mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 03:42:20 +03:00
Auto Publish new pages
@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ This is the main page that you will land on when you first launch the applicatio
### Workspace
The workspace view displays your links in a sidebar on the left-hand side, and apps are launched within Dashy. This enables you to use all of your self-hosted apps from one place, and makes multi-tasking easy.
In the workspace view, you can keep previously opened websites/ apps open in the background, by setting `appConfig.enableMultiTasking: true`. This comes at the cost of performance, but does mean that your session with each app is preserved, enabling you to quickly switch between your apps.
In the workspace view, you can opt to keep previously opened websites/ apps open in the background, by setting `appConfig.enableMultiTasking: true`. This comes at the cost of performance, but does mean that your session with each app is preserved, enabling you to quickly switch between your apps.
You can also specify a default app to be opened when you land on the workspace, by setting `appConfig.workspaceLandingUrl: https://app-to-open/`. If this app exists within your sections.items, then the corresponding section will also be expanded.
<p align="center">
<b>Example of Workspace View</b><br>
@ -82,8 +82,9 @@ Tips:
**`fontAwesomeKey`** | `string` | _Optional_ | If you have a font-awesome key, then you can use it here and make use of premium icons. It is a 10-digit alpha-numeric string from you're FA kit URL (e.g. `13014ae648`)
**`faviconApi`** | `enum` | _Optional_ | Only applicable if you are using favicons for item icons. Specifies which service to use to resolve favicons. Set to `local` to do this locally, without using an API. Services running locally will use this option always. Available options are: `local`, `faviconkit`, `google`, `clearbit`, `webmasterapi` and `allesedv`. Defaults to `faviconkit`. See [Icons](/docs/icons.md#favicons) for more info
**`auth`** | `object` | _Optional_ | All settings relating to user authentication. See [`auth`](#appconfigauth-optional)
**`layout`** | `enum` | _Optional_ | App layout, either `horizontal`, `vertical`, `auto` or `sidebar`. Defaults to `auto`. This specifies the layout and direction of how sections are positioned on the home screen. This can also be modified from the UI.
**`layout`** | `enum` | _Optional_ | Layout for homepage, either `horizontal`, `vertical` or `auto`. Defaults to `auto`. This specifies the layout and direction of how sections are positioned on the home screen. This can also be modified and overridden from the UI.
**`iconSize`** | `enum` | _Optional_ | The size of link items / icons. Can be either `small`, `medium,` or `large`. Defaults to `medium`. This can also be set directly from the UI.
**`colCount`** | `number` | _Optional_ | The number of columns of sections displayed on the homepage, using the default view. Should be in integer between `1` and `8`. Note that by default this is applied responsively, based on current screen size, and specifying a value here will override this behavior, which may not be desirable.
**`theme`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The default theme for first load (you can change this later from the UI)
**`cssThemes`** | `string[]` | _Optional_ | An array of custom theme names which can be used in the theme switcher dropdown
**`customColors`** | `object`| _Optional_ | Enables you to apply a custom color palette to any given theme. Use the theme name (lowercase) as the key, for an object including key-value-pairs, with the color variable name as keys, and 6-digit hex code as value. See [Theming](/docs/theming.md#modifying-theme-colors) for more info
@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ Tips:
**`customCss`** | `string` | _Optional_ | Raw CSS that will be applied to the page. This can also be set from the UI. Please minify it first.
**`hideComponents`** | `object` | _Optional_ | A list of key page components (header, footer, search, settings, etc) that are present by default, but can be removed using this option. See [`appConfig.hideComponents`](#appconfighideComponents-optional)
**`enableMultiTasking`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If set to true, will keep apps open in the background when in the workspace view. Useful for quickly switching between multiple sites, and preserving their state, but comes at the cost of performance.
