Remove Types module

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lyxia 2017-04-29 13:33:42 -04:00
parent 5d6878b430
commit 392a7babb5

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@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Generic.Random.Internal.Types where
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Data
import Data.Function
import Test.QuickCheck
data SomeData m where
SomeData :: Data a => m a -> SomeData m
type SomeData' = SomeData Proxy
-- | Dummy instance for debugging.
instance Show (SomeData m) where
show _ = "SomeData"
data Alias m where
Alias :: (Data a, Data b) => !(m a -> m b) -> Alias m
type AliasR m = Alias (RejectT m)
-- | Dummy instance for debugging.
instance Show (Alias m) where
show _ = "Alias"
-- | Main constructor for 'Alias'.
alias :: (Monad m, Data a, Data b) => (a -> m b) -> Alias m
alias = Alias . (=<<)
-- | Main constructor for 'AliasR'.
aliasR :: (Monad m, Data a, Data b) => (a -> m b) -> AliasR m
aliasR = Alias . (=<<) . fmap lift
-- | > coerceAlias :: Alias m -> Alias (AMonadRandom m)
coerceAlias :: Coercible m n => Alias m -> Alias n
coerceAlias = coerce
-- | > coerceAliases :: [Alias m] -> [Alias (AMonadRandom m)]
coerceAliases :: Coercible m n => [Alias m] -> [Alias n]
coerceAliases = coerce
-- | > composeCast f g = f . g
composeCastM :: forall a b c d m
. (Typeable b, Typeable c)
=> (m c -> d) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> d)
composeCastM f g | Just Refl <- eqT :: Maybe (b :~: c) = f . g
composeCastM _ _ = castError ([] :: [b]) ([] :: [c])
castM :: forall a b m
. (Typeable a, Typeable b)
=> m a -> m b
castM a | Just Refl <- eqT :: Maybe (a :~: b) = a
castM a = let x = castError a x in x
unSomeData :: Typeable a => SomeData m -> m a
unSomeData (SomeData a) = castM a
applyCast :: (Typeable a, Data b) => (m a -> m b) -> SomeData m -> SomeData m
applyCast f = SomeData . f . unSomeData
castError :: (Typeable a, Typeable b)
=> proxy a -> proxy' b -> c
castError a b = error $ unlines
[ "Error trying to cast"
, " " ++ show (typeRep a)
, "to"
, " " ++ show (typeRep b)
withProxy :: (a -> b) -> proxy a -> b
withProxy f _ =
f (error "This should not be evaluated\n")
reproxy :: proxy a -> Proxy a
reproxy _ = Proxy
proxyType :: m a -> proxy a -> m a
proxyType = const
someData' :: Data a => proxy a -> SomeData'
someData' = SomeData . reproxy
-- | Size as the number of constructors.
type Size = Int
-- | Internal transformer for rejection sampling.
-- > ReaderT Size (StateT Size (MaybeT m)) a
newtype RejectT m a = RejectT
{ unRejectT :: forall r. Size -> Size -> m r -> (Size -> a -> m r) -> m r
instance Functor (RejectT m) where
fmap f (RejectT go) = RejectT $ \maxSize size retry cont ->
go maxSize size retry $ \size a -> cont size (f a)
instance Applicative (RejectT m) where
pure a = RejectT $ \_maxSize size _retry cont ->
cont size a
RejectT f <*> RejectT x = RejectT $ \maxSize size retry cont ->
f maxSize size retry $ \size f_ ->
x maxSize size retry $ \size x_ ->
cont size (f_ x_)
instance Monad (RejectT m) where
RejectT x >>= f = RejectT $ \maxSize size retry cont ->
x maxSize size retry $ \size x_ ->
unRejectT (f x_) maxSize size retry cont
instance MonadTrans RejectT where
lift m = RejectT $ \_maxSize size _retry cont ->
m >>= cont size
-- | Set lower bound
runRejectT :: Monad m => (Size, Size) -> RejectT m a -> m a
runRejectT (minSize, maxSize) (RejectT m) = fix $ \go ->
m maxSize 0 go $ \size a ->
if size < minSize then
return a
--runRejectT (minSize, maxSize) (RejectT m) = fix $ \go -> do
-- x' <- runMaybeT (m `runReaderT` maxSize `runStateT` 0)
-- case x' of
-- Just (x, size) | size >= minSize -> return x
-- _ -> go
newtype AMonadRandom m a = AMonadRandom
{ asMonadRandom :: m a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadTrans AMonadRandom where
lift = AMonadRandom
-- ** Dictionaries
-- | @'MonadRandomLike' m@ defines basic components to build generators,
-- allowing the implementation to remain abstract over both the
-- 'Test.QuickCheck.Gen' type and 'MonadRandom' instances.
-- For the latter, the wrapper 'AMonadRandom' is provided to avoid
-- overlapping instances.
class Monad m => MonadRandomLike m where
-- | Called for every constructor. Counter for ceiled rejection sampling.
incr :: m ()
incr = return ()
-- | @doubleR upperBound@: generates values in @[0, upperBound]@.
doubleR :: Double -> m Double
-- | @integerR upperBound@: generates values in @[0, upperBound-1]@.
integerR :: Integer -> m Integer
-- | Default @Int@ generator.
int :: m Int
-- | Default @Double@ generator.
double :: m Double
-- | Default @Char@ generator.
char :: m Char
instance MonadRandomLike Gen where
doubleR x = choose (0, x)
integerR x = choose (0, x-1)
int = arbitrary
double = arbitrary
char = arbitrary
instance MonadRandomLike m => MonadRandomLike (RejectT m) where
incr = RejectT $ \maxSize size retry cont ->
if size >= maxSize then
cont (size + 1) ()
doubleR = lift . doubleR
integerR = lift . integerR
int = lift int
double = lift double
char = lift char
instance MonadRandom m => MonadRandomLike (AMonadRandom m) where
doubleR x = lift $ getRandomR (0, x)
integerR x = lift $ getRandomR (0, x-1)
int = lift getRandom
double = lift getRandom
char = lift getRandom