const connect = require('connect'); const serveStatic = require('serve-static'); const util = require('util'); const dns = require('dns'); const os = require('os'); require('./src/utils/ConfigValidator'); const port = process.env.PORT || 80; /* eslint no-console: 0 */ const printWelcomeMessage = () => { getLocalIp().then(({ address }) => { const ip = address || 'localhost'; console.log(overComplicatedMessage(ip, port)); }); } const getLocalIp = () => { const dnsLookup = util.promisify(dns.lookup); return dnsLookup(os.hostname()); } const overComplicatedMessage = (ip, port) => { let msg = ''; const chars = { RESET: '\x1b[0m', CYAN: '\x1b[36m', GREEN: '\x1b[32m', BLUE: '\x1b[34m', UNDERLINE: '\033[4m', BOLD: '\033[1m', BR: '\n', }; const stars = (count) => new Array(count).fill('*').join(''); const line = (count) => new Array(count).fill('━').join(''); const blanks = (count) => new Array(count).fill(' ').join(''); if (process.env.IS_DOCKER) { const containerId = process.env.HOSTNAME || undefined; msg = `${chars.BLUE}${stars(91)}${chars.BR}${chars.RESET}` + `${chars.CYAN}${chars.BOLD}Welcome to Dashy! 🚀${chars.RESET}${chars.BR}` + `${chars.GREEN}Your new dashboard is now up and running ` + `${containerId ? `in container ID ${containerId}` : 'with Docker'}${chars.BR}` + `${chars.GREEN}After updating your config file, run ` + `'${chars.UNDERLINE}docker exec -it ${containerId || '[container-id]'} yarn build` + `${chars.RESET}${chars.GREEN}' to rebuild${chars.BR}` + `${chars.BLUE}${stars(91)}${chars.BR}${chars.RESET}`; } else { msg = `${chars.GREEN}┏${line(75)}┓${chars.BR}` + `┃ ${chars.CYAN}${chars.BOLD}Welcome to Dashy! 🚀${blanks(55)}${chars.GREEN}┃${chars.BR}` + `┃ ${chars.CYAN}Your new dashboard is now up and running at ${chars.UNDERLINE}` + `http://${ip}:${port}${chars.RESET}${blanks(20 - ip.length)}${chars.GREEN}┃${chars.BR}` + `┃ ${chars.CYAN}After updating your config file, run '${chars.UNDERLINE}yarn build` + `${chars.RESET}${chars.CYAN}' to rebuild the app${blanks(6)}${chars.GREEN}┃${chars.BR}` + `┗${line(75)}┛${chars.BR}${chars.BR}`; } return msg; } function send404(req, res) { // send your 404 here res.statusCode = 404 res.end('nothing here!') } try { connect() .use(serveStatic(`${__dirname}/dist`)) .use(serveStatic(`${__dirname}/public`, { index: 'default.html' })) .listen(port, () => { try { printWelcomeMessage(port); } catch (e) { console.log('Dashy is Starting...'); } }); } catch (error) { console.log('Sorry, an error occurred ', error); }