**`workspaceLandingUrl`** | `string` | _Optional_ | The URL or an app, service or website to launch when the workspace view is opened, before another service has been launched
**`allowConfigEdit`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | Should prevent / allow the user to write configuration changes to the conf.yml from the UI. When set to `false`, the user can only apply changes locally using the config editor within the app, whereas if set to `true` then changes can be written to disk directly through the UI. Defaults to `true`. Note that if authentication is enabled, the user must be of type `admin` in order to apply changes globally.
**`enableErrorReporting`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | Enable reporting of unexpected errors and crashes. This is off by default, and **no data will ever be captured unless you explicitly enable it**. Turning on error reporting helps previously unknown bugs get discovered and fixed. Dashy uses [Sentry](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry) for error reporting. Defaults to `false`.
**`sentryDsn`** | `boolean` | _Optional_ | If you need to monitor errors in your instance, then you can use Sentry to collect and process bug reports. Sentry can be self-hosted, or used as SaaS, once your instance is setup, then all you need to do is pass in the DSN here, and enable error reporting. You can learn more on the [Sentry DSN Docs](https://docs.sentry.io/product/sentry-basics/dsn-explainer/). Note that this will only ever be used if `enableErrorReporting` is explicitly enabled.
@ -75,6 +75,13 @@
<sub><b>Dan Gilbert</b></sub>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/liss-bot">
<img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/87835202?v=4" width="80;" alt="liss-bot"/>
<br />
<sub><b>Alicia Bot</b></sub>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/BeginCI">
<img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/57495754?v=4" width="80;" alt="BeginCI"/>
@ -108,7 +115,7 @@
### Helpful Users
<!-- readme: EVOTk,shadowking001,lu4t,Robert-Ernst,Niklashere,evroon,MilesTEG1 -start -->
<!-- readme: EVOTk,shadowking001,jhelmink,Robert-Ernst,MilesTEG1,lu4t -start -->
<td align="center">
@ -126,10 +133,10 @@
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/turnrye">
<img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/701035?v=4" width="80;" alt="turnrye"/>
<a href="https://github.com/jhelmink">
<img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4581673?v=4" width="80;" alt="jhelmink"/>
<br />
<sub><b>Ryan Turner</b></sub>
<td align="center">
@ -147,14 +154,14 @@
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/niklashere">
<img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/32072214?v=4" width="80;" alt="niklashere"/>
<a href="https://github.com/lu4t">
<img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/29571529?v=4" width="80;" alt="lu4t"/>
<br />
<!-- readme: EVOTk,shadowking001,lu4t,Robert-Ernst,MilesTEG1,Niklashere -end -->
<!-- readme: EVOTk,shadowking001,jhelmink,Robert-Ernst,MilesTEG1,lu4t -end -->
### Bots
<!-- readme: liss-bot,snyk-bot,netlify,viezly,muse-dev,bots -start -->
@ -207,6 +214,12 @@
> The above section is auto-generated, using [contribute-list](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/contribute-list) by @akhilmhdh.
### Newest Stargazers
[![Recent Star Gazers](https://reporoster.com/stars/dark/Lissy93/dashy)](https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/stargazers)
[![Recent Forkers](https://reporoster.com/forks/dark/lissy93/dashy)](https://github.com/lissy93/dashy/network/members)
## Dependencies
@ -1,32 +1,56 @@
# Icons
Both sections and items can have an icon, which is specified using the `icon` attribute. Using icons improves the aesthetics of your UI and makes the app more intuitive to use. There are several options when it comes to setting icons, and this article outlines each of them
Both sections and items can have an icon, which is specified using the `icon` attribute. Using icons improves the aesthetics of your UI and makes the app more intuitive to use. Dashy supports multiple different icon providers, usage instructions for which are explained here.
