Improve custom field generators, add Gen1, Gen1_

This commit is contained in:
Lysxia 2018-05-29 21:00:10 -04:00
parent 69902e582c
commit 32c39bc69a
4 changed files with 114 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ instance Arbitrary R where
arbitrary = genericArbitrarySingleG gens
gens =
(Field . pack . filter isAlphaNum <$> scale (* 5) arbitrary
:: Gen (Field "id_" Text)) :@
(pack . filter (/= '\NUL') <$> arbitrary) :@
(FieldGen (pack . filter isAlphaNum <$> scale (* 5) arbitrary)
:: FieldGen "id_" Text) :+
(pack . filter (/= '\NUL') <$> arbitrary) :+
shrink = genericShrink

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Control.Monad
import GHC.Generics
@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ data MyType
| ThreeThings (Maybe Integer) [()] (Bool -> Word)
deriving (Show, Generic)
custom :: GenList '[Maybe Integer]
custom = (Just <$> arbitrary) :@ Nil
custom :: Gen (Maybe Integer) :+ ()
custom = (Just <$> arbitrary) :+ ()
instance Arbitrary MyType where
arbitrary :: Gen MyType

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@ -42,16 +42,23 @@ module Generic.Random
, Sizing (..)
, setSized
, setUnsized
, GenList (..)
, (:+) (..)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
, Field (..)
, field
, FieldGen (..)
, fieldGen
, Gen1 (..)
, Gen1_ (..)
, setGenerators
-- * Public classes
, GArbitrary
, GUniformWeight
-- * Helpful combinators
, listOf'
, listOf1'
, vectorOf'
) where
import Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ import GHC.Generics hiding (S)
import GHC.Generics hiding (S, Arity)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, Nat, Symbol, type (+), natVal)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, choose, scale)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, choose, scale, sized, vectorOf)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
#define Type *
@ -107,8 +109,8 @@ genericArbitraryRec = genericArbitraryWith sizedOpts
-- (i.e., either @a@ or @'Field' "x" a@), the generator for the first
-- match will be picked.
:: (GArbitrary (SetGens g UnsizedOpts) a)
=> GenList g
:: (GArbitrary (SetGens genList UnsizedOpts) a)
=> genList
-> Weights a
-> Gen a
genericArbitraryG gs = genericArbitraryWith opts
@ -118,24 +120,24 @@ genericArbitraryG gs = genericArbitraryWith opts
-- | 'genericArbitraryU' with explicit generators.
-- See also 'genericArbitraryG'.
:: (GArbitrary (SetGens g UnsizedOpts) a, GUniformWeight a)
=> GenList g
:: (GArbitrary (SetGens genList UnsizedOpts) a, GUniformWeight a)
=> genList
-> Gen a
genericArbitraryUG gs = genericArbitraryG gs uniform
-- | 'genericArbitrarySingle' with explicit generators.
-- See also 'genericArbitraryG'.
:: (GArbitrary (SetGens g UnsizedOpts) a, Weights_ (Rep a) ~ L c0)
=> GenList g
:: (GArbitrary (SetGens genList UnsizedOpts) a, Weights_ (Rep a) ~ L c0)
=> genList
-> Gen a
genericArbitrarySingleG = genericArbitraryUG
-- | 'genericArbitraryRec' with explicit generators.
-- See also 'genericArbitraryG'.
:: (GArbitrary (SetGens g SizedOpts) a)
=> GenList g
:: (GArbitrary (SetGens genList SizedOpts) a)
=> genList
-> Weights a -- ^ List of weights for every constructor
-> Gen a
genericArbitraryRecG gs = genericArbitraryWith opts
@ -270,22 +272,22 @@ instance UniformWeight_ (Rep a) => GUniformWeight a
-- | Type-level options for 'GArbitrary'.
newtype Options (s :: Sizing) (g :: [Type]) = Options
{ _generators :: GenList g
newtype Options (s :: Sizing) (genList :: Type) = Options
{ _generators :: genList
unsizedOpts :: UnsizedOpts
unsizedOpts = Options Nil
unsizedOpts = Options ()
sizedOpts :: SizedOpts
sizedOpts = Options Nil
sizedOpts = Options ()
-- | Whether to decrease the size parameter before generating fields.
data Sizing = Sized | Unsized
type UnsizedOpts = (Options 'Unsized '[] :: Type)
type SizedOpts = (Options 'Sized '[] :: Type)
type UnsizedOpts = (Options 'Unsized () :: Type)
type SizedOpts = (Options 'Sized () :: Type)
type family SizingOf opts :: Sizing
type instance SizingOf (Options s _g) = s
@ -300,40 +302,81 @@ setUnsized :: Options s g -> Options 'Unsized g
setUnsized = coerce
-- | Heterogeneous list of generators.
data GenList (g :: [Type]) where
Nil :: GenList '[]
(:@) :: Gen a -> GenList g -> GenList (a ': g)
data a :+ b = a :+ b
infixr 3 :@
infixr 1 :+
type family GeneratorsOf opts :: [Type]
type family GeneratorsOf opts :: Type
type instance GeneratorsOf (Options _s g) = g
class HasGenerators opts where
generators :: opts -> GenList (GeneratorsOf opts)
generators :: opts -> GeneratorsOf opts
instance HasGenerators (Options s g) where
generators = _generators
setGenerators :: GenList g -> Options s g0 -> Options s g
setGenerators :: genList -> Options s g0 -> Options s genList
setGenerators gens (Options _) = Options gens
type family SetGens (g :: [Type]) opts
