add support for tabs

This commit is contained in:
Mesabloo 2022-04-26 23:28:01 +02:00
parent a8d77f4b79
commit cadfd11a28
3 changed files with 82 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -69,11 +69,13 @@ prettyDiagnostic ::
Pretty msg =>
-- | Should we use unicode when printing paths?
Bool ->
-- | The number of spaces each TAB character will span
Int ->
-- | The diagnostic to print
Diagnostic msg ->
Doc AnsiStyle
prettyDiagnostic withUnicode (Diagnostic reports file) =
fold . intersperse hardline $ prettyReport file withUnicode <$> reports
prettyDiagnostic withUnicode tabSize (Diagnostic reports file) =
fold . intersperse hardline $ prettyReport file withUnicode tabSize <$> reports
{-# INLINE prettyDiagnostic #-}
-- | Prints a 'Diagnostic' onto a specific 'Handle'.
@ -85,11 +87,13 @@ printDiagnostic ::
Bool ->
-- | 'False' to disable colors.
Bool ->
-- | The number of spaces each TAB character will span
Int ->
-- | The diagnostic to output.
Diagnostic msg ->
m ()
printDiagnostic handle withUnicode withColors diag =
liftIO $ hPutDoc handle (unlessId withColors unAnnotate $ prettyDiagnostic withUnicode diag)
printDiagnostic handle withUnicode withColors tabSize diag =
liftIO $ hPutDoc handle (unlessId withColors unAnnotate $ prettyDiagnostic withUnicode tabSize diag)
unlessId cond app = if cond then id else app
{-# INLINE unlessId #-}

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- |
-- Module : Error.Diagnose.Report.Internal
@ -22,9 +22,6 @@
-- Please limit yourself to the "Error.Diagnose.Report" module, which exports some of the useful functions defined here.
module Error.Diagnose.Report.Internal where
#ifdef USE_AESON
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), object, (.=))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first, second)
import Data.Default (def)
@ -62,30 +59,6 @@ instance Semigroup msg => Semigroup (Report msg) where
instance Monoid msg => Monoid (Report msg) where
mempty = Report False Nothing mempty mempty mempty
#ifdef USE_AESON
instance ToJSON msg => ToJSON (Report msg) where
toJSON (Report isError code msg markers hints) =
object [ "kind" .= (if isError then "error" else "warning" :: String)
, "code" .= code
, "message" .= msg
, "markers" .= fmap showMarker markers
, "hints" .= hints
showMarker (pos, marker) =
object $ [ "position" .= pos ]
<> case marker of
This m -> [ "message" .= m
, "kind" .= ("this" :: String)
Where m -> [ "message" .= m
, "kind" .= ("where" :: String)
Maybe m -> [ "message" .= m
, "kind" .= ("maybe" :: String)
-- | The type of markers with abstract message type, shown under code lines.
data Marker msg
= -- | A red or yellow marker under source code, marking important parts of the code.
@ -136,10 +109,12 @@ prettyReport ::
HashMap FilePath [String] ->
-- | Should we print paths in unicode?
Bool ->
-- | The number of spaces each TAB character will span
Int ->
-- | The whole report to output
Report msg ->
Doc AnsiStyle
prettyReport fileContent withUnicode (Report isError code message markers hints) =
prettyReport fileContent withUnicode tabSize (Report isError code message markers hints) =
let sortedMarkers = List.sortOn (fst . begin . fst) markers
-- sort the markers so that the first lines of the reports are the first lines of the file
@ -150,7 +125,8 @@ prettyReport fileContent withUnicode (Report isError code message markers hints)
-- if there are no markers, then default to 3, else get the maximum between 3 and the length of the last marker
header =
annotate (bold <> color if isError then Red else Yellow) $
(bold <> color if isError then Red else Yellow)
( lbracket
<> ( if isError
then "error"
@ -163,7 +139,7 @@ prettyReport fileContent withUnicode (Report isError code message markers hints)
in {-
A report is of the form:
(1) [error|warning]: <message>
(2) +-> <file>
(2) +--> <file>
(3) :
(4) <line> | <line of code>
: <marker lines>
@ -174,7 +150,7 @@ prettyReport fileContent withUnicode (Report isError code message markers hints)
{- (1) -} header <> colon <+> align (pretty message)
<> {- (2), (3), (4) -} fold (uncurry (prettySubReport fileContent withUnicode isError maxLineNumberLength) <$> groupedMarkers)
<> {- (2), (3), (4) -} fold (uncurry (prettySubReport fileContent withUnicode isError tabSize maxLineNumberLength) <$> groupedMarkers)
<> {- (5) -} ( if
| null hints && null markers -> mempty
| null hints -> mempty
@ -280,6 +256,8 @@ prettySubReport ::
Bool ->
-- | Is the current report an error report?
