo -e -n "\nWhich ${BLUE_LIGHT}partition${NORMAL} do you want to select as ${BLUE_LIGHT}ROOT${NORMAL}?" echo -e -n "\n\nPlease enter the full partition path (i.e. /dev/sda2 || back): " read -r root_partition fi if [[ $user_drive =~ ${regex_BACK} ]] || [[ $boot_partition =~ ${regex_BACK} ]] || [[ $root_partition =~ ${regex_BACK} ]]; then clear break elif { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]] && [[ ! -b "$user_drive" ]]; } || { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]] && [[ ! -b "$boot_partition" ]]; } || { [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]] && [[ ! -b "$root_partition" ]]; }; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid destination.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else if [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nDrive selected as destination: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_drive${NORMAL}\n" elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nEFI partition selected as destination: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$boot_partition${NORMAL}\n" elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nROOT partition selected as destination: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$root_partition${NORMAL}\n" fi while true; do echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}DESTINATION WILL BE WIPED AND PARTITIONED, EVERY DATA INSIDE WILL BE LOST.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):${NORMAL} " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, select another destination.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "3" ]]; then if grep -q "$user_drive" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nDrive already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting every partition...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$user_drive" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nDrive unmounted successfully.\n" fi echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Correct drive selected.${NORMAL}\n\n" boot_partition='' root_partition='' elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "6" ]]; then if grep -q "$boot_partition" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nPartition already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting partition...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$boot_partition" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nPartition unmounted successfully.\n" fi echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Correct EFI partition selected.${NORMAL}\n\n" elif [[ "${drive_partition_selection}" == "7" ]]; then if grep -q "$root_partition" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nPartition already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting partition...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$root_partition" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nPartition unmounted successfully.\n" fi echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Correct ROOT partition selected.${NORMAL}\n\n" fi press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue echo fi done fi done else header_dw echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please first select a valid destination drive.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi } function header_dw { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Disk wiping${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function disk_wiping { if [[ ! -b "$user_drive" ]]; then header_dw echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid destination drive before wiping.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else while true; do header_dw echo -e -n "\nDrive selected for wiping: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_drive${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}THIS DRIVE WILL BE WIPED, EVERY DATA INSIDE WILL BE LOST.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):${NORMAL} " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, please select another destination drive.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if grep -q "$user_drive" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nDrive already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting every partition before wiping...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$user_drive" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nDrive unmounted successfully.\n" fi echo -e -n "\nWiping the drive...\n\n" if wipefs -a "$user_drive"; then sync echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Drive successfully wiped.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break fi else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done fi } function header_dp { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Disk partitioning${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function disk_partitioning { if [[ ! -b "$user_drive" ]]; then header_dp echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid destination drive before partitioning.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else while true; do clear header_dp echo -e -n "\nDrive previously selected for partitioning: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_drive${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Do you want to change it? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, please select another destination drive.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then if grep -q "$user_drive" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nDrive already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting every partition before partitioning...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$user_drive" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nDrive unmounted successfully.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi while true; do clear header_dp echo -e -n "\n${BLUE_LIGHT}Suggested disk layout${NORMAL}:" echo -e -n "\n- GPT as partition table for UEFI systems;" echo -e -n "\n- Less than 1 GB for /boot/efi as first partition [EFI System];" echo -e -n "\n- Rest of the disk for the partition that will be logically partitioned with LVM (/ and /home) [Linux filesystem]." echo -e -n "\n\nThose two will be physical partition.