const fs = require('fs'); const { exec } = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); const crypto = require('crypto'); // Default location of config file in container const configFileName = '../public/conf.yml'; // Real path of config file in container const configFilePath = path.resolve(__dirname, configFileName); // Amount of time to ignore file after change detected const debounceTimeMs = 2000; // Store current timeout let timeout = null; // Store last hash of file let lastHash = null; /** * Calculate hash of file, used for de-bounce mechanism to * prevent successive updates if file content not changed */ const hashFileContent = (filePath) => { const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(content).digest('hex'); }; /** * Just logs a given message to terminal so user knows what's happening */ const logInfo = (message, msgLevel = 'OUTPUT') => { const RESET = '\x1b[0m'; let logLevels = {}; switch (msgLevel) { case 'ERROR': logLevels = { col: '\x1b[31m', func: console.error }; break; case 'WARNING': logLevels = { col: '\x1b[33m', func: console.warn }; break; case 'INFO': logLevels = { col: '\x1b[36m', func: }; break; case 'SUCCESS': logLevels = { col: '\x1b[32m', func: console.log }; break; default: logLevels = { col: RESET, func: console.log }; } logLevels.func(`${logLevels.col}\x1b[1m[${msgLevel}]${RESET} ${logLevels.col}${message}${RESET}\n`); }; // Log initial message to user logInfo(`When '${configFileName}' is updated, a rebuild will be triggered.\n`); /** * Code to be executed when a watch event is triggered * Will check correctly expected file and time frame, * then ensure the hash is different from last hash, * and then trigger -rebuild of frontend with yarn build * outputting the stdrout and stderr to user's terminal */ const watchAction = (eventType, filename) => { if (filename && eventType === 'change') { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => { const currentHash = hashFileContent(configFilePath); if (currentHash !== lastHash) { lastHash = currentHash; logInfo(`${filename} file Changed, running build...`); exec('yarn build', (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { logInfo(error, 'ERROR'); return; } logInfo(stdout); logInfo(stderr, 'WARNING'); logInfo('Build completed successfully.\n', 'SUCCESS'); }); } else { logInfo(`${filename} file Detected change, but content is the same. Skipping....`, 'WARNING'); } }, debounceTimeMs); } }; // Watch given config path, with the watch action function, watchAction);