Bool ->
-- | The number of spaces each TAB character will span
Int ->
-- | The size of the biggest line number
Int ->
-- | Is this sub-report the first one in the list?
@ -287,7 +265,7 @@ prettySubReport ::
-- | The list of line-ordered markers appearing in a single file
[(Position, Marker msg)] ->
Doc AnsiStyle
prettySubReport fileContent withUnicode isError maxLineNumberLength isFirst markers =
prettySubReport fileContent withUnicode isError tabSize maxLineNumberLength isFirst markers =
let (markersPerLine, multilineMarkers) = splitMarkersPerLine markers
-- split the list on whether markers are multiline or not
@ -312,7 +290,7 @@ prettySubReport fileContent withUnicode isError maxLineNumberLength isFirst mark
in {- (2) -} hardline <> fileMarker
<> hardline
<+> {- (3) -} pipePrefix maxLineNumberLength withUnicode
<> {- (4) -} prettyAllLines fileContent withUnicode isError maxLineNumberLength sortedMarkersPerLine multilineMarkers allLineNumbers
<> {- (4) -} prettyAllLines fileContent withUnicode isError tabSize maxLineNumberLength sortedMarkersPerLine multilineMarkers allLineNumbers
isThisMarker :: Marker msg -> Bool
isThisMarker (This _) = True
@ -333,13 +311,15 @@ prettyAllLines ::
HashMap FilePath [String] ->
Bool ->
Bool ->
-- | The number of spaces each TAB character will span
Int ->
Int ->
[(Int, [(Position, Marker msg)])] ->
[(Position, Marker msg)] ->
[Int] ->
Doc AnsiStyle
prettyAllLines _ _ _ _ _ [] [] = mempty
prettyAllLines _ withUnicode isError leftLen _ multiline [] =
prettyAllLines _ _ _ _ _ _ [] [] = mempty
prettyAllLines _ withUnicode isError _ leftLen _ multiline [] =
let colorOfLastMultilineMarker = maybe mempty (markerColor isError . snd) (List.safeLast multiline)
-- take the color of the last multiline marker in case we need to add additional bars
@ -358,7 +338,7 @@ prettyAllLines _ withUnicode isError leftLen _ multiline [] =
showMultilineMarkerMessages [m] = [showMultilineMarkerMessage m True]
showMultilineMarkerMessages (m : ms) = showMultilineMarkerMessage m False : showMultilineMarkerMessages ms
in prefixWithBar colorOfLastMultilineMarker <> prefix <> fold (List.intersperse prefix $ showMultilineMarkerMessages $ reverse multiline)
prettyAllLines files withUnicode isError leftLen inline multiline (line : ls) =
prettyAllLines files withUnicode isError tabSize leftLen inline multiline (line : ls) =
A line of code is composed of:
(1) <line> | <source code>
@ -399,47 +379,50 @@ prettyAllLines files withUnicode isError leftLen inline multiline (line : ls) =
<> space
allMarkersInLine = {- List.sortOn fst $ -} allInlineMarkersInLine <> allMultilineMarkersInLine
(tabs, renderedCode) = getLine_ files (allMarkersInLine <> allMultilineMarkersSpanningLine) line tabSize isError
in hardline
<> {- (1) -} linePrefix leftLen line withUnicode <+> additionalPrefix
<> getLine_ files (allMarkersInLine <> allMultilineMarkersSpanningLine) line isError
<> {- (2) -} showAllMarkersInLine (not $ null multiline) inSpanOfMultiline colorOfFirstMultilineMarker withUnicode isError leftLen allInlineMarkersInLine
<> {- (3) -} prettyAllLines files withUnicode isError leftLen inline multiline ls
<> renderedCode
<> {- (2) -} showAllMarkersInLine (not $ null multiline) inSpanOfMultiline colorOfFirstMultilineMarker withUnicode isError leftLen tabSize tabs allInlineMarkersInLine
<> {- (3) -} prettyAllLines files withUnicode isError tabSize leftLen inline multiline ls
-- |
getLine_ :: HashMap FilePath [String] -> [(Position, Marker msg)] -> Int -> Bool -> Doc AnsiStyle
getLine_ files markers line isError = case List.safeIndex (line - 1) =<< (HashMap.!?) files . file . fst =<< List.safeHead markers of
Nothing -> annotate (bold <> colorDull Magenta) "<no line>"
