reports: fix ordering when choosing marker color

This commit is contained in:
Mesabloo 2022-01-02 14:19:56 +01:00
parent d6c9242102
commit e244ec5b0a

View File

@ -284,12 +284,13 @@ getLine_ :: HashMap FilePath [String] -> [(Position, Marker msg)] -> Int -> Bool
getLine_ files markers line isError = case List.safeIndex (line - 1) =<< (HashMap.!?) files . file . fst =<< List.safeHead markers of
Nothing -> "<no-line>"
Just code -> fold $ indexed code <&> \ (n, c) ->
let colorizingMarkers = flip filter markers \ (Position (bl, bc) (el, ec) _, _) -> if bl == el
then n >= bc && n < ec
else (bl == line && n >= bc) || (el == line && n < ec)
let colorizingMarkers = flip filter markers
\ (Position (bl, bc) (el, ec) _, _) ->
if bl == el
then n >= bc && n < ec
else (bl == line && n >= bc) || (el == line && n < ec)
in maybe id ((\ m -> annotate (bold <> markerColor isError m)) . snd) (List.safeLast colorizingMarkers) (pretty c)
-- TODO: color the code where there are markers, still prioritizing right markers over left ones
in maybe id ((\ m -> annotate (bold <> markerColor isError m)) . snd) (List.safeHead colorizingMarkers) (pretty c)
indexed :: [a] -> [(Int, a)]
indexed = goIndexed 1
@ -313,13 +314,12 @@ showAllMarkersInLine hasMultilines colorMultilinePrefix withUnicode isError left
let allMarkers = flip filter ms \ (Position (_, bc) (_, ec) _, _) -> n >= bc && n < ec
-- only consider markers which span onto the current column
in case allMarkers of
[] -> space <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
markers ->
let (Position{..}, marker) = List.last markers
in if snd begin == n
then annotate (markerColor isError marker) (if withUnicode then "" else "^") <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
else annotate (markerColor isError marker) (if withUnicode then "" else "-") <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
-- if the marker just started on this column, output a caret, else output a dash
[] -> space <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
(Position{..},marker):_ ->
if snd begin == n
then annotate (markerColor isError marker) (if withUnicode then "" else "^") <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
else annotate (markerColor isError marker) (if withUnicode then "" else "-") <> showMarkers (n + 1) lineLen
-- if the marker just started on this column, output a caret, else output a dash
showMessages specialPrefix ms lineLen = case List.safeUncons ms of
Nothing -> mempty -- no more messages to show