- [Auto-Fetched Favicons](#favicons)
- [Font Awesome Icons](#font-awesome)
- [Simple Icons](#simple-icons)
- [Auto-Fetched Favicons](#favicons)
- [Generative Icons](#generative-icons)
- [Emoji Icons](#emoji-icons)
- [Home-Lab Icons](#home-lab-icons)
- [Icons by URL](#icons-by-url)
- [Local Icons](#local-icons)
- [Material Design Icons](#material-design-icons)
- [Material Icons](#material-design-icons)
- [No Icon](#no-icon)
<p align="center">
<img width="500" src="https://i.ibb.co/GTVmZnc/dashy-example-icons.png" />
Note that, if you are using icons from an external source (like font-awesome or material-design-icons), then the relevant font file will be loaded in automatically if and when needed, but combining icons from multiple services may have a negative impact on performance.
## Favicons
Dashy can auto-fetch an icon for a given service, using it's favicon. Just set `icon: favicon` to use this feature.
<p align="center">
<img width="580" src="https://i.ibb.co/k6wyhnB/favicon-icons.png" />
If the service is hosted under a local IP, then Dashy will attempt to find the favicon from `http://[ip]/favicon.ico`. This has two issues, favicons are not always hosted at the same location for every service, and often the default favicon is sometimes low resolution. Therefore for remote services, by default an API is used to return a high-quality icon for almost any online service.
The default favicon API is [Favicon Kit](https://faviconkit.com/), a free and reliable service for returning images from any given URL. However several other API's are supported. To change the API used, under `appConfig`, set `faviconApi` to one of the following values:
- `faviconkit` - [faviconkit.com](https://faviconkit.com/) (Recommend)
- `google` - Official Google favicon API service, good support for all sites, but poor quality
- `clearbit` - [Clearbit](https://clearbit.com/logo) returns high-quality logos from mainstream websites
- `webmasterapi` - [WebMasterAPI](https://www.webmasterapi.com/get-favicons)
- `allesedv` - [allesedv.com](https://favicon.allesedv.com/) is a highly efficient IPv6-enabled service
You can also force Dashy to always get favicons from the root of the domain, and not use an external service, by setting `appConfig.faviconApi` to `local`, although you may face the issue explained above.
To use a different favicon API for certain items, then set `icon: favicon-[api]`, e.g. `favicon-clearbit`
If for a given service none of the APIs work in your situation, and nor does local, then the best option is to find the path of the services logo or favicon, and set the icon to the URL of the raw image. For example, `icon: https://monitoring.local/faviconx128.png`- you can find this path using the browser dev tools.
## Font Awesome
You can use any [Font Awesome Icon](https://fontawesome.com/icons) simply by specifying it's identifier. This is in the format of `[category] [name]` and can be found on the page for any given icon on the Font Awesome site. For example: `fas fa-rocket`, `fab fa-monero` or `fas fa-unicorn`.
You can use any [Font Awesome Icon](https://fontawesome.com/icons) simply by specifying it's identifier. This is in the format of `[category] [name]` and can be found on the page for that icon on the Font Awesome site. For example: `fas fa-rocket`, `fab fa-monero` or `fas fa-unicorn`.
Font-Awesome has a wide variety of free icons, but you can also use their pro icons if you have a membership. To do so, you need to specify your license key under: `appConfig.fontAwesomeKey`. This is usually a 10-digit string, for example `13014ae648`.
<p align="center">
<img width="580" src="https://i.ibb.co/pdrw8J4/fontawesome-icons2.png" />
<img width="500" src="https://i.ibb.co/tMtwNYZ/fontawesome-icons3.png" />
@ -34,6 +58,10 @@ Font-Awesome has a wide variety of free icons, but you can also use their pro ic
## Simple Icons
[SimpleIcons.org](https://simpleicons.org/) is a collection of 2000+ high quality, free and open source brand and logo SVG icons. Usage of which is very similar to font-awesome icons. First find the glyph you want to use on the [website](https://simpleicons.org/), then just set your icon the the simple icon slug, prefixed with `si-`.