getLine_ :: HashMap FilePath [String] -> [(Position, Marker msg)] -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> ([Int], Doc AnsiStyle)
getLine_ files markers line tabSize isError = case List.safeIndex (line - 1) =<< (HashMap.!?) files . file . fst =<< List.safeHead markers of
Nothing -> ([], annotate (bold <> colorDull Magenta) "<no line>")
Just code ->
fold $
indexed code <&> \(n, c) ->
let colorizingMarkers = flip
\(Position (bl, bc) (el, ec) _, _) ->
if bl == el
then n >= bc && n < ec
else (bl == line && n >= bc) || (el == line && n < ec)
in maybe id ((\m -> annotate (bold <> markerColor isError m)) . snd) (List.safeHead colorizingMarkers) (pretty c)
let (tabs, code') = indexedWithTabsReplaced code
in ( tabs,
fold $
code' <&> \(n, c) ->
let colorizingMarkers = flip
\(Position (bl, bc) (el, ec) _, _) ->
if bl == el
then n >= bc && n < ec
else (bl == line && n >= bc) || (el == line && n < ec)
in maybe id ((\m -> annotate (bold <> markerColor isError m)) . snd) (List.safeHead colorizingMarkers) (pretty c)
indexed :: [a] -> [(Int, a)]
indexed = goIndexed 1
indexedWithTabsReplaced :: String -> ([Int], [(Int, Char)])
indexedWithTabsReplaced = goIndexed 1
goIndexed :: Int -> [a] -> [(Int, a)]
goIndexed _ [] = []
goIndexed n (x : xs) = (n, x) : goIndexed (n + 1) xs
goIndexed :: Int -> String -> ([Int], [(Int, Char)])
goIndexed _ [] = ([], [])
goIndexed n ('\t' : xs) = bimap (n :) (replicate tabSize (n, ' ') <>) (goIndexed (n + 1) xs)
goIndexed n (x : xs) = second ((n, x) :) (goIndexed (n + 1) xs)
-- |
showAllMarkersInLine :: Pretty msg => Bool -> Bool -> (Doc AnsiStyle -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> [(Position, Marker msg)] -> Doc AnsiStyle
showAllMarkersInLine _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = mempty
showAllMarkersInLine hasMultilines inSpanOfMultiline colorMultilinePrefix withUnicode isError leftLen ms =
showAllMarkersInLine :: Pretty msg => Bool -> Bool -> (Doc AnsiStyle -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [(Position, Marker msg)] -> Doc AnsiStyle
showAllMarkersInLine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = mempty
showAllMarkersInLine hasMultilines inSpanOfMultiline colorMultilinePrefix withUnicode isError leftLen tabSize tabs ms =
let maxMarkerColumn = snd $ end $ fst $ List.last $ List.sortOn (snd . end . fst) ms
specialPrefix =
if inSpanOfMultiline
then colorMultilinePrefix (if withUnicode then "" else "| ") <> space
if hasMultilines
then colorMultilinePrefix " " <> space
else mempty
| inSpanOfMultiline = colorMultilinePrefix (if withUnicode then "" else "| ") <> space
| hasMultilines = colorMultilinePrefix " " <> space
| otherwise = mempty
in -- get the maximum end column, so that we know when to stop looking for other markers on the same line
hardline <+> dotPrefix leftLen withUnicode <+> (if List.null ms then mempty else specialPrefix <> showMarkers 1 maxMarkerColumn <> showMessages specialPrefix ms maxMarkerColumn)
@ -449,12 +432,17 @@ showAllMarkersInLine hasMultilines inSpanOfMultiline colorMultilinePrefix withUn
let allMarkers = flip filter ms \(Position (_, bc) (_, ec) _, _) -> n >= bc && n < ec
in -- only consider markers which span onto the current column
case allMarkers of
[] -> space <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
[] -> (if n `elem` tabs then fold $ replicate tabSize space else space) <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
(Position {..}, marker) : _ ->
if snd begin == n
then annotate (markerColor isError marker) (if withUnicode then "" else "^") <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
else annotate (markerColor isError marker) (if withUnicode then "" else "-") <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
