Dashy has support for displaying dynamic content in the form of widgets. There are several built-in widgets available out-of-the-box as well as support for custom widgets to display stats from almost any service with an API.
**`timeZone`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The time zone to display date and time in.<br> Specified as Region/City, for example: `Australia/Melbourne`. See the [Time Zone DB](https://timezonedb.com/time-zones) for a full list of supported TZs. Defaults to the browser / device's local time
**`format`** | `string` | _Optional_ | A country code for displaying the date and time in local format.<br>Specified as `[ISO-3166]-[ISO-639]`, for example: `en-AU`. See [here](https://www.fincher.org/Utilities/CountryLanguageList.shtml) for a full list of locales. Defaults to the browser / device's region
**`hideDate`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, the date and city will not be shown. Defaults to `false`
**`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | Your OpenWeatherMap API key. You can get one for free at [openweathermap.org](https://openweathermap.org/)
**`city`** | `string` | Required | A city name to use for fetching weather. This can also be a state code or country code, following the ISO-3166 format
**`units`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The units to use for displaying data, can be either `metric` or `imperial`. Defaults to `metric`
**`hideDetails`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, the additional details (wind, humidity, pressure, etc) will not be shown. Defaults to `false`
Displays the weather (temperature and conditions) for the next few days for a given location. Note that this requires either the free [OpenWeatherMap Student Plan](https://home.openweathermap.org/students), or the Premium Plan.
**`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | Your OpenWeatherMap API key. You can get one for free at [openweathermap.org](https://openweathermap.org/)
**`city`** | `string` | Required | A city name to use for fetching weather. This can also be a state code or country code, following the ISO-3166 format
**`numDays`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The number of days to display of forecast info to display. Defaults to `4`, max `16` days
**`units`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The units to use for displaying data, can be either `metric` or `imperial`. Defaults to `metric`
**`hideDetails`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, the additional details (wind, humidity, pressure, etc) will not be shown. Defaults to `false`
**`assets`** | `string` | _Optional_ | An array of cryptocurrencies, coins and tokens. See [list of supported assets](https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/asset_platforms). If none are specified, then the top coins by `sortBy` (defaults to market cap) will be returned
**`currency`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The fiat currency to display price in, expressed as an ISO-4217 alpha code (see [list of currencies](https://www.iban.com/currency-codes)). Defaults to `USD`
**`sortBy`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The method of sorting results. Can be `marketCap`, `volume` or `alphabetical`. Defaults to `marketCap`.
**`limit`** | `number` | _Optional_ | Number of results to return, useful when no assets are specified. Defaults to either `all` or `100`
**`asset`** | `string` | Required | Name of a crypto asset, coin or token to fetch price data for, see [list of supported assets](https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/asset_platforms)
**`currency`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The fiat currency to display results in, expressed as an ISO-4217 alpha code (see [list of currencies](https://www.iban.com/currency-codes)). Defaults to `USD`
**`numDays`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The number of days of price history to render. Defaults to `7`, min: `1`, max: `30` days
**`chartColor`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Color of the chart value. Defaults to `--widget-text-color` which inherits dashboard primary color
**`chartHeight`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to `300`
**`rssUrl`** | `string` | Required | The URL location of your RSS feed
**`apiKey`** | `string` | _Optional_ | An API key for [rss2json](https://rss2json.com/). It's free, and will allow you to make 10,000 requests per day, you can sign up [here](https://rss2json.com/sign-up)
**`limit`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The number of posts to return. If you haven't specified an API key, this will be limited to 10
**`orderBy`** | `string` | _Optional_ | How results should be sorted. Can be either `pubDate`, `author` or `title`. Defaults to `pubDate`
**`orderDirection`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Order direction of feed items to return. Can be either `asc` or `desc`. Defaults to `desc`
Display your coding summary. [Code::Stats](https://codestats.net/) is a free and open source app that aggregates statistics about your programming activity. Dashy supports both the public instance, as well as self-hosted versions.
**`sortBy`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The sorting method. Can be either `publish-date`, `last-update` or `cve-code`. Defaults to `publish-date`
**`limit`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The number of results to fetch. Can be between `5` and `30`, defaults to `10`
**`minScore`** | `number` | _Optional_ | If set, will only display results with a CVE score higher than the number specified. Can be a number between `0` and `9.9`. By default, vulnerabilities of all CVE scores are shown
**`hasExploit`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, will only show results with active exploits. Defaults to `false`
**`vendorId`** | `number` | _Optional_ | Only show results from a specific vendor, specified by ID. See [Vendor Search](https://www.cvedetails.com/vendor-search.php) for list of vendors. E.g. `23` (Debian), `26` (Microsoft), `23682` (CloudFlare)
**`productId`** | `number` | _Optional_ | Only show results from a specific app or product, specified by ID. See [Product Search](https://www.cvedetails.com/product-search.php) for list of products. E.g. `13534` (Docker), `15913` (NextCloud), `19294` (Portainer), `17908` (ProtonMail)
Show recent scores and upcoming matches from your favourite sports team. Data is fetched from [TheSportsDB.com](https://www.thesportsdb.com/). From the UI, you can click any other team to view their scores and upcoming games, or click a league name to see all teams.