<p align="center">
<img width="580" src="https://i.ibb.co/MVhkXfC/simple-icons-example.png" />
For example:
@ -51,34 +79,11 @@ sections:
## Favicons
Dashy can auto-fetch the favicon for a given service using it's URL. Just set `icon: favicon` to use this feature. If the services URL is a local IP, then Dashy will attempt to find the favicon from `http://[ip]/favicon.ico`. This has two issues, favicons are not always hosted at the same location for every service, and often the default favicon is a low resolution. Therefore to fix this, for remote services an API is used to return a high-quality icon for any online service.
<p align="center">
<img width="580" src="https://i.ibb.co/k6wyhnB/favicon-icons.png" />
The default favicon API is [Favicon Kit](https://faviconkit.com/), a free and reliable service for returning images from any given URL. However several other API's are supported. To change the API used, under `appConfig`, set `faviconApi` to one of the following values:
- `faviconkit` - [faviconkit.com](https://faviconkit.com/) (Recommend)
- `google` - Official Google favicon API service, good support for all sites, but poor quality
- `clearbit` - [Clearbit](https://clearbit.com/logo) returns high-quality logos from mainstream websites
- `webmasterapi` - [WebMasterAPI](https://www.webmasterapi.com/get-favicons)
- `allesedv` - [allesedv.com](https://favicon.allesedv.com/) is a highly efficient IPv6-enabled service
You can also force Dashy to always get favicons from the root of the domain, and not use an external service, by setting `appConfig.faviconApi` to `local`.
To use a different favicon API for certain items, then set `icon: favicon-[api]`, e.g. `favicon-clearbit`
If for a given service none of the APIs work in your situation, and nor does local, then the best option is to find the path of the services logo or favicon, and set the icon to the URL of the raw image.
## Generative Icons
Uses a unique and programmatically generated icon for a given service. This is particularly useful when you have a lot of similar services with a different IP or port, and no specific icon. These icons are generated with [ipsicon.io](https://ipsicon.io/). To use this option, just set an item's to: `icon: generative`.
To uses a unique and programmatically generated icon for a given service just set `icon: generative`. This is particularly useful when you have a lot of similar services with a different IP or port, and no specific icon. These icons are generated with [DiceBear](https://avatars.dicebear.com/), and use a hash of the services domain/ ip for entropy, so each domain will always have the same icon.
<p align="center">
<img width="400" src="https://i.ibb.co/qrNNNcm/generative-icons.png" />
<img width="500" src="https://i.ibb.co/b2pC2CL/generative-icons-2.png" />
@ -94,15 +99,41 @@ For example, these will all render the same rocket (🚀) emoji: `icon: ':rocket
## Home-Lab Icons
The [dashboard-icons](https://github.com/WalkxCode/dashboard-icons) repo by [@WalkxCode](https://github.com/WalkxCode) provides a comprehensive collection of 360+ high-quality PNG icons for commonly self-hosted services. Dashy natively supports these icons, and you can use them just by specifying the icon name (without extension) preceded by `hl-`. See [here](https://github.com/WalkxCode/dashboard-icons/tree/master/png) for a full list of all available icons. Note that these are fetched and cached strait from GitHub, so if you require offline access, the [Local Icons](#local-icons) method may be a better option for you.
For example:
- name: Home Lab Icons Example
- title: AdGuard Home
icon: hl-adguardhome
- title: Long Horn
icon: hl-longhorn
- title: Nagios
icon: hl-nagios
- title: Whoogle Search
icon: hl-whooglesearch
<p align="center">
<img width="580" src="https://i.ibb.co/PQzYHmD/homelab-icons-2.png" />
## Icons by URL
You can also set an icon by passing in a valid URL pointing to the icons location. For example `icon: https://i.ibb.co/710B3Yc/space-invader-x256.png`, this can be in .png, .jpg or .svg format, and hosted anywhere- so long as it's accessible from where you are hosting Dashy. The icon will be automatically scaled to fit, however loading in a lot of large icons may have a negative impact on performance, especially if you visit Dashy from new devices often.