\nYou don't need to create a /home partition now because btrfs subvolumes will take care of that.\n" echo -e -n "\nDrive selected for partitioning: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_drive${NORMAL}\n\n" read -r -p "Which tool do you want to use? (fdisk/cfdisk/sfdisk): " tool case "$tool" in fdisk) fdisk "$user_drive" sync break ;; cfdisk) cfdisk "$user_drive" sync break ;; sfdisk) sfdisk "$user_drive" sync break ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select only one of the three suggested tools.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue ;; esac done while true; do if [[ $(fdisk -l "$user_drive" | grep Disklabel | awk '{print $3}') =~ ${regex_GPT} ]]; then clear header_dp echo lsblk -p "$user_drive" echo read -r -p "Is this the desired partition table? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Drive successfully partitioned.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please partition your drive again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi else user_drive='' clear header_dp echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please wipe destination drive again and select GPT as partition table.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 fi done else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done fi } function header_de { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Disk encryption${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function disk_encryption { if [[ ! -b "$root_partition" ]]; then header_de echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid ROOT partition before enabling Full Disk Encryption.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]] && [[ -b /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" ]]; then header_de echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}In this script is not allowed to encrypt a partition after using LVM.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then while true; do header_de echo -e -n "\nEncryption is already enabled for partition ${BLUE_LIGHT}$root_partition${NORMAL}." echo -e -n "\nDo you want to disable it? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/"${encrypted_name}"; then luks_ot='' encryption_yn='n' encrypted_partition='' echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Encryption will be disabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, please try again.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then while true; do header_de echo -e -n "\nDo you want to set up ${BLUE_LIGHT}Full Disk Encryption${NORMAL}? (y/n): " read -r encryption_yn if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then while true; do echo -e -n "\nDestination partition: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$root_partition${NORMAL}.\n" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}THIS PARTITION WILL BE FORMATTED AND ENCRYPTED, EVERY DATA INSIDE WILL BE LOST.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):${NORMAL} " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then encryption_yn='n' echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Aborting, please select another ROOT partition.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Correct partition selected.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear header_de echo -e -n "\nThe selected partition will now be encrypted with LUKS version 1 or 2.\n" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}LUKS version 1${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "- Can be used by both EFISTUB and GRUB2\n" echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}LUKS version 2${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "- Can be used only by EFISTUB and it will automatically be selected later.\n" echo -e -n " [GRUB2 LUKS version 2 support with encrypted /boot is still limited: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?55093].\n" while true; do echo -e -n "\nWhich LUKS version do you want to use? (1/2): " read -r luks_ot if [[ "$luks_ot" == "1" ]] || [[ "$luks_ot" == "2" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nUsing LUKS version ${BLUE_LIGHT}$luks_ot${NORMAL}.\n\n" if cryptsetup luksFormat --type=luks"$luks_ot" "$root_partition" --debug --verbose; then echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Partition successfully encrypted.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter 1 or 2.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done while true; do header_de echo -e -n "\nEnter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for the ${BLUE_LIGHT}encrypted partition${NORMAL} without any spaces (i.e. MyEncryptedLinuxPartition).\n" echo -e -n "\nThe name will be used to mount the encrypted partition to ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/[...]${NORMAL} : " read -r encrypted_name if [[ -z "$encrypted_name" ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a valid name.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$encrypted_name${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this the desired name? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\nPartition will now be mounted as: ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/$encrypted_name${NORMAL}\n\n" if ! cryptsetup open "$root_partition" "$encrypted_name"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script else encrypted_partition=/dev/mapper/"$encrypted_name" echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Encrypted partition successfully mounted.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another name.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done fi done break 2 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done fi fi fi } function header_lc { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Logical Volume Management${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function lvm_creation { if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]] && [[ ! -b "$root_partition" ]]; then header_lc echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select a valid ROOT partition before enabling LVM.