**`teamId`** | `string` | __Optional__ | The ID of a team to fetch scores from. You can search for your team on the [Teams Page](https://www.thesportsdb.com/teams_main.php)
**`leagueId`** | `string` | __Optional__ | Alternatively, provide a league ID to fetch all games from. You can find the ID on the [Leagues Page](https://www.thesportsdb.com/Sport/Leagues)
**`pastOrFuture`** | `string` | __Optional__ | Set to `past` to show scores for recent games, or `future` to show upcoming games. Defaults to `past`. You can change this within the UI
**`apiKey`** | `string` | __Optional__ | Optionally specify your API key, which you can sign up for at [TheSportsDB.com](https://www.thesportsdb.com/)
**`limit`** | `number` | __Optional__ | To limit output to a certain number of matches, defaults to `15`
**`inputCurrency`** | `string` | Required | The base currency to show results in. Specified as a 3-letter ISO-4217 code, see [here](https://www.exchangerate-api.com/docs/supported-currencies) for the full list of supported currencies, and their symbols
**`outputCurrencies`** | `array` | Required | List or currencies to show results for. Specified as a 3-letter ISO-4217 code, see [here](https://www.exchangerate-api.com/docs/supported-currencies) for the full list of supported currencies, and their symbols
**`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | API key for [exchangerate-api.com](https://www.exchangerate-api.com/), usually a 24-digit alpha-numeric string. You can sign up for a free account [here](https://app.exchangerate-api.com/sign-up)
##### Example
- type: exchange-rates
apiKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
inputCurrency: GBP
##### Info
- **CORS**: 🟢 Enabled
- **Auth**: 🔴 Required
- **Price**: 🟠 Free plan (upto 100,000 requests/ month)
Counting down to the next day off work? This widget displays upcoming public holidays for your country. Data is fetched from [Enrico](http://kayaposoft.com/enrico/)
**`country`** | `string` | Required | The region to fetch holiday data for, specified as a country code, e.g. `GB` or `US`
**`holidayType`** | `string` | __Optional__ | The type of holidays to fetch. Can be: `all`, `public_holiday`, `observance`, `school_holiday`, `other_day` or `extra_working_day`. Defaults to `public_holiday`
**`monthsToShow`** | `number` | __Optional__ | The number of months in advance to show. Min: `1`, max: `24`. Defaults to `12`
**`showAll`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | By default, details for lines with a Good Service are not visible, but you can click More Details to see all. Setting this option to `true` will show all lines on initial page load
**`sortAlphabetically`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | By default lines are sorted by current status, set this option to `true` to instead sort them alphabetically
**`linesToShow`** | `array` | _Optional_ | By default all lines are shown. If you're only interested in the status of a few lines, then pass in an array of lines to show, specified by name
**`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | API key for [Alpha Vantage](https://www.alphavantage.co/), you can get a free API key [here](https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key)
**`stock`** | `string` | Required | The stock symbol for the asset to fetch data for
**`priceTime`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The time to fetch price for. Can be `high`, `low`, `open` or `close`. Defaults to `high`
**`chartColor`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Color of the chart value. Defaults to `--widget-text-color` which inherits dashboard primary color
**`chartHeight`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to `300`
**`category`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Set the category of jokes to return. Use a string to specify a single category, or an array to pass in multiple options. Available options are: `all`, `programming`, `pun`, `dark`, `spooky`, `christmas` and `misc`. An up-to-date list of supported categories can be found [here](https://v2.jokeapi.dev/categories). Defaults to `all`
**`safeMode`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | Set to `true`, to prevent the fetching of any NSFW jokes. Defaults to `false`
**`language`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Specify the language for returned jokes. The following languages are supported: `en`, `cs`, `de`, `es`, `fr` and `pt`, and an up-to-date list of supported languages can be found [here](https://v2.jokeapi.dev/languages). By default, your system language will be used, if it's supported, otherwise English
Have a laugh with the daily comic from [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/). A classic webcomic website covering everything from Linux, math, romance, science and language. All fields are optional.