You can also set an icon by passing in a valid URL pointing to the icons location. For example `icon: https://i.ibb.co/710B3Yc/space-invader-x256.png`, this can be in .png, .jpg or .svg format, and hosted anywhere (local or remote) - so long as it's accessible from where you are hosting Dashy. The icon will be automatically scaled to fit, however loading in a lot of large icons may have a negative impact on performance, especially if you visit Dashy from new devices often.
## Local Icons
You may also want to store your icons locally, bundled within Dashy so that there is no reliance on outside services. This can be done by putting the icons within Dashy's `./public/item-icons/` directory. If you are using Docker, then the easiest option is to map a volume from your host system, for example: `-v /local/image/directory:/app/public/item-icons/`. To reference an icon stored locally, just specify it's name and extension. For example, if my icon was stored in `/app/public/item-icons/maltrail.png`, then I would just set `icon: maltrail.png`.
You can also use sub-folders within the `item-icons` directory to keep things organised. You would then specify an icon with it's folder name slash image name. For example: `networking/monit.png`
You can also use sub-folders within the `item-icons` directory to keep things organized. You would then specify an icon with it's folder name slash image name. For example: `networking/monit.png`
@ -127,3 +158,30 @@ sections:
## No Icon
If you don't wish for a given item or section to have an icon, just leave out the `icon` attribute.
## Icon Collections and Resources
The following websites provide good-quality, free icon sets. To use any of these icons, either copy the link to the raw icon (it should end in `.svg` or `.png`) and paste it as your `icon`, or download and save the icons in `/public/item-icons` / mapped Docker volume. Full credit to the authors, please see the licenses for each service for usage and copyright information.
- [Icons for Self-Hosted Apps](https://thehomelab.wiki/books/helpful-tools-resources/page/icons-for-self-hosted-dashboards) - 350+ high-quality icons for commonly self-hosted services
- [SVG Box](https://svgbox.net/iconsets/) - Cryptocurrency, social media apps and flag icons
- [Simple Icons](https://simpleicons.org/) - Free SVG brand icons, with easy API access
- [Material Design Icons](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/) - Hundreds of Open source PNG + SVG icons by Google
- [Icons8](https://icons8.com/icons) - Thousands of icons, all with free versions at 64x64
- [Flat Icon](https://www.flaticon.com/) - Wide variety of icon sets, most of which are free to use
- [SVG Repo](https://www.svgrepo.com/) - 300,000+ Vector Icons
If you are a student, then you can get free access to premium icons on [Icon Scout](https://education.github.com/pack/redeem/iconscout-student) or [Icons8](https://icons8.com/github-students) using the [GitHub Student Pack](https://education.github.com/pack).
## Notes
If you are using icons from an external source, these will be fetched on initial page load automatically, if and when needed. But combining icons from multiple services may have a negative impact on performance.
You can improve load speeds, by downloading your required icons, and serving them locally. Scaling icons to the minimum required dimensions (e.g. 128x128 or 64x64) will also greatly improve application load times.
For icons from external sources, please see the Privacy Policies and Licenses for that provider.
@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ If an item's icon is set to `favicon`, then it will be auto-fetched from the cor
The default favicon API is [Favicon Kit](https://faviconkit.com/), but this can be changed by setting `appConfig.faviconApi` to an alternate source (`google`, `clearbit`, `webmasterapi` and `allesedv` are supported). If you do not want to use any API, then you can set this property to `local`, and the favicon will be fetched from the default path. For hosted services, this will still incur an external request.