-- if the marker just started on this column, output a caret, else output a dash
(markerColor isError marker)
( if
| n `elem` tabs && snd begin == n -> (if withUnicode then "" else "^") <> fold (replicate (tabSize - 1) if withUnicode then "" else "-")
| n `elem` tabs -> (fold $ replicate tabSize if withUnicode then "" else "-")
| snd begin == n -> if withUnicode then "" else "^"
| otherwise -> if withUnicode then "" else "-"
<> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
showMessages specialPrefix ms lineLen = case List.safeUncons ms of
Nothing -> mempty -- no more messages to show
@ -467,15 +455,16 @@ showAllMarkersInLine hasMultilines inSpanOfMultiline colorMultilinePrefix withUn
allColumns _ [] = (1, [])
allColumns n ms@((Position (_, bc) _ _, col) : ms')
| n == bc = bimap (+ 1) (col :) (allColumns (n + 1) ms')
| n < bc = bimap (+ 1) (space :) (allColumns (n + 1) ms)
| otherwise = bimap (+ 1) (space :) (allColumns (n + 1) ms')
| n < bc = bimap (+ 1) (if n `elem` tabs then (replicate tabSize space <>) else (space :)) (allColumns (n + 1) ms)
| otherwise = bimap (+ 1) (if n `elem` tabs then (replicate tabSize space <>) else (space :)) (allColumns (n + 1) ms')
-- transform the list of remaining markers into a single document line
hasSuccessor = length filteredPipes /= length pipes
lineStart pipes =
let (n, docs) = allColumns 1 $ List.sortOn (snd . begin . fst) pipes
in dotPrefix leftLen withUnicode <+> specialPrefix <> fold docs <> pretty (replicate (bc - n) ' ')
numberOfSpaces = sum [if x `elem` tabs then tabSize else 1 | x <- [n .. bc - 1]] -- bc - n
in dotPrefix leftLen withUnicode <+> specialPrefix <> fold docs <> pretty (replicate numberOfSpaces ' ')
-- the start of the line contains the "dot"-prefix as well as all the pipes for all the still not rendered marker messages
prefix =
@ -485,12 +474,11 @@ showAllMarkersInLine hasMultilines inSpanOfMultiline colorMultilinePrefix withUn
pipesBeforeRendered = pipesBefore <&> second \marker -> annotate (markerColor isError marker) (if withUnicode then "" else "|")
-- pre-render pipes which are before because they will be shown
lastBeginPosition = snd . begin . fst <$> List.safeLast (List.sortOn (Down . snd . begin . fst) pipesAfter)
lastBeginPosition = snd . begin . fst <$> List.safeHead (List.sortOn (snd . begin . fst) pipesAfter)
lineLen = case lastBeginPosition of
Nothing -> 0
Just col -> col - bc
Just col -> sum [if x `elem` tabs then tabSize else 1 | x <- [bc .. col - 1]] -- col - bc
currentPipe =
| withUnicode && hasSuccessor -> ""

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ main = do
("somefile.zc", "let id<a>(x : a) : a := x\n + 1"),
("err.nst", "\n\n\n\n = jmp g\n\n g: forall(s: Ts, e: Tc).{ %r0: *s64 | s -> e }"),
("unsized.nst", "main: forall(a: Ta, s: Ts, e: Tc).{ %r5: forall().{| s -> e } | s -> %r5 }\n = salloc a\n ; sfree\n"),
("unicode.txt", "±⅀\t★♲♥🎉⑳⓴ჳᏁℳ爪")
("unicode.txt", "±⅀\t★♲♥🎉⑳⓴ჳᏁℳ爪")
let reports =
@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ main = do
let diag = HashMap.foldlWithKey' addFile (foldr (flip addReport) def reports) files
hPutStrLn stdout "\n\nWith unicode: ─────────────────────────\n"
printDiagnostic stdout True True diag
printDiagnostic stdout True True 4 diag
hPutStrLn stdout "\n\nWithout unicode: ----------------------\n"
printDiagnostic stdout False True diag
printDiagnostic stdout False True 4 diag
#ifdef USE_AESON
hPutStrLn stdout "\n\nAs JSON: ------------------------------\n"
BS.hPutStr stdout (diagnosticToJson diag)
@ -354,5 +354,7 @@ errorWithStrangeUnicodeInput =
(Just "")
[(Position (1, 1) (1, 7) "unicode.txt", This "should work fine 🎉")]
[ (Position (1, 1) (1, 7) "unicode.txt", This "should work fine 🎉"),
(Position (1, 7) (1, 9) "unicode.txt", Where "After TAB")