**`comic`** | `string / number` | _Optional_ | Choose which comic to display. Set to either `random`, `latest` or the series number of a specific comic, like `627`. Defaults to `latest`
**`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | Your API key for CurrentsAPI. This is free, and you can [get one here](https://currentsapi.services/en/register)
**`country`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Fetch news only from a certain country or region. Specified as a country code, e.g. `GB` or `US`. See [here](https://api.currentsapi.services/v1/available/regions) for a list of supported regions
**`category`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Only return news from within a given category, e.g. `sports`, `programming`, `world`, `science`. The [following categories](https://api.currentsapi.services/v1/available/categories) are supported
**`lang`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Specify the language for returned articles as a 2-digit ISO code (limited article support). The [following languages](https://api.currentsapi.services/v1/available/languages) are supported, defaults to `en`
**`count`** | `number` | _Optional_ | Limit the number of results. Can be between `1` and `200`, defaults to `10`
**`keywords`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Only return articles that contain an exact match within their title or description
Displays airport departure and arrival flights, using data from [AeroDataBox](https://www.aerodatabox.com/). Useful if you live near an airport and often wonder where the flight overhead is going to. Hover over a row for more flight data.
**`airport`** | `string` | Required | The airport to show flight data from. Should be specified as a 4-character ICAO-code, a full list of which can be found [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICAO_airport_code) (example: `KBJC` or `EGKK`)
**`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | A valid [RapidAPI](https://rapidapi.com/) Key, with [AeroDataBox](https://rapidapi.com/aerodatabox/api/aerodatabox/) enabled (check in your [Subscription Dashboard](https://rapidapi.com/developer/billing/subscriptions-and-usage)). This API is free to sign up for and use
**`limit`** | `number` | _Optional_ | For busy airports, you may wish to limit the number of results visible
**`direction`** | `string` | _Optional_ | By default, both departure and arrival flights will be fetched, if you would like to only show flights in one direction, set this to wither `departure` or `arrival`
Show the NASA Astronomy Pictore of the Day. Data is fetched from [APOD](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/) using [PawelPleskaczynski/apod_api](https://github.com/PawelPleskaczynski/apod_api).
Displays currently trending projects on GitHub. Optionally specify a language and time-frame. Data is fetched from [Lissy93/gh-trending-no-cors](https://github.com/Lissy93/gh-trending-no-cors) using the GitHub API. All fields are optional.
Display stats from your GitHub profile, using embedded cards from [anuraghazra/github-readme-stats](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats)
**`username`** | `string` | Required | The GitHub username to fetch info for. E.g. `lissy93`. (Not required if `hideProfileCard` and `hideLanguagesCard` are both set to `true`)
**`hideProfileCard`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, the users profile card will not be shown. Defaults to `false`
**`hideLanguagesCard`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to `true`, the users top languages card will not be shown. Defaults to `false`
**`repos`** | `array` | _Optional_ | If you'd like to also display stats for some GitHub reposotories, then add an array or repo names here. Specified as `[username]/[repo-name]`, e.g. `lissy93/dashy`
Often find yourself searching "What's my IP", just so you can check your VPN is still connected? This widget displays your public IP address, along with ISP name and approx location. Data is fetched from [IP-API.com](https://ip-api.com/).
**`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | A read-only API key for the project to monitor. You can generate this by selecting a Project --> Settings --> API Access. Note that you must generate a separate key for each project
**`host`** | `string` | _Optional_ | If you're self-hosting, or using any instance other than the official (healthchecks.io), you will need to specify the host address. E.g. `https://healthchecks.example.com` or `http://cron-monitoing.local`
**`host`** | `string` | Required | The URL to your NetData instance
**`chartHeight`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to `300`
**`chartColor`** / **`chartColors`** | `string` / `array`| _Optional_ | Color of the chart value(s) as hex codes. `chartColor` is a single value (defaults to `--widget-text-color`), whereas `chartColors` is an array of colors
**`host`** | `string` | Required | The URL to your NetData instance
**`chartHeight`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to `300`
**`chartColor`** / **`chartColors`** | `string` / `array`| _Optional_ | Color of the chart value(s) as hex codes. `chartColor` is a single value (defaults to `--widget-text-color`), whereas `chartColors` is an array of colors
**`host`** | `string` | Required | The URL to your NetData instance
**`chartHeight`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The height of rendered chart in px. Defaults to `300`
**`chartColor`** / **`chartColors`** | `string` / `array`| _Optional_ | Color of the chart value(s) as hex codes. `chartColor` is a single value (defaults to `--widget-text-color`), whereas `chartColors` is an array of colors
**`hostname`** | `string` | Required | The URL to your Pi-Hole instance
**`apiKey`** | `string` | Required | Your Pi-Hole web password. It is **NOT** your pi-hole admin interface or server password. It can be found in `/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf`, and is a 64-character located on the line that starts with `WEBPASSWORD`
**`count`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The number of queries to display. Defaults to `10`
**`url`** | `string` | Required | The URL to the webpage to embed
**`frameHeight`** | `number` | _Optional_ | If needed, specify height of iframe in `px`. E.g. `400`, defaults to auto
##### Example
- type: iframe
url: https://fiatleak.com/
### HTML Embedded Widget
Many websites and apps provide their own embeddable widgets. These can be used with Dashy using the Embed widget, which lets you dynamically embed and HTML, CSS or JavaScript contents.