type family SetGens (g :: Type) opts
type instance SetGens g (Options s _g) = Options s g
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
-- | A marker for a generator which overrides a specific field
-- named @s@.
-- | A generator which overrides a specific field named @s@.
-- /Available only for @base >= 4.9@./
newtype Field (s :: Symbol) a = Field { unField :: a }
newtype FieldGen (s :: Symbol) a = FieldGen { unFieldGen :: Gen a }
-- | 'Field' constructor with the field name given via a proxy.
field :: proxy s -> a -> Field s a
field _ = Field
fieldGen :: proxy s -> Gen a -> FieldGen s a
fieldGen _ = FieldGen
-- | Generators for containers of kind @* -> *@, parameterized by
-- the generator for each element.
newtype Gen1 f = Gen1 { unGen1 :: forall a. Gen a -> Gen (f a) }
-- | Generators for unary type constructors that are not containers.
newtype Gen1_ f = Gen1_ { unGen1_ :: forall a. Gen (f a) }
-- | An alternative to 'vectorOf' that divides the size parameter by the
-- length of the list.
vectorOf' :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
vectorOf' 0 = \_ -> pure []
vectorOf' i = scale (`div` i) . vectorOf i
-- | An alternative to 'listOf' that divides the size parameter by the
-- length of the list.
-- The length follows a geometric distribution of parameter
-- @1/(sqrt size + 1)@.
listOf' :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
listOf' g = sized $ \n -> do
i <- geom n
vectorOf' i g
-- | An alternative to 'listOf1' (nonempty lists) that divides the size
-- parameter by the length of the list.
-- The length (minus one) follows a geometric distribution of parameter
-- @1/(sqrt size + 1)@.
listOf1' :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
listOf1' g = liftA2 (:) g (listOf' g)
-- | Geometric distribution of parameter @1/(sqrt n + 1)@ (@n >= 0@).
geom :: Int -> Gen Int
geom 0 = pure 0
geom n = go 0 where
n' = fromIntegral n
p = 1 / (sqrt n' + 1) :: Double
go r = do
x <- choose (0, 1)
if x < p then
pure r
go $! (r + 1)
-- | Generic Arbitrary
class GA opts f where
@ -405,10 +448,15 @@ instance GAProduct' opts U1 where
gaProduct' _ = pure U1
{-# INLINE gaProduct' #-}
instance (HasGenerators opts, ArbitraryOr (GeneratorsOf opts) (SelectorName d) c)
( HasGenerators opts
, ArbitraryOr gs gs (SelectorName d) c
, gs ~ GeneratorsOf opts )
=> GAProduct' opts (S1 d (K1 i c)) where
gaProduct' opts = fmap (M1 . K1) (arbitraryOr sel (generators opts))
where sel = Proxy :: Proxy (SelectorName d)
gaProduct' opts = fmap (M1 . K1) (arbitraryOr sel gs gs)
sel = Proxy :: Proxy (SelectorName d)
gs = generators opts
{-# INLINE gaProduct' #-}
instance (GAProduct' opts f, GAProduct' opts g) => GAProduct' opts (f :*: g) where
@ -422,32 +470,39 @@ type family Arity f :: Nat where
Arity (M1 _i _c _f) = 1
class ArbitraryOr (g :: [Type]) (sel :: Maybe Symbol) a where
arbitraryOr :: proxy sel -> GenList g -> Gen a
class ArbitraryOr (fullGenList :: Type) (genList :: Type) (sel :: Maybe Symbol) a where
arbitraryOr :: proxy sel -> fullGenList -> genList -> Gen a
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} ArbitraryOr (a ': g) sel a where
arbitraryOr _ (gen :@ _) = gen
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} ArbitraryOr fg (Gen a :+ g) sel a where
arbitraryOr _ _ (gen :+ _) = gen
{-# INLINE arbitraryOr #-}
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ArbitraryOr g sel a => ArbitraryOr (b ': g) sel a where
arbitraryOr sel (_ :@ gens) = arbitraryOr sel gens
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ArbitraryOr fg g sel a => ArbitraryOr fg (b :+ g) sel a where
arbitraryOr sel fg (_ :+ gens) = arbitraryOr sel fg gens
{-# INLINE arbitraryOr #-}
instance Arbitrary a => ArbitraryOr '[] sel a where
arbitraryOr _ _ = arbitrary
instance Arbitrary a => ArbitraryOr fg () sel a where
arbitraryOr _ _ _ = arbitrary
{-# INLINE arbitraryOr #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} ArbitraryOr (Field n a ': g) ('Just n) a where
arbitraryOr _ (gen :@ _) = coerce gen
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} ArbitraryOr fg (FieldGen n a :+ g) ('Just n) a where
arbitraryOr _ _ (FieldGen gen :+ _) = gen
{-# INLINE arbitraryOr #-}
type family SelectorName (d :: Meta) :: Maybe Symbol
type instance SelectorName (MetaSel mn su ss ds) = mn
type instance SelectorName ('MetaSel mn su ss ds) = mn
type SelectorName d = (Nothing :: Maybe Symbol)
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} ArbitraryOr fg (Gen1_ f :+ g) sel (f a) where
arbitraryOr _ _ (Gen1_ gen :+ _) = gen
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} ArbitraryOr fg fg 'Nothing a
=> ArbitraryOr fg (Gen1 f :+ g) sel (f a) where
arbitraryOr _ fg (Gen1 gen :+ _) = gen (arbitraryOr noSel fg fg)
where noSel = Proxy :: Proxy 'Nothing
newtype Weighted a = Weighted (Maybe (Int -> Gen a, Int))
deriving Functor