### Generative Icons
If an item has the icon set to `generative`, then an external request it made to [Dice Bear](https://dicebear.com/) to fetch the uniquely generated icon. The URL of a given service is used as the key for generating the icon, but it is first hashed and encoded for basic privacy. For more info, please reference the [Dicebear Privacy Policy](https://avatars.dicebear.com/legal/privacy-policy)
### Other Icons
Section icons, item icons and app icons are able to accept a URL to a raw image, if the image is hosted online then an external request will be made. To avoid the need to make external requests for icon assets, you can either use a self-hosted CDN, or store your images within `./public/item-icons` (which can be mounted as a volume if you're using Docker).
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ If you get an error, like `Service Unavailable: Server resulted in a fatal error
Currently, the status check needs a page to be rendered, so if this URL in your browser does not return anything, then status checks will not work. This may be modified in the future, but in the meantime, a fix would be to make your own status service, which just checks if your app responds with whatever code you'd like, and then return a 200 plus renders an arbitrary message. Then just point `statusCheckUrl` to your custom page.
For further troubleshooting, use an application like [Postman](https://postman.com) to diagnose the issue. Set the parameter to `GET`, and then make a call to: `https://[url-of-dashy]/ping/?&url=[service-url]`. Where the service URL must have first been encoded (e.g. with `encodeURIComponent()` or [urlencoder.io](https://www.urlencoder.io/))
For further troubleshooting, use an application like [Postman](https://postman.com) to diagnose the issue. Set the parameter to `GET`, and then make a call to: `https://[url-of-dashy]/status-check/?&url=[service-url]`. Where the service URL must have first been encoded (e.g. with `encodeURIComponent()` or [urlencoder.io](https://www.urlencoder.io/))
If you're serving Dashy though a CDN, instead of using the Node server or Docker image, then the Node endpoint that makes requests will not be available to you, and all requests will fail. A workaround for this may be implemented in the future, but in the meantime, your only option is to use the Docker or Node deployment method.
## How it Works
When the app is loaded, if `appConfig.statusCheck: true` is set, or if any items have the `statusCheck: true` enabled, then Dashy will make a request, to `https://[your-host-name]/ping?url=[address-or-servce]` (may al include GET params for headers and the secure flag), which in turn will ping that running service, and respond with a status code. Response time is calculated from the difference between start and end time of the request.
When the app is loaded, if `appConfig.statusCheck: true` is set, or if any items have the `statusCheck: true` enabled, then Dashy will make a request, to `https://[your-host-name]/status-check?url=[address-or-servce]` (may al include GET params for headers and the secure flag), which in turn will ping that running service, and respond with a status code. Response time is calculated from the difference between start and end time of the request.
When the response completes, an indicator will display next to each item. The color denotes the status: Yellow while waiting for the response to return, green if request was successful, red if it failed, and grey if it was unable to make the request all together.
@ -154,6 +154,6 @@ If you get an error, like `Service Unavailable: Server resulted in a fatal error
Currently, the status check needs a page to be rendered, so if this URL in your browser does not return anything, then status checks will not work. This may be modified in the future, but in the meantime, a fix would be to make your own status service, which just checks if your app responds with whatever code you'd like, and then return a 200 plus renders an arbitrary message. Then just point `statusCheckUrl` to your custom page.
For further troubleshooting, use an application like [Postman](https://postman.com) to diagnose the issue. Set the parameter to `GET`, and then make a call to: `https://[url-of-dashy]/ping/?&url=[service-url]`. Where the service URL must have first been encoded (e.g. with `encodeURIComponent()` or [urlencoder.io](https://www.urlencoder.io/))
For further troubleshooting, use an application like [Postman](https://postman.com) to diagnose the issue. Set the parameter to `GET`, and then make a call to: `https://[url-of-dashy]/status-check/?&url=[service-url]`. Where the service URL must have first been encoded (e.g. with `encodeURIComponent()` or [urlencoder.io](https://www.urlencoder.io/))
If you're serving Dashy though a CDN, instead of using the Node server or Docker image, then the Node endpoint that makes requests will not be available to you, and all requests will fail. A workaround for this may be implemented in the future, but in the meantime, your only option is to use the Docker or Node deployment method.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user