⚠️ **NOTE:** Use with extreme caution. Embedding a script from an untrustworthy source may have serious unintended consequences.
Show live data from an RSS-enabled service. The only required parameter is `rssUrl`, which is the URL to the ATOM feed. See [RSS Widget](#rss-feed) for full list of available options.
Like items, widgets are placed under sections. You may have one or more widgets per section.
In your YAML config file, this will look something like:
- name: Today
icon: far fa-calendar-day
- type: clock
format: en-GB
- type: weather
apiKey: 6e29c7d514cf890f846d58178b6d418f
city: London
units: metric
> In this example, there is a single section, named "Today", using a Calendar icon from Font-Awesome. It has 2 widgets, a clock and the current weather.
### Continuous Updates
By default, a widget which displays dynamic data from an external source, will only fetch results on page load. If you would like to keep data updated at all times, you can enable **Continuous Updates**. This is done by setting a time value in the `updateInterval` field.
The value of `updateInterval` is optional, and is specified and seconds. It must be more than `10` and less than `7200`.
For example, the following widget displaying stats from Pi-Hole will update ever 20 seconds.
- type: pi-hole-stats
updateInterval: 20
Note that if you have many widgets, and set them to continuously update frequently, you will notice a hit to performance. A widget that relies on data from an external API, will also consume your usage quota faster, if set to keep updating.
### Widget Styling
Like elsewhere in Dashy, all colours can be easily modified with CSS variables.
Widgets use the following color variables, which can be overridden if desired:
-`--widget-text-color` - Text color, defaults to `--primary`
-`--widget-background-color` - Background color, defaults to `--background-darker`
-`--widget-accent-color` - Accent color, defaults to `--background`
For more info on how to apply custom variables, see the [Theming Docs](/docs/theming.md#setting-custom-css-in-the-ui)
If a widget fails to make a data request, and the console shows a CORS error, this means the server is blocking client-side requests.
Dashy has a built-in CORS proxy ([`services/cors-proxy.js`](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/blob/master/services/cors-proxy.js)), which will be used automatically by some widgets, or can be forced to use by other by setting the `useProxy` option.
For example:
- type: pi-hole-stats
useProxy: true
hostname: http://pi-hole.local
Alternativley, and more securley, you can set the auth headers on your service to accept requests from Dashy. For example:
Since most of the content displayed within widgets is fetched from an external API, unless that API supports multiple languages, translating dynamic content is not possible.
However, any hard-coded content is translatable, and all dates and times will display in your local format.
For more info about multi-language support, see the [Internationalization Docs](/docs/multi-language-support.md).
Widgets can be opened in full-page view, by clicking the Arrow icon (top-right). The URL in your address bar will also update, and visiting that web address will take you straight to the selected widget.
You can reload the data of any widget, by clicking the Refresh Data icon (also in top-right). This will only affect the widget where the action was triggered from.
All [config options](/docs/configuring.md#section) that can be applied to sections, can also be applied to widget sections. For example, to make a widget span multiple columns, set `displayData.cols: 2` within the parent section. You can collapse a widget (by clicking the section title), and collapse state will be saved locally.
Widgets cannot currently be edited through the UI. This feature is in development, and will be released soon. In the meantime, you can either use the JSON config editor, or use VS Code or SSH into your box to edit the conf.yml file directly.
For a full tutorial on creating your own widget, you can follow [this guide](/docs/development-guides.md#building-a-widget), or take a look at [here](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/commit/3da76ce2999f57f76a97454c0276301e39957b8e) for a code example.
Alternatively, for displaying simple data, you could also just use the either the [iframe](#iframe-widget), [embed](#html-embedded-widget), [Data Feed](#data-feed) or [API response](#api-response) widgets.
### Requesting a Widget
Suggestions for widget ideas are welcome. But there is no guarantee that I will build your widget idea.
You can suggest a widget [here](https://git.io/Jygo3), please star the repo before submitting a ticket.
Please only request widgets for services that:
- Have a publicly accessible API
- Are CORS and HTTPS enabled
- Are free to use, or have a free plan
- Allow for use in their Terms of Service
- Would be useful for other users
For services that are not officially supported, it is likely still possible to display data using either the [iframe](#iframe-widget), [embed](#html-embedded-widget) or [API response](#api-response) widgets. For more advanced features, like charts and action buttons, you could also build your own widget, using [this tutorial](/docs/development-guides.md#building-a-widget), it's fairly straight forward, and you can use an [existing widget](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/tree/master/src/components/Widgets) (or [this example](https://git.io/JygKI)) as a template.