report: create Semigroup & Monoid instances

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Mesabloo 2022-01-19 10:18:29 +01:00
parent 63bec43b9c
commit 973dcd8d28

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@ -52,6 +52,13 @@ data Report msg
[(Position, Marker msg)] -- ^ A map associating positions with marker to show under the source code.
[msg] -- ^ A list of hints to add at the end of the report.
instance Semigroup msg => Semigroup (Report msg) where
Report isError1 msg1 pos1 hints1 <> Report isError2 msg2 pos2 hints2 =
Report (isError1 || isError2) (msg1 <> msg2) (pos1 <> pos2) (hints1 <> hints2)
instance Monoid msg => Monoid (Report msg) where
mempty = Report False mempty mempty mempty
#ifdef USE_AESON
instance ToJSON msg => ToJSON (Report msg) where
toJSON (Report isError msg markers hints) =