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]] && [[ ! -b "$encrypted_partition" ]]; then header_lc echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please encrypt a valid ROOT partition before enabling LVM.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then while true; do header_de if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\nLVM is already enabled for partition ${BLUE_LIGHT}$encrypted_partition${NORMAL}." elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\nLVM is already enabled for partition ${BLUE_LIGHT}$root_partition${NORMAL}." fi echo -e -n "\nDo you want to disable it? (y/n): " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if lvchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" && vgchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"; then lvm_yn='n' lvm_partition='' echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}LVM will be disabled.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then while true; do header_lc echo -e -n "\nWith LVM will be easier in the future to add more space" echo -e -n "\nto the ROOT partition without formatting the whole system.\n" echo -e -n "\nDo you want to use ${BLUE_LIGHT}LVM${NORMAL}? (y/n): " read -r lvm_yn if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then clear while true; do header_lc echo -e -n "\nCreating logical partitions wih LVM.\n" echo -e -n "\nEnter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for the ${BLUE_LIGHT}Volume Group${NORMAL} without any spaces (i.e. MyLinuxVolumeGroup).\n" echo -e -n "\nThe name will be used to mount the Volume Group as: ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/[...]${NORMAL} : " read -r vg_name if [[ -z "$vg_name" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid name.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$vg_name${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this the desired name? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n\nVolume Group will now be created and mounted as: ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/$vg_name${NORMAL}\n\n" if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if ! vgcreate "$vg_name" "$encrypted_partition"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then if ! vgcreate "$vg_name" "$root_partition"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi fi echo press_any_key_to_continue clear break 2 elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another name${NORMAL}.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done fi done while true; do header_lc echo -e -n "\nEnter a ${BLUE_LIGHT}name${NORMAL} for the ${BLUE_LIGHT}Logical Volume${NORMAL} without any spaces (i.e. MyLinuxLogicVolume)." echo -e -n "\nIts size will be the entire partition previosly selected.\n" echo -e -n "\nThe name will be used to mount the Logical Volume as: ${BLUE_LIGHT}/dev/mapper/$vg_name-[...]${NORMAL} : " read -r lv_root_name if [[ -z "$lv_root_name" ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please enter a valid name.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else while true; do echo -e -n "\nYou entered: ${BLUE_LIGHT}$lv_root_name${NORMAL}.\n\n" read -r -p "Is this correct? (y/n): " yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "\nLogical Volume ${BLUE_LIGHT}$lv_root_name${NORMAL} will now be created.\n\n" if lvcreate --name "$lv_root_name" -l +100%FREE "$vg_name"; then echo read -n 1 -r -p "[Press any key to continue...]" _key lvm_partition=/dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" clear break 3 else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please select another name${NORMAL}.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi done fi done elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done fi fi } function header_al { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Filesystem labels${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function assign_labels { header_al echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a label for ${BLUE_LIGHT}EFI partition${NORMAL}: " read -r boot_label echo -e -n "\nPlease enter a label for ${BLUE_LIGHT}ROOT partition${NORMAL}: " read -r root_label } function detect_final_drive { if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then final_drive=$lvm_partition elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then final_drive=$encrypted_partition fi elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then final_drive=$lvm_partition elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then final_drive=$root_partition fi fi } function header_fcis { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}System creation${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function format_create_install_system { detect_final_drive if [[ -z "$final_drive" ]] || [[ -z "$boot_label" ]] || [[ -z "$root_label" ]]; then header_fcis echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Please complete at least steps 3, 6, 7 and 10 before installing the system.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear elif ! ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; then header_fcis echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Installation requires internet connection.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else if [[ "$boot_partition" == "$root_partition" ]]; then header_fcis echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}EFI and ROOT partitions must not be the same.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear else while true; do header_fcis echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}BY SELECTING YES, EVERYTHING WILL BE FORMATTED, EVERY DATA WILL BE LOST.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n):${NORMAL} " read -r yn if [[ $yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then clear break elif [[ $yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then # Format partition clear header_fcis echo -e -n "\nFormatting ${BLUE_LIGHT}EFI partition${NORMAL} as ${BLUE_LIGHT}FAT32${NORMAL}...