doc: document compatibility layer for parsec

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Mesabloo 2022-01-02 17:07:23 +01:00
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commit 6577b3e2b5
2 changed files with 93 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ module Error.Diagnose
-- ** Compatibility layers for popular parsing libraries
-- $compatibility_layers
-- *** megaparsec >= 9.0.0 ("Error.Diagnose.Compat.Megaparsec")
-- $compatibility_megaparsec
-- *** parsec >= ("Error.Diagnose.Compat.Parsec")
-- $compatibility_parsec
-- *** Common errors
-- $compatibility_errors
-- * Re-exports
module Export ) where
@ -123,7 +132,7 @@ import Error.Diagnose.Diagnostic as Export
Here are two examples of the same diagnostic, the first output with unicode characters, and the second output with ASCII characters:
> [error]: Error with one marker in bounds
> 🢒 test.zc@1:25-1:30
> test.zc@1:25-1:30
> 1 let id<a>(x : a) : a := x + 1
@ -179,49 +188,95 @@ import Error.Diagnose.Diagnostic as Export
This is where compatibility layers come in handy.
As of now, there are compatibility layers for these libraries:
- @megaparsec >=9@, in the module "Error.Diagnose.Compat.Megaparsec". This needs the flag @diagnose:megaparsec-compat@ to be enabled.
{- $compatibility_megaparsec
Using the compatibility layer is very easy, as it is designed to be as simple as possible.
One simply needs to convert the 'Text.Megaparsec.ParseErrorBundle' which is returned by running a parser into a 'Diagnostic' by using 'Error.Diagnose.Compat.Megaparsec.diagnosticFromBundle'.
Several wrappers are included for easy creation of kinds (error, warning) of diagnostics.
This needs the flag @diagnose:megaparsec-compat@ to be enabled.
Note that the returned diagnostic does not include file contents, which needs to be added manually afterwards.
Using the compatibility layer is very easy, as it is designed to be as simple as possible.
One simply needs to convert the 'Text.Megaparsec.ParseErrorBundle' which is returned by running a parser into a 'Diagnostic' by using 'Error.Diagnose.Compat.Megaparsec.diagnosticFromBundle'.
Several wrappers are included for easy creation of kinds (error, warning) of diagnostics.
As a quick example:
__Note:__ the returned diagnostic does not include file contents, which needs to be added manually afterwards.
> import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
> import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MP
> import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as MP
> let filename = "<interactive>"
> content = "00000a2223266"
> let myParser = MP.some MP.decimal <* MP.eof
> let res = MP.runParser myParser filename content
> case res of
> Left bundle ->
> let diag = errorDiagnosticFromBundle "Parse error on input" Nothing bundle
> -- Creates a new diagnostic with no default hints from the bundle returned by megaparsec
> diag' = addFile diag filename content
> -- Add the file used when parsing with the same filename given to 'MP.runParser'
> in printDiagnostic stderr True True diag'
> Right res -> print res
As a quick example:
This example will return the following error message (assuming default instances for @'Error.Diagnose.Compat.Megaparsec.HasHints' 'Data.Void.Void' msg@):
> import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
> import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MP
> import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as MP
> let filename = "<interactive>"
> content = "00000a2223266"
> let myParser = MP.some MP.decimal <* MP.eof
> let res = MP.runParser myParser filename content
> case res of
> Left bundle ->
> let diag = errorDiagnosticFromBundle "Parse error on input" Nothing bundle
> -- Creates a new diagnostic with no default hints from the bundle returned by megaparsec
> diag' = addFile diag filename content
> -- Add the file used when parsing with the same filename given to 'MP.runParser'
> in printDiagnostic stderr True True diag'
> Right res -> print res
> [error]: Parse error on input
> <interactive>@1:6-1:7
> 1 00000a2223266
> unexpected 'a'
> expecting digit, end of input, or integer
This example will return the following error message (assuming default instances for @'Error.Diagnose.Compat.Megaparsec.HasHints' 'Data.Void.Void' msg@):
=== Common errors:
> [error]: Parse error on input
> <interactive>@1:6-1:7
> 1 00000a2223266
> unexpected 'a'
> expecting digit, end of input, or integer
{- $compatibility_parsec
This needs the flag @diagnose:parsec-compat@ to be enabled.
This compatibility layer allows easily converting 'Text.Parsec.Error.ParseError's into a single-report diagnostic containing all available information such
as unexpected/expected tokens or error messages.
The function 'Error.Diagnose.Compat.Parsec.diagnosticFromParseError' is used to perform the conversion between a 'Text.Parsec.Error.ParseError' and a 'Diagnostic'.
__Note:__ the returned diagnostic does not include file contents, which needs to be added manually afterwards.
Quick example:
> import qualified Text.Parsec as P
> let filename = "<interactive>"
> content = "00000a2223266"
> let myParser = P.many1 P.digit <* P.eof
> let res = P.parse myParser filename content
> case res of
> Left error ->
> let diag = errorDiagnosticFromParseError "Parse error on input" Nothing error
> -- Creates a new diagnostic with no default hints from the bundle returned by megaparsec
> diag' = addFile diag filename content
> -- Add the file used when parsing with the same filename given to 'MP.runParser'
> in printDiagnostic stderr True True diag'
> Right res -> print res
This will output the following errr on @stderr@:
> [error]: Parse error on input
> <interactive>@1:6-1:7
> 1 00000a2223266
> unexpected 'a'
> expecting any of digit, end of input
{- $compatibility_errors
- @No instance for (HasHints ??? msg) arising from a use of errorDiagnosticFromBundle@ (@???@ is any type, depending on your parser's custom error type):
@ -229,4 +284,5 @@ import Error.Diagnose.Diagnostic as Export
As such, you will need to create orphan instances for your parser's error type.
Note that the message type @msg@ can be left abstract if the implements of 'Error.Diagnose.Compat.Hints.hints' is @hints _ = mempty@.

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ diagnosticFromParseError isError msg (fromMaybe [] -> defaultHints) error =
, let marker = This $ fromString $ "unexpected " <> unexpected ]
<> [ (source, marker) | msg <- messages
, let marker = This $ fromString msg ]
<> [ (source, Where $ fromString $ "expected any of " <> intercalate ", " expectedList) ]
<> [ (source, Where $ fromString $ "expecting any of " <> intercalate ", " expectedList) ]
-- | Generates an error diagnostic from a 'PE.ParseError'.