\n\n" if grep -q "$boot_partition" /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "\nPartition already mounted.\nChanging directory to $HOME and unmounting it before formatting...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive "$(findmnt "$boot_partition" | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $1}')" echo -e -n "\nDrive unmounted successfully.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi if mkfs.vfat -n "$boot_label" -F 32 "$boot_partition"; then sync echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}EFI partition successfully formatted.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi clear header_fcis echo -e -n "\nRoot partition will be formatted as ${BLUE_LIGHT}BTRFS${NORMAL}...\n\n" if mkfs.btrfs --force -L "$root_label" "$final_drive"; then sync echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}ROOT partition successfully formatted.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, exiting...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi # Create BTRFS subvolumes clear header_fcis if [[ -n $(lsblk "$final_drive" --discard | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $3}') ]] && [[ -n $(lsblk "$final_drive" --discard | awk -F " " 'FNR == 2 {print $4}') ]]; then hdd_ssd=ssd else hdd_ssd=hdd fi echo -e -n "\nBTRFS subvolumes will now be created with following options:\n" echo -e -n "- rw\n" echo -e -n "- noatime\n" if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then echo -e -n "- discard=async\n" fi echo -e -n "- compress-force=zstd\n" echo -e -n "- space_cache=v2\n" echo -e -n "- commit=120\n" echo -e -n "\nSubvolumes that will be created:\n" echo -e -n "- /@\n" echo -e -n "- /@home\n" echo -e -n "- /@snapshots\n" echo -e -n "- /var/cache/xbps\n" echo -e -n "- /var/tmp\n" echo -e -n "- /var/log\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue if grep -q /mnt /proc/mounts; then echo -e -n "Everything mounted to /mnt will now be unmounted...\n" cd "$HOME" umount --recursive /mnt echo -e -n "\nDone.\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue fi echo -e -n "\nCreating BTRFS subvolumes and mounting them to /mnt...\n" if [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "ssd" ]]; then export BTRFS_OPT=rw,noatime,discard=async,compress-force=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 elif [[ "$hdd_ssd" == "hdd" ]]; then export BTRFS_OPT=rw,noatime,compress-force=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 fi mount -o "$BTRFS_OPT" "$final_drive" /mnt btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@ btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@home btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@snapshots umount /mnt mount -o "$BTRFS_OPT",subvol=@ "$final_drive" /mnt mkdir /mnt/home mount -o "$BTRFS_OPT",subvol=@home "$final_drive" /mnt/home/ mkdir -p /mnt/var/cache btrfs subvolume create /mnt/var/cache/xbps btrfs subvolume create /mnt/var/tmp btrfs subvolume create /mnt/var/log echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Done.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue # Install base system while true; do clear header_fcis echo -e -n "\nSelect which ${BLUE_LIGHT}architecture${NORMAL} do you want to use:\n\n" select user_arch in x86_64 x86_64-musl; do case "$user_arch" in x86_64) echo -e -n "\n${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_arch${NORMAL} selected.\n" ARCH="$user_arch" export REPO=https://repo-default.voidlinux.org/current break 2 ;; x86_64-musl) echo -e -n "\n${BLUE_LIGHT}$user_arch${NORMAL} selected.\n" ARCH="$user_arch" export REPO=https://repo-default.voidlinux.org/current/musl break 2 ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue break ;; esac done done echo -e -n "\nCopying RSA keys...\n" mkdir -p /mnt/var/db/xbps/keys cp /var/db/xbps/keys/* /mnt/var/db/xbps/keys/ echo -e -n "\nInstalling base system...\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue echo if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy xbps; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy -r /mnt -R "$REPO" base-system btrfs-progs cryptsetup grub-x86_64-efi \ efibootmgr lvm2 grub-btrfs grub-btrfs-runit NetworkManager bash-completion nano gcc apparmor git curl \ util-linux tar coreutils binutils xtools fzf xmirror plocate ictree xkeyboard-config ckbcomp void-repo-nonfree; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi if [[ "$XBPS_ARCH" == "x86_64" ]]; then if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy -r /mnt -R "$REPO" void-repo-multilib void-repo-multilib-nonfree; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi fi if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy -r /mnt -R "$REPO"; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi if [[ "$XBPS_ARCH" == "x86_64" ]] && grep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | grep --ignore-case "intel" &>/dev/null; then if ! XBPS_ARCH="$ARCH" xbps-install -Suvy -r /mnt -R "$REPO" intel-ucode; then echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Something went wrong, killing script...${NORMAL}\n\n" kill_script fi fi echo -e -n "\nMounting folders for chroot...\n" mount -t proc none /mnt/proc mount -t sysfs none /mnt/sys mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev mount --rbind /run /mnt/run mount --rbind /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /mnt/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ echo -e -n "\nCopying /etc/resolv.conf...\n" cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/ if cp -L /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* /mnt/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "\nCopying /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/...\n" fi # Chrooting echo -e -n "\nChrooting...\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue cp "$HOME"/chroot.sh /mnt/root/ BTRFS_OPT="$BTRFS_OPT" boot_partition="$boot_partition" encryption_yn="$encryption_yn" luks_ot="$luks_ot" root_partition="$root_partition" \ encrypted_name="$encrypted_name" lvm_yn="$lvm_yn" vg_name="$vg_name" lv_root_name="$lv_root_name" user_drive="$user_drive" final_drive="$final_drive" \ user_keyboard_layout="$user_keyboard_layout" hdd_ssd="$hdd_ssd" void_packages_repo="$void_packages_repo" ARCH="$ARCH" BLUE_LIGHT="$BLUE_LIGHT" \ BLUE_LIGHT_FIND="$BLUE_LIGHT_FIND" GREEN_DARK="$GREEN_DARK" GREEN_LIGHT="$GREEN_LIGHT" NORMAL="$NORMAL" NORMAL_FIND="$NORMAL_FIND" RED_LIGHT="$RED_LIGHT" BLACK_FG_WHITE_BG=$BLACK_FG_WHITE_BG regex_YES=$regex_YES regex_NO=$regex_NO regex_BACK=$regex_BACK regex_EFISTUB=$regex_EFISTUB regex_GRUB2=$regex_GRUB2 \ regex_ROOT=$regex_ROOT \ chroot /mnt/ /bin/bash "$HOME"/chroot.sh clear header_fcis echo -e -n "\nCleaning...\n" rm -f /mnt/root/chroot.sh echo -e -n "\nUnmounting partitions...\n\n" if findmnt /mnt &>/dev/null; then umount --recursive /mnt fi if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then lvchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name"-"$lv_root_name" vgchange -an /dev/mapper/"$vg_name" fi if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/"$encrypted_name" fi echo press_any_key_to_continue clear outro else echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear fi done fi fi } function outro { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI #${NORMAL} ${GREEN_LIGHT}Installation completed${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nAfter rebooting into the new installed system, be sure to:\n" echo -e -n "- If you plan yo use snapper, after installing it and creating a configuration for / [root],\n uncomment the line relative to /.snapshots folder\n" echo -e -n "\n${GREEN_LIGHT}Everything's done, goodbye.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear exit 0 } # Main function header_main { echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}# VLI # ${GREEN_LIGHT}Void Linux Installer Menu${NORMAL} ${GREEN_DARK}#${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "${GREEN_DARK}#######################################${NORMAL}\n" } function main { while true; do header_main echo -e -n "\n1) Set keyboard layout\t\t\t......\tKeyboard layout: " current_xkeyboard_layout=$(setxkbmap -query 2>/dev/null | grep layout | awk '{print $2}') if [[ -n "${current_xkeyboard_layout}" ]] || [[ -n "${user_keyboard_layout}" ]]; then echo -e -n "\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${current_xkeyboard_layout:-${user_keyboard_layout}}${NORMAL}" user_keyboard_layout="${current_xkeyboard_layout:-${user_keyboard_layout}}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n2) Set up internet connection\t\t......\tConnection status: " if ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\tconnected${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnot connected${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n3) Select destination drive\t\t......\tDrive selected: " if [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${user_drive}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n4) Wipe destination drive\t\t......\tDrive selected: " if [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${user_drive}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n5) Partition destination drive\t\t......\tDrive selected: " if [[ -b "$user_drive" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${user_drive}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n6) Select EFI partition\t\t\t......\tPartition selected: " if [[ -b "$boot_partition" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${boot_partition}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n7) Select ROOT partition\t\t......\tPartition selected: " if [[ -b "$root_partition" ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t${root_partition}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\tnone${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n8) Set up Full Disk Encryption\t\t......\tEncryption: " if [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t\tYES${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tEncrypted partition:\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${encrypted_partition}${NORMAL}" elif [[ $encryption_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\t\tNO${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tEncrypted partition:\t${RED_LIGHT}none${NORMAL}" fi echo -e -n "\n9) Set up Logical Volume Management\t......\tLVM: " if [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_YES} ]]; then echo -e -n "${GREEN_LIGHT}\t\t\tYES${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tLVM partition\t\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${lvm_partition}${NORMAL}" elif [[ $lvm_yn =~ ${regex_NO} ]]; then echo -e -n "${RED_LIGHT}\t\t\tNO${NORMAL}" echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tLVM partition:\t\t${RED_LIGHT}none${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n10) Set up partition labels: " if [[ -n $boot_label ]]; then echo -e -n "\t\t......\tEFI label\t\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${boot_label}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "\t\t......\tEFI label\t\t${RED_LIGHT}none${NORMAL}" fi if [[ -n $root_label ]]; then echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tROOT label\t\t${GREEN_LIGHT}${root_label}${NORMAL}" else echo -e -n "\n\t\t\t\t\t......\tROOT label\t\t${RED_LIGHT}none${NORMAL}" fi echo echo -e -n "\n11) Install base system and chroot inside" echo echo -e -n "\nx) ${RED_LIGHT}Quit and unmount everything.${NORMAL}\n" echo -e -n "\nUser selection: " read -r menu_selection case "${menu_selection}" in 1) clear set_keyboard_layout clear ;; 2) clear connect_to_internet clear ;; 3) clear drive_partition_selection='3' select_destination drive_partition_selection='0' clear ;; 4) clear disk_wiping clear ;; 5) clear disk_partitioning clear ;; 6) clear drive_partition_selection='6' select_destination drive_partition_selection='0' clear ;; 7) clear drive_partition_selection='7' select_destination drive_partition_selection='0' clear ;; 8) clear disk_encryption clear ;; 9) clear lvm_creation clear ;; 10) clear assign_labels clear ;; 11) clear format_create_install_system clear ;; x) kill_script ;; *) echo -e -n "\n${RED_LIGHT}Not a valid input.${NORMAL}\n\n" press_any_key_to_continue clear ;; esac done } check_if_bash check_if_run_as_root check_if_uefi create_chroot_script create_btrfs_map_physical_c intro main